protected override void FinishButton_TouchUpInside(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(previousFile) && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(currentFile)) { AppUtils.ShowSimpleDialog(this, "Choose an Audio Recording", "Please select or record some audio for the user to listen to.", "Got it"); return; } if (UpdateBasicTask()) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(currentFile)) { thisTask.JsonData = previousFile; } else { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(previousFile) && currentFile != previousFile && !previousFile.StartsWith("upload")) { // new file replaces old one, delete the previous file File.Delete(AppUtils.GetPathForLocalFile(previousFile)); } thisTask.JsonData = currentFile; } UpdateActivity(); saved = true; Unwind(); } }
private async void ListenButton_TouchUpInside(object sender, EventArgs e) { string fullPath = currentFile.StartsWith("upload") ? await DownloadExisting() : AppUtils.GetPathForLocalFile(currentFile); if (!File.Exists(fullPath)) { AppUtils.ShowSimpleDialog(this, "File Error", "There was an error reading the file. Please record a new one.", "Got it"); return; } var tempTask = new AppTask { TaskType = thisTaskType, Description = thisTaskType.Description }; ResultMediaViewerController listenAudioController = Storyboard.InstantiateViewController("MediaViewerController") as ResultMediaViewerController; listenAudioController.FilePath = fullPath; listenAudioController.Task = tempTask; listenAudioController.DeleteResult = null; NavigationController.PushViewController(listenAudioController, true); }
private void CheckCanUpload(int index) { if (!CrossConnectivity.Current.IsConnected) { AppUtils.ShowSimpleDialog(this, "Unable to Upload", "An Internet connection is required.", "Got it"); return; } // Check if on WiFi var currentConnections = CrossConnectivity.Current.ConnectionTypes; if (!currentConnections.Contains(Plugin.Connectivity.Abstractions.ConnectionType.WiFi)) { AppUtils.ShowChoiceDialog( this, "You're not on WiFi!", "Uploading over mobile data could incur additional charges. Are you sure you want to upload without a WiFi connection?", "Yes, upload", (resIndex) => { var suppress = UploadResults(resIndex, UploadsComplete); }, "Cancel", null, index); } else { var suppress = UploadResults(index, UploadsComplete); } }
private async Task GetAndOpenActivity(string code) { LoadingOverlay loadPop = new LoadingOverlay(UIScreen.MainScreen.Bounds); View.Add(loadPop); Common.ServerResponse <LearningActivity> result = await Common.ServerUtils.Get <LearningActivity>("/api/LearningActivities/GetWithCode?code=" + code); loadPop.Hide(); if (result == null) { var suppress = AppUtils.SignOut(this); } if (result.Success) { var suppress = AppUtils.OpenActivity(result.Data, Storyboard, NavigationController); } else { if (result.Message.StartsWith("404")) { AppUtils.ShowSimpleDialog(this, "Not found", "No activity was found with that share code.", "Got it"); } else { AppUtils.ShowSimpleDialog(this, "Connection Error", "Something went wrong! Please try again later.", "Got it"); } } }
private async void GetScan(object s, object e) { ZXing.Mobile.MobileBarcodeScanner scanner = new ZXing.Mobile.MobileBarcodeScanner(); ZXing.Result result = await scanner.Scan(); if (result == null) { return; } Console.WriteLine("Scanned Barcode: " + result.Text); NSUrlComponents comps = NSUrlComponents.FromString(result.Text); if (comps != null && comps.QueryItems != null) { foreach (NSUrlQueryItem queryItem in comps.QueryItems) { if (queryItem.Name == "code") { var suppress = GetAndOpenActivity(queryItem.Value); return; } } } AppUtils.ShowSimpleDialog(this, "Not found", "Are you sure that was a valid OurPlace QR code?", "Got it"); }
private async void RefreshFeed() { ShowLoading(); if (dbManager == null) { dbManager = await Storage.GetDatabaseManager(); } recentActivities = LoadRecent(); if (recentActivities != null) { source.Rows = new List <ActivityFeedSection> { recentActivities }; collectionView.ReloadData(); } // If we don't have internet, don't bother getting the location or // polling the server if (!AppDelegate.Online) { Console.WriteLine("No Internet access, loading cached feed"); Toast.ShowToast("Couldn't reach the server - please check your connection!"); AppDelegate.WhenOnline = RefreshFeed; // Reload if connection returns return; } ShowLoading(); // check is location is enabled if (CLLocationManager.LocationServicesEnabled) { // check location permission if (CLLocationManager.Status == CLAuthorizationStatus.NotDetermined) { AppUtils.ShowSimpleDialog( this, "Show nearby activities?", "Please allow OurPlace location authorization if you would like to see nearby activities.", "Got it", (UIAlertAction action) => { RequestLocation(); }); } else if (CLLocationManager.Status == CLAuthorizationStatus.Denied) { var suppress = GetFromServer(); } else { RequestLocation(); } } else { var suppress = GetFromServer(); } }
private void CoordinateTapped(object sender, GMSCoordEventArgs e) { if (taskData.UserLocationOnly) { AppUtils.ShowSimpleDialog(this, "Can't place custom markers during this task", "For this task, please use the 'Mark Current Location' button to place markers.", "Got it"); return; } if (CanPlaceNewMarker()) { PlaceMarkerAtCoord(e.Coordinate); } }
protected override void FinishButton_TouchUpInside(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (thisLocation == null) { AppUtils.ShowSimpleDialog(this, "Choose a Location", "Please choose a location for the user to navigate to.", "Got it"); return; } if (UpdateBasicTask()) { LocationHuntLocation data = new LocationHuntLocation(thisLocation.Lat, thisLocation.Long, 15f, allowMap.On); thisTask.JsonData = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(data); UpdateActivity(); Unwind(); } }
private async Task LoadData() { DatabaseManager dbManager = await Storage.GetDatabaseManager(); taskTypes = dbManager.GetTaskTypes()?.OrderBy((arg) => arg.Order).ToList(); if (taskTypes == null || taskTypes.Count == 0) { var bounds = UIScreen.MainScreen.Bounds; // show the loading overlay on the UI thread using the correct orientation sizing loadPop = new LoadingOverlay(bounds); View.Add(loadPop); taskTypes = await ServerUtils.RefreshTaskTypes(dbManager); loadPop.Hide(); if (taskTypes != null || taskTypes.Count > 0) { taskTypes = taskTypes.OrderBy((arg) => arg.Order).ToList(); dbManager.AddTaskTypes(taskTypes); ShowTaskTypes(); } else { AppUtils.ShowSimpleDialog(this, "Error", "There was an issue communicating with the server. " + "Please check your Internet connection and try again later.", "Got it", (a) => { NavigationController.PopViewController(true); }); } } else { ShowTaskTypes(); } }
private async Task <bool> UploadResults(int index, Action OnFinish) { ShowLoading(); AppDataUpload upload = viewSource.Rows[index]; DatabaseManager dbManager = await Storage.GetDatabaseManager(); // Upload relevent files bool success = await Storage.UploadFiles( JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <FileUpload> >(upload.FilesJson), index, (percentage) => { Console.WriteLine("Upload percentage: " + percentage); loadPop.loadingLabel.Text = string.Format("Uploading: {0}%", percentage); }, (listPos, jsonData) => { viewSource.Rows[listPos].FilesJson = jsonData; dbManager.UpdateUpload(viewSource.Rows[listPos]); viewSource.UpdateData(dbManager.GetUploadQueue().ToList()); upload = viewSource.Rows[index]; }, (upload.UploadType == UploadType.NewActivity || upload.UploadType == UploadType.UpdatedActivity)?Storage.GetCacheFolder() : Storage.GetUploadsFolder() ); if (!success) { HideLoading(); AppUtils.ShowSimpleDialog(this, "Unable to Upload", "Something went wrong, please try again later.", "Got it"); return(false); } ServerResponse <string> resp = new ServerResponse <string>(); if (upload.UploadType == UploadType.NewActivity || upload.UploadType == UploadType.UpdatedActivity) { resp = await ServerUtils.UploadActivity(upload, upload.UploadType == UploadType.UpdatedActivity); } else { // Uploading activity results List <FileUpload> files = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <FileUpload> >(upload.FilesJson); AppTask[] results = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <AppTask[]>(upload.JsonData) ?? new AppTask[0]; resp = await ServerUtils.UpdateAndPostResults(results, files, upload.UploadRoute); } HideLoading(); if (resp == null) { // do this but for iOS, fool var suppress = AppUtils.SignOut(this); return(false); } if (!resp.Success) { AppUtils.ShowSimpleDialog(this, "Unable to Upload", "Something went wrong, please try again later.", "Got it"); return(false); } dbManager.DeleteUpload(upload); var newList = dbManager.GetUploadQueue().ToList(); viewSource.UpdateData(newList); TableView.ReloadData(); await(ParentViewController as MainTabBarController).UpdateUploadsBadge(newList.Count); ManageNavItems(); OnFinish?.Invoke(); return(true); }
private void UploadsComplete() { AppUtils.ShowSimpleDialog(this, "Uploaded!", "Successfully uploaded. Go to to view your submissions!", "Got it"); }