/// <summary> /// Creates a controller and initializes the patch fields. /// </summary> public void InitializeEditor(ProcessingData data, bool isEditable) { _renderViewportReferenceRect = GetNode <ReferenceRect>("RenderViewportReferenceRect"); Sfc2dEditorControl = new Sfc2dEditorControl(_renderViewportReferenceRect, data, isEditable); Connect("resized", this, nameof(MarkForResizeOffsetRestore)); _currentScale = new Vector2(1f, 1f); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes the whole page. Called before the node is added to the tree by the lesson controller. /// </summary> public override void InitialiseWith(IMainNode mainNode, ILessonEntity openedLesson) { MainNode = mainNode; OpenedLesson = openedLesson; LessonView = GetNode <LessonView>(LessonViewPath); LessonView.LoadAndShowInfo(openedLesson); Sfc2dEditorNode = GetNode <Sfc2dEditorNode>(Sfc2dEditorPath); HelpPage = GetNode <HelpPage>(EditorHelpPath); ProcessingData data = new ProcessingData { InputRegisters = new StateTable(LessonView.PlantView.LoadedSimulationNode.SimulationOutput), OutputRegisters = new StateTable(LessonView.PlantView.LoadedSimulationNode.SimulationInput) }; Sfc2dEditorNode.InitializeEditor(data, true); TryLoadDiagram(); }
public Sfc2dEditorControl(ReferenceRect referenceRect, ProcessingData data, bool isEditable) { ReferenceRect = referenceRect; Data = data; _isEditable = isEditable; }