예제 #1
        public async void btnEditSpecimen_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
                List <Trip> tripList = ORM.GetTrips(project.ProjectName);

                List <Site> siteList = new List <Site>();

                foreach (Trip trip in tripList)

                List <Specimen> specimenList = new List <Specimen>();

                foreach (Site site in siteList)

                string[] specimens = new string[specimenList.Count];
                for (int i = 0; i < specimens.Length; i++)
                    specimens[i] = specimenList[i].SpecimenName;

                var action = await DisplayActionSheet("Choose a Specimen", "Cancel", null, specimens);

                foreach (Specimen s in specimenList)
                    if (s.SpecimenName.Equals(action))
                        await Navigation.PushAsync(new SpecimenPage(s));

            catch (Exception ex)
                DependencyService.Get <ICrossPlatformToast>().ShortAlert("Are there any Specimen for this Project?");
예제 #2
        public void btnSaveSite_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (editing) // editing should only require all existing information to be changed
                if (!entryHabitat.Text.Equals("") && !entryLocality.Text.Equals("") && !entryAssocTaxa.Text.Equals("") && entryLocationNotes.Text.Equals("") &&
                    !(entryHabitat.Text is null) && !(entryLocality.Text is null) && !(entryAssocTaxa.Text is null) && !(entryLocationNotes.Text is null))
                    site.AssociatedTaxa = entryAssocTaxa.Text;
                    site.GPSCoordinates = (siteGPS.Equals("")) ? site.GPSCoordinates : siteGPS;
                    site.Habitat        = entryHabitat.Text;
                    site.Locality       = entryLocality.Text;
                    site.LocationNotes  = entryLocationNotes.Text;

                    int updateResult = ORM.GetConnection().Update(site, typeof(Site));
                    if (updateResult == 1)
                        DependencyService.Get <ICrossPlatformToast>().ShortAlert(site.SiteName + " save succeeded.");
                        DependencyService.Get <ICrossPlatformToast>().ShortAlert(site.SiteName + " save failed.");
                    DependencyService.Get <ICrossPlatformToast>().ShortAlert("Need all info to save Site!");

            site.GPSCoordinates = siteGPS;
            site.TripName       = tripName;

            // only require name to save Site
            if (entrySiteName.Text is null || entrySiteName.Text.Equals(""))
                DependencyService.Get <ICrossPlatformToast>().ShortAlert("Must enter a name for Site!");

            site.SiteName = entrySiteName.Text;

            site.Locality       = entryLocality.Text is null ? "" : entryLocality.Text;
            site.Habitat        = entryHabitat.Text is null ? "" : entryHabitat.Text;
            site.AssociatedTaxa = entryAssocTaxa.Text is null ? "" : entryAssocTaxa.Text;
            site.LocationNotes  = entryLocationNotes.Text is null ? "" : entryLocationNotes.Text;

            // check for duplicate names before saving
            existingSites = ORM.GetSites(site.TripName);

            foreach (Site s in existingSites)
                if (s.SiteName.Equals(site.SiteName))
                    DependencyService.Get <ICrossPlatformToast>().ShortAlert("You already have a site with the same name!");

            // save site to database
            int autoKeyResult = ORM.GetConnection().Insert(site);

            DependencyService.Get <ICrossPlatformToast>().ShortAlert("Site " + site.SiteName + " saved!");
            Debug.WriteLine("inserted site, recordno is: " + autoKeyResult.ToString());
예제 #3
        // Export CSV button event
        //  - creates the CSV for export of the selected Project
        public async void btnExportProjectCSV_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var result = await CheckExternalFilePermissions();

            if (!result)
                DependencyService.Get <ICrossPlatformToast>().ShortAlert("Storage permission required for data export!");

                if (selectedProject == null)
                    DependencyService.Get <ICrossPlatformToast>().ShortAlert("Select a Project first");

                // data from project
                recordedBy     = selectedProject.PrimaryCollector;
                samplingEffort = selectedProject.ProjectName;

                // get Trips for selected Project
                List <Trip> selectedProjectTrips = ORM.GetTrips(selectedProject.ProjectName);

                // get Sites for each Trip
                Dictionary <string, List <Site> > sitesForTrips = new Dictionary <string, List <Site> >();

                foreach (Trip trip in selectedProjectTrips)
                    List <Site> sites = ORM.GetSites(trip.TripName);
                    sitesForTrips.Add(trip.TripName, sites);

                if (sitesForTrips.Count == 0)
                    DependencyService.Get <ICrossPlatformToast>().ShortAlert("Missing data");

                // get Specimen for each Site
                Dictionary <string, List <Specimen> > specimenForSites = new Dictionary <string, List <Specimen> >();

                foreach (var trip in sitesForTrips)  // trip, list<site>
                    foreach (var site in trip.Value) // go through list<site>
                        List <Specimen> specimenList = ORM.GetSpecimens(site.SiteName);
                        specimenForSites.Add(site.SiteName, specimenList);

                if (specimenForSites.Count == 0)
                    DependencyService.Get <ICrossPlatformToast>().ShortAlert("Missing data");

                // csv content string to write to file
                string csvContent = "";

                switch (AppVariables.DataExportFormat)
                case "Darwin Core":
                    csvContent = CreateCSVForExport(DataExportType.DarwinCore, selectedProjectTrips, specimenForSites, sitesForTrips);

                    csvContent = CreateCSVForExport(DataExportType.DarwinCore, selectedProjectTrips, specimenForSites, sitesForTrips);

                string filePath = DependencyService.Get <ICrossPlatform_GetShareFolder>().GetShareFolder();

                // save to local app data
                // to share in email must use temporary file, can't use internal storage
                string fileName = selectedProject.ProjectName.Trim() + "_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("MM-dd-yyyy") + ".csv";

                string localFileLocation = Path.Combine(filePath, fileName);

                File.WriteAllText(localFileLocation, csvContent, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8);       // create csvfile with utf8 encoding, in permanent local storage

                CrossShareFile.Current.ShareLocalFile(localFileLocation, "Share Specimen Export"); // working on Android, not showing all sharing options on iOS... https://github.com/nielscup/ShareFile
            catch (Exception ex)
                DependencyService.Get <ICrossPlatformToast>().ShortAlert("Error: " + ex.Message);
예제 #4
        // Add Specimen button
        //  - prompts user with a Site to add Specimen to
        //  - upon selecting a Site, the Site is passed to the SpecimenPage through SpecimenPage's constructor
        public async void btnAddSpecimen_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
                // get all sites for current Project
                List <Trip> tripList = ORM.GetTrips(project.ProjectName);

                List <Site> allSites = new List <Site>();

                foreach (Trip trip in tripList)
                    List <Site> tripSiteList = ORM.GetSites(trip.TripName);
                    foreach (Site site in tripSiteList)

                string[] sites = new string[allSites.Count + 1];
                for (int i = 0; i < sites.Length - 1; i++)
                    sites[i] = allSites[i].SiteName;

                sites[allSites.Count]         = "Specimen" + (AppVariables.CollectionCount + 1).ToString();
                AppVariables.CollectionCount += 1;

                var action = await DisplayActionSheet("Choose a Site, or add default Specimen", "Cancel", null, sites);

                Debug.WriteLine("Action chosen: " + action);

                if (action.Contains("Specimen"))
                    // if trip-today exists, add to it
                    // else add trip-today, add to it
                    Trip trip = new Trip
                        ProjectName    = project.ProjectName,
                        TripName       = "Trip-" + DateTime.Now.ToString("MM-dd-yyyy"),
                        CollectionDate = DateTime.Now
                    if (!ORM.CheckExists(trip))
                    // if site-today exists, add to it
                    // else add site-today, add to it
                    Site site = new Site
                        SiteName       = "Site-" + DateTime.Now.ToString("MM-dd-yyyy"),
                        TripName       = trip.TripName,
                        GPSCoordinates = await CurrentGPS.CurrentLocation()
                    if (!ORM.CheckExists(site))
                    // add this specimen to the specimen database
                    // message user that specimen was added
                    Specimen specimen = new Specimen();
                    specimen.SiteName       = site.SiteName;
                    specimen.SpecimenName   = action;
                    specimen.SpecimenNumber = AppVariables.CollectionCount;
                    specimen.GPSCoordinates = await CurrentGPS.CurrentLocation();


                    DependencyService.Get <ICrossPlatformToast>().ShortAlert(action + " saved!");
                    await Navigation.PushAsync(new SpecimenPage(ORM.GetSiteByName(action)));
            catch (Exception ex)
                // no Sites have been saved, no Site table to query against
                DependencyService.Get <ICrossPlatformToast>().ShortAlert("Create Site first!");