예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the GlobalCode class.
        /// </summary>
        public GlobalCode(List<Statement>/*!*/ statements, SourceUnit/*!*/ sourceUnit)
            Debug.Assert(statements != null && sourceUnit != null);

            this.sourceUnit = sourceUnit;
            this.statements = statements;
예제 #2
		/// <summary>
		/// Initializes a new instance of the GlobalCode class.
		/// </summary>
		public GlobalCode(List<Statement>/*!*/ statements, SourceUnit/*!*/ sourceUnit)
			Debug.Assert(statements != null && sourceUnit != null);

			this.sourceUnit = sourceUnit;
			this.statements = statements;
			this.prependedInclusion = null;
			this.AppendedInclusion = null;

			if (!sourceUnit.CompilationUnit.IsPure)
				varTable = new VariablesTable(20);
				labels = new Dictionary<VariableName, Statement>();
예제 #3
		/// <summary>
		/// To be used by compiler.
		/// </summary>
		internal PhpFunction(QualifiedName qualifiedName, PhpMemberAttributes memberAttributes,
			Signature astSignature, TypeSignature astTypeSignature, bool isConditional, Scope scope,
			SourceUnit/*!*/ sourceUnit, Position position)
			: base(new PhpRoutineDesc(sourceUnit.CompilationUnit.Module, memberAttributes), astSignature, astTypeSignature)
			Debug.Assert(sourceUnit != null && position.IsValid);

			this.declaration = new Declaration(sourceUnit, this, false, isConditional, scope, position);
			this.qualifiedName = qualifiedName;
			this.version = new VersionInfo();
			this.signature = null; // to be written up
예제 #4
파일: Analyzer.cs 프로젝트: Ashod/Phalanger
		/// <summary>
		/// Analyzes the AST of the source unit.
		/// </summary>
		internal void Analyze(SourceUnit/*!*/ sourceUnit)
			state = States.FullAnalysisStarted;

			this.sourceUnit = sourceUnit;
			this.currentNamespace = sourceUnit.CurrentNamespace;
			this.currentScope = Scope.Global;


			this.currentScope = Scope.Invalid;
예제 #5
파일: Analyzer.cs 프로젝트: Ashod/Phalanger
		internal void AnalyzeMembers(IEnumerable<Declaration>/*!*/ declarations)
			state = States.MemberAnalysisStarted;

			foreach (Declaration decl in declarations)
				this.sourceUnit = decl.SourceUnit;

				if (decl.Node != null)
예제 #6
파일: Analyzer.cs 프로젝트: Ashod/Phalanger
		internal static void ValidateLabels(ErrorSink/*!*/ errors, SourceUnit/*!*/ sourceUnit,
			Dictionary<VariableName, Statement>/*!*/ labels)
			foreach (KeyValuePair<VariableName, Statement> entry in labels)
				LabelStmt label = entry.Value as LabelStmt;
				if (label != null)
					if (!label.IsReferred)
						errors.Add(Warnings.UnusedLabel, sourceUnit, label.Position, entry.Key);
					errors.Add(Errors.UndefinedLabel, sourceUnit, entry.Value.Position, entry.Key);
예제 #7
		/// <summary>
		/// Called when a <see cref="PHP.Core.AST.GlobalCode"/> AST node is left during the emit phase.
		/// </summary>
		public void LeaveGlobalCodeDeclaration()
			CompilerLocationStack.GlobalCodeContext gc_context = locationStack.PeekGlobalCode();

			// clear (for convenience):
			this.sourceUnit = null;

            // close CallSites:

			// restore:
            this.callSites = null;
			this.il = gc_context.IL;
			this.ScriptContextPlace = gc_context.ScriptContextPlace;
			this.TypeContextPlace = gc_context.ClassContextPlace;
            this.LateStaticBindTypePlace = null;
			this.SelfPlace = gc_context.SelfPlace;
			this.ResultPlace = gc_context.ResultPlace;
			this.ReturnLabel = gc_context.ReturnLabel;
			this.currentVariablesTable = gc_context.CurrentVariablesTable;
			this.currentLabels = gc_context.CurrentLabels;
			this.RTVariablesTablePlace = gc_context.RTVariablesTablePlace;
			this.OptimizedLocals = gc_context.OptimizedLocals;
			this.ReturnsPhpReference = gc_context.ReturnsPhpReference;
			this.ExceptionBlockNestingLevel = gc_context.ExceptionBlockNestingLevel;
예제 #8
		/// <summary>
		/// Used by compiler.
		/// </summary>
		public PhpField(VariableName name, DTypeDesc/*!*/ declaringType, PhpMemberAttributes memberAttributes,
			bool hasInitialValue, SourceUnit/*!*/ sourceUnit, Position position)
			: base(new DPhpFieldDesc(declaringType, memberAttributes), name)
			this.hasInitialValue = hasInitialValue;
			this.position = position;
			this.sourceUnit = sourceUnit;
			this.builder = new PhpFieldBuilder(this);
예제 #9
		public GlobalConstantDecl(SourceUnit/*!*/ sourceUnit, Position position, bool isConditional, Scope scope,
			string/*!*/ name, NamespaceDecl ns, Expression/*!*/ initializer)
			: base(position, name, initializer)
			this.ns = ns;

			QualifiedName qn = (ns != null) ? new QualifiedName(new Name(name), ns.QualifiedName) : new QualifiedName(new Name(name));
			constant = new GlobalConstant(qn, PhpMemberAttributes.Public, sourceUnit, isConditional, scope, position);

예제 #10
 public GlobalConstantDecl(SourceUnit/*!*/ sourceUnit, Text.Span span, bool isConditional, Scope scope,
     string/*!*/ name, NamespaceDecl ns, Expression/*!*/ initializer)
     : base(span, name, initializer)
     this.ns = ns;
     this.IsConditional = IsConditional;
     this.Scope = scope;
     this.SourceUnit = sourceUnit;
예제 #11
 internal void Add(ErrorInfo info, SourceUnit sourceUnit, Text.Span pos, object arg1, object arg2)
     Add(info, CoreResources.GetString(info.MessageId, arg1, arg2), sourceUnit, pos);
예제 #12
 internal void Add(ErrorInfo info, SourceUnit sourceUnit, Text.Span pos)
     Add(info, CoreResources.GetString(info.MessageId), sourceUnit, pos);
예제 #13
 internal void Add(ErrorInfo info, SourceUnit sourceUnit, Position pos, params string[] args)
     Add(info, CoreResources.GetString(info.MessageId, args), sourceUnit, pos);
예제 #14
 internal void Add(ErrorInfo info, SourceUnit sourceUnit, Position pos, object arg1, object arg2, object arg3)
     Add(info, CoreResources.GetString(info.MessageId, arg1, arg2, arg3), sourceUnit, pos);
예제 #15
		/// <summary>
		/// Used by the compiler.
		/// </summary>
		internal PhpMethod(PhpType/*!*/ declaringType, Name name, PhpMemberAttributes memberAttributes, bool hasBody,
	  Signature astSignature, TypeSignature astTypeSignature, SourceUnit/*!*/ sourceUnit, Position position)
			: base(new PhpRoutineDesc(declaringType.TypeDesc, memberAttributes), astSignature, astTypeSignature)
			Debug.Assert(declaringType != null && sourceUnit != null && position.IsValid);

			this.name = name;
			this.position = position;
			this.hasBody = hasBody;
			this.sourceUnit = sourceUnit;
예제 #16
        /// <summary>
        /// Used by the compiler.
        /// </summary>
        internal PhpLambdaFunction(Signature astSignature, SourceUnit/*!*/ sourceUnit, Position position)
            : base(
            new PhpRoutineDesc(
                PhpMemberAttributes.Private | PhpMemberAttributes.Static | PhpMemberAttributes.Final),
            new TypeSignature(FormalTypeParam.EmptyList))
            Debug.Assert(sourceUnit != null && position.IsValid);

            this.position = position;
            this.sourceUnit = sourceUnit;
예제 #17
		internal void Add(ErrorInfo info, SourceUnit sourceUnit, Position pos, object arg1, object arg2, object arg3)
			Add(info, CoreResources.GetString(info.MessageId, arg1, arg2, arg3), sourceUnit, pos);
예제 #18
		internal void Add(ErrorInfo info, SourceUnit sourceUnit, Position pos, params string[] args)
			Add(info, CoreResources.GetString(info.MessageId, args), sourceUnit, pos);
예제 #19
		private void Add(ErrorInfo info, string/*!*/ message, SourceUnit sourceUnit, Position pos)
			Debug.Assert(message != null);
			string full_path;
			ErrorPosition mapped_pos;

			// missing source unit means the file name shouldn't be reported (it is not available)
			if (sourceUnit != null)
				full_path = sourceUnit.GetMappedFullSourcePath(pos.FirstLine);
				mapped_pos = new ErrorPosition(
					sourceUnit.GetMappedLine(pos.FirstLine), pos.FirstColumn,
					sourceUnit.GetMappedLine(pos.LastLine), pos.LastColumn);
				full_path = null;
				mapped_pos = ErrorPosition.Invalid;

			// filter disabled warnings:
			if (info.Id < 0 || (info.Group & (int)disabledGroups) == 0 && Array.IndexOf(disabledWarnings, info.Id) == -1)
				// do not count disabled warnings and related locations et. al.:
                var severity = UpgradeSeverity(info.Severity);
                if (Add(info.Id, message, severity, info.Group, full_path, mapped_pos) && info.Id >= 0)
예제 #20
		internal void Validate(SourceUnit/*!*/ sourceUnit, ErrorSink/*!*/ errors)

			// no abstract fields:
			if (IsAbstract)
				errors.Add(Errors.PropertyDeclaredAbstract, SourceUnit, position);
				memberDesc.MemberAttributes &= ~PhpMemberAttributes.Abstract;

			// no final fields:
			if (IsFinal)
				errors.Add(Errors.PropertyDeclaredFinal, SourceUnit, position);
				memberDesc.MemberAttributes &= ~PhpMemberAttributes.Final;
예제 #21
		/// <summary>
		/// Called when a <see cref="PHP.Core.AST.GlobalCode"/> AST node is entered during the emit phase.
		/// </summary>
		public void EnterGlobalCodeDeclaration(VariablesTable variablesTable,
			Dictionary<VariableName, Statement> labels, SourceUnit/*!*/ sourceUnit)
			CompilerLocationStack.GlobalCodeContext gc_context = new CompilerLocationStack.GlobalCodeContext();

			// no need to backup current source unit as it is no longer needed:
			this.sourceUnit = sourceUnit;

			// set whether access to variables should be generated via locals or table
			gc_context.OptimizedLocals = this.OptimizedLocals;
			this.OptimizedLocals = false;

			// global code returns object
			gc_context.ReturnsPhpReference = this.ReturnsPhpReference;
			this.ReturnsPhpReference = false;

            // CallSites
            Debug.Assert(this.callSites == null, "Unclosed CallSite!");
            this.callSites = new Compiler.CodeGenerator.CallSitesBuilder(
                null/*Unknown at compile time*/);

			// set ILEmitter for global code
			gc_context.IL = il;
			il = CompilationUnit.ModuleBuilder.CreateGlobalCodeEmitter();

			// set current variables table (at codeGenerator)
			gc_context.CurrentVariablesTable = currentVariablesTable;
			currentVariablesTable = variablesTable;

			// set current labels table (at codeGenerator)
			gc_context.CurrentLabels = currentLabels;
			currentLabels = labels;

			// set OpCode for loading hashtable with variables at runtime
			gc_context.RTVariablesTablePlace = RTVariablesTablePlace;
			RTVariablesTablePlace = new IndexedPlace(PlaceHolder.Argument, 1);

			// set Script Context place
			gc_context.ScriptContextPlace = ScriptContextPlace;
			ScriptContextPlace = new IndexedPlace(PlaceHolder.Argument, ScriptBuilder.ArgContext);

			// set Class Context place
			gc_context.ClassContextPlace = TypeContextPlace;
			TypeContextPlace = new IndexedPlace(PlaceHolder.Argument, ScriptBuilder.ArgIncluder);

			// set Self place
			gc_context.SelfPlace = SelfPlace;
			SelfPlace = new IndexedPlace(PlaceHolder.Argument, ScriptBuilder.ArgSelf);

            // set late static bind place
            gc_context.LateStaticBindTypePlace = LateStaticBindTypePlace;
            LateStaticBindTypePlace = null;

			// set Result place and return label
			gc_context.ResultPlace = ResultPlace;
			gc_context.ReturnLabel = ReturnLabel;
			ResultPlace = null;

			// set exception block nesting:
			gc_context.ExceptionBlockNestingLevel = ExceptionBlockNestingLevel;
			ExceptionBlockNestingLevel = 0;
