public void Unhide() { try { // The map ZIP file may exist in both the application data folder and the DLC folder. // Ensure hidden state is set for both! if (OverloadServerToolApplication.ValidFileName(LocalZipFileName, true) && LocalZipFileName.EndsWith(MapHiddenMarker)) { string newLocalZipFileName = LocalZipFileName.Replace(MapHiddenMarker, ""); File.Move(LocalZipFileName, newLocalZipFileName); LocalZipFileName = newLocalZipFileName; } if (OverloadServerToolApplication.ValidFileName(LocalDLCZipFileName, true) && LocalDLCZipFileName.EndsWith(MapHiddenMarker)) { string newLocalDLCZipFileName = LocalDLCZipFileName.Replace(MapHiddenMarker, ""); File.Move(LocalDLCZipFileName, newLocalDLCZipFileName); LocalDLCZipFileName = newLocalDLCZipFileName; } } catch { } }
public void DownloadAndInstallOlmod(OlmodRelease release, string localInstallFolder) { string localTempZip = Path.GetTempFileName() + ""; string localTempFolder = Path.GetTempFileName() + "_OST_Olmod_Update"; Directory.CreateDirectory(localTempFolder); try { System.Net.ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = (sender, certificate, chain, errors) => { return(true); }; ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls12; using (WebClient wc = new WebClient()) { wc.Headers.Add("User-Agent", "Overload Server Tool - user " + WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name); wc.DownloadFile(release.DownloadUrl, localTempZip); } ZipFile.ExtractToDirectory(localTempZip, localTempFolder); // Copy all files to destination, overwriting any existing files. DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo(localTempFolder); foreach (FileInfo fi in dir.GetFiles()) { File.Copy(fi.FullName, Path.Combine(localInstallFolder, fi.Name), true); } // Time stamp olmod.exe. File.SetCreationTime(Path.Combine(localInstallFolder, "olmod.exe"), release.Created); File.SetLastWriteTime(Path.Combine(localInstallFolder, "olmod.exe"), release.Created); LogMessage(String.Format($"Olmod has been updated to release {release.Version}")); } catch (Exception ex) { LogErrorMessage(String.Format($"Cannot download Olmod ZIP file from Github: {ex.Message}")); } finally { if (OverloadServerToolApplication.ValidFileName(localTempZip, true)) { try { File.Delete(localTempZip); } catch { } } if (OverloadServerToolApplication.ValidDirectoryName(localTempFolder, true)) { try { OverloadServerToolApplication.RemoveDirectory(localTempFolder); } catch { } } } }
public void UpdateCheck(string debugFileName, bool forceUpdate = false) { try { OverloadServerToolApplication.LogDebugMessage("Checking for new OST release.", debugFileName); OSTRelease release = GetLastestRelease; if (release != null) { OverloadServerToolApplication.LogDebugMessage("Got release info - checking version.", debugFileName); // Fix version numbers so they are both in xx.yy.zz format (3 components and numbers only). string newVersion = OverloadServerToolApplication.VersionStringFix(release.Version); string currentVersion = null; using (var process = Process.GetCurrentProcess()) currentVersion = OverloadServerToolApplication.GetFileVersion(process.MainModule.FileName); string[] currentVersionSplit = currentVersion.Split(".".ToCharArray()); if (currentVersionSplit.Length > 3) { currentVersion = currentVersionSplit[0] + "." + currentVersionSplit[1] + "." + currentVersionSplit[2]; } // Check if update is available. if (forceUpdate || (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(currentVersion) && (currentVersion != newVersion))) { PerformUpdate(release, currentVersion, newVersion, Path.GetDirectoryName(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory)); } else { OverloadServerToolApplication.LogDebugMessage(String.Format($"No update available - continuing OST startup.", debugFileName)); } } else { OverloadServerToolApplication.LogDebugMessage("Unable to get OST release info.", debugFileName); } } catch (Exception ex) { OverloadServerToolApplication.LogDebugMessage(String.Format($"Unable to check/perform OST update: {ex.Message}"), debugFileName); } }
public void FindOverloadInstall(bool onlyOverload = false) { LogDebugMessage("FindOverloadInstall()"); bool found = false; try { found = new FileInfo(OverloadPath).Exists; } catch { } if (!found) { string steamLocation = null; string gogLocation = null; string dvdLocation = null; // Check for a STEAM install of Overload. logger?.ErrorLogMessage(String.Format($"Checking for STEAM registry key.")); try { using (var hklm = RegistryKey.OpenBaseKey(RegistryHive.LocalMachine, RegistryView.Registry64)) { using (var key = hklm.OpenSubKey(@"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Steam App 448850")) { if (key != null) { try { steamLocation = (string)key.GetValue("InstallLocation"); string steamOverloadName = Path.Combine(steamLocation, "overload.exe"); if (!File.Exists(Path.Combine(steamLocation, "overload.exe"))) { steamLocation = null; } } catch { steamLocation = null; } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(steamLocation)) { try { steamLocation = (string)key.GetValue("UninstallString"); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(steamLocation)) { string[] parts = steamLocation.Split("\"".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (parts.Length > 1) { steamLocation = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(parts[0]), @"steamapps\common\Overload"); } else { steamLocation = null; } } } catch { steamLocation = null; } } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { //logger?.ErrorLogMessage(String.Format($"Exception while checking STEAM registry key: {ex.Message}")); } // Check for a GOG install of Overload. logger?.ErrorLogMessage(String.Format($"Checking for GOG registry key.")); try { using (var hklm = RegistryKey.OpenBaseKey(RegistryHive.LocalMachine, RegistryView.Registry64)) { using (var key = hklm.OpenSubKey(@"SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\\Games\1309632191")) { if (key != null) { gogLocation = (string)key.GetValue("Path"); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(gogLocation)) { if (!File.Exists(Path.Combine(gogLocation, "overload.exe"))) { gogLocation = null; } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { //logger?.ErrorLogMessage(String.Format($"Exception while checking GOG registry key: {ex.Message}")); } // Check for a DVD install of Overload (KickStarter backer DVD). logger?.ErrorLogMessage(String.Format($"Checking for DVD registry key.")); try { using (var hklm = RegistryKey.OpenBaseKey(RegistryHive.LocalMachine, RegistryView.Registry64)) { using (var key = hklm.OpenSubKey(@"SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Revival Productions, LLC\Overload")) { if (key != null) { dvdLocation = (string)key.GetValue("Path"); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(dvdLocation)) { if (!File.Exists(Path.Combine(dvdLocation, "overload.exe"))) { dvdLocation = null; } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { //logger?.ErrorLogMessage(String.Format($"Exception while checking DVD registry key: {ex.Message}")); } initPath = steamLocation ?? gogLocation ?? dvdLocation; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(initPath)) { logger?.ErrorLogMessage(String.Format($"Unable to autolocate Overload installation!")); initPath = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(Application.ExecutablePath); } string overloadFileName = Path.Combine(initPath, "overload.exe"); string olproxyFileName = Path.Combine(initPath, "olproxy.exe"); OverloadPath = overloadFileName; // Set Olproxy path. if (!onlyOverload) { OlproxyPath = olproxyFileName; } } // Set Olmod.exe path to Overload installation folder if not found. if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(OlmodPath) || !OverloadServerToolApplication.ValidFileName(OlmodPath)) { OlmodPath = Path.Combine(initPath, "olmod.exe"); if (OverloadServerToolApplication.ValidFileName(OlmodPath)) { OlmodPath = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(OverloadPath), "olmod.exe"); } } else { try { string test = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(OverloadPath), "olmod.exe"); if (new FileInfo(test).Exists) { OlmodPath = test; } } catch { } } OverloadExecutable.Text = OverloadPath; OlproxyExecutable.Text = OlproxyPath; OlmodExecutable.Text = OlmodPath; }
/// <summary> /// Update a single Overload map. /// </summary> /// <param name="map">The map to update.</param> /// <returns></returns> public async Task <bool> UpdateMap(OverloadMap map, bool forceUpdate) { Checked++; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(map.Url)) { return(false); } string mapZipName = map.ZipName; string mapDirectoryPath = (String.IsNullOrEmpty(dlcMapFolder) || !SaveNewMapsToDLCFolder) ? applicationMapFolder : dlcMapFolder; string mapZipFilePath = WebUtility.UrlDecode(Path.Combine(mapDirectoryPath, mapZipName)); string mapZipDisplayName = WebUtility.UrlDecode(mapZipName).Trim(); // Check if we should use existing download path. if (map.InDLCFolder) { mapDirectoryPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(map.LocalDLCZipFileName); mapZipFilePath = map.LocalDLCZipFileName; } else if (map.InApplicationDataFolder) { mapDirectoryPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(map.LocalZipFileName); mapZipFilePath = map.LocalZipFileName; } // Create (DLC or application data) directory if it doesn't exist. if (!Directory.Exists(mapDirectoryPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(mapDirectoryPath); } // Don't update hidden maps. if (File.Exists(mapZipFilePath + HiddenMarker)) { return(false); } // Check for new map file. if (!forceUpdate && OverloadServerToolApplication.ValidFileName(mapZipFilePath)) { if (File.Exists(mapZipFilePath)) { // Map already downloaded. Compare date and size against online version. FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(mapZipFilePath); if ((fi.Length == map.Size) && (fi.LastWriteTime == map.DateTime)) { return(false); } } else { // Only update existing maps? if (OnlyUpdateExistingMaps) { return(false); } } } try { bool existingFile = File.Exists(mapZipFilePath); // Download map. DownloadResult result = await DownloadMapFile(map, new Uri(map.Url), mapZipFilePath, mapZipDisplayName); if (result.Exception != null) { throw result.Exception; } if (result.Succes == false) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(result.Message)) { result.Message = String.Format($"Unable to download {mapZipDisplayName}"); } try { File.Delete(mapZipFilePath); } catch { } throw new Exception(String.Format($"Unable to download {result.Message }")); } // LogMessage(String.Format($"Downloading map {mapZipDisplayName}.")); if (existingFile) { Updated++; } else { Created++; } return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { Errors++; LogErrorMessage(String.Format($"Error downloading {mapZipDisplayName}: {ex.Message}")); return(false); } }
/// <summary> /// Updates both online maps available for download as well as local maps. /// </summary> /// <param name="mapListUrl">URL to online JSON master map list.</param> /// <param name="dlcMaps">Path to local DLC folder (or null).</param> /// <param name="applicationMaps">Path to local application folder (or null).</param> public void UpdateMapList(string mapListUrl = null, string dlcMaps = null, string applicationMaps = null) { // Check for override of default URL to JSON map list. if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(mapListUrl)) { mapListUrl = DefaultOnlineMapListUrl; } // Check DLC/application directory names. if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(dlcMaps)) { dlcMapFolder = dlcMaps; if (!OverloadServerToolApplication.ValidDirectoryName(dlcMapFolder)) { LogErrorMessage("DLC directory name is invalid!"); return; } } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(applicationMaps)) { applicationMapFolder = applicationMaps; if (!OverloadServerToolApplication.ValidDirectoryName(applicationMapFolder)) { LogErrorMessage("Application data directory name is invalid!"); return; } } // Need at least one defined folder to store maps. if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(applicationMapFolder) && String.IsNullOrEmpty(dlcMapFolder)) { LogErrorMessage("No application data directory or DLC directory found!"); return; } // Collect all new online and local maps. SortedList <string, OverloadMap> newMapList = new SortedList <String, OverloadMap>(); // First find all online maps. try { // Get URL base so we can construct full URLs to the online map ZIP files. Uri uri = new Uri(mapListUrl); string baseUrl = String.Concat(uri.Scheme, Uri.SchemeDelimiter, uri.Host); // Get map list and build internal map master list. string jsonMapList = new WebClient().DownloadString(mapListUrl); dynamic mapList = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(jsonMapList); foreach (var map in mapList) { // Check to make sure it is a ZIP file before adding it to the list. string mapUrl = baseUrl + map.url; Uri mapUri = new Uri(mapUrl); if (mapUri.Segments.Length > 2) { // Get the ZIP file name from URL. string mapZipName = mapUri.Segments[mapUri.Segments.Length - 1]; if (mapZipName.ToLower().EndsWith(".zip")) { // Uppercase first char in map name. mapZipName = mapZipName.Substring(0, 1).ToUpper() + mapZipName.Substring(1); OverloadMap newMap = new OverloadMap(baseUrl + map.url, UnixTimeStampToDateTime(Convert.ToDouble(map.mtime)), Convert.ToInt32(map.size), mapZipName); newMapList.Add(mapZipName.ToLower(), newMap); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { LogErrorMessage(String.Format($"Unable to get online map list: {ex.Message}")); } // Now add any local maps or update info if existing local map file exists. if (OverloadServerToolApplication.ValidDirectoryName(applicationMapFolder)) { try { Directory.CreateDirectory(applicationMapFolder); string[] list = Directory.GetFiles(applicationMapFolder, "*.zip*"); foreach (string mapFileName in list) { if (mapFileName.EndsWith(HiddenMarker) || mapFileName.ToLower().EndsWith(".zip")) { string mapKey = Path.GetFileName(mapFileName).ToLower(); FileInfo fiLocalMap = new FileInfo(mapFileName); OverloadMap newMap = new OverloadMap(null, UnixTimeStampToDateTime(0), Convert.ToInt32(fiLocalMap.Length), mapFileName); bool found = false; foreach (KeyValuePair <string, OverloadMap> map in newMapList) { if (newMap.SameZipFileName(map.Value)) { // We found a local map that matches the ZIP filename as found online. found = true; // Uppercase first char in map name and remove hidden marker if present. string mapZipName = fiLocalMap.Name; mapZipName = mapZipName.Substring(0, 1).ToUpper() + mapZipName.Substring(1); mapZipName = mapZipName.Replace(HiddenMarker, ""); map.Value.ZipName = mapZipName; // Save full path to ZIP file in the application data folder. map.Value.LocalZipFileName = fiLocalMap.FullName; } } if (!found) { newMapList.Add(mapFileName.ToLower(), newMap); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { LogErrorMessage(String.Format($"Unable to get local maps: {ex.Message}")); } } if (OverloadServerToolApplication.ValidDirectoryName(dlcMapFolder)) { try { Directory.CreateDirectory(dlcMapFolder); string[] list = Directory.GetFiles(dlcMapFolder, "*.zip*"); foreach (string mapFileName in list) { if (mapFileName.EndsWith(HiddenMarker) || mapFileName.ToLower().EndsWith(".zip")) { string mapKey = Path.GetFileName(mapFileName).ToLower(); FileInfo fiLocalMap = new FileInfo(mapFileName); OverloadMap newMap = new OverloadMap(null, UnixTimeStampToDateTime(0), Convert.ToInt32(fiLocalMap.Length), mapFileName); bool found = false; foreach (KeyValuePair <string, OverloadMap> map in newMapList) { if (newMap.SameZipFileName(map.Value)) { // We found a local map that matches the ZIP filename as found online. found = true; // Uppercase first char in map name and remove hidden marker if present. string mapZipName = fiLocalMap.Name; mapZipName = mapZipName.Substring(0, 1).ToUpper() + mapZipName.Substring(1); mapZipName = mapZipName.Replace(HiddenMarker, ""); map.Value.ZipName = mapZipName; // Save full path to ZIP file in the DLC folder. map.Value.LocalDLCZipFileName = fiLocalMap.FullName; } } if (!found) { newMapList.Add(mapFileName.ToLower(), newMap); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { LogErrorMessage(String.Format($"Unable to get local maps: {ex.Message}")); } } // Update maps. Maps = newMapList; }