public override async Task UpdateAsync(CombatInstance inst, BasicCard owner) { if (inst.RoundNumber != 1) { Console.WriteLine("A"); var cute = 0; var fluffy = 0; var speedy = 0; foreach (UserAccount teammate in inst.GetTeam(owner).Members) { foreach (BasicCard card in teammate.ActiveCards) { if (card.Name.Equals("Cute Bunny")) { cute++; } if (card.Name.Equals("Fluffy Angora")) { fluffy++; } if (card.Name.Equals("Speedy Hare")) { speedy++; } } } if (cute > 0) { var success = RandomGen.PercentChance(15 * cute); if (success && owner.CurrentHP < owner.TotalHP) { var heal = 5; heal = owner.ApplyHealingBuffs(heal, false); heal = owner.Heal(heal, false); eff.Extra[0] += heal; Status = $"Healed a total of **{eff.Extra[0]}** HP.\nGained a total of **{eff.Extra[1]}** light shields.\nTotal of **{eff.Extra[2]}** bonus attack damage."; await MessageHandler.SendMessage(inst.Location, $"**(Herd Leader)** {owner.Signature} gained **{heal}** health from **{cute}** Cute Bunnies"); } } if (fluffy > 0) { var success = RandomGen.PercentChance(15 * fluffy); if (success) { owner.AddBuff(new BuffDebuff() { Name = "Herd Shielding", Buff = true, Origin = $"(Passive)", Description = $"The herd shields you! You gain 1 light shield.", ShieldOnly = true, LightShield = 1 }); eff.Extra[1]++; Status = $"Healed a total of **{eff.Extra[0]}** HP.\nGained a total of **{eff.Extra[1]}** light shields.\nTotal of **{eff.Extra[2]}** bonus attack damage."; await MessageHandler.SendMessage(inst.Location, $"**(Herd Leader)** {owner.Signature} gained **1 light shield** from **{fluffy}** Fluffy Angora"); } } if (speedy > 0) { var success = RandomGen.PercentChance(15 * speedy); if (success) { eff.DamageStaticBuff++; eff.Extra[2] = eff.DamageStaticBuff; Status = $"Healed a total of **{eff.Extra[0]}** HP.\nGained a total of **{eff.Extra[1]}** light shields.\nTotal of **{eff.Extra[2]}** bonus attack damage."; await MessageHandler.SendMessage(inst.Location, $"**(Herd Leader)** {owner.Signature} gained **1 permanent bonus damage** from **{speedy}** Fluffy Angora"); } } Console.WriteLine("B"); } }