예제 #1
        public void TestFeatureCollectionSerialization()
            var geometry = new Point(new GeoCoordinate(0, 1));
            var feature1 = new Feature(geometry);
            var feature2 = new Feature(geometry, new SimpleGeometryAttributeCollection(new GeometryAttribute[]
                new GeometryAttribute()
                    Key = "key1",
                    Value = "value1"

            var featureCollection = new FeatureCollection(new Feature[] { feature1, feature2 });

            var serialized = featureCollection.ToGeoJson();
            serialized = serialized.RemoveWhitespace();

            Assert.AreEqual("{\"type\":\"FeatureCollection\",\"features\":[" +
                "{\"type\":\"Feature\",\"properties\":{},\"geometry\":{\"type\":\"Point\",\"coordinates\":[1.0,0.0]}}," +
                "{\"type\":\"Feature\",\"properties\":{\"key1\":\"value1\"},\"geometry\":{\"type\":\"Point\",\"coordinates\":[1.0,0.0]}}" +
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts a point into an oms object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="point"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static Point ConvertPoint(OsmSharp.Xml.Kml.v2_1.PointType point)
            // convert the coordiantes.
            IList<GeoCoordinate> coordinates = KmlGeoStreamSource.ConvertCoordinates(point.coordinates);

            // create the point.
            Point pointGeometry = new Point(coordinates[0]);
            pointGeometry.Attributes = new SimpleGeometryAttributeCollection();
            if (point.targetId != null) { pointGeometry.Attributes.Add("targetId", point.targetId); }
            pointGeometry.Attributes.Add("altitude", point.altitudeMode);
            if (point.extrude) { pointGeometry.Attributes.Add("extrude", point.extrude); }
            if (point.id != null) { pointGeometry.Attributes.Add("id", point.id); }

            return pointGeometry;
예제 #3
        protected async override void OnCreate(Bundle bundle)
            SupportActionBar.DisplayOptions = (int)ActionBarDisplayOptions.ShowCustom;
            _sos        = SupportActionBar.CustomView.FindViewById <RelativeLayout>(Resource.Id.sos);
            _myLocation = SupportActionBar.CustomView.FindViewById <RelativeLayout>(Resource.Id.where_i);
            _layers     = SupportActionBar.CustomView.FindViewById <RelativeLayout>(Resource.Id.layers);

            _sos.Click += delegate(object sender, EventArgs args)
                Toast.MakeText(this, "Help me!!!!", ToastLength.Long).Show();
            _layers.Click += delegate(object sender, EventArgs args)
                AlertDialog.Builder builderSingle = new AlertDialog.Builder(this);

                ArrayAdapterWithIcon arrayAdapter = new ArrayAdapterWithIcon(
                arrayAdapter.Add(new ListItem()
                    ImageResourceId = Resource.Drawable.tse_tse
                arrayAdapter.Add(new ListItem()
                    ImageResourceId = Resource.Drawable.grass
                arrayAdapter.Add(new ListItem()
                    ImageResourceId = Resource.Drawable.water
                arrayAdapter.Add(new ListItem()
                    ImageResourceId = Resource.Drawable.fire
                builderSingle.SetNegativeButton("Cancel", NegativeHandler);
                builderSingle.SetAdapter(arrayAdapter, this);
            _myLocation.Click += delegate(object sender, EventArgs args)
            //StyleInterpreter interpreter = null;
                bool isTile = true;
                //List<OsmGeo> osm = null;
                if (isTile)
                    _mapView = FindViewById <MapView>(Resource.Id.mapview);

                    _provider = new CustomLocationProvider(this);
                    _provider.StartLocationProvider(new MyLocationNewOverlay(this, _mapView));

                    //List<OverlayItem> overlayItemArray = new List<OverlayItem>();
                    //OverlayItem olItem = new OverlayItem("Here", "SampleDescription", new GeoPoint(34.878039, -10.650));
                    //overlayItemArray.Add(new OverlayItem("Hi", "You're here", new GeoPoint(34.888039, -10.660)));

                    DefaultResourceProxyImpl defaultResourceProxyImpl = new DefaultResourceProxyImpl(this);
                    //ItemizedIconOverlay myItemizedIconOverlay = new ItemizedIconOverlay(overlayItemArray, null, defaultResourceProxyImpl);

                    //PathOverlay myPath = new PathOverlay(Color.Red, this);
                    //myPath.AddPoint(new GeoPoint(34.878039, -10.650));
                    //myPath.AddPoint(new GeoPoint(34.888039, -10.660));

                    _mapController = _mapView.Controller;


                    _geoService = new CouchDbGeoObjectsService();

                    //var firstPoint = ((GeoJSON.Net.Geometry.Point) points.Features[0].Geometry);
                    var firstPoint = new OsmSharp.Geo.Geometries.Point(new OsmSharp.Math.Geo.GeoCoordinate(33, -10));
                    //double x = ((GeographicPosition) firstPoint.Coordinates).Latitude;
                    //double y = ((GeographicPosition)firstPoint.Coordinates).Longitude;
                    //List<OverlayItem> overlayItemArray = new List<OverlayItem>();
                    //OverlayItem olItem = new OverlayItem("Here", "SampleDescription", new GeoPoint(x, y));

                    //ItemizedIconOverlay newPoints = new ItemizedIconOverlay(overlayItemArray, null, defaultResourceProxyImpl);
                    /*List<OsmGeo> osm = await _service.DownloadArea(34.878039, -10.465, 36, -9.077);
                     * if (osm != null)
                     * {
                     * Native.Initialize();
                     * // initialize map.
                     * var map = new Map();
                     * interpreter = new MapCSSInterpreter(css);
                     * IDataSourceReadOnly source = new MemoryDataSource(osm.ToArray());
                     * var layer = map.AddLayerOsm(source, interpreter);
                     * _mapView = new MapView(this, new MapViewSurface(this));
                     * _mapView.Map = map;
                     * _mapView.MapMaxZoomLevel = 17; // limit min/max zoom because MBTiles sample only contains a small portion of a map.
                     * _mapView.MapMinZoomLevel = 1;
                     * _mapView.MapTilt = 0;
                     * _mapView.MapCenter = new GeoCoordinate(-9.2, 36);
                     * _mapView.MapZoom = 2;
                     * _mapView.MapAllowTilt = false;
                     * //OsmSharp.Data.SQLite.SQLiteConnectionBase sqLiteConnection = new SQLiteConnection("osmMap");
                     * frame.AddView(_mapView);
                     * var textLabel = FindViewById<TextView>(Resource.Id.text_label);
                     * textLabel.Text = "Изображение подгрузилось";
                     * Toast.MakeText(this, "Read success", ToastLength.Long).Show();
                     * }
                     * else
                     * {
                     * Toast.MakeText(this, "OSM is null", ToastLength.Long).Show();
                     * }*/
            catch (Exception exception)
                Toast.MakeText(this, exception.Message, ToastLength.Long).Show();
예제 #4
        public void TestPointSerialization()
            var geometry = new Point(new GeoCoordinate(0, 1));

            var serialized = geometry.ToGeoJson();
            serialized = serialized.RemoveWhitespace();

예제 #5
        public void TestMultiPointSerialization()
            var geometry1 = new Point(new GeoCoordinate(0, 1));
            var geometry2 = new Point(new GeoCoordinate(1, 1));
            var geometry3 = new Point(new GeoCoordinate(1, 0));
            var geometryCollection = new MultiPoint(new Point[] { geometry1, geometry2, geometry3 });

            var serialized = geometryCollection.ToGeoJson();
            serialized = serialized.RemoveWhitespace();

예제 #6
        public void TestGeometryCollectionSerialization()
            var geometry1 = new LineString(
                new GeoCoordinate[]
                    new GeoCoordinate(0, 0),
                    new GeoCoordinate(0, 1),
                    new GeoCoordinate(1, 1),
                    new GeoCoordinate(1, 0)
            var geometry2 = new LineString(
                new GeoCoordinate[]
                    new GeoCoordinate(0, 0),
                    new GeoCoordinate(0, 2),
                    new GeoCoordinate(2, 2),
                    new GeoCoordinate(2, 0)
            var geometry3 = new LineString(
                new GeoCoordinate[]
                    new GeoCoordinate(0, 0),
                    new GeoCoordinate(0, 3),
                    new GeoCoordinate(3, 3),
                    new GeoCoordinate(3, 0)
            var geometry4 = new LineairRing(
                new GeoCoordinate[]
                    new GeoCoordinate(0, 0),
                    new GeoCoordinate(0, 1),
                    new GeoCoordinate(1, 1),
                    new GeoCoordinate(1, 0),
                    new GeoCoordinate(0, 0)
            var geometry5 = new Polygon(new LineairRing(
                new GeoCoordinate[]
                    new GeoCoordinate(0, 0),
                    new GeoCoordinate(0, 1),
                    new GeoCoordinate(1, 1),
                    new GeoCoordinate(1, 0),
                    new GeoCoordinate(0, 0)
            var geometry6 = new MultiPolygon(geometry5, new Polygon(new LineairRing(
                new GeoCoordinate[]
                    new GeoCoordinate(0, 0),
                    new GeoCoordinate(0, 2),
                    new GeoCoordinate(2, 2),
                    new GeoCoordinate(2, 0),
                    new GeoCoordinate(0, 0)
            var geometry7 = new Point(new GeoCoordinate(0, 1));
            var geometry8 = new MultiPoint(geometry7, new Point(new GeoCoordinate(0, 2)));
            var geometryCollection = new GeometryCollection(
                geometry1, geometry2, geometry3,
                geometry4, geometry5, geometry6,
                geometry7, geometry8);

            var serialized = geometryCollection.ToGeoJson();
            serialized = serialized.RemoveWhitespace();

예제 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads a gpx v1.1 object into corresponding geometries.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gpx"></param>
        private void ReadGpxv1_1(Xml.Gpx.v1_1.gpxType gpx)

            // do the waypoints.
            if (gpx.wpt != null)
            { // there are waypoints.
                foreach (var wpt in gpx.wpt)
                    Point point = new Point(
                        new GeoCoordinate((double)wpt.lat, (double)wpt.lon));
                    point.Attributes = new SimpleGeometryAttributeCollection();

                    if (wpt.ageofdgpsdataSpecified) { point.Attributes.Add("ageofdgpsdata", wpt.ageofdgpsdata); }
                    if (wpt.eleSpecified) { point.Attributes.Add("ele", wpt.ele); }
                    if (wpt.fixSpecified) { point.Attributes.Add("fix", wpt.fix); }
                    if (wpt.geoidheightSpecified) { point.Attributes.Add("geoidheight", wpt.geoidheight); }
                    if (wpt.hdopSpecified) { point.Attributes.Add("hdop", wpt.hdop); }
                    if (wpt.magvarSpecified) { point.Attributes.Add("magvar", wpt.magvar); }
                    if (wpt.pdopSpecified) { point.Attributes.Add("pdop", wpt.pdop); }
                    if (wpt.timeSpecified) { point.Attributes.Add("time", wpt.time); }
                    if (wpt.vdopSpecified) { point.Attributes.Add("vdop", wpt.vdop); }

                    if (wpt.cmt != null) { point.Attributes.Add("cmt", wpt.cmt); }
                    if (wpt.desc != null) { point.Attributes.Add("desc", wpt.desc); }
                    if (wpt.dgpsid != null) { point.Attributes.Add("dgpsid", wpt.dgpsid); }
                    if (wpt.name != null) { point.Attributes.Add("name", wpt.name); }
                    if (wpt.sat != null) { point.Attributes.Add("sat", wpt.sat); }
                    if (wpt.src != null) { point.Attributes.Add("src", wpt.src); }
                    if (wpt.sym != null) { point.Attributes.Add("sym", wpt.sym); }
                    if (wpt.type != null) { point.Attributes.Add("type", wpt.type); }


            // do the routes.
            if (gpx.rte != null)
                foreach (var rte in gpx.rte)
                { // convert to a line-string
                    List<GeoCoordinate> coordinates = new List<GeoCoordinate>();
                    foreach (var rtept in rte.rtept)
                        GeoCoordinate coordinate = new GeoCoordinate((double)rtept.lat, (double)rtept.lon);

                        if (_createTrackPoints)
                            Point point = new Point(coordinate);
                            point.Attributes = new SimpleGeometryAttributeCollection();

                            if (rtept.ageofdgpsdataSpecified) { point.Attributes.Add("ageofdgpsdata", rtept.ageofdgpsdata); }
                            if (rtept.eleSpecified) { point.Attributes.Add("ele", rtept.ele); }
                            if (rtept.fixSpecified) { point.Attributes.Add("fix", rtept.fix); }
                            if (rtept.geoidheightSpecified) { point.Attributes.Add("geoidheight", rtept.geoidheight); }
                            if (rtept.hdopSpecified) { point.Attributes.Add("hdop", rtept.hdop); }
                            if (rtept.magvarSpecified) { point.Attributes.Add("magvar", rtept.magvar); }
                            if (rtept.pdopSpecified) { point.Attributes.Add("pdop", rtept.pdop); }
                            if (rtept.timeSpecified) { point.Attributes.Add("time", rtept.time); }
                            if (rtept.vdopSpecified) { point.Attributes.Add("vdop", rtept.vdop); }

                            if (rtept.cmt != null) { point.Attributes.Add("cmt", rtept.cmt); }
                            if (rtept.desc != null) { point.Attributes.Add("desc", rtept.desc); }
                            if (rtept.dgpsid != null) { point.Attributes.Add("dgpsid", rtept.dgpsid); }
                            if (rtept.name != null) { point.Attributes.Add("name", rtept.name); }
                            if (rtept.sat != null) { point.Attributes.Add("sat", rtept.sat); }
                            if (rtept.src != null) { point.Attributes.Add("src", rtept.src); }
                            if (rtept.sym != null) { point.Attributes.Add("sym", rtept.sym); }
                            if (rtept.type != null) { point.Attributes.Add("type", rtept.type); }


                    // creates a new linestring.
                    LineString lineString = new LineString(coordinates);
                    lineString.Attributes = new SimpleGeometryAttributeCollection();
                    if (rte.cmt != null) { lineString.Attributes.Add("cmt", rte.cmt); }
                    if (rte.desc != null) { lineString.Attributes.Add("desc", rte.desc); }
                    if (rte.name != null) { lineString.Attributes.Add("name", rte.name); }
                    if (rte.number != null) { lineString.Attributes.Add("number", rte.number); }
                    if (rte.src != null) { lineString.Attributes.Add("src", rte.src); }


            // do the tracks.
            foreach (var trk in gpx.trk)
            { // convert to a line-string
                List<GeoCoordinate> coordinates = new List<GeoCoordinate>();
                foreach (var trkseg in trk.trkseg)
                    foreach (var wpt in trkseg.trkpt)
                        GeoCoordinate coordinate = new GeoCoordinate((double)wpt.lat, (double)wpt.lon);

                        // only add new coordinates.
                        if (coordinates.Count == 0 || coordinates[coordinates.Count - 1] != coordinate)

                        if (_createTrackPoints)
                            Point point = new Point(coordinate);
                            point.Attributes = new SimpleGeometryAttributeCollection();

                            if (wpt.ageofdgpsdataSpecified) { point.Attributes.Add("ageofdgpsdata", wpt.ageofdgpsdata); }
                            if (wpt.eleSpecified) { point.Attributes.Add("ele", wpt.ele); }
                            if (wpt.fixSpecified) { point.Attributes.Add("fix", wpt.fix); }
                            if (wpt.geoidheightSpecified) { point.Attributes.Add("geoidheight", wpt.geoidheight); }
                            if (wpt.hdopSpecified) { point.Attributes.Add("hdop", wpt.hdop); }
                            if (wpt.magvarSpecified) { point.Attributes.Add("magvar", wpt.magvar); }
                            if (wpt.pdopSpecified) { point.Attributes.Add("pdop", wpt.pdop); }
                            if (wpt.timeSpecified) { point.Attributes.Add("time", wpt.time); }
                            if (wpt.vdopSpecified) { point.Attributes.Add("vdop", wpt.vdop); }

                            if (wpt.cmt != null) { point.Attributes.Add("cmt", wpt.cmt); }
                            if (wpt.desc != null) { point.Attributes.Add("desc", wpt.desc); }
                            if (wpt.dgpsid != null) { point.Attributes.Add("dgpsid", wpt.dgpsid); }
                            if (wpt.name != null) { point.Attributes.Add("name", wpt.name); }
                            if (wpt.sat != null) { point.Attributes.Add("sat", wpt.sat); }
                            if (wpt.src != null) { point.Attributes.Add("src", wpt.src); }
                            if (wpt.sym != null) { point.Attributes.Add("sym", wpt.sym); }
                            if (wpt.type != null) { point.Attributes.Add("type", wpt.type); }


                // creates a new linestring.
                LineString lineString = new LineString(coordinates);
                lineString.Attributes = new SimpleGeometryAttributeCollection();
                if (trk.cmt != null) { lineString.Attributes.Add("cmt", trk.cmt); }
                if (trk.desc != null) { lineString.Attributes.Add("desc", trk.desc); }
                if (trk.name != null) { lineString.Attributes.Add("name", trk.name); }
                if (trk.number != null) { lineString.Attributes.Add("number", trk.number); }
                if (trk.src != null) { lineString.Attributes.Add("src", trk.src); }
