예제 #1
파일: OriMod.cs 프로젝트: TwiliChaos/OriMod
        public override void Load()
            //SoulLinkKey = RegisterHotKey("SoulLink", "E");
            bashKey    = RegisterHotKey("Bash", "Mouse2");
            dashKey    = RegisterHotKey("Dash", "LeftControl");
            climbKey   = RegisterHotKey("Climbing", "LeftShift");
            featherKey = RegisterHotKey("Feather", "LeftShift");
            chargeKey  = RegisterHotKey("Charge", "W");
            burrowKey  = RegisterHotKey("Burrow", "LeftControl");
            if (!Main.dedServ)
                AddEquipTexture(null, EquipType.Head, "OriHead", "OriMod/PlayerEffects/OriHead");

예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads all Sein variants. Sein stats are hardcoded into this method.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Okay, no matter how many times I try to refactor this, I don't think it can be organized any better.
        /// <para>1. Memory is always only ever using 8 <see cref="SeinData"/>s, or however many is in <see cref="All"/>. Not too big a deal though.</para>
        /// <para>2. Readability. I feel that this is the best setup for a few reasons.</para>
        /// <para>2a. It's all in one file rather than multiple derived classes for easy comparison.</para>
        /// <para>2b. Only the changes/upgrades are shown, rather than having redundant data. The same could be accomplished with inheritance, but I'd rather not have 8 levels of it.</para>
        /// </remarks>
        internal static void Load()
            SeinData defaultSein = new SeinData();
            var      fields      = typeof(SeinData).GetFields();

            var list = new List <SeinData>();

            void AddNewSein(SeinData newSein)
                SeinData lastSein = list.Count == 0 ?
                                    new SeinData() :
                                    list[list.Count - 1];

                foreach (FieldInfo field in fields)
                    object defVal = field.GetValue(defaultSein);
                    object oldVal = field.GetValue(lastSein);
                    object newVal = field.GetValue(newSein);

                    // If value is specified in constructor, use it
                    // If value is unspecified, use value of previous upgrade
                    if (newVal.ToString() == defVal.ToString())
                        newVal = oldVal;
                    field.SetValue(newSein, newVal);

            // Tier 1 (Silver)
            AddNewSein(new SeinData());

            // Tier 2 (Demonite/Crimtane)
            // Increased shots per burst
            // Max damage per burst: 15
            AddNewSein(new SeinData {
                rarity = ItemRarityID.Green,
                value  = 3000,
                color  = new Color(108, 92, 172),

                damage  = 24,
                targets = 1,
                bursts  = 3,
                projectileSpeedStart = 9f,
                homingIncreaseRate   = 0.05f,
                dustScale            = 1.8f,
                lightStrength        = 1.6f,

            // Tier 3 (Hellstone)
            // 2 targets
            // Max damage per burst: 42
            // For some sort of "rage" effect to pair with red theme, lower CD
            AddNewSein(new SeinData {
                rarity = ItemRarityID.Orange,
                value  = 10000,
                color  = new Color(240, 0, 0, 194),

                damage                       = 29,
                targets                      = 2,
                maxShotsAtOnce               = 2,
                randDegrees                  = 100,
                cooldownMin                  = 5,
                cooldownShort                = 16,
                cooldownLong                 = 35,
                projectileSpeedStart         = 12.5f,
                projectileSpeedIncreaseRate  = 0.7f,
                projectileSpeedIncreaseDelay = 10,
                targetMaxDist                = 370f,
                dustScale                    = 2f,
                lightStrength                = 1.275f,

            // Tier 4 (Mythril/Orichalcum)
            // 2 targets, 2 shots to primary, 3 shots max (rather than 4)
            // Max damage per burst: 81
            AddNewSein(new SeinData {
                rarity = ItemRarityID.LightRed,
                value  = 25000,
                color  = new Color(185, 248, 248),

                damage = 33,
                shotsToPrimaryTarget = 2,
                maxShotsAtOnce       = 3,
                randDegrees          = 60,
                cooldownMin          = 11,
                cooldownShort        = 25,
                cooldownLong         = 40,
                projectileSpeedStart = 13.5f,
                homingIncreaseRate   = 0.06f,
                homingIncreaseDelay  = 20,
                dustScale            = 2.2f,
                lightStrength        = 1.2f,

            // Tier 5 (Hallow)
            // 3 targets, 2 shots to primary, 4 shots max (rather than 5)
            // Max damage per burst: 132
            AddNewSein(new SeinData {
                rarity = ItemRarityID.Pink,
                value  = 50000,
                color  = new Color(255, 228, 160),

                damage              = 37,
                targets             = 3,
                maxShotsAtOnce      = 4,
                homingIncreaseDelay = 17,
                targetMaxDist       = 440f,
                dustScale           = 2.4f,
                lightStrength       = 1.4f,

            // Tier 6 (Spectral)
            // 3 targets, 3 shots to primary, 5 shots max
            // Max damage per burst: 195
            AddNewSein(new SeinData {
                rarity = ItemRarityID.Yellow,
                value  = 100000,
                color  = new Color(0, 180, 174, 210),

                damage = 42,
                shotsToPrimaryTarget         = 3,
                maxShotsAtOnce               = 5,
                cooldownMin                  = 12,
                cooldownShort                = 26,
                cooldownLong                 = 52,
                targetThroughWallDist        = 224f,
                homingIncreaseRate           = 0.07f,
                projectileSpeedStart         = 15f,
                projectileSpeedIncreaseRate  = 0.85f,
                projectileSpeedIncreaseDelay = 14,
                randDegrees                  = 70,
                dustScale     = 2.65f,
                lightStrength = 2.25f,

            // Tier 7 (Lunar)
            // 4 targets, 3 shots to primary, 2 to others, 6 shots max (rather than 9)
            // Max damage per burst: 282
            AddNewSein(new SeinData {
                rarity = ItemRarityID.Cyan,
                value  = 250000,
                color  = new Color(78, 38, 102),

                damage  = 47,
                targets = 4,
                shotsToPrimaryTarget = 3,
                shotsPerTarget       = 2,
                maxShotsAtOnce       = 9,
                homingIncreaseRate   = 0.025f,
                projectileSpeedStart = 16f,
                targetMaxDist        = 510f,
                randDegrees          = 120,
                dustScale            = 3f,
                lightStrength        = 4.5f,

            // Tier 8 (Lunar Bars)
            // 5 targets, 4 shots to primary, 2 shots to others, 10 shots max (rather than 12)
            // Max damage per burst: 530 (too high?)
            AddNewSein(new SeinData {
                rarity = ItemRarityID.Red,
                value  = 500000,
                color  = new Color(220, 220, 220),

                damage  = 53,
                bursts  = 4,
                targets = 6,
                shotsToPrimaryTarget         = 4,
                maxShotsAtOnce               = 10,
                cooldownMin                  = 16,
                cooldownShort                = 24,
                cooldownLong                 = 55,
                homingStrengthStart          = 0.05f,
                homingIncreaseDelay          = 15,
                projectileSpeedStart         = 20f,
                projectileSpeedIncreaseRate  = 1.25f,
                projectileSpeedIncreaseDelay = 28,
                randDegrees                  = 180,
                targetMaxDist                = 650f,
                targetThroughWallDist        = 370f,
                dustScale     = 3.35f,
                lightStrength = 2.5f,

            All              = list.ToArray();
            OriMod.OnUnload += Unload;