static void Main(string[] args) { try { Bday bday = new Bday(); PeselCorrectness peselCorrectness = new PeselCorrectness(); GenderCorrectness genderCorrectness = new GenderCorrectness(); bool continuePeselChecking = true; do { Console.WriteLine("Enter the option. M for manual and F for file"); var option = Console.ReadLine() ?? string.Empty; switch (option.ToLower()) { case "m": Console.WriteLine("Enter your date of birth (DD/MM/YYYY)"); int[] bdayArray = bday.BdayToArray(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine("Enter your gender (F/M)"); string gender = Console.ReadLine(); genderCorrectness.GenderCorrectnessChecking(gender); Console.WriteLine("Enter your PESEL number"); string pesel = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine(peselCorrectness.CorrectnessChecinkg(bdayArray, gender, pesel)); break; case "f": PeselCorrectnessFromFile.CorrectnessCheckingFromFile(); Console.WriteLine("File updated"); break; default: Console.WriteLine("Error!"); break; } Console.WriteLine("Do you want to continue? Y/N"); string decision = Console.ReadLine(); if (decision.ToLower() == "n") { continuePeselChecking = false; } } while (continuePeselChecking); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } }
public static void CorrectnessCheckingFromFile() { Bday bday = new Bday(); PeselCorrectness peselCorrectness = new PeselCorrectness(); GenderCorrectness genderCorrectness = new GenderCorrectness(); string currentLine; string[] separatedData = new string[3]; int[] bdayArrayFile = new int[6]; string genderFile; string peselFile; string result; using (var w = new StreamWriter("PESELListChecked.csv")) { using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader("PESELListToCheck.csv")) { // currentLine will be null when the StreamReader reaches the end of file while ((currentLine = sr.ReadLine()) != null) { //Console.WriteLine(currentLine); separatedData = currentLine.Split(";"); bdayArrayFile = bday.BdayToArray(separatedData[1]); genderFile = separatedData[2]; peselFile = separatedData[0]; genderCorrectness.GenderCorrectnessChecking(genderFile); result = peselCorrectness.CorrectnessChecinkg(bdayArrayFile, genderFile, peselFile); var line = string.Format("{0};{1}", currentLine, result); w.WriteLine(line); w.Flush(); } } } }