예제 #1
        public override void Succes()
            var poisPoint = (this.FinalMessages[this.FinalMessages.Count - 1] as MicroPlannerMessagePoint).Point;
            var previousArc = (this.FinalMessages[this.FinalMessages.Count - 2] as MicroPlannerMessageArc).Arc;

            // get the pois list.
            var pois = (this.FinalMessages[this.FinalMessages.Count - 1] as MicroPlannerMessagePoint).Point.Points;

            // get the angle from the pois point.
            var direction = poisPoint.Angle;

            // calculate the box.
            var coordinates = new List<GeoCoordinate>();
            foreach (Routing.ArcAggregation.Output.PointPoi poi in pois)
            var box = new GeoCoordinateBox(coordinates.ToArray());

            // let the scentence planner generate the correct information.
            var metaData = new Dictionary<string, object>();
            metaData["direction"] = direction;
            metaData["pois"] = pois;
            metaData["type"] = "poi";
            this.Planner.SentencePlanner.GenerateInstruction(metaData, poisPoint.EntryIdx, box, pois);
예제 #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Generates an instruction from the given meta data and given pois.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="metaData"></param>
 /// <param name="firstSegmentIdx"></param>
 /// <param name="lastSegmentIdx"></param>
 /// <param name="box"></param>
 /// <param name="pois"></param>
 public void GenerateInstruction(Dictionary<string, object> metaData, int firstSegmentIdx, int lastSegmentIdx, GeoCoordinateBox box, List<PointPoi> pois)
     string text;
     if (_generator.Generate(metaData, out text))
     { // add the instruction to the instructions list.
         _instructions.Add(new Instruction(metaData, firstSegmentIdx, lastSegmentIdx, box, text, pois));
예제 #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Tests the live routing.
 /// </summary>
 public static void Test()
     var box = new GeoCoordinateBox(
         new GeoCoordinate(51.20190, 4.66540),
         new GeoCoordinate(51.30720, 4.89820));
         "kempen-big.osm.pbf", box, 2500);
예제 #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Tests routing from a serialized routing file.
 /// </summary>
 public static void Test(Stream stream, int testCount)
     GeoCoordinateBox box = new GeoCoordinateBox(
         new GeoCoordinate(51.20190, 4.66540),
         new GeoCoordinate(51.30720, 4.89820));
         stream, box, testCount);
예제 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Tests routing from a serialized routing file.
        /// </summary>
        public static void TestResolved(string name, string osmPbfFile, GeoCoordinateBox box, int testCount)
            var testFile = new FileInfo(string.Format(@".\TestFiles\{0}", osmPbfFile));
            var stream = testFile.OpenRead();

            RoutingResolveTest.TestResolved(name, stream, box, testCount);

예제 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new polygon filter.
        /// </summary>
        public OsmStreamFilterPoly(OsmSharp.Geo.Geometries.LineairRing poly)
            : base()
            if (poly == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("poly"); }

            _poly = poly;
            _box = new GeoCoordinateBox(poly.Coordinates);

            this.Meta.Add("poly", OsmSharp.Geo.Streams.GeoJson.GeoJsonConverter.ToGeoJson(_poly));
예제 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new instruction with a location and points of interest.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="metaData"></param>
        /// <param name="segmentIdx"></param>
        /// <param name="location"></param>
        /// <param name="text"></param>
        /// <param name="pois"></param>
        public Instruction(Dictionary<string, object> metaData, int segmentIdx, GeoCoordinateBox location, string text, List<PointPoi> pois)
            this.SegmentIdx = segmentIdx;
            this.Location = location;
            this.Pois = pois;
            this.MetaData = metaData;
            this.Text = text;

            this.Pois = new List<PointPoi>();
예제 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Tests the CH pre-processor.
        /// </summary>
        public static void Test()
            GeoCoordinateBox box = new GeoCoordinateBox(
                new GeoCoordinate(51.20190, 4.66540),
                new GeoCoordinate(51.30720, 4.89820));
                "kempen-big.osm.pbf.routing", box, 1000);

            // test instructions.
예제 #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Tests routing from a serialized routing file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name"></param>
        /// <param name="stream"></param>
        /// <param name="testCount"></param>
        public static void TestResolved(string name, Stream stream, GeoCoordinateBox box, int testCount)
            var vehicle = Vehicle.Car;

            var tagsIndex = new TagsIndex(); // creates a tagged index.

            // read from the OSM-stream.
            var source = new OsmSharp.Osm.Streams.Filters.OsmStreamFilterProgress();
            source.RegisterSource(new OsmSharp.Osm.PBF.Streams.PBFOsmStreamSource(stream));
            var data = GraphOsmStreamTarget.Preprocess(source,
                new OsmRoutingInterpreter());

            //(data.Graph as DirectedGraph<CHEdgeData>).Compress(true);

            RoutingResolveTest.TestResolved(data, testCount, box);
예제 #10
        public override void Succes()
            OsmSharp.Routing.ArcAggregation.Output.AggregatedPoint poisPoint = (this.FinalMessages[this.FinalMessages.Count - 1] as MicroPlannerMessagePoint).Point;

            List<Routing.ArcAggregation.Output.PointPoi> pois =
                (this.FinalMessages[this.FinalMessages.Count - 1] as MicroPlannerMessagePoint).Point.Points;

            // construct the box indicating the location of the resulting find by this machine.
            GeoCoordinate point1 = pois[0].Location;
            GeoCoordinateBox box = new GeoCoordinateBox(
                new GeoCoordinate(point1.Latitude - 0.001f, point1.Longitude - 0.001f),
                new GeoCoordinate(point1.Latitude + 0.001f, point1.Longitude + 0.001f));

            // let the scentence planner generate the correct information.
            this.Planner.SentencePlanner.GeneratePoi(poisPoint.EntryIdx, box, pois, null);
        /// <summary>
        /// Tests rendering the given serialized scene.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="stream"></param>
        /// <param name="box"></param>
        /// <param name="testCount"></param>
        public static void TestRenderScene(Stream stream, GeoCoordinateBox box, int testCount)
            WebMercator projection = new WebMercator();

            // build a map.
            Map map = new Map();
            IScene2DPrimitivesSource sceneSource = Scene2DLayered.Deserialize(stream, true);
            LayerScene layerScene = map.AddLayerScene(sceneSource);

            // build the target to render to.
            Bitmap imageTarget = new Bitmap(TargetWidth, TargetHeight);
            Graphics target = Graphics.FromImage(imageTarget);
            target.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.HighQuality;
            target.PixelOffsetMode = PixelOffsetMode.HighQuality;
            target.CompositingQuality = CompositingQuality.HighQuality;
            target.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic;
            MapRenderer<Graphics> mapRenderer = new MapRenderer<Graphics>(
                new GraphicsRenderer2D());

            // render the map.
            PerformanceInfoConsumer performanceInfo = new PerformanceInfoConsumer("Scene2DLayeredRendering");
            performanceInfo.Report("Rendering {0} random images...", testCount);

            while (testCount > 0)
                // randomize view.
                int zoom = OsmSharp.Math.Random.StaticRandomGenerator.Get().Generate(10) + 10;
                GeoCoordinate center = box.GenerateRandomIn();
                View2D view = mapRenderer.Create(TargetWidth, TargetHeight, map,
                    (float)projection.ToZoomFactor(zoom), center, false, true);

                layerScene.ViewChanged(map, (float)projection.ToZoomFactor(zoom), center, view);

                mapRenderer.Render(target, map, view);

                if (WriteResults)
                    imageTarget.Save(Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + ".png", ImageFormat.Png);


예제 #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a point.
        /// </summary>
        public void AddPoint(GeoCoordinate coordinate, float sizePixels, int color)
            if (coordinate == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(); }

            // update envelope.
            if (_envelope == null)
            { // create initial envelope.
                _envelope = new GeoCoordinateBox(coordinate, coordinate);
            // also include the current point.

            double[] projectedCoordinates = _projection.ToPixel(coordinate);
            uint pointId = _scene.AddPoint(projectedCoordinates[0], projectedCoordinates[1]);
            _scene.AddStylePoint(pointId, 0, float.MinValue, float.MaxValue, color, sizePixels);
예제 #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Tests routing from a serialized routing file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name"></param>
        /// <param name="stream"></param>
        /// <param name="box"></param>
        /// <param name="testCount"></param>
        public static void TestSerializedRouting(string name, Stream stream,
            GeoCoordinateBox box, int testCount)
            var router = Router.CreateLiveFrom(new OsmSharp.Osm.PBF.Streams.PBFOsmStreamSource(stream),
                new OsmRoutingInterpreter());

            var performanceInfo = new PerformanceInfoConsumer("LiveRouting");
            performanceInfo.Report("Routing {0} routes...", testCount);

            int successCount = 0;
            int totalCount = testCount;
            float latestProgress = -1;
            while (testCount > 0)
                var from = box.GenerateRandomIn();
                var to = box.GenerateRandomIn();

                var fromPoint = router.Resolve(Vehicle.Car, from);
                var toPoint = router.Resolve(Vehicle.Car, to);

                if (fromPoint != null && toPoint != null)
                    var route = router.Calculate(Vehicle.Car, fromPoint, toPoint);
                    if (route != null)


                // report progress.
                float progress = (float)System.Math.Round(((double)(totalCount - testCount)  / (double)totalCount) * 100);
                if (progress != latestProgress)
                    OsmSharp.Logging.Log.TraceEvent("LiveEdgePreprocessor", TraceEventType.Information,
                        "Routing... {0}%", progress);
                    latestProgress = progress;

            OsmSharp.Logging.Log.TraceEvent("LiveRouting", OsmSharp.Logging.TraceEventType.Information,
                string.Format("{0}/{1} routes successfull!", successCount, totalCount));
예제 #14
        public override void Succes()
            var poisPoint = (this.FinalMessages[this.FinalMessages.Count - 1] as MicroPlannerMessagePoint).Point;

            var pois = (this.FinalMessages[this.FinalMessages.Count - 1] as MicroPlannerMessagePoint).Point.Points;

            // construct the box indicating the location of the resulting find by this machine.
            var point1 = pois[0].Location;
            var box = new GeoCoordinateBox(
                new GeoCoordinate(point1.Latitude - 0.001f, point1.Longitude - 0.001f),
                new GeoCoordinate(point1.Latitude + 0.001f, point1.Longitude + 0.001f));

            // let the scentence planner generate the correct information.
            var metaData = new Dictionary<string, object>();
            metaData["direction"] = null;
            metaData["pois"] = pois;
            metaData["type"] = "poi";
            this.Planner.SentencePlanner.GenerateInstruction(metaData, poisPoint.EntryIdx, box, pois);
예제 #15
        public override void Succes()
            OsmSharp.Routing.ArcAggregation.Output.AggregatedPoint poisPoint = (this.FinalMessages[this.FinalMessages.Count - 1] as MicroPlannerMessagePoint).Point;
            OsmSharp.Routing.ArcAggregation.Output.AggregatedArc previousArc = (this.FinalMessages[this.FinalMessages.Count - 2] as MicroPlannerMessageArc).Arc;

            // get the pois list.
            List<Routing.ArcAggregation.Output.PointPoi> pois = (this.FinalMessages[this.FinalMessages.Count - 1] as MicroPlannerMessagePoint).Point.Points;

            // get the angle from the pois point.
            RelativeDirection direction = poisPoint.Angle;

            // calculate the box.
            List<GeoCoordinate> coordinates = new List<GeoCoordinate>();
            foreach (Routing.ArcAggregation.Output.PointPoi poi in pois)
            GeoCoordinateBox box = new GeoCoordinateBox(coordinates.ToArray());

            // let the scentence planner generate the correct information.
            this.Planner.SentencePlanner.GeneratePoi(poisPoint.EntryIdx, box, pois, direction);
예제 #16
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds the scene.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="map"></param>
        /// <param name="zoomFactor"></param>
        /// <param name="center"></param>
        /// <param name="view"></param>
        private void BuildScene(Map map, float zoomFactor, GeoCoordinate center, View2D view)
            // build the boundingbox.
            var viewBox = view.OuterBox;
            var box = new GeoCoordinateBox (map.Projection.ToGeoCoordinates (viewBox.Min [0], viewBox.Min [1]),
                                            map.Projection.ToGeoCoordinates (viewBox.Max [0], viewBox.Max [1]));
            var zoomLevel = (int)map.Projection.ToZoomLevel (zoomFactor);
            if (_lastBox != null && _lastBox.Contains (box) &&
                zoomLevel == _lastZoom) {
            _lastBox = box;
            _lastZoom = zoomLevel;

            // reset the scene.
            _scene2DSimple = new Scene2DSimple();

            // get from the index.
            this.Scene.BackColor = SimpleColor.FromKnownColor(KnownColor.White).Value;
            lock (_sync) {
                _index.Get (_scene2DSimple, view, zoomFactor);
예제 #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a polyline.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="points"></param>
        /// <param name="color"></param>
        /// <param name="width"></param>
        /// <param name="fill"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public void AddPolygon(GeoCoordinate[] points, int color, float width, bool fill)
            var x = new double[points.Length];
            var y = new double[points.Length];
            for (int idx = 0; idx < points.Length; idx++)
                // update envelope.
                if (_envelope == null)
                { // create initial envelope.
                    _envelope = new GeoCoordinateBox(points[idx], points[idx]);
                // also include the current point.

                var projected = _projection.ToPixel(points[idx]);
                x[idx] = projected[0];
                y[idx] = projected[1];

            var pointsId = _scene.AddPoints(x, y);
            if (pointsId.HasValue)
                _scene.AddStylePolygon(pointsId.Value, 0, float.MinValue, float.MaxValue, color, width, fill);
예제 #18
        void AddMarkers()
            var from = new GeoCoordinate(51.261203, 4.780760);
            var to = new GeoCoordinate(51.267797, 4.801362);

            var box = new GeoCoordinateBox(from, to);


            MapMarker marker;
            for (int idx = 0; idx < 20; idx++)
                var pos = box.GenerateRandomIn();
                marker = _mapView.AddMarker(pos);
                var popupTextView = new UITextView();
                popupTextView.Text = "Hey, this is popup text!";
                popupTextView.BackgroundColor = UIColor.FromWhiteAlpha(0.5f, 0.5f);
                marker.AddPopup(popupTextView, 100, 100);
예제 #19
        public override void Succes()
            // get the last arc and the last point.
            AggregatedArc latestArc = (this.FinalMessages[this.FinalMessages.Count - 2] as MicroPlannerMessageArc).Arc;
            AggregatedPoint latestPoint = (this.FinalMessages[this.FinalMessages.Count - 1] as MicroPlannerMessagePoint).Point;
            AggregatedArc secondLatestArc = (this.FinalMessages[this.FinalMessages.Count - 4] as MicroPlannerMessageArc).Arc;
            AggregatedPoint secondLatestPoint = (this.FinalMessages[this.FinalMessages.Count - 3] as MicroPlannerMessagePoint).Point;

            // count the number of streets in the same turning direction as the turn
            // that was found.
            int count = 0;
            if (MicroPlannerHelper.IsLeft(latestPoint.Angle.Direction, this.Planner.Interpreter))
                count = MicroPlannerHelper.GetLeft(this.FinalMessages, this.Planner.Interpreter);
            else if (MicroPlannerHelper.IsRight(latestPoint.Angle.Direction, this.Planner.Interpreter))
                count = MicroPlannerHelper.GetRight(this.FinalMessages, this.Planner.Interpreter);

            // construct the box indicating the location of the resulting find by this machine.
            GeoCoordinate point1 = latestPoint.Location;
            GeoCoordinateBox box = new GeoCoordinateBox(
                new GeoCoordinate(point1.Latitude - 0.001f, point1.Longitude - 0.001f),
                new GeoCoordinate(point1.Latitude + 0.001f, point1.Longitude + 0.001f));

            // get all the names/direction/counts.
            TagsCollection nextName = latestPoint.Next.Tags;
            TagsCollection betweenName = latestArc.Tags;
            TagsCollection beforeName = secondLatestArc.Tags;

            int firstCount = count;

            RelativeDirection firstTurn = secondLatestPoint.Angle;
            RelativeDirection secondTurn = latestPoint.Angle;

            // let the scentence planner generate the correct information.
            this.Planner.SentencePlanner.GenerateImmidiateTurn(latestPoint.EntryIdx, box, beforeName,
                firstTurn, firstCount, secondTurn, betweenName, nextName, latestPoint.Points);
예제 #20
        static void Main(string[] args)
            OsmSharp.Logging.Log.RegisterListener(new OsmSharp.WinForms.UI.Logging.ConsoleTraceListener());

            var outputDir = @"c:\temp\tiles";
            var mbtilesFile = outputDir + "\\tiles.mbtiles";
            var mbtiles = new SQLiteConnection(string.Format("Data Source={0};Version=3;", mbtilesFile));
            var query = new SQLiteCommand(mbtiles);
            query.CommandText = "CREATE TABLE metadata (name text, value text);";
            new SQLiteCommand(mbtiles);
            query.CommandText = "CREATE TABLE tiles (zoom_level integer, tile_column integer, tile_row integer, tile_data blob);";
            query = new SQLiteCommand(mbtiles);
            query.CommandText = "INSERT INTO metadata (name, value) VALUES ('name', 'tiles');" +
                "INSERT INTO metadata (name, value) VALUES ('type', 'baselayer');" +
                "INSERT INTO metadata (name, value) VALUES ('version', '1');" +
                "INSERT INTO metadata (name, value) VALUES ('minzoom', '5');" +
                "INSERT INTO metadata (name, value) VALUES ('maxzoom', '6');" +
                "INSERT INTO metadata (name, value) VALUES ('version', '1');" +
                "INSERT INTO metadata (name, value) VALUES ('description', 'A description of this layer');" +
                "INSERT INTO metadata (name, value) VALUES ('bounds', '-5.2294921875,42.195968776291780,8.50341796875,51.248163159055906');" +
                "INSERT INTO metadata (name, value) VALUES ('format', 'png');";
            query = new SQLiteCommand(mbtiles);
            query.CommandText = "INSERT INTO tiles VALUES (:zoom_level, :tile_column, :tile_row, :tile_data) ;";
            query.Parameters.Add(new SQLiteParameter(@"zoom_level", DbType.Int64));
            query.Parameters.Add(new SQLiteParameter(@"tile_column", DbType.Int64));
            query.Parameters.Add(new SQLiteParameter(@"tile_row", DbType.Int64));
            query.Parameters.Add(new SQLiteParameter(@"tile_data", DbType.Binary));

            var url = "http://localhost:1234/default/{z}/{x}/{y}.png";
            var box = new GeoCoordinateBox(
                new GeoCoordinate(42.195968776291780, -5.2294921875),
                new GeoCoordinate(51.248163159055906, 8.50341796875));
            var minZoom = 5;
            var maxZoom = 6;

            // download tiles.
            for (var zoom = maxZoom; zoom >= minZoom; zoom--)
                var tileRange = TileRange.CreateAroundBoundingBox(box, zoom);
                OsmSharp.Logging.Log.TraceEvent(string.Empty, OsmSharp.Logging.TraceEventType.Information,
                    string.Format("Downloading {0} tiles at zoom {1}.",
                        tileRange.Count, zoom));
                foreach(var tile in tileRange)
                    // download tile.
                    var data = Download(url, tile);

                    // save tile.
                    var tileDir = new DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(outputDir,
                        tile.Zoom.ToString(), tile.X.ToString()));
                    if (!tileDir.Exists)
                    { // creates target dir.
                    var tileFile = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(tileDir.ToString(),
                        tile.Y.ToString() + ".png"));
                    using (var outputStream = tileFile.OpenWrite())
                        outputStream.Write(data, 0, data.Length);

                    var inverted = tile.InvertY();

                    query.Parameters[0].Value = zoom;
                    query.Parameters[1].Value = tile.X;
                    query.Parameters[2].Value = inverted.Y;
                    query.Parameters[3].Value = data;


예제 #21
        /// <summary>
        /// Called after this machine reached the final state.
        /// </summary>
        public override void Succes()
            // get first point.
            AggregatedPoint firstPoint = null;
            if (this.FinalMessages[0] is MicroPlannerMessagePoint)
            { // machine started on a point.
                firstPoint = (this.FinalMessages[0] as MicroPlannerMessagePoint).Point;
            { // get the previous point.
                firstPoint = (this.FinalMessages[0] as MicroPlannerMessageArc).Arc.Previous;

            // get the last arc and the last point.
            var latestArc = (this.FinalMessages[this.FinalMessages.Count - 2] as MicroPlannerMessageArc).Arc;
            var latestPoint = (this.FinalMessages[this.FinalMessages.Count - 1] as MicroPlannerMessagePoint).Point;
            var secondLatestArc = (this.FinalMessages[this.FinalMessages.Count - 4] as MicroPlannerMessageArc).Arc;
            var secondLatestPoint = (this.FinalMessages[this.FinalMessages.Count - 3] as MicroPlannerMessagePoint).Point;

            // count the number of streets in the same turning direction as the turn
            // that was found.
            int count = 0;
            if (MicroPlannerHelper.IsLeft(latestPoint.Angle.Direction, this.Planner.Interpreter))
                count = MicroPlannerHelper.GetLeft(this.FinalMessages, this.Planner.Interpreter);
            else if (MicroPlannerHelper.IsRight(latestPoint.Angle.Direction, this.Planner.Interpreter))
                count = MicroPlannerHelper.GetRight(this.FinalMessages, this.Planner.Interpreter);

            // construct the box indicating the location of the resulting find by this machine.
            var point1 = latestPoint.Location;
            var box = new GeoCoordinateBox(
                new GeoCoordinate(point1.Latitude - 0.001f, point1.Longitude - 0.001f),
                new GeoCoordinate(point1.Latitude + 0.001f, point1.Longitude + 0.001f));

            // get all the names/direction/counts.
            var nextName = latestPoint.Next.Tags;
            var betweenName = latestArc.Tags;
            var beforeName = secondLatestArc.Tags;

            int firstCount = count;

            RelativeDirection firstTurn = secondLatestPoint.Angle;
            RelativeDirection secondTurn = latestPoint.Angle;
            // let the scentence planner generate the correct information.
            var metaData = new Dictionary<string, object>();
            metaData["first_street"] = beforeName;
            metaData["first_direction"] = firstTurn;
            metaData["second_street"] = betweenName;
            metaData["second_direction"] = secondTurn;
            metaData["count_before"] = firstCount;
            metaData["pois"] = latestPoint.Points;
            metaData["type"] = "immidiate_turn";
            this.Planner.SentencePlanner.GenerateInstruction(metaData, firstPoint.SegmentIdx, latestPoint.SegmentIdx, box, latestPoint.Points);
예제 #22
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns all data in the given bounding box.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="box"></param>
 /// <param name="filter"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public override IList<OsmGeo> Get(GeoCoordinateBox box, Filter filter)
     IList<OsmGeo> objects = _source.Get(box, filter);
     foreach (OsmGeo osmGeo in objects)
             case OsmGeoType.Node:
                 _nodesCache.Add(osmGeo.Id.Value, osmGeo as Node);
             case OsmGeoType.Way:
                 _waysCache.Add(osmGeo.Id.Value, osmGeo as Way);
             case OsmGeoType.Relation:
                 _relationsCache.Add(osmGeo.Id.Value, osmGeo as Relation);
     return objects;
예제 #23
파일: Map.cs 프로젝트: kochizufan/OsmSharp
        /// <summary>
        /// Utility method for ensuring a view stays within a bounding box of geo coordinated.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="center">The map center we want to move to.</param>
        /// <param name="boundingBox">A GeoCoordinateBox defining the bounding box.</param>
        /// <param name="view" The current view.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns a center geo coordinate that is corrected so the view stays within the bounding box.</returns>
        public GeoCoordinate EnsureViewWithinBoundingBox(GeoCoordinate center, GeoCoordinateBox boundingBox, View2D view)
            double[] mapCenterSceneCoords = this.Projection.ToPixel(center);

            var toViewPort = view.CreateToViewPort(view.Width, view.Height);
            double mapCenterPixelsX, mapCenterPixelsY;
            toViewPort.Apply(mapCenterSceneCoords[0], mapCenterSceneCoords[1], out mapCenterPixelsX, out mapCenterPixelsY);

            //double[] mapCenterPixels = view.ToViewPort(view.Width, view.Height, mapCenterSceneCoords[0], mapCenterSceneCoords[1]);

            var fromViewPort = view.CreateFromViewPort(view.Height, view.Width);
            double leftScene, topScene, rightScene, bottomScene;
            fromViewPort.Apply(mapCenterPixelsX - (view.Width) / 2.0, mapCenterPixelsY - (view.Height) / 2.0, out leftScene, out topScene);

            //double[] topLeftSceneCoordinates = view.FromViewPort(view.Width,
            //                                                    view.Height,
            //                                                    mapCenterPixels[0] - (view.Width) / 2.0,
            //                                                    mapCenterPixels[1] - (view.Height) / 2.0);
            GeoCoordinate topLeft = this.Projection.ToGeoCoordinates(leftScene, topScene);
            //GeoCoordinate topLeft = this.Projection.ToGeoCoordinates(topLeftSceneCoordinates[0], topLeftSceneCoordinates[1]);

            fromViewPort.Apply(mapCenterPixelsX + (view.Width) / 2.0, mapCenterPixelsY + (view.Height) / 2.0, out rightScene, out bottomScene);
            //double[] bottomRightSceneCoordinates = view.FromViewPort(view.Width,
            //                                                    view.Height,
            //                                                    mapCenterPixels[0] + (view.Width) / 2.0,
            //                                                    mapCenterPixels[1] + (view.Height) / 2.0);
            GeoCoordinate bottomRight = this.Projection.ToGeoCoordinates(rightScene, bottomScene);

            // Early exit when the view is inside the box.
            if (boundingBox.Contains(topLeft) && boundingBox.Contains(bottomRight))
                return center;

            double viewNorth = topLeft.Latitude;
            double viewEast = bottomRight.Longitude;
            double viewSouth = bottomRight.Latitude;
            double viewWest = topLeft.Longitude;

            double boxNorth = boundingBox.MaxLat;
            double boxEast = boundingBox.MaxLon;
            double boxSouth = boundingBox.MinLat;
            double boxWest = boundingBox.MinLon;

            //TODO: Check if the view acrually fits the bounding box, if not resize the view.

            // Correct all view bounds if neccecary.
            if (viewNorth > boxNorth)
                viewSouth -= viewNorth - boxNorth;
                viewNorth = boxNorth;
            if (viewEast > boxEast)
                viewWest -= viewEast - boxEast;
                viewEast = boxEast;
            if (viewSouth < boxSouth)
                viewNorth += boxSouth - viewSouth;
                viewSouth = boxSouth;
            if (viewWest < boxWest)
                viewEast += boxWest - viewWest;
                viewWest = boxWest;

            // Compute and return corrected map center
            return new GeoCoordinate(viewSouth + (viewNorth - viewSouth) / 2.0f, viewWest + (viewEast - viewWest) / 2.0f);
예제 #24
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns all objects with the given bounding box and valid for the given filter;
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="box"></param>
        /// <param name="filter"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override IList<OsmGeo> Get(GeoCoordinateBox box, OsmSharp.Osm.Filters.Filter filter)
            // initialize connection.
            SQLiteConnection con = this.CreateConnection();
            List<OsmGeo> res = new List<OsmGeo>();

            // calculate bounding box parameters to query db.
            long latitude_min = (long)(box.MinLat * 10000000.0);
            long longitude_min = (long)(box.MinLon * 10000000.0);
            long latitude_max = (long)(box.MaxLat * 10000000.0);
            long longitude_max = (long)(box.MaxLon * 10000000.0);

            // TODO: improve this to allow loading of bigger bb's.
            uint x_min = lon2x(box.MinLon);
            uint x_max = lon2x(box.MaxLon);
            uint y_min = lat2y(box.MinLat);
            uint y_max = lat2y(box.MaxLat);

            IList<long> boxes = new List<long>();

            for (uint x = x_min; x <= x_max; x++)
                for (uint y = y_min; y <= y_max; y++)
                    boxes.Add(this.xy2tile(x, y));

            // STEP 1: query nodes table.
            //id	latitude	longitude	changeset_id	visible	timestamp	tile	version
            //string sql
            //        = "SELECT node.id, node.latitude, node.longitude, node.changeset_id, node.timestamp, node.version, " +
            //          "node.usr, node.usr_id, node.visible FROM node WHERE  (tile IN ({4})) AND (visible = 1) AND (latitude BETWEEN {0} AND {1} AND longitude BETWEEN {2} AND {3})";
            // remove this nasty BETWEEN operation because it depends on the database (!) what results are returned (including or excluding bounds!!!)
            string sql
                = "SELECT node.id, node.latitude, node.longitude, node.changeset_id, node.timestamp, node.version, " +
                  "node.usr, node.usr_id, node.visible FROM node WHERE  (tile IN ({4})) AND (visible = 1) AND (latitude >= {0} AND latitude < {1} AND longitude >= {2} AND longitude < {3})";
                sql = string.Format(sql,

            // TODO: parameters.
            var com = new SQLiteCommand(sql);
            com.Connection = con;
            SQLiteDataReader reader = ExecuteReader(com);
            Node node = null;
            var nodes = new Dictionary<long, Node>();
            var nodeIds = new List<long>();
            while (reader.Read())
                node = new Node();
                node.Id = reader.GetInt64(0);
                int latitude_int = reader.GetInt32(1);
                int longitude_int = reader.GetInt32(2);
                node.ChangeSetId = reader.IsDBNull(3) ? null : (long?)reader.GetInt64(3);
                node.TimeStamp = reader.IsDBNull(4) ? null : (DateTime?)this.ConvertDateTime(reader.GetInt64(4));
                node.Version = reader.IsDBNull(5) ? null : (ulong?)reader.GetInt64(5);
                node.Latitude = latitude_int / 10000000.0;
                node.Longitude = longitude_int / 10000000.0;
                node.UserName = reader.IsDBNull(6) ? null : reader.GetString(6);
                node.UserId = reader.IsDBNull(7) ? null : (long?)reader.GetInt64(7);
                node.Visible = reader.IsDBNull(8) ? null : (bool?)reader.GetBoolean(8);

                nodes.Add(node.Id.Value, node);

            // STEP2: Load all node tags.

            // load all ways that contain the nodes that have been found.

            // get relations containing any of the nodes or ways in the current results-list.
            List<Relation> relations = new List<Relation>();
            HashSet<long> relationIds = new HashSet<long>();
            foreach (OsmGeo osmGeo in res)
                IList<Relation> relationsFor = this.GetRelationsFor(osmGeo);
                foreach (Relation relation in relationsFor)
                    if (!relationIds.Contains(relation.Id.Value))

            // recursively add all relations containing other relations as a member.
                res.AddRange(relations); // add previous relations-list.
                List<Relation> newRelations = new List<Relation>();
                foreach (OsmGeo osmGeo in relations)
                    IList<Relation> relationsFor = this.GetRelationsFor(osmGeo);
                    foreach (Relation relation in relationsFor)
                        if (!relationIds.Contains(relation.Id.Value))
                relations = newRelations;
            } while (relations.Count > 0);

            if (filter != null)
                List<OsmGeo> filtered = new List<OsmGeo>();
                foreach (OsmGeo geo in res)
                    if (filter.Evaluate(geo))

            return res;
예제 #25
        /// <summary>
        /// Tests adding a lot of random data.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="count"></param>
        public void DoTestAddingRandom(int count)
            ILocatedObjectIndex<GeoCoordinate, LocatedObjectData> index = this.CreateIndex();

            GeoCoordinateBox box = new GeoCoordinateBox(new GeoCoordinate(50, 3), new GeoCoordinate(40, 2));
            HashSet<GeoCoordinate> locations = new HashSet<GeoCoordinate>();
            Random random = new Random();
            while (count > 0)
                GeoCoordinate location = box.GenerateRandomIn(random);
                LocatedObjectData data = new LocatedObjectData()
                    SomeData = location.ToString()
                index.Add(location, data);

                // try immidiately after.
                GeoCoordinateBox location_box = new GeoCoordinateBox(
                    new GeoCoordinate(location.Latitude - 0.0001, location.Longitude - 0.0001),
                    new GeoCoordinate(location.Latitude + 0.0001, location.Longitude + 0.0001));

                IEnumerable<LocatedObjectData> location_box_data = index.GetInside(


                bool found = false;
                foreach (LocatedObjectData location_data in location_box_data)
                    if (location_data.SomeData == location.ToString())
                        found = true;
                Assert.IsTrue(found, string.Format("Data added at location {0} not found in box {1}!",
                    location, location_box));


            foreach (GeoCoordinate location in locations)
                GeoCoordinateBox location_box = new GeoCoordinateBox(
                    new GeoCoordinate(location.Latitude - 0.0001, location.Longitude - 0.0001),
                    new GeoCoordinate(location.Latitude + 0.0001, location.Longitude + 0.0001));

                IEnumerable<LocatedObjectData> location_box_data = index.GetInside(


                bool found = false;
                foreach (LocatedObjectData location_data in location_box_data)
                    if (location_data.SomeData == location.ToString())
                        found = true;
                Assert.IsTrue(found, string.Format("Data added at location {0} not found in box {1}!",
                    location, location_box));
예제 #26
        /// <summary>
        /// Tests adding some simple data.
        /// </summary>
        protected void DoTestSimple()
            // create the index.
            ILocatedObjectIndex<GeoCoordinate, LocatedObjectData> index = this.CreateIndex();

            // add the data.
            GeoCoordinate point1 = new GeoCoordinate(0, 0);
            LocatedObjectData point1_data = new LocatedObjectData()
                SomeData = point1.ToString()
            GeoCoordinate point2 = new GeoCoordinate(1, 1);
            LocatedObjectData point2_data = new LocatedObjectData()
                SomeData = point2.ToString()

            GeoCoordinateBox location_box = new GeoCoordinateBox(
                new GeoCoordinate(point1.Latitude - 0.0001, point1.Longitude - 0.0001),
                new GeoCoordinate(point1.Latitude + 0.0001, point1.Longitude + 0.0001));

            // try and get data from empty index.
            // regression test for issue: https://osmsharp.codeplex.com/workitem/1244
            IEnumerable<LocatedObjectData> location_box_data = index.GetInside(location_box);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, location_box_data.Count());

            // try point1.
            index.Add(point1, point1_data);

            location_box_data = index.GetInside(

            bool found = false;
            foreach (LocatedObjectData location_data in location_box_data)
                if (location_data.SomeData == point1.ToString())
                    found = true;
            Assert.IsTrue(found, string.Format("Data added at location {0} not found in box {1}!",
                point1, location_box));

            // try point2.
            index.Add(point2, point2_data);
            location_box = new GeoCoordinateBox(
                new GeoCoordinate(point2.Latitude - 0.0001, point2.Longitude - 0.0001),
                new GeoCoordinate(point2.Latitude + 0.0001, point2.Longitude + 0.0001));

            location_box_data = index.GetInside(

            found = false;
            foreach (LocatedObjectData location_data in location_box_data)
                if (location_data.SomeData == point2.ToString())
                    found = true;
            Assert.IsTrue(found, string.Format("Data added at location {0} not found in box {1}!",
                point2, location_box));
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds the scene.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="map"></param>
        /// <param name="zoomFactor"></param>
        /// <param name="center"></param>
        /// <param name="view"></param>
        private void BuildScene(Map map, float zoomFactor, GeoCoordinate center, View2D view)
            // get the indexed object at this zoom.
            HashSet<ArcId> interpretedObjects;
            if (!_interpretedObjects.TryGetValue ((int)zoomFactor, out interpretedObjects)) {
                interpretedObjects = new HashSet<ArcId> ();
                _interpretedObjects.Add ((int)zoomFactor, interpretedObjects);

            // build the boundingbox.
            var viewBox = view.OuterBox;
            var box = new GeoCoordinateBox (map.Projection.ToGeoCoordinates (viewBox.Min [0], viewBox.Min [1]),
                                                        map.Projection.ToGeoCoordinates (viewBox.Max [0], viewBox.Max [1]));
            foreach (var requestedBox in _requestedBoxes) {
                if (requestedBox.Contains (box)) {
            _requestedBoxes.Add (box);

            //// set the scene backcolor.
            //SimpleColor? color = _styleInterpreter.GetCanvasColor ();
            //_scene.BackColor = color.HasValue
            //                               ? color.Value.Value
            //                               : SimpleColor.FromArgb (0, 255, 255, 255).Value;

            // get data.
            foreach (var arc in _dataSource.GetArcs(box)) {
                // translate each object into scene object.
                var arcId = new ArcId () {
                    Vertex1 = arc.Key,
                    Vertex2 = arc.Value.Key
                if (!interpretedObjects.Contains (arcId)) {
                    interpretedObjects.Add (arcId);

                    // create nodes.
                    float latitude, longitude;
                    _dataSource.GetVertex (arcId.Vertex1, out latitude, out longitude);
                    var node1 = CompleteNode.Create (arcId.Vertex1);
                    node1.Coordinate = new GeoCoordinate (latitude, longitude);
                    _dataSource.GetVertex (arcId.Vertex2, out latitude, out longitude);
                    var node2 = CompleteNode.Create (arcId.Vertex2);
                    node2.Coordinate = new GeoCoordinate (latitude, longitude);

                    // create way.
                    var way = CompleteWay.Create (-1);
                    if (arc.Value.Value.Forward) {
                        way.Nodes.Add (node1);
                        way.Nodes.Add (node2);
                    } else {
                        way.Nodes.Add (node2);
                        way.Nodes.Add (node1);
                    way.Tags.AddOrReplace (_dataSource.TagsIndex.Get (arc.Value.Value.Tags));

                    _styleInterpreter.Translate (_scene, map.Projection, way);
                    interpretedObjects.Add (arcId);
예제 #28
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a polyline.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="points"></param>
        /// <param name="sizePixels"></param>
        /// <param name="color"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public void AddPolyline(GeoCoordinate[] points, float sizePixels, int color)
            var x = new double[points.Length];
            var y = new double[points.Length];
            for(int idx = 0; idx < points.Length; idx++)
                // update envelope.
                if (_envelope == null)
                { // create initial envelope.
                    _envelope = new GeoCoordinateBox(points[idx], points[idx]);
                // also include the current point.

                var projected =_projection.ToPixel(points[idx]);
                x[idx] = projected[0];
                y[idx] = projected[1];

            uint? pointsId = _scene.AddPoints(x, y);
            if (pointsId.HasValue)
                _scene.AddStyleLine(pointsId.Value, 0, float.MinValue, float.MaxValue, color, sizePixels, Renderer.Primitives.LineJoin.Round, null);
예제 #29
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a line.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="point1"></param>
        /// <param name="point2"></param>
        /// <param name="sizePixels"></param>
        /// <param name="color"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public void AddLine(GeoCoordinate point1, GeoCoordinate point2, float sizePixels, int color)
            // update envelope.
            if (_envelope == null)
            { // create initial envelope.
                _envelope = new GeoCoordinateBox(point1, point2);
            // also include the current point.

            var projected1 = _projection.ToPixel(point1);
            var projected2 = _projection.ToPixel(point2);

            var x = new double[] { projected1[0], projected2[0] };
            var y = new double[] { projected1[1], projected2[1] };

            uint? pointsId = _scene.AddPoints(x, y);
            if (pointsId.HasValue)
                _scene.AddStyleLine(pointsId.Value, 0, float.MinValue, float.MaxValue, color, sizePixels, Renderer.Primitives.LineJoin.Round, null);
예제 #30
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds the scene.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="map"></param>
        /// <param name="zoomFactor"></param>
        /// <param name="center"></param>
        /// <param name="view"></param>
        private void BuildScene(Map map, float zoomFactor, GeoCoordinate center, View2D view)
            // build the boundingbox.
            var viewBox = view.OuterBox;
            var box = new GeoCoordinateBox(map.Projection.ToGeoCoordinates(viewBox.Min[0], viewBox.Min[1]),
                          map.Projection.ToGeoCoordinates(viewBox.Max[0], viewBox.Max[1]));
            var zoomLevel = (int)map.Projection.ToZoomLevel(zoomFactor);
            if (_lastBox != null && _lastBox.Contains(box) &&
                zoomLevel == _lastZoom)
            _lastBox = box;
            _lastZoom = zoomLevel;

            lock (_index)
                _primitives = _index.Get(view, zoomFactor);