private void Eval() { if (!mainWindow.MakeUpToDate()) { return; } int ErrorLineNumberCompilation; DataTypes ReturnType; PcodeRec FuncCode; Compiler.ASTExpression AST; CompileErrors CompileError = Compiler.CompileSpecialFunction( mainWindow.Document.CodeCenter, new FunctionParamRec[] { new FunctionParamRec("frames", DataTypes.eInteger), new FunctionParamRec("tables", DataTypes.eInteger), new FunctionParamRec("data", DataTypes.eArrayOfFloat), }, out ErrorLineNumberCompilation, out ReturnType, textBoxFormula.Text, false/*suppressCILEmission*/, out FuncCode, out AST); if (CompileError != CompileErrors.eCompileNoError) { textBoxFormula.Focus(); textBoxFormula.SetSelectionLine(ErrorLineNumberCompilation - 1); textBoxFormula.ScrollToSelection(); LiteralBuildErrorInfo errorInfo = new LiteralBuildErrorInfo(Compiler.GetCompileErrorString(CompileError), ErrorLineNumberCompilation); MessageBox.Show(errorInfo.CompositeErrorMessage, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK); return; } using (ParamStackRec ParamList = new ParamStackRec()) { int numFrames = waveTableObject.WaveTableData.NumFrames; int numTables = waveTableObject.WaveTableData.NumTables; float[] vector = new float[numFrames * numTables]; ArrayHandleFloat dataHandle = new ArrayHandleFloat(vector); int initialCapacity = 1/*frames*/ + 1/*tables*/ + 1/*data*/ + 1/*retaddr*/; ParamList.EmptyParamStackEnsureCapacity(initialCapacity); ParamList.AddIntegerToStack(numFrames); ParamList.AddIntegerToStack(numTables); ParamList.AddArrayToStack(dataHandle); ParamList.AddIntegerToStack(0); /* return address placeholder */ for (int i = 0; i < numTables; i++) { WaveTableStorageRec.Table table = waveTableObject.WaveTableData.ListOfTables[i]; for (int j = 0; j < numFrames; j++) { vector[i * numFrames + j] = table[j]; } } CodeCenterRec CodeCenter = mainWindow.Document.CodeCenter; EvalErrInfoRec ErrorInfo; EvalErrors EvaluationError = PcodeSystem.EvaluatePcodeThread.EvaluatePcode( ParamList, FuncCode, CodeCenter, out ErrorInfo, new PcodeExterns(mainWindow)); if (EvaluationError != EvalErrors.eEvalNoError) { PcodeEvaluationErrorInfo errorInfo = new PcodeEvaluationErrorInfo( EvaluationError, ErrorInfo, FuncCode, CodeCenter); MessageBox.Show(errorInfo.CompositeErrorMessage, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK); return; } Debug.Assert(ParamList.GetStackNumElements() == initialCapacity); // args - retaddr + return value #if DEBUG ParamList.Elements[2].AssertFloatArray(); #endif dataHandle = ParamList.Elements[2].reference.arrayHandleFloat; WaveTableStorageRec NewTable = new WaveTableStorageRec(numTables, numFrames, waveTableObject.WaveTableData.NumBits); float[] NewData = dataHandle.floats; if (NewData.Length != numTables * numFrames) { PcodeEvaluationErrorInfo errorInfo = new PcodeEvaluationErrorInfo( "<anonymous>", PcodeSystem.GetPcodeErrorMessage(EvalErrors.eEvalArrayWrongDimensions), 1); MessageBox.Show(errorInfo.CompositeErrorMessage, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK); return; } SampConv.QuantizeAndClampVector(NewData, NewTable.NumBits); for (int i = 0; i < numTables; i++) { WaveTableStorageRec.Table table = NewTable.ListOfTables[i]; for (int j = 0; j < numFrames; j++) { table[j] = NewData[i * numFrames + j]; } } undo.Push(waveTableObject.WaveTableData); redo.Clear(); waveTableObject.WaveTableData = NewTable; } }
public override bool EnsureBuilt( bool force, PcodeSystem.IEvaluationContext pcodeEnvironment, BuildFailedCallback failedCallback) { if (!force && (WaveTableData != null)) { return(true); } WaveTableData = null; PcodeRec FuncCode; if (!BuildCode(failedCallback, out FuncCode)) { return(false); } using (ParamStackRec ParamList = new ParamStackRec()) { ArrayHandleFloat dataHandle = new ArrayHandleFloat(new float[NumFrames * NumTables]); int initialCapacity = 1 /*frames*/ + 1 /*tables*/ + 1 /*data*/ + 1 /*retaddr*/; ParamList.EmptyParamStackEnsureCapacity(initialCapacity); ParamList.AddIntegerToStack(NumFrames); ParamList.AddIntegerToStack(NumTables); ParamList.AddArrayToStack(dataHandle); ParamList.AddIntegerToStack(0); /* return address placeholder */ CodeCenterRec CodeCenter = ((Document)Parent).CodeCenter; EvalErrInfoRec ErrorInfo; EvalErrors EvaluationError = PcodeSystem.EvaluatePcodeThread.EvaluatePcode( ParamList, FuncCode, CodeCenter, out ErrorInfo, pcodeEnvironment); if (EvaluationError != EvalErrors.eEvalNoError) { failedCallback( this, new PcodeEvaluationErrorInfo( EvaluationError, ErrorInfo, FuncCode, CodeCenter)); return(false); } Debug.Assert(ParamList.GetStackNumElements() == initialCapacity); // args - retaddr + return value #if DEBUG ParamList.Elements[2].AssertFloatArray(); #endif dataHandle = ParamList.Elements[2].reference.arrayHandleFloat; WaveTableData = new WaveTableStorageRec(NumTables, NumFrames, NumBitsType.eSample24bit); float[] NewData = dataHandle.floats; if (NewData.Length != NumTables * NumFrames) { failedCallback( this, new PcodeEvaluationErrorInfo( "<anonymous>", PcodeSystem.GetPcodeErrorMessage(EvalErrors.eEvalArrayWrongDimensions), 1)); return(false); } for (int i = 0; i < NumTables; i++) { WaveTableStorageRec.Table table = WaveTableData.ListOfTables[i]; for (int j = 0; j < NumFrames; j++) { table[j] = NewData[i * NumFrames + j]; } } } return(true); }
private void DoCalculation() { if (!mainWindow.MakeUpToDate()) { return; } SetUpSelection(); PcodeRec FuncCode; DataTypes ReturnType; if (!Compile(out FuncCode, out ReturnType)) { return; } /* try to evaluate the code */ StringBuilder Output = new StringBuilder(); using (ParamStackRec ParamList = new ParamStackRec()) { /* return address placeholder */ ParamList.AddIntegerToStack(0); /* executing the actual code */ EvalErrInfoRec ErrorInfo; EvalErrors EvaluationError = PcodeSystem.EvaluatePcodeThread.EvaluatePcode( ParamList, FuncCode, document.CodeCenter, out ErrorInfo, new PcodeExterns(mainWindow)); if (EvaluationError != EvalErrors.eEvalNoError) { PcodeEvaluationErrorInfo error = new PcodeEvaluationErrorInfo( EvaluationError, ErrorInfo, FuncCode, document.CodeCenter); MessageBox.Show(error.CompositeErrorMessage, "Evaluation Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Stop); return; } Debug.Assert(ParamList.GetStackNumElements() == 1); // return value /* add new data to window */ Output.AppendLine(); switch (ReturnType) { default: Debug.Assert(false); throw new InvalidOperationException(); case DataTypes.eBoolean: Output.AppendLine( ParamList.GetStackInteger(0) != 0 ? "returns boolean: true" : "returns boolean: false"); break; case DataTypes.eInteger: Output.AppendFormat("returns integer: {0}", ParamList.GetStackInteger(0)); Output.AppendLine(); break; case DataTypes.eFloat: Output.AppendFormat("returns float: {0}", ParamList.GetStackFloat(0)); Output.AppendLine(); break; case DataTypes.eDouble: Output.AppendFormat("returns double: {0}", ParamList.GetStackDouble(0)); Output.AppendLine(); break; case DataTypes.eArrayOfBoolean: Output.AppendFormat("returns array of booleans:"); Output.AppendLine(); goto ArrayMakePoint; case DataTypes.eArrayOfByte: Output.AppendFormat("returns array of bytes:"); Output.AppendLine(); goto ArrayMakePoint; case DataTypes.eArrayOfInteger: Output.AppendFormat("returns array of integers:"); Output.AppendLine(); goto ArrayMakePoint; case DataTypes.eArrayOfFloat: Output.AppendFormat("returns array of floats:"); Output.AppendLine(); goto ArrayMakePoint; case DataTypes.eArrayOfDouble: Output.AppendFormat("returns array of doubles:"); Output.AppendLine(); ArrayMakePoint: if (ParamList.GetStackArray(0) == null) { Output.AppendFormat("NIL"); Output.AppendLine(); } else { switch (ReturnType) { default: Debug.Assert(false); throw new InvalidOperationException(); case DataTypes.eArrayOfBoolean: { byte[] a = (byte[])ParamList.GetStackArray(0); for (int i = 0; i < a.Length; i++) { int value = a[i]; Output.AppendFormat("{0,8}: {1}", i, value != 0 ? "true" : "false"); Output.AppendLine(); } } break; case DataTypes.eArrayOfByte: { byte[] a = (byte[])ParamList.GetStackArray(0); for (int i = 0; i < a.Length; i++) { int value = a[i]; Output.AppendFormat("{0,8}:{1,3}", i, value); Output.AppendLine(); } } break; case DataTypes.eArrayOfInteger: { int[] a = (int[])ParamList.GetStackArray(0); for (int i = 0; i < a.Length; i++) { int value = a[i]; Output.AppendFormat("{0,8}:{1,10}", i, value); Output.AppendLine(); } } break; case DataTypes.eArrayOfFloat: { float[] a = (float[])ParamList.GetStackArray(0); for (int i = 0; i < a.Length; i++) { float value = a[i]; Output.AppendFormat("{0,8}:{1,12}", i, value); Output.AppendLine(); } } break; case DataTypes.eArrayOfDouble: { double[] a = (double[])ParamList.GetStackArray(0); for (int i = 0; i < a.Length; i++) { double value = a[i]; Output.AppendFormat("{0,8}:{1,18}", i, value); Output.AppendLine(); } } break; } } break; } } Output.AppendLine(); textBox.ReplaceRangeAndSelect( textBox.End, textBox.End, Output.ToString(), 1); LastLine = textBox.Count - 1; }
public override bool EnsureBuilt( bool force, PcodeSystem.IEvaluationContext pcodeEnvironment, BuildFailedCallback failedCallback) { if (!force && (SampleData != null)) { return(true); } SampleData = null; PcodeRec FuncCode; if (!BuildCode(failedCallback, out FuncCode)) { return(false); } using (ParamStackRec ParamList = new ParamStackRec()) { ArrayHandleFloat dataHandleLeft = new ArrayHandleFloat(new float[0]); ArrayHandleFloat dataHandleRight = new ArrayHandleFloat(new float[0]); int initialCapacity = 1 /*loopstart1*/ + 1 /*loopstart2*/ + 1 /*loopstart3*/ + 1 /*loopend1*/ + 1 /*loopend2*/ + 1 /*loopend3*/ + 1 /*origin*/ + 1 /*samplingrate*/ + 1 /*naturalfrequency*/ + (NumChannels == NumChannelsType.eSampleStereo ? 2 : 1) /*data or leftdata/rightdata */ + 1 /*retaddr*/; ParamList.EmptyParamStackEnsureCapacity(initialCapacity); ParamList.AddIntegerToStack(LoopStart1); ParamList.AddIntegerToStack(LoopStart2); ParamList.AddIntegerToStack(LoopStart3); ParamList.AddIntegerToStack(LoopEnd1); ParamList.AddIntegerToStack(LoopEnd2); ParamList.AddIntegerToStack(LoopEnd3); ParamList.AddIntegerToStack(Origin); ParamList.AddIntegerToStack(SamplingRate); ParamList.AddDoubleToStack(NaturalFrequency); if (NumChannels == NumChannelsType.eSampleStereo) { ParamList.AddArrayToStack(dataHandleLeft); ParamList.AddArrayToStack(dataHandleRight); } else { ParamList.AddArrayToStack(dataHandleLeft); } ParamList.AddIntegerToStack(0); /* return address placeholder */ CodeCenterRec CodeCenter = ((Document)Parent).CodeCenter; EvalErrInfoRec ErrorInfo; EvalErrors EvaluationError = PcodeSystem.EvaluatePcodeThread.EvaluatePcode( ParamList, FuncCode, CodeCenter, out ErrorInfo, pcodeEnvironment); if (EvaluationError != EvalErrors.eEvalNoError) { failedCallback( this, new PcodeEvaluationErrorInfo( EvaluationError, ErrorInfo, FuncCode, CodeCenter)); return(false); } Debug.Assert(ParamList.GetStackNumElements() == initialCapacity); // args - retaddr + return value #if DEBUG ParamList.Elements[9].AssertFloatArray(); #endif dataHandleLeft = ParamList.Elements[9].reference.arrayHandleFloat; if (NumChannels == NumChannelsType.eSampleStereo) { #if DEBUG ParamList.Elements[10].AssertFloatArray(); #endif dataHandleRight = ParamList.Elements[10].reference.arrayHandleFloat; } if (NumChannels == NumChannelsType.eSampleStereo) { float[] Left = dataHandleLeft.floats; float[] Right = dataHandleRight.floats; if (Left.Length != Right.Length) { failedCallback( this, new PcodeEvaluationErrorInfo( "<anonymous>", "Left and Right algorithmic sample arrays are not the same size.", 1)); return(false); } SampleData = new SampleStorageActualRec(Left.Length, NumBitsType.Max, NumChannels); for (int i = 0; i < Left.Length; i++) { SampleData[2 * i + 0] = Left[i]; SampleData[2 * i + 1] = Right[i]; } } else { float[] Mono = dataHandleLeft.floats; SampleData = new SampleStorageActualRec(Mono.Length, NumBitsType.Max, NumChannels); for (int i = 0; i < Mono.Length; i++) { SampleData[i] = Mono[i]; } } } return(true); }