/// <summary> /// Calculates the TSP. /// </summary> /// <param name="operation">The operation request.</param> /// <param name="router">The router.</param> /// <param name="matcher">Contains an algorithm to match points to the route network.</param> /// <param name="open">Flag indicating the type of TSP problem, open or not.</param> /// <returns></returns> private RoutingResponse DoTSP( RoutingOperation operation, Router<SimpleWeighedEdge> router, IEdgeMatcher matcher, bool open) { // create the response. var response = new RoutingResponse(); // resolve the points and do the routing. var hooksPerRouterPoints = new Dictionary<RouterPoint, List<RoutingHook>>(); var routerPoints = new List<RouterPoint>(); var unroutableHooks = new List<RoutingHook>(); // save the unroutable hooks. for (int idx = 0; idx < operation.Hooks.Length; idx++) { // routing hook tags. IDictionary<string, string> tags = operation.Hooks[idx].Tags.ConvertToDictionary(); // resolve the point. RouterPoint routerPoint = router.Resolve(operation.Vehicle, new GeoCoordinate( operation.Hooks[idx].Latitude, operation.Hooks[idx].Longitude), matcher, tags); // check the result. if (routerPoint == null) { // this hook is not routable. unroutableHooks.Add(operation.Hooks[idx]); } else { // a point to hook on was found! List<RoutingHook> hooksAtPoint; if (!hooksPerRouterPoints.TryGetValue(routerPoint, out hooksAtPoint)) { // the router point does not exist yet. // check if the router point is routable. if (router.CheckConnectivity(operation.Vehicle, routerPoint, 200)) {// the point is routable. // create the hooks list at this point. hooksAtPoint = new List<RoutingHook>(); hooksPerRouterPoints.Add(routerPoint, hooksAtPoint); // add the new router point to the list. routerPoint.Tags.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, string>("id", routerPoints.Count.ToString( System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))); routerPoints.Add(routerPoint); // add the hook. hooksAtPoint.Add(operation.Hooks[idx]); } else {// this hook is not routable. unroutableHooks.Add(operation.Hooks[idx]); } } else { // add the hook. hooksAtPoint.Add(operation.Hooks[idx]); } } } // add the unroutable hooks. response.UnroutableHooks = unroutableHooks.ToArray(); // calculate all the weights. double[][] weights = router.CalculateManyToManyWeight(operation.Vehicle, routerPoints.ToArray(), routerPoints.ToArray()); // calculate the TSP. var tspSolver = new RouterTSPAEXGenetic(300, 100); IRoute tspRoute = tspSolver.CalculateTSP(weights, routerPoints.Select(x => x.Location).ToArray(), 0, !open); // calculate the actual route. OsmSharpRoute route = null; foreach (Edge edge in tspRoute.Edges()) { // calculate the actual edge-route. OsmSharpRoute edgeRoute = router.Calculate(operation.Vehicle, routerPoints[edge.From], routerPoints[edge.To]); // add the routing hook tags. List<RoutingHook> fromHooks = hooksPerRouterPoints[routerPoints[edge.From]]; edgeRoute.Entries[0].Points = new RoutePoint[fromHooks.Count]; for (int hookIdx = 0; hookIdx < fromHooks.Count; hookIdx++) { var hookPoint = new RoutePoint { Latitude = fromHooks[hookIdx].Latitude, Longitude = fromHooks[hookIdx].Longitude, Tags = fromHooks[hookIdx].Tags.ConvertToList().ConvertFrom() }; edgeRoute.Entries[0].Points[hookIdx] = hookPoint; } List<RoutingHook> toHooks = hooksPerRouterPoints[routerPoints[edge.To]]; edgeRoute.Entries[edgeRoute.Entries.Length - 1].Points = new RoutePoint[toHooks.Count]; for (int hookIdx = 0; hookIdx < toHooks.Count; hookIdx++) { var hookPoint = new RoutePoint { Latitude = toHooks[hookIdx].Latitude, Longitude = toHooks[hookIdx].Longitude, Tags = toHooks[hookIdx].Tags.ConvertToList().ConvertFrom() }; edgeRoute.Entries[edgeRoute.Entries.Length - 1].Points[hookIdx] = hookPoint; } // concatenate routes. if (route == null) { route = edgeRoute; } else { route = OsmSharpRoute.Concatenate(route, edgeRoute); } } response.Route = route; // set the response as successfull. response.Status = OsmSharpServiceResponseStatusEnum.Success; return response; }
/// <summary> /// Calculates a matrix of weights between all given points. /// </summary> /// <param name="operation">The operation request.</param> /// <param name="router">The router.</param> /// <param name="matcher">Contains an algorithm to match points to the route network.</param> /// <returns></returns> private RoutingResponse DoManyToMany( RoutingOperation operation, Router<SimpleWeighedEdge> router, IEdgeMatcher matcher) { // create the response. var response = new RoutingResponse(); // resolve the points and do the routing. var routerPoints = new List<RouterPoint>(); var unroutableHooks = new List<RoutingHook>(); // save the unroutable hooks. for (int idx = 0; idx < operation.Hooks.Length; idx++) { // routing hook tags. IDictionary<string, string> tags = operation.Hooks[idx].Tags.ConvertToDictionary(); // resolve the point. RouterPoint routerPoint = router.Resolve(operation.Vehicle, new GeoCoordinate( operation.Hooks[idx].Latitude, operation.Hooks[idx].Longitude), matcher, tags); // check the result. if (routerPoint == null) { // this hook is not routable. unroutableHooks.Add(operation.Hooks[idx]); } else { // a point to hook on was found! // check if the router point is routable. if (router.CheckConnectivity(operation.Vehicle, routerPoint, 200)) { // the point is routable. // add the new router point to the list. routerPoint.Tags.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, string>("id", routerPoints.Count.ToString( System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))); routerPoints.Add(routerPoint); } else { // this hook is not routable. unroutableHooks.Add(operation.Hooks[idx]); } } } // add the unroutable hooks. response.UnroutableHooks = unroutableHooks.ToArray(); // calculate and fill the response. response.Weights = router.CalculateManyToManyWeight(operation.Vehicle, routerPoints.ToArray(), routerPoints.ToArray()); // report succes! response.Status = OsmSharpServiceResponseStatusEnum.Success; response.StatusMessage = string.Empty; return response; }