예제 #1
파일: Errors.cs 프로젝트: xmaxmex/Phalanger
        /// <summary>
        /// Formats error message.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="config">A configuration.</param>
        /// <param name="error">A type of the error.</param>
        /// <param name="id">Error id or -1.</param>
        /// <param name="info">A stack information about the error.</param>
        /// <param name="message">A message.</param>
        /// <returns>A formatted plain text or HTML message depending on settings in <paramref name="config"/>.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"><paramren name="config"/> is a <B>null</B> reference.</exception>
        public static string FormatErrorMessageOutput(LocalConfiguration config, PhpError error, int id, ErrorStackInfo info, string message)
            if (config == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("config");

            string error_str  = PhpErrorText(error, id);             // the error type (Warning, Error, ...)
            bool   show_place = info.Line > 0 && info.Column > 0;    // we are able to report error position
            string caller     = FormatErrorCallerName(info, config); // current function name "foo()" or null

            // change the message or caller, based on the error type
            FormatErrorMessageText(error, ref message, ref caller);

            // error message
            string ErrorFormatString =
                config.ErrorControl.HtmlMessages ?
                (show_place ? CoreResources.error_message_html_debug : CoreResources.error_message_html) :
                (show_place ? CoreResources.error_message_plain_debug : CoreResources.error_message_plain);

            if (show_place)
                                     error_str, caller, message, info.File, info.Line, info.Column));
                                     error_str, caller, message));
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes the script context for a web request.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="appContext">Application context.</param>
        /// <param name="context">HTTP context of the request.</param>
        /// <returns>A instance of <see cref="ScriptContext"/> to be used by the request.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="System.Configuration.ConfigurationErrorsException">
        /// Web configuration is invalid. The context is not initialized then.
        /// </exception>
        internal static ScriptContext /*!*/ InitWebRequest(ApplicationContext /*!*/ appContext, HttpContext /*!*/ context)
            Debug.Assert(appContext != null && context != null);

            // reloads configuration of the current thread from ASP.NET caches or web.config files;
            // cached configuration is reused;
            Configuration.Reload(appContext, false);

            // takes a writable copy of a global configuration (may throw ConfigurationErrorsException):
            LocalConfiguration config = (LocalConfiguration)Configuration.DefaultLocal.DeepCopy();

            // following initialization statements shouldn't throw an exception:    // can throw on Integrated Pipeline, events must be attached within HttpApplication.Init()

            ScriptContext result = new ScriptContext(appContext, config, context.Response.Output, context.Response.OutputStream);

            result.IsOutputBuffered      = config.OutputControl.OutputBuffering;
            result.ThrowExceptionOnError = true;
            result.WorkingDirectory      = Path.GetDirectoryName(context.Request.PhysicalPath);
            if (config.OutputControl.ContentType != null)
                context.Response.ContentType = config.OutputControl.ContentType;
            if (config.OutputControl.CharSet != null)
                context.Response.Charset = config.OutputControl.CharSet;

            result.AutoGlobals.Initialize(config, context);

            ScriptContext.CurrentContext = result;


예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads $_COOKIE arrays from HttpRequest.Cookies.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="config">Local configuration.</param>
        /// <param name="request">HTTP request instance or a <B>null</B> reference.</param>
        /// <param name="cookieArray">Resulting $_COOKIE array.</param>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"><paranref name="config"/> is a <B>null</B> reference.</exception>
        public static void InitializeCookieVariables(LocalConfiguration /*!*/ config, HttpRequest request,
                                                     out PhpArray cookieArray)
            Debug.Assert(config != null);

            if (request != null)
                var cookies = request.Cookies;
                Debug.Assert(cookies != null, "cookies == null");

                int count = cookies.Count;
                cookieArray = new PhpArray(0, count);

                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    HttpCookie cookie = cookies.Get(i);
                    AddVariable(cookieArray, cookie.Name, UrlDecodeValue(cookie.Value), null);

                    // adds a copy of cookie with the same key as the session name;
                    // the name gets encoded and so $_COOKIE[session_name()] doesn't work then:
                    if (cookie.Name == AspNetSessionHandler.AspNetSessionName)
                        cookieArray[AspNetSessionHandler.AspNetSessionName] = UrlDecodeValue(cookie.Value);
                cookieArray = new PhpArray(0, 0);
예제 #4
파일: Errors.cs 프로젝트: xmaxmex/Phalanger
        /// <summary>
        /// Calls user error handler.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Whether to report error by default handler (determined by handler's return value).</returns>
        /// <exception cref="ScriptDiedException">Error handler dies.</exception>
        private static bool CallUserErrorHandler(ScriptContext context, PhpError error, Func <ErrorStackInfo> info, string message)
            LocalConfiguration config = context.Config;

                object result = PhpVariable.Dereference(config.ErrorControl.UserHandler.Invoke(new PhpReference[]
                    new PhpReference((int)error),
                    new PhpReference(message),
                    new PhpReference(new LazyStackInfo(info, true)),
                    new PhpReference(new LazyStackInfo(info, false)),
                    new PhpReference() // global variables list is not supported

                // since PHP5 an error is reported by default error handler if user handler returns false:
                return(result is bool && (bool)result == false);
            catch (ScriptDiedException)
                // user handler has cancelled the error via script termination:
            catch (PhpUserException)
                // rethrow user exceptions:
            catch (Exception)
예제 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes the script context for a PHP console application.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="appContext">Application context.</param>
        /// <param name="mainScript">The main script's type or a <B>null</B> reference for a pure application.</param>
        /// <param name="relativeSourcePath">A path to the main script source file.</param>
        /// <param name="sourceRoot">A source root within which an application has been compiler.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// A new instance of <see cref="ScriptContext"/> with its own copy of local configuration
        /// to be used by the application.
        /// </returns>
        /// <exception cref="System.Configuration.ConfigurationErrorsException">
        /// Web configuration is invalid. The context is not initialized then.
        /// </exception>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Use this method if you want to initialize application in the same way the PHP console/Windows
        /// application is initialized. The returned script context is initialized as follows:
        /// <list type="bullet">
        ///   <term>The application's source root is set.</term>
        ///   <term>The main script of the application is defined.</term>
        ///   <term>Output and input streams are set to standard output and input, respectively.</term>
        ///   <term>Current culture it set to <see cref="CultureInfo.InvariantCulture"/>.</term>
        ///   <term>Auto-global variables ($_GET, $_SET, etc.) are initialized.</term>
        ///   <term>Working directory is set tothe current working directory.</term>
        /// </list>
        /// </remarks>
        public static ScriptContext /*!*/ InitApplication(ApplicationContext /*!*/ appContext, Type mainScript,
                                                          string relativeSourcePath, string sourceRoot)
            // loads configuration into the given application context
            // (applies only if the config has not been loaded yet by the current thread):

            ApplicationConfiguration app_config = Configuration.Application;

            if (mainScript != null)
                if (relativeSourcePath == null)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("relativeSourcePath");

                if (sourceRoot == null)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("sourceRoot");

                // overrides source root configuration if not explicitly specified in config file:
                if (!app_config.Compiler.SourceRootSet)
                    app_config.Compiler.SourceRoot = new FullPath(sourceRoot);

            // takes a writable copy of a global configuration:
            LocalConfiguration config = (LocalConfiguration)Configuration.DefaultLocal.DeepCopy();

            // sets invariant culture as a default one:
            Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;

            ScriptContext result = new ScriptContext(appContext, config, Console.Out, Console.OpenStandardOutput());

            result.IsOutputBuffered = result.config.OutputControl.OutputBuffering;
            result.AutoGlobals.Initialize(config, null);
            result.WorkingDirectory                 = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();
            result.ThrowExceptionOnError            = true;
            result.config.ErrorControl.HtmlMessages = false;

            if (mainScript != null)
                // converts relative path of the script source to full canonical path using source root from the configuration:
                PhpSourceFile main_source_file = new PhpSourceFile(
                    new FullPath(relativeSourcePath, app_config.Compiler.SourceRoot)

                result.DefineMainScript(new ScriptInfo(mainScript), main_source_file);

            ScriptContext.CurrentContext = result;


예제 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an instance of <see cref="LocalConfiguration"/> initialized by values
        /// copied from the specified instance.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="source"></param>
        private LocalConfiguration(LocalConfiguration source)
            this.OutputControl  = source.OutputControl.DeepCopy();
            this.ErrorControl   = source.ErrorControl.DeepCopy();
            this.RequestControl = source.RequestControl.DeepCopy();
            this.FileSystem     = source.FileSystem.DeepCopy();
            this.Assertion      = source.Assertion.DeepCopy();
            this.Variables      = source.Variables.DeepCopy();
            this.Session        = source.Session.DeepCopy();
            this.Library        = source.Library.DeepCopy();

            LastConfigurationModifiedTimeUtc = source.LastConfigurationModifiedTimeUtc;
예제 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads $_ENV from Environment.GetEnvironmentVariables().
        /// </summary>
        private void InitializeEnvironmentVariables(LocalConfiguration /*!*/ config)
            Debug.Assert(config != null);

            IDictionary env_vars = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariables();
            PhpArray    array    = new PhpArray(0, env_vars.Count);

            foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in env_vars)
                AddVariable(array, entry.Key as string, entry.Value as string, null);

            Env.Value = array;
예제 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads $_GET, $_POST arrays from HttpRequest.QueryString and HttpRequest.Form.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="config">Local configuration.</param>
        /// <param name="request">HTTP request instance or a <B>null</B> reference.</param>
        /// <param name="getArray">Resulting $_GET array.</param>
        /// <param name="postArray">Resulting $_POST array.</param>
        /// <param name="httprawpostdataBytes">$HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA variable.</param>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"><paranref name="config"/> is a <B>null</B> reference.</exception>
        public static void InitializeGetPostVariables(LocalConfiguration /*!*/ config, HttpRequest request,
                                                      out PhpArray getArray, out PhpArray postArray, out string httprawpostdataBytes)
            if (config == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("config");

            if (request != null)
                if (request.RequestType == "GET")
                    getArray  = new PhpArray(0, request.QueryString.Count + request.Form.Count);
                    postArray = new PhpArray(0, 0);

                    // loads Form variables to GET array:
                    LoadFromCollection(getArray, request.Form);
                    getArray  = new PhpArray(0, request.QueryString.Count);
                    postArray = new PhpArray(0, request.Form.Count);

                    // loads Form variables to POST array:
                    LoadFromCollection(postArray, request.Form);

                // loads Query variables to GET array:
                LoadFromCollection(getArray, request.QueryString);

                // HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA   // when always_populate_raw_post_data option is TRUE, however using "php://input" is preferred. For "multipart/form-data" it is not available.
                    httprawpostdataBytes =
                        (config.Variables.AlwaysPopulateRawPostData && !request.ContentType.StartsWith("multipart/form-data")) ?
                        new StreamReader(request.InputStream).ReadToEnd() :
                    httprawpostdataBytes = null;    // unable to read the input stream, unreachable
                getArray             = new PhpArray(0, 0);
                postArray            = new PhpArray(0, 0);
                httprawpostdataBytes = null;
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets, sets, or restores a value of a legacy configuration option.
        /// </summary>
        private static object GetSetRestore(LocalConfiguration config, string option, object value, IniAction action)
            PDOSQLServerLocalConfig local = (PDOSQLServerLocalConfig)config.GetLibraryConfig(PDOSQLServerLibraryDescriptor.Singleton);
            PDOSQLServerLocalConfig @default = DefaultLocal;
            PDOSQLServerGlobalConfig global = Global;

            //switch (option)
            //    // local:

            //    // global:


            Debug.Fail("Option '" + option + "' is supported but not implemented.");
            return null;
예제 #10
파일: Errors.cs 프로젝트: xmaxmex/Phalanger
        /// <summary>
        /// Reports error thrown by compiler.
        /// </summary>
        internal static void ThrowByWebCompiler(PhpError error, int id, string sourceFile, int line, int column, string message)
            ErrorStackInfo info = new ErrorStackInfo(sourceFile, null, line, column, false);

            // gets the current script context and config:
            LocalConfiguration config = Configuration.Local;

            ReportError(config, HttpContext.Current.Response.Output, error, id, info, message);
            ReportError(config, new StreamWriter(ScriptContext.CurrentContext.OutputStream), error, id, info, message);

            if (((PhpErrorSet)error & PhpErrorSet.Fatal) != 0)
                throw new PhpException(error, message, info);
예제 #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads $_GET, $_POST, $_COOKIE, $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA, and $_REQUEST arrays.
        /// </summary>
        private void InitializeGetPostCookieRequestVariables(LocalConfiguration /*!*/ config, HttpRequest request)
            Debug.Assert(config != null);

            PhpArray get_array, post_array, cookie_array, request_array;
            string   httprawpostdata_bytes;

            InitializeGetPostVariables(config, request, out get_array, out post_array, out httprawpostdata_bytes);
            InitializeCookieVariables(config, request, out cookie_array);
            InitializeRequestVariables(request, config.Variables.RegisteringOrder,
                                       get_array, post_array, cookie_array, out request_array);

            Get.Value             = get_array;
            Post.Value            = post_array;
            Cookie.Value          = cookie_array;
            Request.Value         = request_array;
            HttpRawPostData.Value = httprawpostdata_bytes;
예제 #12
        public static ScriptContext /*!*/ InitApplication(ApplicationContext /*!*/ appContext)
            // loads configuration into the given application context
            // (applies only if the config has not been loaded yet by the current thread):
            ApplicationConfiguration app_config = Configuration.Application;

            // takes a writable copy of a global configuration:
            LocalConfiguration config = (LocalConfiguration)Configuration.DefaultLocal.DeepCopy();

            ScriptContext result = new ScriptContext(appContext, config, TextWriter.Null, Stream.Null);

            result.IsOutputBuffered = result.config.OutputControl.OutputBuffering;
            result.ThrowExceptionOnError            = true;
            result.config.ErrorControl.HtmlMessages = false;

            return(ScriptContext.CurrentContext = result);
예제 #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets, sets, or restores a value of a legacy configuration option.
        /// </summary>
        private static object GetSetRestore(LocalConfiguration config, string option, object value, IniAction action)
            SQLiteLocalConfig local = (SQLiteLocalConfig)config.GetLibraryConfig(SQLiteLibraryDescriptor.Singleton);
            SQLiteLocalConfig @default = DefaultLocal;
            SQLiteGlobalConfig global = Global;

            switch (option)
                // local:

                // global:
                case "sqlite.assoc_case":
                    Debug.Assert(action == IniAction.Get);
                    return PhpIni.GSR(ref global.AssocCase, 0, value, action);

            Debug.Fail("Option '" + option + "' is supported but not implemented.");
            return null;
예제 #14
파일: Errors.cs 프로젝트: xmaxmex/Phalanger
        /// <summary>
        /// Reports an error to log file, event log and to output (as configured).
        /// </summary>
        private static void ReportError(LocalConfiguration config, TextWriter output, PhpError error, int id,
                                        ErrorStackInfo info, string message)
            string formatted_message = FormatErrorMessageOutput(config, error, id, info, message);

            // logs error if logging is enabled:
            if (config.ErrorControl.EnableLogging)
                throw new NotSupportedException("Logging is not supported on Silverlight. Set EnableLogging to false.");
                // adds a message to log file:
                if (config.ErrorControl.LogFile != null)
                        // <error>: <caller>(): <message> in <file> on line <line>
                        string caller = (info.Caller != null) ? (info.Caller + "(): ") : null;
                        string place  = (info.Line > 0 && info.Column > 0) ? CoreResources.GetString("error_place", info.File, info.Line, info.Column) : null;

                        Logger.AppendLine(config.ErrorControl.LogFile, string.Concat(error, ": ", caller, message, place));
                    catch (Exception) { }

                // adds a message to event log:
                if (config.ErrorControl.SysLog)
                    try { Logger.AddToEventLog(message); }
                    catch (Exception) { }

            // displays an error message if desired:
            if (config.ErrorControl.DisplayErrors)
예제 #15
파일: Errors.cs 프로젝트: xmaxmex/Phalanger
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="info"></param>
        /// <param name="config"></param>
        /// <returns>Returns caller name with () or null. Formatted for the current output capabilities.</returns>
        internal static string FormatErrorCallerName(ErrorStackInfo info, LocalConfiguration config)
            if (info.Caller == null)

            if (config.ErrorControl.HtmlMessages && config.ErrorControl.DocRefRoot != null && info.LibraryCaller)
            {   // able to display HTML
                return(String.Format("<a href='{0}/function.{1}{2}'>{3}()</a>",
                                     info.Caller.Replace('_', '-').ToLower(),
                return(info.Caller + "()");
예제 #16
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes all auto-global variables.
        /// </summary>
        internal void Initialize(LocalConfiguration config /*!*/, HttpContext context)
            Debug.Assert(config != null);
            HttpRequest request = (context != null) ? context.Request : null;

            // $_ENV:

            // $_SERVER:
            InitializeServerVariables(config, context);

            // $_GET, $_POST, $_COOKIE, $_REQUEST, $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA:
            InitializeGetPostCookieRequestVariables(config, request);

            // $_SESSION (initialized by session_start)

            // $_FILE:
            InitializeFileVariables(config, request, context);

            // $GLOBALS:
            InitializeGlobals(config, request);
예제 #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads $GLOBALS from $_ENV, $_REQUEST, $_SERVER and $_FILES.
        /// </summary>
        private void InitializeGlobals(LocalConfiguration /*!*/ config, HttpRequest /*!*/ request)
            Debug.Assert(config != null && Request.Value != null && Env.Value != null && Server.Value != null && Files.Value != null);

            PhpArray            globals;
            GlobalConfiguration global = Configuration.Global;

            // estimates the initial capacity of $GLOBALS array:
            int count = EstimatedUserGlobalVariableCount + AutoGlobals.MaxCount;

            if (global.GlobalVariables.RegisterLongArrays)
                count += AutoGlobals.MaxCount;

            // adds EGPCS variables as globals:
            if (global.GlobalVariables.RegisterGlobals)
                PhpArray env_array     = (PhpArray)Env.Value;
                PhpArray get_array     = (PhpArray)Get.Value;
                PhpArray post_array    = (PhpArray)Post.Value;
                PhpArray files_array   = (PhpArray)Files.Value;
                PhpArray cookie_array  = (PhpArray)Cookie.Value;
                PhpArray server_array  = (PhpArray)Server.Value;
                PhpArray request_array = (PhpArray)Request.Value;

                if (request != null)
                    globals = new PhpArray(0, count + env_array.Count + request_array.Count + server_array.Count + files_array.Count * 4);

                    // adds items in the order specified by RegisteringOrder config option (overwrites existing):
                    string order = config.Variables.RegisteringOrder;
                    for (int i = 0; i < order.Length; i++)
                        switch (order[i])
                        case 'E': AddVariables(globals, env_array); break;

                        case 'G': AddVariables(globals, get_array); break;

                        case 'P':
                            AddVariables(globals, post_array);
                            AddFileVariablesToGlobals(globals, files_array);

                        case 'C': AddVariables(globals, cookie_array); break;

                        case 'S': AddVariables(globals, server_array); break;
                    globals = new PhpArray(0, count + env_array.Count);
                    AddVariables(globals, env_array);
                globals = new PhpArray(0, count);

            // command line argc, argv:
            if (request == null)
                string[] args = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs();
                PhpArray argv = new PhpArray(0, args.Length);

                // adds all arguments to the array (the 0-th argument is not '-' as in PHP but the program file):
                for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++)
                    argv.Add(i, args[i]);

                globals["argv"] = argv;
                globals["argc"] = args.Length;

            // adds auto-global variables (overwrites potential existing variables in $GLOBALS):
            globals[GlobalsName]         = Globals;
            globals[EnvName]             = Env;
            globals[GetName]             = Get;
            globals[PostName]            = Post;
            globals[CookieName]          = Cookie;
            globals[RequestName]         = Request;
            globals[ServerName]          = Server;
            globals[FilesName]           = Files;
            globals[SessionName]         = Session;
            globals[HttpRawPostDataName] = HttpRawPostData;

            // adds long arrays:
            if (Configuration.Global.GlobalVariables.RegisterLongArrays)
                globals.Add("HTTP_ENV_VARS", new PhpReference(((PhpArray)Env.Value).DeepCopy()));
                globals.Add("HTTP_GET_VARS", new PhpReference(((PhpArray)Get.Value).DeepCopy()));
                globals.Add("HTTP_POST_VARS", new PhpReference(((PhpArray)Post.Value).DeepCopy()));
                globals.Add("HTTP_COOKIE_VARS", new PhpReference(((PhpArray)Cookie.Value).DeepCopy()));
                globals.Add("HTTP_SERVER_VARS", new PhpReference(((PhpArray)Server.Value).DeepCopy()));
                globals.Add("HTTP_POST_FILES", new PhpReference(((PhpArray)Files.Value).DeepCopy()));

                // both session array references the same array:
                globals.Add("HTTP_SESSION_VARS", Session);

            Globals.Value = globals;
예제 #18
		/// <summary>
        /// Loads $_GET, $_POST, $_COOKIE, $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA, and $_REQUEST arrays.
		/// </summary>
		private void InitializeGetPostCookieRequestVariables(LocalConfiguration/*!*/ config, HttpRequest request)
			Debug.Assert(config != null);

			PhpArray get_array, post_array, cookie_array, request_array;
            string httprawpostdata_bytes;

            InitializeGetPostVariables(config, request, out get_array, out post_array, out httprawpostdata_bytes);
			InitializeCookieVariables(config, request, out cookie_array);
			InitializeRequestVariables(request, config.Variables.RegisteringOrder,
			  get_array, post_array, cookie_array, out request_array);

			Get.Value = get_array;
			Post.Value = post_array;
			Cookie.Value = cookie_array;
			Request.Value = request_array;
            HttpRawPostData.Value = httprawpostdata_bytes;
예제 #19
		/// <summary>
		/// Gets, sets or restores "variables_order" option.
		/// </summary>
		private static object GsrVariablesOrder(LocalConfiguration local, LocalConfiguration @default, object value, IniAction action)
			object result = local.Variables.RegisteringOrder;
			switch (action)
				case IniAction.Set:
					string svalue = Convert.ObjectToString(value);

					if (!LocalConfiguration.VariablesSection.ValidateRegisteringOrder(svalue))
						PhpException.Throw(PhpError.Warning, CoreResources.GetString("invalid_registering_order"));
						local.Variables.RegisteringOrder = svalue;

				case IniAction.Restore:
					local.Variables.RegisteringOrder = @default.Variables.RegisteringOrder;
			return result;
예제 #20
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets, sets, or restores a value of a legacy configuration option.
        /// </summary>
        private static object GetSetRestore(LocalConfiguration config, string option, object value, IniAction action)
            GdLocalConfig local = (GdLocalConfig)config.GetLibraryConfig(GdLibraryDescriptor.Singleton);
            GdLocalConfig @default = DefaultLocal;
            GdGlobalConfig global = Global;

            //switch (option)
            //// local:

            //case "mssql.connect_timeout":
            //return PhpIni.GSR(ref local.ConnectTimeout, @default.ConnectTimeout, value, action);

            //case "mssql.timeout":
            //return PhpIni.GSR(ref local.Timeout, @default.Timeout, value, action);

            //case "mssql.batchsize":
            //return PhpIni.GSR(ref local.BatchSize, @default.BatchSize, value, action);

            //// global:  

            //case "mssql.max_links":
            //Debug.Assert(action == IniAction.Get);
            //return PhpIni.GSR(ref global.MaxConnections, 0, null, action);

            //case "mssql.secure_connection":
            //Debug.Assert(action == IniAction.Get);
            //return PhpIni.GSR(ref global.NTAuthentication, false, null, action);

            Debug.Fail("Option '" + option + "' is supported but not implemented.");
            return null;
예제 #21
		/// <summary>
		/// Gets, sets, or restores a value of a legacy configuration option.
		/// </summary>
		private static object GetSetRestore(LocalConfiguration config, string option, object value, IniAction action)
            IconvLocalConfig local = (IconvLocalConfig)config.GetLibraryConfig(IconvLibraryDescriptor.Singleton);
            IconvLocalConfig @default = DefaultLocal;
            IconvGlobalConfig global = Global;

            //;iconv.input_encoding = ISO-8859-1
            //;iconv.internal_encoding = ISO-8859-1
            //;iconv.output_encoding = ISO-8859-1

			switch (option)
                //// local:

                case "iconv.input_encoding":
                    return PhpIni.GSR(ref local.InputEncoding, @default.InputEncoding, value, action);

                case "iconv.internal_encoding":
                    return PhpIni.GSR(ref local.InternalEncoding, @default.InternalEncoding, value, action);

                case "iconv.output_encoding":
                    return PhpIni.GSR(ref local.OutputEncoding, @default.OutputEncoding, value, action);


			Debug.Fail("Option '" + option + "' is supported but not implemented.");
			return null;
예제 #22
파일: Errors.cs 프로젝트: jdluzen/Phalanger
        /// <summary>
		/// Formats error message.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="config">A configuration.</param>
		/// <param name="error">A type of the error.</param>
		/// <param name="id">Error id or -1.</param>
		/// <param name="info">A stack information about the error.</param>
		/// <param name="message">A message.</param>
		/// <returns>A formatted plain text or HTML message depending on settings in <paramref name="config"/>.</returns>
		/// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"><paramren name="config"/> is a <B>null</B> reference.</exception>
		public static string FormatErrorMessageOutput(LocalConfiguration config, PhpError error, int id, ErrorStackInfo info, string message)
			if (config == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("config");

            string error_str = PhpErrorText(error, id); // the error type (Warning, Error, ...)
            bool show_place = info.Line > 0 && info.Column > 0; // we are able to report error position
            string caller = FormatErrorCallerName(info, config);    // current function name "foo()" or null

            // change the message or caller, based on the error type
            FormatErrorMessageText(error, ref message, ref caller);

            // error message
            string ErrorFormatStringId =
                config.ErrorControl.HtmlMessages ?
                (show_place ? "error_message_html_debug" : "error_message_html") :
                (show_place ? "error_message_plain_debug" : "error_message_plain");

			if (show_place)
                return CoreResources.GetString(ErrorFormatStringId,
					error_str, caller, message, info.File, info.Line, info.Column);
                return CoreResources.GetString(ErrorFormatStringId,
                    error_str, caller, message);
예제 #23
파일: Errors.cs 프로젝트: jdluzen/Phalanger
		/// <summary>
		/// Reports an error to log file, event log and to output (as configured).
		/// </summary>
		private static void ReportError(LocalConfiguration config, TextWriter output, PhpError error, int id,
			ErrorStackInfo info, string message)
            string formatted_message = FormatErrorMessageOutput(config, error, id, info, message);

			// logs error if logging is enabled:
			if (config.ErrorControl.EnableLogging)
				throw new NotSupportedException("Logging is not supported on Silverlight. Set EnableLogging to false.");
				// adds a message to log file:
				if (config.ErrorControl.LogFile != null)
                        // <error>: <caller>(): <message> in <file> on line <line>
                        string caller = (info.Caller != null) ? (info.Caller + "(): ") : null;
                        string place = (info.Line > 0 && info.Column > 0) ? CoreResources.GetString("error_place", info.File, info.Line, info.Column) : null;

                        Logger.AppendLine(config.ErrorControl.LogFile, string.Concat(error, ": ", caller, message, place));
                    catch (Exception) { }

				// adds a message to event log:
				if (config.ErrorControl.SysLog)
					try { Logger.AddToEventLog(message); }
					catch (Exception) { }

			// displays an error message if desired:
			if (config.ErrorControl.DisplayErrors)
예제 #24
		/// <summary>
		/// Loads $GLOBALS from $_ENV, $_REQUEST, $_SERVER and $_FILES.
		/// </summary>
		private void InitializeGlobals(LocalConfiguration/*!*/ config, HttpRequest/*!*/ request)
			Debug.Assert(config != null && Request.Value != null && Env.Value != null && Server.Value != null && Files.Value != null);

			PhpArray globals;
			GlobalConfiguration global = Configuration.Global;

			// estimates the initial capacity of $GLOBALS array:
			int count = EstimatedUserGlobalVariableCount + AutoGlobals.MaxCount;
			if (global.GlobalVariables.RegisterLongArrays) count += AutoGlobals.MaxCount;

			// adds EGPCS variables as globals:
			if (global.GlobalVariables.RegisterGlobals)
				PhpArray env_array = (PhpArray)Env.Value;
				PhpArray get_array = (PhpArray)Get.Value;
				PhpArray post_array = (PhpArray)Post.Value;
				PhpArray files_array = (PhpArray)Files.Value;
				PhpArray cookie_array = (PhpArray)Cookie.Value;
				PhpArray server_array = (PhpArray)Server.Value;
				PhpArray request_array = (PhpArray)Request.Value;

				if (request != null)
					globals = new PhpArray(0, count + env_array.Count + request_array.Count + server_array.Count + files_array.Count * 4);

					// adds items in the order specified by RegisteringOrder config option (overwrites existing):
					string order = config.Variables.RegisteringOrder;
					for (int i = 0; i < order.Length; i++)
						switch (order[i])
							case 'E': AddVariables(globals, env_array); break;
							case 'G': AddVariables(globals, get_array); break;

							case 'P':
								AddVariables(globals, post_array);
								AddFileVariablesToGlobals(globals, files_array);

							case 'C': AddVariables(globals, cookie_array); break;
							case 'S': AddVariables(globals, server_array); break;
					globals = new PhpArray(0, count + env_array.Count);
					AddVariables(globals, env_array);
				globals = new PhpArray(0, count);

			// command line argc, argv:
			if (request == null)
				string[] args = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs();
				PhpArray argv = new PhpArray(0, args.Length);

				// adds all arguments to the array (the 0-th argument is not '-' as in PHP but the program file):
				for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++)
					argv.Add(i, args[i]);

				globals["argv"] = argv;
				globals["argc"] = args.Length;

			// adds auto-global variables (overwrites potential existing variables in $GLOBALS):
			globals[GlobalsName] = Globals;
			globals[EnvName] = Env;
			globals[GetName] = Get;
			globals[PostName] = Post;
			globals[CookieName] = Cookie;
			globals[RequestName] = Request;
			globals[ServerName] = Server;
			globals[FilesName] = Files;
			globals[SessionName] = Session;
            globals[HttpRawPostDataName] = HttpRawPostData;

			// adds long arrays:
			if (Configuration.Global.GlobalVariables.RegisterLongArrays)
				globals.Add("HTTP_ENV_VARS", new PhpReference(((PhpArray)Env.Value).DeepCopy()));
				globals.Add("HTTP_GET_VARS", new PhpReference(((PhpArray)Get.Value).DeepCopy()));
				globals.Add("HTTP_POST_VARS", new PhpReference(((PhpArray)Post.Value).DeepCopy()));
				globals.Add("HTTP_COOKIE_VARS", new PhpReference(((PhpArray)Cookie.Value).DeepCopy()));
				globals.Add("HTTP_SERVER_VARS", new PhpReference(((PhpArray)Server.Value).DeepCopy()));
				globals.Add("HTTP_POST_FILES", new PhpReference(((PhpArray)Files.Value).DeepCopy()));

				// both session array references the same array:
				globals.Add("HTTP_SESSION_VARS", Session);

			Globals.Value = globals;
예제 #25
		/// <summary>
		/// Gets, sets or restores "session.save_handler" option.
		/// </summary>
		internal static object GsrHandler(LocalConfiguration local, LocalConfiguration @default, object value, IniAction action)
			string result = local.Session.Handler.Name;

			switch (action)
				case IniAction.Set:
						string name = Core.Convert.ObjectToString(value);
						SessionHandler handler = SessionHandlers.GetHandler(name);

						if (handler == null)
							  PhpException.ToErrorMessage(CoreResources.GetString("unknown_session_handler", name)));
							local.Session.Handler = handler;

				case IniAction.Restore:
					local.Session.Handler = @default.Session.Handler;

			return result;
예제 #26
        /// <summary>
		/// Loads $_FILES from HttpRequest.Files.
		/// </summary>
		/// <remarks>
		/// <list type="bullet">
		///   <item>$_FILES[{var_name}]['name'] - The original name of the file on the client machine.</item>
		///   <item>$_FILES[{var_name}]['type'] - The mime type of the file, if the browser provided this information. An example would be "image/gif".</item>
		///   <item>$_FILES[{var_name}]['size'] - The size, in bytes, of the uploaded file.</item> 
		///   <item>$_FILES[{var_name}]['tmp_name'] - The temporary filename of the file in which the uploaded file was stored on the server.</item>
		///   <item>$_FILES[{var_name}]['error'] - The error code associated with this file upload.</item> 
		/// </list>
		/// </remarks>
        private void InitializeFileVariables(LocalConfiguration/*!*/ config, HttpRequest request, HttpContext context)
			Debug.Assert(config != null);
			PhpArray files;
			int count;

			GlobalConfiguration global_config = Configuration.Global;

			if (request != null && global_config.PostedFiles.Accept && (count = request.Files.Count) > 0)
                Debug.Assert(context != null);
                Debug.Assert(RequestContext.CurrentContext != null, "PHP.Core.RequestContext not initialized!");

				files = new PhpArray(0, count);

				// gets a path where temporary files are stored:
				var temppath = global_config.PostedFiles.GetTempPath(global_config.SafeMode);
                // temporary file name (first part)
                var basetempfilename = string.Concat("php_", context.Timestamp.Ticks.ToString("x"), "-");
                var basetempfileid = this.GetHashCode();

				for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
					string name = request.Files.GetKey(i);
					string file_path, type, file_name;
					HttpPostedFile file = request.Files[i];
					PostedFileError error = PostedFileError.None;

					if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(file.FileName))
						type = file.ContentType;

                        var tempfilename = string.Concat(basetempfilename, (basetempfileid++).ToString("X"), ".tmp");
                        file_path = Path.Combine(temppath, tempfilename);
						file_name = Path.GetFileName(file.FileName);

						// registers the temporary file for deletion at request end:

						// saves uploaded content to the temporary file:
						file_path = type = file_name = String.Empty;
						error = PostedFileError.NoFile;

					AddVariable(files, name, file_name, "name");
					AddVariable(files, name, type, "type");
					AddVariable(files, name, file_path, "tmp_name");
					AddVariable(files, name, (int)error, "error");
					AddVariable(files, name, file.ContentLength, "size");
				files = new PhpArray(0, 0);

			Files.Value = files;
예제 #27
		/// <summary>
		/// Loads $_COOKIE arrays from HttpRequest.Cookies.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="config">Local configuration.</param>
		/// <param name="request">HTTP request instance or a <B>null</B> reference.</param>
		/// <param name="cookieArray">Resulting $_COOKIE array.</param>
		/// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"><paranref name="config"/> is a <B>null</B> reference.</exception>
		public static void InitializeCookieVariables(LocalConfiguration/*!*/ config, HttpRequest request,
		  out PhpArray cookieArray)
            Debug.Assert(config != null);

			if (request != null)
                var cookies = request.Cookies;
                Debug.Assert(cookies != null, "cookies == null");

                int count = cookies.Count;
				cookieArray = new PhpArray(0, count);

                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    HttpCookie cookie = cookies.Get(i);
					AddVariable(cookieArray, cookie.Name, UrlDecodeValue(cookie.Value), null);

					// adds a copy of cookie with the same key as the session name;
					// the name gets encoded and so $_COOKIE[session_name()] doesn't work then:
					if (cookie.Name == AspNetSessionHandler.AspNetSessionName)
						cookieArray[AspNetSessionHandler.AspNetSessionName] = UrlDecodeValue(cookie.Value);
				cookieArray = new PhpArray(0, 0);
예제 #28
		/// <summary>
		/// Loads $_GET, $_POST arrays from HttpRequest.QueryString and HttpRequest.Form.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="config">Local configuration.</param>
		/// <param name="request">HTTP request instance or a <B>null</B> reference.</param>
		/// <param name="getArray">Resulting $_GET array.</param>
		/// <param name="postArray">Resulting $_POST array.</param>
        /// <param name="httprawpostdataBytes">$HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA variable.</param>
		/// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"><paranref name="config"/> is a <B>null</B> reference.</exception>
		public static void InitializeGetPostVariables(LocalConfiguration/*!*/ config, HttpRequest request,
          out PhpArray getArray, out PhpArray postArray, out string httprawpostdataBytes)
			if (config == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("config");

            if (request != null)
                if (request.RequestType == "GET")
                    getArray = new PhpArray(0, request.QueryString.Count + request.Form.Count);
                    postArray = new PhpArray(0, 0);

                    // loads Form variables to GET array:
                    LoadFromCollection(getArray, request.Form);
                    getArray = new PhpArray(0, request.QueryString.Count);
                    postArray = new PhpArray(0, request.Form.Count);

                    // loads Form variables to POST array:
                    LoadFromCollection(postArray, request.Form);

                // loads Query variables to GET array:
                LoadFromCollection(getArray, request.QueryString);

                // HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA   // when always_populate_raw_post_data option is TRUE, however using "php://input" is preferred. For "multipart/form-data" it is not available.
                    httprawpostdataBytes =
                       (config.Variables.AlwaysPopulateRawPostData && !request.ContentType.StartsWith("multipart/form-data")) ?
                       new StreamReader(request.InputStream).ReadToEnd() :
                    httprawpostdataBytes = null;    // unable to read the input stream, unreachable
                getArray = new PhpArray(0, 0);
                postArray = new PhpArray(0, 0);
                httprawpostdataBytes = null;
예제 #29
 private Configuration(GlobalConfiguration /*!*/ global, LocalConfiguration /*!*/ defaultLocal)
     this.global       = global;
     this.defaultLocal = defaultLocal;
예제 #30
		/// <summary>
		/// Loads $_ENV from Environment.GetEnvironmentVariables().
		/// </summary>
		private void InitializeEnvironmentVariables(LocalConfiguration/*!*/ config)
			Debug.Assert(config != null);

			IDictionary env_vars = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariables();
			PhpArray array = new PhpArray(0, env_vars.Count);

			foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in env_vars)
				AddVariable(array, entry.Key as string, entry.Value as string, null);

			Env.Value = array;
예제 #31
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets, sets, or restores a value of a legacy configuration option.
        /// </summary>
        private static object GetSetRestore(LocalConfiguration config, string option, object value, IniAction action)
            MySqlLocalConfig local = (MySqlLocalConfig)config.GetLibraryConfig(MySqlLibraryDescriptor.Singleton);
            MySqlLocalConfig @default = DefaultLocal;
            MySqlGlobalConfig global = Global;

            switch (option)
                // local:

                case "mysql.connect_timeout": return PhpIni.GSR(ref local.ConnectTimeout, @default.ConnectTimeout, value, action);
                case "mysql.default_port": return PhpIni.GSR(ref local.Port, @default.Port, value, action);
                case "mysql.default_host": return PhpIni.GSR(ref local.Server, @default.Server, value, action);
                case "mysql.default_user": return PhpIni.GSR(ref local.User, @default.User, value, action);
                case "mysql.default_password": return PhpIni.GSR(ref local.Password, @default.Password, value, action);
                case "mysql.default_command_timeout": return PhpIni.GSR(ref local.DefaultCommandTimeout, @default.DefaultCommandTimeout, value, action);
                case "mysql.connection_string": return PhpIni.GSR(ref local.ConnectionString, null, value, action);

                // global:

                case "mysql.max_links":
                    Debug.Assert(action == IniAction.Get);
                    return PhpIni.GSR(ref global.MaxConnections, -1, null, action);
                case "mysql.max_pool_size":
                    return PhpIni.GSR(ref global.MaxPoolSize, 100, value, action);

            Debug.Fail("Option '" + option + "' is supported but not implemented.");
            return null;
예제 #32
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads $_SERVER from HttpRequest.ServerVariables.
        /// </summary>
        private void InitializeServerVariables(LocalConfiguration /*!*/ config, HttpContext context)
            if (context == null)
                Server.Value = new PhpArray();

            Debug.Assert(config != null);

            PhpArray array, argv;

            var request         = context.Request;
            var serverVariables = request.ServerVariables;

            Server.Value = array = new PhpArray(0, /*serverVariables.Count*/ 64);

            // adds variables defined by ASP.NET and IIS:
            LoadFromCollection(array, serverVariables);

            // adds argv, argc variables:
            if (Configuration.Global.GlobalVariables.RegisterArgcArgv)
                array["argv"] = argv = new PhpArray(1)
                array["argc"] = 0;

            // additional variables defined in PHP manual:
            array["PHP_SELF"] = request.Path;

                array["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] = request.MapPath("/"); // throws exception under mod_aspdotnet
                array["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] = null;

            array["SERVER_ADDR"]     = serverVariables["LOCAL_ADDR"];
            array["REQUEST_URI"]     = request.RawUrl;
            array["REQUEST_TIME"]    = DateTimeUtils.UtcToUnixTimeStamp(context.Timestamp.ToUniversalTime());
            array["SCRIPT_FILENAME"] = request.PhysicalPath;

            //IPv6 is the default in IIS7, convert to an IPv4 address (store the IPv6 as well)
            if (request.UserHostAddress.Contains(":"))
                array["REMOTE_ADDR_IPV6"] = request.UserHostAddress;

                if (request.UserHostAddress == "::1")
                    array["REMOTE_ADDR"] = array["SERVER_ADDR"] = "";
                    foreach (IPAddress IPA in Dns.GetHostAddresses(request.UserHostAddress))
                        if (IPA.AddressFamily.ToString() == "InterNetwork")
                            array["REMOTE_ADDR"] = IPA.ToString();

            // PATH_INFO
            // should contain partial path information only
            // note: IIS has AllowPathInfoForScriptMappings property that do the thing ... but ISAPI does not work then
            // hence it must be done here manually

            if (array.ContainsKey("PATH_INFO"))
                string path_info   = (string)array["PATH_INFO"];
                string script_name = (string)array["SCRIPT_NAME"];

                // 'ORIG_PATH_INFO'
                // Original version of 'PATH_INFO' before processed by PHP.
                array["ORIG_PATH_INFO"] = path_info;

                // 'PHP_INFO'
                // Contains any client-provided pathname information trailing the actual script filename
                // but preceding the query string, if available. For instance, if the current script was
                // accessed via the URL http://www.example.com/php/path_info.php/some/stuff?foo=bar,
                // then $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'] would contain /some/stuff.

                // php-5.3.2\sapi\isapi\php5isapi.c:
                // strncpy(path_info_buf, static_variable_buf + scriptname_len - 1, sizeof(path_info_buf) - 1);    // PATH_INFO = PATH_INFO.SubString(SCRIPT_NAME.Length);

                array["PATH_INFO"] = (script_name.Length <= path_info.Length) ? path_info.Substring(script_name.Length) : string.Empty;
예제 #33
파일: Errors.cs 프로젝트: jdluzen/Phalanger
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="info"></param>
        /// <param name="config"></param>
        /// <returns>Returns caller name with () or null. Formatted for the current output capabilities.</returns>
        internal static string FormatErrorCallerName(ErrorStackInfo info, LocalConfiguration config)
            if (info.Caller == null)
                return null;

            if (config.ErrorControl.HtmlMessages && config.ErrorControl.DocRefRoot != null && info.LibraryCaller)
            {   // able to display HTML
                return String.Format("<a href='{0}/function.{1}{2}'>{3}()</a>",
                      info.Caller.Replace('_', '-').ToLower(),
                return info.Caller + "()";
예제 #34
		/// <summary>
		/// Initializes all auto-global variables.
		/// </summary>
		internal void Initialize(LocalConfiguration config/*!*/, HttpContext context)
			Debug.Assert(config != null);
			HttpRequest request = (context != null) ? context.Request : null;

			// $_ENV:

			// $_SERVER:
			InitializeServerVariables(config, context);

			InitializeGetPostCookieRequestVariables(config, request);

			// $_SESSION (initialized by session_start)

			// $_FILE:
			InitializeFileVariables(config, request, context);

			// $GLOBALS:
			InitializeGlobals(config, request);
예제 #35
        /// <summary>
		/// Gets, sets, or restores a value of a legacy configuration option.
		/// </summary>
		private static object GetSetRestore(LocalConfiguration config, string option, object value, IniAction action)
			LibraryConfiguration local = (LibraryConfiguration)config.GetLibraryConfig(LibraryDescriptor.Singleton);
			LibraryConfiguration @default = DefaultLocal;

			switch (option)
				case "sendmail_from": return PhpIni.GSR(ref local.Mailer.DefaultFromHeader, @default.Mailer.DefaultFromHeader, value, action);
				case "SMTP": return PhpIni.GSR(ref local.Mailer.SmtpServer, @default.Mailer.SmtpServer, value, action);
				case "smtp_port": return PhpIni.GSR(ref local.Mailer.SmtpPort, @default.Mailer.SmtpPort, value, action);
                case "mail.add_x_header": return PhpIni.GSR(ref local.Mailer.AddXHeader, @default.Mailer.AddXHeader, value, action);

				case "highlight.bg": return PhpIni.GSR(ref local.Highlighting.Background, @default.Highlighting.Background, value, action);
				case "highlight.comment": return PhpIni.GSR(ref local.Highlighting.Comment, @default.Highlighting.Comment, value, action);
				case "highlight.default": return PhpIni.GSR(ref local.Highlighting.Default, @default.Highlighting.Default, value, action);
				case "highlight.html": return PhpIni.GSR(ref local.Highlighting.Html, @default.Highlighting.Html, value, action);
				case "highlight.keyword": return PhpIni.GSR(ref local.Highlighting.Keyword, @default.Highlighting.Keyword, value, action);
				case "highlight.string": return PhpIni.GSR(ref local.Highlighting.String, @default.Highlighting.String, value, action);

				case "session.serialize_handler": return PhpSession.GsrSerializer(local, @default, value, action);
				case "session.cache_expire": return PhpSession.GsrCacheExpire(value, action);
				case "session.cache_limiter": return PhpSession.GsrCacheLimiter(value, action);
				case "session.save_path": return PhpIni.GSR(ref local.Session.SavePath, @default.Session.SavePath, value, action);
				case "session.gc_maxlifetime": return PhpIni.GSR(ref local.Session.GcMaxLifetime, @default.Session.GcMaxLifetime, value, action);
				case "session.gc_probability": return PhpIni.GSR(ref local.Session.GcProbability, @default.Session.GcProbability, value, action);
				case "session.gc_divisor": return PhpIni.GSR(ref local.Session.GcDivisor, @default.Session.GcDivisor, value, action);

				case "session.cookie_lifetime": return PhpSession.GsrCookieLifetime(value, action);
				case "session.cookie_path": return PhpSession.GsrCookiePath(value, action);
				case "session.cookie_domain": return PhpSession.GsrCookieDomain(value, action);
				case "session.cookie_secure": return PhpSession.GsrCookieSecure(value, action);

				case "date.default_latitude": return PhpIni.GSR(ref local.Date.Latitude, @default.Date.Latitude, value, action);
				case "date.default_longitude": return PhpIni.GSR(ref local.Date.Longitude, @default.Date.Longitude, value, action);
				case "date.sunrise_zenith": return PhpIni.GSR(ref local.Date.SunriseZenith, @default.Date.SunriseZenith, value, action);
				case "date.sunset_zenith": return PhpIni.GSR(ref local.Date.SunsetZenith, @default.Date.SunsetZenith, value, action);
				case "date.timezone": return PhpTimeZone.GsrTimeZone(local, @default, value, action);

			Debug.Fail("Option '" + option + "' is supported but not implemented.");
			return null;
예제 #36
		internal static object GetSetRestoreCoreOption(LocalConfiguration local, string option, object value, IniAction action)
			LocalConfiguration @default = Configuration.DefaultLocal;
			GlobalConfiguration global = Configuration.Global;
			ApplicationConfiguration app = Configuration.Application;

			switch (option)
				#region <paths>

				case "extension_dir": Debug.Assert(action == IniAction.Get); return app.Paths.Libraries;


				#region <compiler>

				case "short_open_tag": Debug.Assert(action == IniAction.Get); return app.Compiler.ShortOpenTags;
				case "asp_tags": Debug.Assert(action == IniAction.Get); return app.Compiler.AspTags;


				#region <error-control>

				case "html_errors": return GSR(ref local.ErrorControl.HtmlMessages, @default.ErrorControl.HtmlMessages, value, action);
				case "display_errors": return GSR(ref local.ErrorControl.DisplayErrors, @default.ErrorControl.DisplayErrors, value, action);
				case "error_append_string": return GSR(ref local.ErrorControl.ErrorAppendString, @default.ErrorControl.ErrorAppendString, value, action);
				case "error_prepend_string": return GSR(ref local.ErrorControl.ErrorPrependString, @default.ErrorControl.ErrorPrependString, value, action);
				case "log_errors": return GSR(ref local.ErrorControl.EnableLogging, @default.ErrorControl.EnableLogging, value, action);
				case "error_log": return GsrErrorLog(local, @default, value, action);
				case "error_reporting":
					switch (action)
						case IniAction.Get: return ErrorReporting();
						case IniAction.Set: return ErrorReporting(Convert.ObjectToInteger(value));
						case IniAction.Restore: return ErrorReporting((int)@default.ErrorControl.ReportErrors);


				#region <output-control>

				case "implicit_flush":
					Debug.Assert(action == IniAction.Get);
					return @default.OutputControl.ImplicitFlush;

				case "output_handler":
					Debug.Assert(action == IniAction.Get);
					IPhpConvertible handler = @default.OutputControl.OutputHandler;
					return (handler != null) ? handler.ToString() : null;

				case "output_buffering":
					Debug.Assert(action == IniAction.Get);
					return @default.OutputControl.OutputBuffering;


				#region <request-control>

				case "max_execution_time":
						object result = GSR(ref local.RequestControl.ExecutionTimeout, @default.RequestControl.ExecutionTimeout, value, action);

						// applies the timeout:
						if (action != IniAction.Get)

						return result;

				case "ignore_user_abort":
						object result = GSR(ref local.RequestControl.IgnoreUserAbort, @default.RequestControl.IgnoreUserAbort, value, action);

						// enables/disables disconnection tracking:
						if (action != IniAction.Get)
							RequestContext.CurrentContext.TrackClientDisconnection = !local.RequestControl.IgnoreUserAbort;

						return result;


				#region <file-system>

				case "allow_url_fopen": return GSR(ref local.FileSystem.AllowUrlFopen, @default.FileSystem.AllowUrlFopen, value, action);
				case "user_agent": return GSR(ref local.FileSystem.UserAgent, @default.FileSystem.UserAgent, value, action);
				case "from": return GSR(ref local.FileSystem.AnonymousFtpPassword, @default.FileSystem.AnonymousFtpPassword, value, action);
				case "default_socket_timeout": return GSR(ref local.FileSystem.DefaultSocketTimeout, @default.FileSystem.DefaultSocketTimeout, value, action);
				case "include_path": return GSR(ref local.FileSystem.IncludePaths, @default.FileSystem.IncludePaths, value, action);


				#region <variables>

                case "zend.ze1_compatibility_mode": Debug.Assert(action != IniAction.Set || OptionValueToBoolean(value) == false); return false;// GSR(ref local.Variables.ZendEngineV1Compatible, @default.Variables.ZendEngineV1Compatible, value, action);
				case "magic_quotes_runtime": return GSR(ref local.Variables.QuoteRuntimeVariables, @default.Variables.QuoteRuntimeVariables, value, action);
                case "magic_quotes_sybase": Debug.Assert(action == IniAction.Get || OptionValueToBoolean(value) == local.Variables.QuoteInDbManner); return local.Variables.QuoteInDbManner; //GSR(ref local.Variables.QuoteInDbManner, @default.Variables.QuoteInDbManner, value, action);
                case "magic_quotes_gpc": Debug.Assert(action == IniAction.Get || OptionValueToBoolean(value) == global.GlobalVariables.QuoteGpcVariables); return global.GlobalVariables.QuoteGpcVariables;
				case "register_argc_argv": Debug.Assert(action == IniAction.Get); return global.GlobalVariables.RegisterArgcArgv;
				case "register_globals": Debug.Assert(action == IniAction.Get); return global.GlobalVariables.RegisterGlobals;
				case "register_long_arrays": Debug.Assert(action == IniAction.Get); return global.GlobalVariables.RegisterLongArrays;
				case "variables_order": return GsrVariablesOrder(local, @default, value, action);

				case "unserialize_callback_func":
					return GSR(ref local.Variables.DeserializationCallback, @default.Variables.DeserializationCallback, value, action);

                case "always_populate_raw_post_data":
                    switch (action)
                        case IniAction.Restore: local.Variables.AlwaysPopulateRawPostData = false; break;
                        case IniAction.Set: local.Variables.AlwaysPopulateRawPostData = Convert.ObjectToBoolean(value); break;
                    return local.Variables.AlwaysPopulateRawPostData;


				#region <posted-files>

				case "file_uploads": Debug.Assert(action == IniAction.Get); return global.PostedFiles.Accept;
				case "upload_tmp_dir": Debug.Assert(action == IniAction.Get); return global.PostedFiles.TempPath;

				case "post_max_size":
				case "upload_max_filesize":
						Debug.Assert(action == IniAction.Get);

						HttpContext context;
						if (!Web.EnsureHttpContext(out context)) return null;

						HttpRuntimeSection http_runtime_section = (HttpRuntimeSection)context.GetSection("system.web/httpRuntime");
						return (http_runtime_section != null) ? http_runtime_section.MaxRequestLength * 1024 : 0;// values in config are in kB, PHP's in B


				#region <assert>

				case "assert.active": return GSR(ref local.Assertion.Active, @default.Assertion.Active, value, action);
				case "assert.bail": return GSR(ref local.Assertion.Terminate, @default.Assertion.Terminate, value, action);
				case "assert.quiet_eval": return GSR(ref local.Assertion.Quiet, @default.Assertion.Quiet, value, action);
				case "assert.warning": return GSR(ref local.Assertion.ReportWarning, @default.Assertion.ReportWarning, value, action);
				case "assert.callback": return GSR(ref local.Assertion.Callback, @default.Assertion.Callback, value, action);


				#region <safe-mode>

				case "safe_mode": Debug.Assert(action == IniAction.Get); return global.SafeMode.Enabled;
				case "open_basedir": Debug.Assert(action == IniAction.Get); return global.SafeMode.GetAllowedPathPrefixesJoin();
				case "safe_mode_exec_dir": Debug.Assert(action == IniAction.Get); return global.SafeMode.ExecutionDirectory;


				#region <session>

				case "session.save_handler": return PhpSession.GsrHandler(local, @default, value, action);
				case "session.auto_start": Debug.Assert(action == IniAction.Get); return local.Session.AutoStart;
				case "session.name": Debug.Assert(action == IniAction.Get); return PhpSession.Name();


				#region others

				case "default_charset": return GsrDefaultCharset(value, action);
				case "default_mimetype": return GsrDefaultMimetype(value, action);
                case "memory_limit": return GsrMemoryLimit(value, action);
                case "disable_functions": return GsrDisableFunctions(value, action);


			Debug.Fail("Option '" + option + "' is supported but not implemented.");
			return null;
예제 #37
		/// <summary>
		/// Creates an instance of <see cref="LocalConfiguration"/> initialized by values 
		/// copied from the specified instance.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="source"></param>
		private LocalConfiguration(LocalConfiguration source)
			this.OutputControl = source.OutputControl.DeepCopy();
			this.ErrorControl = source.ErrorControl.DeepCopy();
			this.RequestControl = source.RequestControl.DeepCopy();
			this.FileSystem = source.FileSystem.DeepCopy();
			this.Assertion = source.Assertion.DeepCopy();
			this.Variables = source.Variables.DeepCopy();
			this.Session = source.Session.DeepCopy();
			this.Library = source.Library.DeepCopy();

            LastConfigurationModificationTime = source.LastConfigurationModificationTime;
예제 #38
		/// <summary>
		/// Makes a copy (child) of this instance (parent) deeply copying the confgiuration fields.
		/// </summary>
		internal PhpConfigurationContext(ApplicationContext/*!*/ applicationContext, string virtualPath, 
			PhpConfigurationContext parent)
			Debug.Assert(applicationContext != null);
			this.virtualPath = virtualPath;
			this.applicationContext = applicationContext;

			// section tables are shared:
			this.sections = parent.sections;
			this.sealedSections = parent.sealedSections;
            this.librariesList = parent.librariesList;

			// configuration records are copied:
			this.local = (LocalConfiguration)parent.local.DeepCopy();
			this.global = (GlobalConfiguration)parent.global.DeepCopy();
예제 #39
		/// <summary>
		/// Writes Core legacy options and their values to XML text stream.
		/// Skips options whose values are the same as default values of Phalanger.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="writer">XML writer.</param>
		/// <param name="options">A hashtable containing PHP names and option values. Consumed options are removed from the table.</param>
		/// <param name="writePhpNames">Whether to add "phpName" attribute to option nodes.</param>
		public static void CoreOptionsToXml(XmlTextWriter writer, Hashtable options, bool writePhpNames) // GENERICS: <string,string>
			if (writer == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("writer");
			if (options == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("options");

			ApplicationConfiguration app = new ApplicationConfiguration();
			GlobalConfiguration global = new GlobalConfiguration();
			LocalConfiguration local = new LocalConfiguration();
			PhpIniXmlWriter ow = new PhpIniXmlWriter(writer, options, writePhpNames);

			ow.WriteOption("short_open_tag", "ShortOpenTag", true, app.Compiler.ShortOpenTags);
			ow.WriteOption("asp_tags", "AspTags", false, app.Compiler.AspTags);

			//ow.WriteOption("zend.ze1_compatibility_mode", "ZendEngineV1Compatible", false, local.Variables.ZendEngineV1Compatible);
			ow.WriteOption("register_globals", "RegisterGlobals", false, global.GlobalVariables.RegisterGlobals);
			ow.WriteOption("register_argc_argv", "RegisterArgcArgv", true, global.GlobalVariables.RegisterArgcArgv);
			ow.WriteOption("register_long_arrays", "RegisterLongArrays", true, global.GlobalVariables.RegisterLongArrays);
			ow.WriteOption("variables_order", "RegisteringOrder", "EGPCS", local.Variables.RegisteringOrder);
			//ow.WriteOption("magic_quotes_gpc", "QuoteGpcVariables", true, global.GlobalVariables.QuoteGpcVariables);
			ow.WriteOption("magic_quotes_runtime", "QuoteRuntimeVariables", false, local.Variables.QuoteRuntimeVariables);
			//ow.WriteOption("magic_quotes_sybase", "QuoteInDbManner", false, local.Variables.QuoteInDbManner);
			ow.WriteOption("unserialize_callback_func", "DeserializationCallback", null, local.Variables.DeserializationCallback);

			ow.WriteOption("output_buffering", "OutputBuffering", false, local.OutputControl.OutputBuffering);
			ow.WriteOption("output_handler", "OutputHandler", null, local.OutputControl.OutputHandler);
			ow.WriteOption("implicit_flush", "ImplicitFlush", false, local.OutputControl.ImplicitFlush);
			ow.WriteOption("default_mimetype", "ContentType", "text/html", DefaultMimetype);
			ow.WriteOption("default_charset", "Charset", "", DefaultCharset);

			ow.WriteOption("max_execution_time", "ExecutionTimeout", 30, local.RequestControl.ExecutionTimeout);
			ow.WriteOption("ignore_user_abort", "IgnoreUserAbort", false, local.RequestControl.IgnoreUserAbort);

			ow.WriteEnumOption("error_reporting", "ReportErrors", (int)PhpErrorSet.AllButStrict, (int)local.ErrorControl.ReportErrors, typeof(PhpError));
			ow.WriteOption("display_errors", "DisplayErrors", true, local.ErrorControl.DisplayErrors);
			ow.WriteOption("html_errors", "HtmlMessages", true, local.ErrorControl.HtmlMessages);
			ow.WriteOption("docref_root", "DocRefRoot", null, local.ErrorControl.DocRefRoot.ToString());
			ow.WriteOption("docref_ext", "DocRefExtension", null, local.ErrorControl.DocRefExtension);
			ow.WriteErrorLog("error_log", null, local.ErrorControl.SysLog, local.ErrorControl.LogFile);
			ow.WriteOption("log_errors", "EnableLogging", false, local.ErrorControl.EnableLogging);
			ow.WriteOption("error_prepend_string", "ErrorPrependString", null, local.ErrorControl.ErrorPrependString);
			ow.WriteOption("error_append_string", "ErrorAppendString", null, local.ErrorControl.ErrorAppendString);

			ow.WriteOption("session.auto_start", "AutoStart", false, local.Session.AutoStart);
			ow.WriteOption("session.save_handler", "Handler", "files", local.Session.Handler.Name);

			ow.WriteOption("assert.active", "Active", true, local.Assertion.Active);
			ow.WriteOption("assert.warning", "ReportWarning", true, local.Assertion.ReportWarning);
			ow.WriteOption("assert.bail", "Terminate", false, local.Assertion.Terminate);
			ow.WriteOption("assert.quiet_eval", "Quiet", false, local.Assertion.Quiet);
			ow.WriteOption("assert.callback", "Callback", null, local.Assertion.Callback);

			ow.WriteOption("safe_mode", "Enabled", false, global.SafeMode.Enabled);
			ow.WriteOption("open_basedir", "AllowedPathPrefixes", null, global.SafeMode.GetAllowedPathPrefixesJoin());
			ow.WriteOption("safe_mode_exec_dir", "ExecutionDirectory", null, global.SafeMode.ExecutionDirectory);

			ow.WriteOption("file_uploads", "Accept", true, global.PostedFiles.Accept);
			ow.WriteOption("upload_tmp_dir", "TempPath", null, global.PostedFiles.TempPath);

			ow.WriteOption("allow_url_fopen", "AllowUrlFopen", true, local.FileSystem.AllowUrlFopen);
			ow.WriteOption("default_socket_timeout", "DefaultSocketTimeout", 60, local.FileSystem.DefaultSocketTimeout);
			ow.WriteOption("user_agent", "UserAgent", null, local.FileSystem.UserAgent);
			ow.WriteOption("from", "AnonymousFtpPassword", null, local.FileSystem.AnonymousFtpPassword);
			ow.WriteOption("include_path", "IncludePaths", ".", local.FileSystem.IncludePaths);

예제 #40
파일: Errors.cs 프로젝트: xmaxmex/Phalanger
        /// <summary>
        /// Reports a PHP error.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="error">The error type</param>
        /// <param name="message">The error message.</param>
        public static void Throw(PhpError error, string message)
            if (ThrowCallbackOverride != null)
                ThrowCallbackOverride(error, message);

            ErrorStackInfo info        = new ErrorStackInfo();
            bool           info_loaded = false;

            // gets the current script context and config:
            ScriptContext      context = ScriptContext.CurrentContext;
            LocalConfiguration config  = context.Config;

            // determines whether the error will be reported and whether it is handleable:
            bool is_error_reported   = ((PhpErrorSet)error & config.ErrorControl.ReportErrors) != 0 && !context.ErrorReportingDisabled;
            bool is_error_handleable = ((PhpErrorSet)error & PhpErrorSet.Handleable & (PhpErrorSet)config.ErrorControl.UserHandlerErrors) != 0;
            bool is_error_fatal      = ((PhpErrorSet)error & PhpErrorSet.Fatal) != 0;
            bool do_report           = true;

            // remember last error info
            context.LastErrorType    = error;
            context.LastErrorMessage = message;
            context.LastErrorFile    = null; // only if we are getting ErrorStackInfo, see PhpStackTrace.TraceErrorFrame
            context.LastErrorLine    = 0;    // only if we are getting ErrorStackInfo, see PhpStackTrace.TraceErrorFrame

            // calls a user defined handler if available:
            if (is_error_handleable && config.ErrorControl.UserHandler != null)
                // loads stack info:
                Func <ErrorStackInfo> func = () =>
                    if (!info_loaded)
                        info        = PhpStackTrace.TraceErrorFrame(context, true);
                        info_loaded = true;

                do_report = CallUserErrorHandler(context, error, func, message);

            // reports error to output and logs:
            if (do_report && is_error_reported &&
                (config.ErrorControl.DisplayErrors || config.ErrorControl.EnableLogging))   // check if the error will be displayed to avoid stack trace loading
                // loads stack info:
                if (!info_loaded)
                    info = PhpStackTrace.TraceErrorFrame(context, false); info_loaded = true;

                ReportError(config, context.Output, error, -1, info, message);

            // Throws an exception if the error is fatal and throwing is enabled.
            // PhpError.UserError is also fatal, but can be cancelled by user handler => handler call must precede this line.
            // Error displaying must also precede this line because the error should be displayed before an exception is thrown.
            if (is_error_fatal && context.ThrowExceptionOnError)
                // loads stack info:
                if (!info_loaded)
                    info = PhpStackTrace.TraceErrorFrame(context, false); info_loaded = true;

                throw new PhpException(error, message, info);
예제 #41
		/// <summary>
		/// Gets, sets or restores "error_log" option.
		/// </summary>
		private static object GsrErrorLog(LocalConfiguration local, LocalConfiguration @default, object value, IniAction action)
			if (action == IniAction.Restore)
				local.ErrorControl.LogFile = @default.ErrorControl.LogFile;
				local.ErrorControl.SysLog = @default.ErrorControl.SysLog;
				return null;

			string result = (local.ErrorControl.SysLog) ? ErrorLogSysLog : local.ErrorControl.LogFile;

			if (action == IniAction.Set)
				string svalue = Convert.ObjectToString(value);
				local.ErrorControl.SysLog = (string.Compare(svalue, ErrorLogSysLog, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) == 0);
				local.ErrorControl.LogFile = (local.ErrorControl.SysLog) ? svalue : null;
			return result;
예제 #42
		/// <summary>
		/// Loads $_SERVER from HttpRequest.ServerVariables.
		/// </summary>
		private void InitializeServerVariables(LocalConfiguration/*!*/ config, HttpContext context)
            if (context == null)
                Server.Value = new PhpArray();

            Debug.Assert(config != null);            

			PhpArray array, argv;

            var request = context.Request;
            var serverVariables = request.ServerVariables;

            Server.Value = array = new PhpArray(0, /*serverVariables.Count*/64);

			// adds variables defined by ASP.NET and IIS:
            LoadFromCollection(array, serverVariables);

			// adds argv, argc variables:
			if (Configuration.Global.GlobalVariables.RegisterArgcArgv)
                array["argv"] = argv = new PhpArray(1) { request.QueryString };
                array["argc"] = 0;

			// additional variables defined in PHP manual:
            array["PHP_SELF"] = request.Path;

                array["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] = request.MapPath("/"); // throws exception under mod_aspdotnet
				array["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] = null;

            array["SERVER_ADDR"] = serverVariables["LOCAL_ADDR"];
            array["REQUEST_URI"] = request.RawUrl;
			array["REQUEST_TIME"] = DateTimeUtils.UtcToUnixTimeStamp(context.Timestamp.ToUniversalTime());
            array["SCRIPT_FILENAME"] = request.PhysicalPath;

			//IPv6 is the default in IIS7, convert to an IPv4 address (store the IPv6 as well)
            if (request.UserHostAddress.Contains(":"))
                array["REMOTE_ADDR_IPV6"] = request.UserHostAddress;

                if (request.UserHostAddress == "::1")
                    array["REMOTE_ADDR"] = array["SERVER_ADDR"] = "";
                else foreach (IPAddress IPA in Dns.GetHostAddresses(request.UserHostAddress))
                        if (IPA.AddressFamily.ToString() == "InterNetwork")
                            array["REMOTE_ADDR"] = IPA.ToString();

            // PATH_INFO
            // should contain partial path information only
            // note: IIS has AllowPathInfoForScriptMappings property that do the thing ... but ISAPI does not work then
            // hence it must be done here manually

            if (array.ContainsKey("PATH_INFO"))
                string path_info = (string)array["PATH_INFO"];
                string script_name = (string)array["SCRIPT_NAME"];
                // 'ORIG_PATH_INFO'
                // Original version of 'PATH_INFO' before processed by PHP. 
                array["ORIG_PATH_INFO"] = path_info;
                // 'PHP_INFO'
                // Contains any client-provided pathname information trailing the actual script filename
                // but preceding the query string, if available. For instance, if the current script was
                // accessed via the URL http://www.example.com/php/path_info.php/some/stuff?foo=bar,
                // then $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'] would contain /some/stuff. 
                // php-5.3.2\sapi\isapi\php5isapi.c:
                // strncpy(path_info_buf, static_variable_buf + scriptname_len - 1, sizeof(path_info_buf) - 1);    // PATH_INFO = PATH_INFO.SubString(SCRIPT_NAME.Length);

                array["PATH_INFO"] = (script_name.Length <= path_info.Length) ? path_info.Substring(script_name.Length) : string.Empty;
예제 #43
        /// <summary>
		/// Creates an empty configuration context used as a root context.
		/// </summary>
		internal PhpConfigurationContext(ApplicationContext/*!*/ applicationContext, string virtualPath)
			Debug.Assert(applicationContext != null);
			this.virtualPath = virtualPath;
			this.applicationContext = applicationContext;

			this.sections = new Dictionary<string, LibrarySection>();
			this.sealedSections = new Dictionary<string, string>();
            this.librariesList = new LibrariesConfigurationList();

			this.local = new LocalConfiguration();
			this.global = new GlobalConfiguration();
예제 #44
		/// <summary>
		/// Gets, sets, or restores a value of a legacy configuration option.
		/// </summary>
		private static object GetSetRestore(LocalConfiguration config, string option, object value, IniAction action)
            ZlibLocalConfig local = (ZlibLocalConfig)config.GetLibraryConfig(ZlibLibraryDescriptor.Singleton);
            ZlibLocalConfig @default = DefaultLocal;
            ZlibGlobalConfig global = Global;

			switch (option)
                //// local:

                //case "mssql.connect_timeout":
                //return PhpIni.GSR(ref local.ConnectTimeout, @default.ConnectTimeout, value, action);

                //case "mssql.timeout":
                //return PhpIni.GSR(ref local.Timeout, @default.Timeout, value, action);

                //case "mssql.batchsize":
                //return PhpIni.GSR(ref local.BatchSize, @default.BatchSize, value, action);

                // global:  

                case "zlib.output_compression":
                Debug.Assert(action == IniAction.Get, "Setting zlib.output_compression is not currently implemented.");
                return false;

                case "zlib.output_compression_level":
                Debug.Assert(action == IniAction.Get, "Setting zlib.output_compression_level is not currently implemented.");
                return -1;

                case "zlib.output_handler":
                Debug.Assert(action == IniAction.Get, "Setting zlib.output_handler is not currently implemented.");
                return "";

			Debug.Fail("Option '" + option + "' is not currently supported.");
			return null;
예제 #45
 private Configuration(GlobalConfiguration/*!*/ global, LocalConfiguration/*!*/ defaultLocal)
     this.global = global;
     this.defaultLocal = defaultLocal;
예제 #46
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads $_FILES from HttpRequest.Files.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// <list type="bullet">
        ///   <item>$_FILES[{var_name}]['name'] - The original name of the file on the client machine.</item>
        ///   <item>$_FILES[{var_name}]['type'] - The mime type of the file, if the browser provided this information. An example would be "image/gif".</item>
        ///   <item>$_FILES[{var_name}]['size'] - The size, in bytes, of the uploaded file.</item>
        ///   <item>$_FILES[{var_name}]['tmp_name'] - The temporary filename of the file in which the uploaded file was stored on the server.</item>
        ///   <item>$_FILES[{var_name}]['error'] - The error code associated with this file upload.</item>
        /// </list>
        /// </remarks>
        private void InitializeFileVariables(LocalConfiguration /*!*/ config, HttpRequest request, HttpContext context)
            Debug.Assert(config != null);
            PhpArray files;
            int      count;

            GlobalConfiguration global_config = Configuration.Global;

            if (request != null && global_config.PostedFiles.Accept && (count = request.Files.Count) > 0)
                Debug.Assert(context != null);
                Debug.Assert(RequestContext.CurrentContext != null, "PHP.Core.RequestContext not initialized!");

                files = new PhpArray(0, count);

                // gets a path where temporary files are stored:
                var temppath = global_config.PostedFiles.GetTempPath(global_config.SafeMode);
                // temporary file name (first part)
                var basetempfilename = string.Concat("php_", context.Timestamp.Ticks.ToString("x"), "-");
                var basetempfileid   = this.GetHashCode();

                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    string          name = request.Files.GetKey(i);
                    string          file_path, type, file_name;
                    HttpPostedFile  file  = request.Files[i];
                    PostedFileError error = PostedFileError.None;

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(file.FileName))
                        type = file.ContentType;

                        var tempfilename = string.Concat(basetempfilename, (basetempfileid++).ToString("X"), ".tmp");
                        file_path = Path.Combine(temppath, tempfilename);
                        file_name = Path.GetFileName(file.FileName);

                        // registers the temporary file for deletion at request end:

                        // saves uploaded content to the temporary file:
                        file_path = type = file_name = String.Empty;
                        error     = PostedFileError.NoFile;

                    AddVariable(files, name, file_name, "name");
                    AddVariable(files, name, type, "type");
                    AddVariable(files, name, file_path, "tmp_name");
                    AddVariable(files, name, (int)error, "error");
                    AddVariable(files, name, file.ContentLength, "size");
                files = new PhpArray(0, 0);

            Files.Value = files;