public async void PlayerInit(Player player) { API.setPlayerNametag(player.Client, player.Username.Roleplay()); API.setPlayerName(player.Client, player.Username.Roleplay()); API.setPlayerHealth(player.Client, (int)player.Health); API.setPlayerArmor(player.Client, (int)player.Armour); API.setEntityDimension(player.Client, player.Dimension); player.IsInInterior = (player.Dimension > 0); if (player.IsInInterior) { player.PropertyIn = PropertyManager.Properties.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Dimension == player.Dimension); } Skin playerSkin = await SkinRepository.GetSkinById(player.Skin); API.setPlayerSkin(player.Client, (PedHash)playerSkin.Model); List <SkinVariations> skinVars = playerSkin.Variations(); player.ChatIndicatorLabel = API.createTextLabel("typing...", player.Client.position, 50, 0.35f, false, player.Dimension); player.ChatIndicatorLabel.color = new Color(0, 0, 0, 0); player.ChatIndicatorLabel.attachTo(player.Client, null, new Vector3(0, 0, 0.9f), new Vector3()); for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) { API.setPlayerClothes(player.Client, i, skinVars[i].Drawable, skinVars[i].Texture); } player.IsLogged = true; player.MasterAccount.ActiveConnectionLog.PlayerId = player.Id; ConnectionLogRepository.UpdateAsync(player.MasterAccount.ActiveConnectionLog); if (player.FactionId > 0) { player.Faction = Faction.FactionData.Single(f => f.Id == player.FactionId); } player.Weapons = await WeaponRepository.GetAllWeaponsByPlayerIdAsync(player.Id); foreach (Weapon w in player.Weapons) { API.givePlayerWeapon(player.Client, w.Model, w.Ammo, false, false); } player.Inventory = await InventoryRepository.GetInventoryByOwnerIdAsync(player.Id); player.PopulateWeaponSkills(); await player.LoadPlayerVehicles(); foreach (Inventory i in player.Inventory) { if (i.IsPhone()) { Phone p = PhoneRepository.GetPhoneByIMEI(long.Parse(i.Value)); if (p.IsPrimary) { player.PrimaryPhone = p; if (p.PoweredOn) { if (p.BatteryLevel > 3) { p.TurnOn(player.Client); } else { p.TurnOff(player.Client); } } else { p.TurnOff(player.Client); } break; } } } player.InEvent = PlayerEvent.None; player.Client.freeze(false); player.Client.ToggleCursorLock(false); player.Client.transparency = 255; API.sendNativeToAllPlayers(Hash.SET_CURRENT_PED_WEAPON, player.Client, (int)WeaponHash.Unarmed, true); Player.PlayerData.Add(player.Client, player); if (player.LastPosition != new Vector3(0, 0, 0)) { player.Client.position = player.LastPosition; } API.triggerClientEvent(player.Client, "hasLoggedIn", ((char)player.MasterAccount.KeyCursor).ToString(), ((char)player.MasterAccount.KeyInventory).ToString(), ((char)player.MasterAccount.KeyInteract).ToString()); API.triggerClientEvent(player.Client, "executeSkillTimer"); API.triggerClientEvent(player.Client, "loadScoreboard"); API.triggerClientEvent(player.Client, "initInteractionMenu"); API.sendNativeToPlayer(player.Client, Hash.SET_CAM_AFFECTS_AIMING, player.Client, true); //API.sendNativeToPlayer(player.Client, Hash.SET_PED_CAN_BE_SHOT_IN_VEHICLE, player.Client, true); player.Client.invincible = true; for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) { API.exported.doormanager.refreshDoorState(i); } UpdateNatives(player); PrisonManager.LoadPrisonSentenceForPlayer(player); OnPlayerLoggedIn(player); }
public async void EditProperty(Client sender, int id = -1, string field = "", string value = "", string val2 = "") { Player user = Player.PlayerData[sender]; if (!(user.MasterAccount.AdminLevel >= 4)) { Message.NotAuthorised(sender); return; } if (field == "" && value == "") { PropertyCommandUsage(sender); return; } Property propertyToEdit = null; PropertyManager mng = new PropertyManager(); if (id == -1) { float minRange = 2.5f; propertyToEdit = mng.GetClosestPropertyToLocation(sender.position, minRange); if (propertyToEdit == null) { API.SendErrorNotification(sender, "Error: Could not find property"); return; } id = propertyToEdit.Id; } else { if (id > PropertyManager.Properties.Count) { API.SendErrorNotification(sender, "Error: Could not find property"); return; } propertyToEdit = PropertyManager.Properties[id - 1]; } // --- Property is valid, found and ready to edit if (field == "Name") { value += (" " + val2); propertyToEdit.Name = value; API.setTextLabelText(propertyToEdit.labelHandle, value); } if (field == "Type") { PropertyType typeID = ((PropertyType)Int32.Parse(value)); if (!mng.IsValidTypeID(typeID)) { PropertyCommandUsage(sender); return; } propertyToEdit.Type = typeID; Globals.Colour col = new Globals.Colour(255, 255, 255); switch (typeID) { case PropertyType.General: { col = Property.generalColour; break; } case PropertyType.Residential: { col = Property.residentialColour; break; } case PropertyType.Commericial: { col = Property.commercialColour; break; } case PropertyType.Industrial: { col = Property.industrialColour; break; } } API.setMarkerColor(propertyToEdit.pickupHandle, col.a, col.r, col.g, col.b); API.SendWarningNotification(sender, ("You have edited " + propertyToEdit.Name + "'s type ID to: " + propertyToEdit.Type)); } if (field == "Owner") { if (val2 == "") { PropertyCommandUsage(sender); return; } int val = Int32.Parse(val2); int TYPE_PLAYER = 0; int TYPE_COMPANY = 1; if (val != TYPE_PLAYER && val != TYPE_COMPANY) { PropertyCommandUsage(sender); return; } // -- Delete all property keys mng.DeleteAllPropertyKeys(id); // -- Create a new key and give it to X if (val == TYPE_PLAYER) { Player recipient = Player.GetPlayerData(value); Inventory key = null; propertyToEdit.OwnerId = recipient.Id; // --- If the player is online, we should handle it if (API.isPlayerConnected(recipient.Client)) // -- Check may be redundant. Added as extra security { key = new Inventory() { Name = propertyToEdit.Name + " key", Type = InventoryType.PropertyKey, Value = propertyToEdit.Id + "," + Globals.GetUniqueString(), Quantity = 1, OwnerId = recipient.Id, }; recipient.Inventory.Add(key); } else { API.SendErrorNotification(sender, "Player could not be found, use their full name with underscores"); } InventoryRepository.AddNewInventoryItem(key); key.Id = InventoryRepository.GetInventoryItemOfTypeByValue(InventoryType.PropertyKey, key.Value).Id; API.SendWarningNotification(sender, "You have set the Owner of " + propertyToEdit.Name + " to " + recipient.Username); } else if (val == TYPE_COMPANY) { // If Faction give to all high ranks? or just highest? or give to admin to give to faction member API.SendErrorNotification(sender, "Not implemented yet"); } return; } if (field == "EnterPos") { Vector3 pos = sender.position; Globals.Colour col = new Globals.Colour(255, 255, 255); switch (propertyToEdit.Type) { case PropertyType.General: { col = Property.generalColour; break; } case PropertyType.Residential: { col = Property.residentialColour; break; } case PropertyType.Commericial: { col = Property.commercialColour; break; } case PropertyType.Industrial: { col = Property.industrialColour; break; } } API.deleteEntity(propertyToEdit.pickupHandle); propertyToEdit.pickupHandle = API.createMarker(20, pos, new Vector3(0, 0, 0), new Vector3(0, 0, 0), new Vector3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5), col.a, col.r, col.g, col.b); bool isEnterable = propertyToEdit.IsEnterable; col = new Globals.Colour( isEnterable ? 100 : 223, isEnterable ? 223 : 58, isEnterable ? 0 : 0 ); API.deleteEntity(propertyToEdit.labelHandle); Vector3 lablePos = pos.Copy(); lablePos.Z += 0.5f; propertyToEdit.labelHandle = API.createTextLabel(propertyToEdit.Name, lablePos, 25.0f, 0.75f); API.setTextLabelColor(propertyToEdit.labelHandle, col.r, col.g, col.b, col.a); propertyToEdit.EnterPosition = pos; API.SendWarningNotification(sender, ("You have edited " + propertyToEdit.Name + "'s EnterPos to: " + pos.ToString())); } if (field == "ExitPos") { if (value == "-1") { propertyToEdit.IsEnterable = false; propertyToEdit.ExitPosition = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); propertyToEdit.Dimension = 0; API.setTextLabelColor(propertyToEdit.labelHandle, 223, 58, 0, 255); API.SendWarningNotification(sender, ("You have removed " + propertyToEdit.Name + "'s ExitPos")); } else { propertyToEdit.IsEnterable = true; propertyToEdit.ExitPosition = sender.position; propertyToEdit.Dimension = propertyToEdit.Id; API.setTextLabelColor(propertyToEdit.labelHandle, 100, 223, 0, 255); API.SendWarningNotification(sender, ("You have edited " + propertyToEdit.Name + "'s ExitPos to: " + sender.position.ToString() + " (Dimension: " + propertyToEdit.Id + ")")); } } if (field == "Dimension") { int dimension = Int32.Parse(value); if ((int)dimension < 0) { PropertyCommandUsage(sender); return; } propertyToEdit.Dimension = dimension; API.SendWarningNotification(sender, ("You have edited " + propertyToEdit.Name + "'s type Dimension: " + dimension)); } await PropertyRepository.UpdateAsync(propertyToEdit); return; }
private async void DropInventoryItem(Client sender, int id) { if (!sender.isInVehicle) { if (!sender.inFreefall && !sender.isParachuting && !sender.isOnLadder) { Player player = Player.PlayerData[sender]; Inventory item = InventoryRepository.GetInventoryItemById(id); API.playPlayerAnimation(player.Client, 0, "pickup_object", "putdown_low"); await Task.Run(() => { Thread.Sleep(350); item.DroppedPos = Player.GetPositionInFrontOfPlayer(sender, 0.4f, -0.74); item.DroppedRot = Inventory.GetRotationForItem[item.Type]; item.OwnerId = -1; item.OwnerType = InventoryOwnerType.Dropped; item.DroppedDimension = sender.dimension; item.DroppedObj = API.createObject(Inventory.GetObjectForItem[item.Type], item.DroppedPos, item.DroppedRot, item.DroppedDimension); item.ApplyPhysics(); if (item.IsPhone()) { Phone p = PhoneRepository.GetPhoneByIMEI(long.Parse(item.Value)); if (p.IsPrimary) { API.triggerClientEvent(sender, "hidePhoneUI"); } p.IsPrimary = false; PhoneRepository.UpdateAsync(p); } List <Inventory> inv = null; if (player.InEvent == PlayerEvent.AccessingInventory) { if (player.VehicleInteractingWith != null) { inv = player.VehicleInteractingWith.TrunkItems; } else { inv = player.Inventory; } } inv?.Remove(inv.FirstOrDefault(il => il.Id == item.Id)); InventoryRepository.UpdateAsync(item); Inventory.DroppedItems.Add(item); RefreshAfterDropChange(item); }); } else { API.SendErrorNotification(sender, "You have to be on the ground to drop items."); } } else { API.SendErrorNotification(sender, "You drop items in a vehicle"); } }
private async void OnClientEventTrigger(Client sender, string eventName, params object[] arguments) { switch (eventName) { case "getInventoryTypeActions": { Inventory inv = InventoryRepository.GetInventoryItemById((int)arguments[0]); if (inv.IsPhone()) { Phone p = PhoneRepository.GetPhoneByIMEI(long.Parse(inv.Value)); API.triggerClientEvent(sender, "displayActionsForItem", inv.Id, p.IsPrimary ? JsonConvert.SerializeObject("GIVE,DROP,UNSET PRIMARY".Split(',')) : JsonConvert.SerializeObject("GIVE,DROP,SET PRIMARY".Split(','))); return; } API.triggerClientEvent(sender, "displayActionsForItem", inv.Id, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(Inventory.GetActionsByType[inv.Type])); } break; case "performActionOnItem": { Inventory inv = InventoryRepository.GetInventoryItemById((int)arguments[0]); switch (arguments[1].ToString()) { case "USE": UsePlayerInventoryItem(sender, (int)arguments[0]); break; case "GIVE": GetPlayerToGiveItem(sender, (int)arguments[0]); break; case "DROP": DropInventoryItem(sender, (int)arguments[0]); break; case "SET PRIMARY": SetPhonePrimary(sender, inv, true); break; case "UNSET PRIMARY": SetPhonePrimary(sender, inv, false); break; case "RELEASE": DestroyInventoryItem(sender, (int)arguments[0]); break; } } break; case "giveItemToPlayer": if ((int)arguments[0] == 1) { GiveInventoryItem(sender, arguments[1].ToString()); } break; case "DisplayPlayerInventory": { Player p = Player.PlayerData[sender]; UpdatePlayerInventory(p); } break; case "OnInventoryItemMoved": { Player p = Player.PlayerData[sender]; Inventory item; try { item = p.Inventory.Single(i => i.Id == (int)arguments[0]); } catch { item = Inventory.DroppedItems.Single(i => i.Id == (int)arguments[0]); Inventory.DroppedItems.Remove(item); API.deleteEntity(item.DroppedObj); if (!Inventory.IsStackable(item)) { item.OwnerId = p.Id; item.OwnerType = InventoryOwnerType.Player; p.Inventory.Add(item); API.SendInfoNotification(p.Client, String.Format("You have picked up a {0}", item.Name)); API.playPlayerAnimation(p.Client, 0, "pickup_object", "pickup_low"); RefreshAfterDropChange(item); } } item.SlotPosition = int.Parse(arguments[1].ToString() + arguments[2].ToString()); InventoryRepository.UpdateAsync(item); } break; case "OnFriskInventoryItemTaken": { Player p = Player.PlayerData[sender]; Inventory item = null; try { item = p.Inventory.Single(i => i.Id == (int)arguments[0]); } catch { item = p.PlayerInteractingWith.Inventory.Single(i => i.Id == (int)arguments[0]); } if (item != null) { int newOwnerId = (int)arguments[1]; Player oldOwner = Player.PlayerData.Values.FirstOrDefault(pl => pl.Id == item.OwnerId); Player newOwner = Player.PlayerData.Values.FirstOrDefault(pl => p.Id == newOwnerId); API.SendCloseMessage(sender, 10.0f, "~#C2A2DA~", p != oldOwner ? string.Format("{0} {1} takes a {2} from {3}.", p.Faction.Ranks[p.FactionRank].Title, API.getPlayerName(sender), item.Name, oldOwner.Username.Roleplay()) : string.Format("{0} {1} places a {2} on {3}.", p.Faction.Ranks[p.FactionRank].Title, API.getPlayerName(sender), item.Name, newOwner.Username.Roleplay())); item.OwnerId = newOwner.Id; item.OwnerType = InventoryOwnerType.Player; item.SlotPosition = int.Parse(arguments[2].ToString() + arguments[3].ToString()); InventoryRepository.UpdateAsync(item); RefreshPlayerInventory(p.PlayerInteractingWith); ShowFriskInventory(p, p.PlayerInteractingWith); } } break; case "OnTrunkInventoryItemTaken": { int oldOwnerId; Player p = Player.PlayerData[sender]; string type = arguments[2].ToString(); Vehicle vTo = null; Player from = null; Vehicle vFrom = null; Player to = null; Inventory item = null; item = InventoryRepository.GetInventoryItemById((int)arguments[0]); Console.WriteLine(arguments[1].ToString()); if (type == "trunk") { vTo = Vehicle.VehicleData.Values.FirstOrDefault( ve => ve.Id == int.Parse(arguments[1].ToString())); from = p; } else { to = Player.PlayerData.Values.FirstOrDefault( pl => pl.Id == int.Parse(arguments[1].ToString())); if (item.OwnerType == InventoryOwnerType.Vehicle) { vFrom = Vehicle.VehicleData.Values.FirstOrDefault(ve => ve.Id == item.OwnerId); } } oldOwnerId = item.OwnerId; item.OwnerType = vTo != null ? InventoryOwnerType.Vehicle : to != null ? InventoryOwnerType.Player : InventoryOwnerType.Dropped; item.OwnerId = vTo != null ? vTo.Id : to != null ? p.Id : -1; item.SlotPosition = int.Parse(arguments[3].ToString() + arguments[4].ToString()); InventoryRepository.UpdateAsync(item); if (oldOwnerId == -1) { Inventory.DroppedItems.Remove(Inventory.DroppedItems.Single(i => i.Id == (int)arguments[0])); API.deleteEntity(item.DroppedObj); API.SendInfoNotification(p.Client, String.Format("You have picked up a {0}", item.Name)); API.playPlayerAnimation(p.Client, 0, "pickup_object", "pickup_low"); RefreshAfterDropChange(item); } p.Inventory = await InventoryRepository.GetInventoryByOwnerIdAsync(p.Id); if (vFrom != null) { vFrom.TrunkItems.Remove(vFrom.TrunkItems.FirstOrDefault(vl => vl.Id == item.Id)); } if (item.OwnerType == InventoryOwnerType.Vehicle) { if (oldOwnerId != item.OwnerId) { vTo.TrunkItems.Add(item); } else { vTo.TrunkItems.FirstOrDefault(vl => vl.Id == item.Id).SlotPosition = item.SlotPosition; } } ShowTrunkInventory(p, p.VehicleInteractingWith); if (p == to) { return; } string fromString = vTo != null ? $"{vTo.DisplayName}" : $"{vFrom.DisplayName}"; API.SendCloseMessage(sender, 10.0f, "~#C2A2DA~", vTo == null ? string.Format("{0} takes a {1} from the {2}.", API.getPlayerName(sender), item.Name, fromString) : string.Format("{0} places a {1} on the {2}.", API.getPlayerName(sender), item.Name, fromString)); break; } case "OnHeaderSlotItemSelected": { Player p = Player.PlayerData[sender]; Inventory item = null; try { item = p.Inventory.FirstOrDefault(i => i.Id == (int)arguments[0]); } catch { Console.WriteLine("{0}: Error occurred when trying to open Header Slot with ID: {1}", Server.Date.ToString(), (int)arguments[0]); return; } if (item != null) { if (item.IsBag()) { } } } break; case "OnInventoryClose": { Player p = Player.PlayerData[sender]; if (p.AccessingBank != -1) { } p.InEvent = PlayerEvent.None; } break; } }
private async void OnResourceStart() { API.setGamemodeName("pbrp"); Server serverData = ServerRepository.LoadServerData(); Server.Date = serverData.DateTime; Globals.MAX_PLAYERS = API.getMaxPlayers(); LoadWeatherData(); Player.IDs = new Client[Globals.MAX_PLAYERS]; Player.IDs.Initialize(); Vehicle.IDs = new GrandTheftMultiplayer.Server.Elements.Vehicle[2000]; Vehicle.IDs.Initialize(); // -- Dropped Weapons Weapon.DroppedWeapons = WeaponRepository.GetAllDroppedWeapons(); foreach (Weapon w in Weapon.DroppedWeapons) { string weaponName = NameToHash.Weapons.Keys.Where(k => NameToHash.Weapons[k] == (WeaponHash)w.Model).First(); w.DroppedObj = API.createObject(NameToHash.WeaponObjects[weaponName], w.DroppedPos, w.DroppedRot, w.DroppedDimension); } // --- Dropped Items Inventory.DroppedItems = await InventoryRepository.GetAllDroppedInventoryItems(); foreach (Inventory i in Inventory.DroppedItems) { i.DroppedObj = API.createObject(Inventory.GetObjectForItem[i.Type], i.DroppedPos, i.DroppedRot, i.DroppedDimension); } SkinImagePed = API.createPed(PedHash.Barry, new Vector3(-697.0174, 5803.262, 17.33096), 90, 0); System.Globalization.CultureInfo.DefaultThreadCurrentCulture = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US"); API.removeIpl("bnkheist_apt_dest"); API.removeIpl("bnkheist_apt_dest_vfx"); API.removeIpl("bnkheist_apt_dest_lod"); API.requestIpl("bnkheist_apt_norm"); API.requestIpl("bnkheist_apt_norm_lod"); API.removeIpl("CS1_02_cf_offmission"); API.requestIpl("CS1_02_cf_onmission1"); API.requestIpl("CS1_02_cf_onmission2"); API.requestIpl("CS1_02_cf_onmission3"); API.requestIpl("CS1_02_cf_onmission4"); API.removeIpl("fakeint"); API.requestIpl("shr_int"); API.createObject(1539730305, new Vector3(-810.866821, -210.795883, 340.32489), new Vector3(0, 0, 14.6697245)); API.createObject(1539730305, new Vector3(-809.520752, -210.520264, 341.861816), new Vector3(89.0096512, -2.6680425e-08, -163.269455)); API.createObject(1539730305, new Vector3(-810.520752, -208.520264, 341.861816), new Vector3(89.0096512, 4.00206375e-08, -78.2687149)); API.createObject(1539730305, new Vector3(-810.520752, -212.520264, 341.861816), new Vector3(89.0096512, -2.134434e-07, 101.731239)); //API.requestIpl("shr_int_lod"); var doorManager = API.exported.doormanager; // -- Base Doors doorManager.setDoorState(doorManager.registerDoor(-1666470363, new Vector3(-109.65, 6462.11, 31.98499)), false, 0); // PB Bank Right Door 1(1) doorManager.setDoorState(doorManager.registerDoor(-353187150, new Vector3(-111.48, 6463.94, 31.98499)), false, 0); // PB Bank Left Door 2 (2) doorManager.setDoorState(doorManager.registerDoor(-1501157055, new Vector3(-442.66, 6015.222, 31.86633)), true, 0); // PB PD Left Door (3) doorManager.setDoorState(doorManager.registerDoor(-1501157055, new Vector3(-444.66, 6017.060, 31.86633)), true, 0); // PB PD Right Door (3) doorManager.setDoorState(doorManager.registerDoor(1417577297, new Vector3(-37.33113, -1108.873, 26.7198)), true, 0); // Simeon Garage Door 1 (5) doorManager.setDoorState(doorManager.registerDoor(2059227086, new Vector3(-39.13366, -1108.218, 26.7198)), true, 0); // Simeon Garage Door 2 (6) doorManager.setDoorState(doorManager.registerDoor(2059227086, new Vector3(-59.89302, -1092.952, 26.88362)), true, 0); // Simeon Garage Door 3 (7) doorManager.setDoorState(doorManager.registerDoor(1417577297, new Vector3(-60.54582, -1094.749, 26.88872)), true, 0); // Simeone Garage Door 4 (8) doorManager.setDoorState(doorManager.registerDoor(-116041313, new Vector3(127.9552, -1298.503, 29.41962)), true, 0); // LS Strip Club Door 1 (9) doorManager.setDoorState(doorManager.registerDoor(668467214, new Vector3(96.09197, -1284.854, 29.43878)), true, 0); // LS Strip Club Door 2 (10) // --- PD INTERIOR DOORS doorManager.setDoorState(doorManager.registerDoor(-1033001619, new Vector3(463.4782, -1003.538, 25.00599)), true, 0); // LS PD Door 1 (11) doorManager.setDoorState(doorManager.registerDoor(749848321, new Vector3(461.2865, -985.3206, 30.83926)), true, 0); // LS PD Door 2 (12) doorManager.setDoorState(doorManager.registerDoor(749848321, new Vector3(453.0793, -983.1895, 30.83926)), true, 0); // LS PD Door 3 (Armoury) (13) PDManager.AddCell(631614199, new Vector3(464.5601, -992.6381, 25.0649), true); // LS PD Cell 1 PDManager.AddCell(631614199, new Vector3(461.8293, -994.4047, 25.0649), true); // LS PD Cell 2 PDManager.AddCell(631614199, new Vector3(461.8293, -998.6381, 25.0649), true); // LS PD Cell 3 PDManager.AddCell(631614199, new Vector3(461.8293, -1002.6381, 25.0649), true); // LS PD Cell 4 // -- Property Doors are handled in Property Manager ServerDay = Server.Date.Day; ServerMonth = Server.Date.Month; ServerYear = Server.Date.Year; ServerHour = Server.Date.Hour; ServerMinute = Server.Date.Minute; API.delay(1200, true, OnServerTick); }
public void DisconnectPlayer(Client player) { Player user = null; try { user = Player.PlayerData[player]; } catch { user = Player.PlayerData.Values.FirstOrDefault(i => i.Username.Roleplay() ==; } if (user != null) { if (user.IsLogged) { user.IsLogged = false; user.LastPosition = player.position; user.LastRotation = player.rotation; user.Health =; user.Armour = player.armor; user.Dimension = player.dimension; user.ChatIndicatorLabel.text = ""; API.deleteEntity(user.ChatIndicatorLabel); user.WeaponSkillData = string.Join(",", user.WeaponSkill.Values); user.SavePlayerVehicles(); if (user.InEvent == PlayerEvent.VehicleDealership) { user.LastPosition = new Vector3(-257.5197 + (new Random().Next(-50, 50) / 20), 6211.149 + (new Random().Next(-50, 50) / 20), z: 31.48923); user.LastRotZ = 121.6988; } Vehicle ve = Vehicle.VehicleData.Values.FirstOrDefault(v => v.IsDealerVehicle && v.OwnerId == user.Id); if (ve != null) { API.deleteEntity(ve.DealershipEmployee); ve.Entity.Delete(); } if (user.SelectedCash != null) { InventoryRepository.UpdateAsync(user.SelectedCash); } if (user.SelectedCardAccount != null) { BankRepository.UpdateAsync(user.SelectedCardAccount); } user.MasterAccount.ActiveConnectionLog.DisconnectTime = Server.Date; ConnectionLogRepository.UpdateAsync(user.MasterAccount.ActiveConnectionLog); WeaponRepository.UpdateAllAsync(user.Weapons); PlayerRepository.UpdateAsync(user); Player.PlayerData.Remove(user.Client); } else { Player.PlayerData.Remove(user.Client); } Master.MasterData.Remove(user.MasterAccount); } player.FadeIn(0); API.triggerClientEvent(player, "onPlayerDisconnect"); }
private async void OnClientEventTrigger(Client sender, string eventName, params object[] arguments) { if (eventName == "ActivateBank") { Player p = Player.PlayerData[sender]; sender.position = new Vector3(-113.4233, 6469.712, 31.62671); sender.rotation = new Vector3(0, 0, -20); API.sendNativeToPlayer(sender, Hash.TASK_PAUSE, sender, 240000000); API.triggerClientEvent(sender, "onExecuteBank"); p.InEvent = PlayerEvent.UsingBank; API.triggerClientEvent(sender, "showBankOptions"); } if (eventName == "accessAccount") { Player p = Player.PlayerData[sender]; p.AccessingBank = -1; p.TransactionType = -1; p.AwaitingInventorySelection = InventoryType.BankCard; InventoryManager.UpdatePlayerInventory(p); } else if (eventName == "newBankAccountChoice") { Player p = Player.PlayerData[sender]; p.AccessingBank = -1; p.TransactionType = -1; if ((BankAccountType)arguments[0] == BankAccountType.Savings) { API.ShowPopupMessage(sender, "Opening Savings Account", "In order to open a new savings account, you will need to make an intial minimum cash deposit of $5,000.", true); p.AwaitingInventorySelection = InventoryType.Money; InventoryManager.UpdatePlayerInventory(p); return; } else { await CreateNewAccountByType(p, BankAccountType.Current, 0, ""); } } else if (eventName == "createAccountPinConfirmed") { Player p = Player.PlayerData[sender]; p.CreatingAccount.Pin = arguments[0].ToString(); if (p.CreatingAccount != null) { BankRepository.AddNewBankAccount(p.CreatingAccount); } if (p.CreatingAccountCard != null) { p.CreatingAccountCard.AddToPlayer(p, true); InventoryRepository.AddNewInventoryItem(p.CreatingAccountCard); } p.Inventory.Add(p.CreatingAccountCard); API.SendInfoNotification(sender, String.Format("You have successfully created a new {0}", p.CreatingAccount.Type == BankAccountType.Current ? "Current Account" : "Savings Account"), 6); p.CreatingAccount = null; p.CreatingAccountCard = null; } else if (eventName == "validatePin") { Player p = Player.PlayerData[sender]; BankAccount bankAccount = BankRepository.GetAccountById(p.AccessingBank); if ((string)arguments[0] == bankAccount.Pin) { API.triggerClientEvent(sender, "correctPinEntered"); } else { API.SendErrorNotification(sender, "You have entered the incorrect PIN. Attempts remaining: " + (3 - ++bankAccount.FailedPinAttempts).ToString()); if (bankAccount.FailedPinAttempts == 3) { bankAccount.Locked = true; bankAccount.LockedType = BankAccountLockedType.FailedPin; } BankRepository.UpdateAsync(bankAccount); } } else if (eventName == "bankInputAction") { string title = ""; string message = ""; Player p = Player.PlayerData[sender]; BankAccount bankAccount = BankRepository.GetAccountById(p.AccessingBank); p.TransactionType = (int)arguments[0]; string last4Digits = bankAccount.CardNumber.ToString(); last4Digits = last4Digits.Substring(last4Digits.Length - 4); switch (p.TransactionType) { case 0: API.ShowPopupMessage(sender, "Bank Balance", String.Format("Your balance is: {0}", bankAccount.Balance.ToString("C0")), true); return; case 1: p.SelectedCardAccount = null; p.SelectedCash = null; p.AwaitingInventorySelection = InventoryType.Money; API.SendInfoNotification(sender, "Select the cash you wish to deposit into the account ending in " + last4Digits, 10); InventoryManager.UpdatePlayerInventory(p); return; case 2: title = "Withdraw funds"; message = String.Format("Please enter the amount you wish to withdraw from account ending in {0}:", last4Digits); break; case 3: title = "Transfer funds"; message = "Please enter the account number you wish to transfer funds to:"; break; case 4: title = "Change PIN number"; message = "Please enter the 4 digit pin you wish to change to below:"; break; case 5: API.ShowPopupPrompt(sender, "confirmReplacementCard", "Replacement Bank Card", "Are you sure you want to receive a replacement bank card?", "", "", true); return; } API.ShowInputPrompt(sender, "transactionInputReceived", title, message, "", "", true); } else if (eventName == "transactionInputReceived") { Player p = Player.PlayerData[sender]; BankAccount bankAccount = BankRepository.GetAccountById(p.AccessingBank); if ((int)arguments[0] == 1) { long value = 0; try { value = long.Parse(arguments[1].ToString()); } catch { var message = $"<span style='color:#f00'>Error: Value is invalid.</span><br />{arguments[3]}"; API.ShowInputPrompt(sender, "transactionInputReceived", arguments[2].ToString(), message, "", "", true); return; } switch (p.TransactionType) { case 2: if (bankAccount.Balance >= value && value > 0 && value <= 150001) { Inventory cashItem = Inventory.CreateCashInventoryItem(value); cashItem.OwnerType = InventoryOwnerType.Player; cashItem.OwnerId = p.Id; if (!cashItem.AddToPlayer(p, true)) { API.SendErrorNotification(sender, "You don't have enough space to withdraw this amount of cash.", 7); return; } InventoryRepository.AddNewInventoryItem(cashItem); p.Inventory.Add(cashItem); CashLogRepository.AddNew(new CashLog(bankAccount.Id, p.Id, value, MoneyTransferMethod.BankWithdraw)); bankAccount.Balance -= value; API.SendInfoNotification(p.Client, $"Your new bank balance is {bankAccount.Balance}", 10); } else { API.ShowInputPrompt(sender, "transactionInputReceived", arguments[2].ToString(), "<span style='color:#f00'>Error: Insufficient funds.</span><br />Please enter the amount you wish to withdraw from this account:", "", "", true); } break; case 3: if ((int)arguments[0] == 1) { try { BankAccount targetAccount = BankRepository.GetAccountByCardNumber(long.Parse(arguments[1].ToString())); string last4Digits = arguments[1].ToString(); last4Digits = last4Digits.Substring(last4Digits.Length - 4); p.TransactionType = targetAccount.Id; API.ShowInputPrompt(sender, "transferAmountToAccount", "Transfer funds to account", $"Please enter the amount you wish to transfer to the account ending in {last4Digits}", "", "", true); } catch { API.ShowInputPrompt(sender, "transactionInputReceived", arguments[2].ToString(), "<span style='color:#f00'>Error: Invalid card number</span><br/>Please enter the account number you wish to transfer funds to:", "", "", true); } } break; case 4: if (value > 999 && value < 10000) { string encPin = value.ToString(); bankAccount.Pin = encPin; API.SendInfoNotification(sender, "Your new PIN is " + value, 8); } break; } API.triggerClientEvent(sender, "reenableCursor"); BankRepository.UpdateAsync(bankAccount); PlayerRepository.UpdateAsync(p); } else { API.triggerClientEvent(sender, "reenableCursor"); } } else if (eventName == "confirmReplacementCard") { if ((int)arguments[0] == 1) { bool uniqueNumber = false; Player p = Player.PlayerData[sender]; BankAccount bankAccount = BankRepository.GetAccountById(p.AccessingBank); while (!uniqueNumber) { string newCardNumber = await CreateCardNumber(16); Inventory inv = InventoryRepository.GetInventoryItemOfTypeByValue(InventoryType.BankCard, newCardNumber); if (inv == null) { Inventory newCard = new Inventory() { OwnerId = p.Id, Value = newCardNumber, Type = InventoryType.BankCard, Name = "PaletoCard", Quantity = 1 }; InventoryRepository.AddNewInventoryItem(newCard); p.Inventory.Add(newCard); uniqueNumber = true; } } API.SendInfoNotification(sender, "You have been given a new bank card."); API.triggerClientEvent(sender, "reenableCursor"); // Ask if they want the old card destroyed? } } else if (eventName == "transferAmountToAccount") { Player p = Player.PlayerData[sender]; BankAccount bankAccount = BankRepository.GetAccountById(p.AccessingBank); BankAccount targetAccount = BankRepository.GetAccountById(p.TransactionType); long value = 0; try { value = long.Parse(arguments[1].ToString()); } catch { var message = $"<span style='color:#f00'>Error: Value is invalid.</span><br />{arguments[3]}"; API.triggerClientEvent(sender, "confirmInput", "transactionInputReceived", arguments[2], message); return; } if (bankAccount.Balance <= value) { return; } bankAccount.Balance -= value; targetAccount.Balance += value; API.sendChatMessageToPlayer(sender, "Your new balance is " + bankAccount.Balance); API.triggerClientEvent(sender, "reenableCursor"); BankRepository.UpdateAsync(bankAccount); BankRepository.UpdateAsync(targetAccount); } else if (eventName == "validateIDGiven") { if ((int)arguments[0] == 1) { } } else if (eventName == "onBankLeave") { Player p = Player.PlayerData[sender]; p.InEvent = PlayerEvent.None; if (p.AwaitingInventorySelection == InventoryType.BankCard) { p.AwaitingInventorySelection = null; } API.sendNativeToPlayer(sender, Hash.TASK_PAUSE, sender, -1); API.triggerClientEvent(sender, "onEnterBankCol", ((char)p.MasterAccount.KeyInteract).ToString(), p.MasterAccount.KeyInteract); } }