/// <summary> /// This will be called when an incoming call received. /// </summary> private void SoftPhone_IncomingCall(object sender, VoIPEventArgs <IPhoneCall> e) { IPhoneCall call = e.Item; lock (_sync) { SubscribeToCallEvents(call); // automatically rejected for some reason if (call.CallState.IsCallEnded()) { CallHistory.Add(call); return; } // add to call container PhoneCalls.Add(call); // if no call is in progress, select the incoming call as current call and attach the audio to hear the ringtone if (SelectedCall == null) { SelectedCall = call; //MediaHandlers.AttachAudio(call); } } // raise IncomingCall event OnIncomingCall(call); Isincoming = true; }
public SoftphoneEngine() { _sync = new object(); // set license here PhoneLines = new ObservableList <IPhoneLine>(); PhoneCalls = new ObservableList <IPhoneCall>(); LogEntries = new ObservableList <LogEntry>(); InstantMessages = new ObservableList <string>(); CallHistory = new CallHistory(); CallTypes = new List <CallType> { CallType.Audio, CallType.AudioVideo }; _subs = new ConcurrentDictionary <IPhoneLine, ISIPSubscription>(); // enable file logging //InitLogger(); TODO : Uncomment Later // create softphone MinPort = 20000; MaxPort = 20500; //LocalIP = SoftPhoneFactory.GetLocalIP(); InitSoftphone(false); // create media MediaHandlers = new MediaHandlers(); MediaHandlers.Init(); }
/// <summary> /// This will be called when the state of a call has changed. /// </summary> private void Call_CallStateChanged(object sender, CallStateChangedArgs e) { IPhoneCall call = sender as IPhoneCall; if (call == null) { return; } CallState state = e.State; //Get the call state callState = state; OnPhoneCallStateChanged(call); CheckStopRingback(); CheckStopRingtone(); lock (_sync) { // start ringtones if (state.IsRinging()) { if (call.IsIncoming) { MediaHandlers.StartRingtone(); } else { MediaHandlers.StartRingback(); } return; } // call has been answered if (state == CallState.Answered) { return; } // attach media to the selected call when the remote party sends media data if (state.IsRemoteMediaCommunication()) { if (SelectedCall.Equals(call)) { MediaHandlers.AttachAudio(call); //MediaHandlers.AttachVideo(call); } return; } // detach media from the selected call in hold state or when the call has ended if (state == CallState.LocalHeld || state == CallState.InactiveHeld || state.IsCallEnded()) { if (SelectedCall != null && SelectedCall.Equals(call)) { MediaHandlers.DetachAudio(); //MediaHandlers.DetachVideo(); } } // call has ended, clean up if (state.IsCallEnded()) { DisposeCall(call); CallHistory.Add(call); PhoneCalls.Remove(call); } } }