public void LockCellCommand(Client player) { if (!FactionManager.IsPlayerAnOfficer(Player.PlayerData[player])) { Message.NotAuthorised(player); return; } int cellID = PDManager.GetClosestCellIDToPosition(player.position); if (cellID == -1) { Message.Syntax(player, "You are not close enough to any cell"); return; } PDManager.CellDoor cell = PDManager.Cells[cellID]; bool isLocked = PDManager.ToggleCellLock(ref cell); API.SendCloseMessage(player, 15.0f, "~#C2A2DA~", API.shared.getPlayerName(player) + " places a key inside the lock of the cell door and " + (isLocked ? "locks" : "unlocks") + " it."); Utils.SetEntityFacingVector(player, cell.position); }
public void GivePlayerTicket(Client player, string target) { if (!FactionManager.IsPlayerAnOfficer(Player.PlayerData[player])) { Message.NotAuthorised(player); return; } Player trg = Player.GetPlayerData(target); if (trg != null) { if (player.position.DistanceTo(trg.Client.position) > 1.76) { API.SendErrorNotification(player, "You are too far away from that player.", 5); return; } API.ShowInputPrompt(player, "OnTicketChargeReason", "Reason for ticket", "Please enter the reason for ticketing " + trg.Username.Roleplay() + ":", "Next", "Cancel"); Player.PlayerData[player].PlayerInteractingWith = trg; } else { Message.PlayerNotConnected(player); return; } }
public void FriskPlayer(Client player, string target = "") { if (!FactionManager.IsPlayerAnOfficer(Player.PlayerData[player])) { Message.NotAuthorised(player); return; } Player p = Player.PlayerData[player]; Player trg = target == "" ? player.GetClosestPlayer(1) : Player.GetPlayerData(target); //if (trg.Client == player) { API.SendErrorNotification(player, "You can't frisk yourself."); return; } if (trg != null) { if (player.position.DistanceTo(trg.Client.position) > 1.76) { API.SendErrorNotification(player, "You are too far away from that player.", 5); return; } API.SendInfoNotification(player, string.Format("Awaiting {0}'s response to your request, please wait...",, 8); API.ShowPopupPrompt(trg.Client, "OnPlayerFriskResponse", "Frisk Request", string.Format("{0} {1} wants to frisk you, do you accept?", p.Faction.Ranks[p.FactionRank].Title, p.Username.Roleplay()), "Accept", "Decline"); p.PlayerInteractingWith = trg; trg.PlayerInteractingWith = p; p.InEvent = PlayerEvent.AccessingInventory; } }