public ActionResult New(AccessViewModel model, string accessLevel) { if (!isAuthenticated() || !loggedUser.isAdmin) return new HttpUnauthorizedResult(); else { if (ModelState.IsValid) { if (!new User().emailExists(model.Email)) { Common common = new Common(); string newPassword = common.generatePassword(6); bool emailSent = common.sendEmail(model.Email, string.Format("Seu acesso foi criado no Agenda SUD\n\nEmail: {0}\nSenha: {1}\n\nAgenda SUD\n", model.Email, newPassword), "Agenda SUD - Acesso Criado"); Result result = new User().addUser(model.Email, newPassword, loggedUser.Unit, (accessLevel == "A")); if (emailSent && result.Success) return RedirectToAction("Index"); else { ModelState.AddModelError("", "Ocorreu um erro ao criar novo acesso"); } } else { ModelState.AddModelError("", "Endereço de email já está sendo utilizado por outro usuário"); } } return View(model); } }
public ActionResult ForgotPassword(string email) { User user = new User().getUser(email.ToLower()); if (user.Id == 0) return RedirectToAction("Feedback", new { message = "Usuário não encontrado" }); else { Common common = new Common(); string newPassword = common.generatePassword(6); Result result = user.updateUser(user.Id, email.ToLower(), newPassword); if (result.Success && common.sendEmail(email, string.Format("Sua nova senha é\n\n{0}\n\nAgenda SUD\n", newPassword), "Agenda SUD - Nova senha")) { return RedirectToAction("Feedback", new { message = "Uma nova senha foi enviada para seu endereço de email" }); } else { return RedirectToAction("Feedback", new { message = "Erro ao enviar nova senha" }); } } }
public ActionResult Update(UserViewModel model) { if (!isAuthenticated()) return new HttpUnauthorizedResult(); else { if (ModelState.IsValid) { if (model.Password != string.Empty && model.Email != string.Empty) { Models.User user = new Models.User(); string oldEmail = user.getUser(model.Id).Email; bool emailOk = false; // check if the email id different if (oldEmail.ToLower() == model.Email.ToLower()) emailOk = true; else { if (!user.emailExists(model.Email)) emailOk = true; } if (emailOk) { Result result = user.updateUser(model.Id, model.Email, model.Password); if (result.Success) result = new Unit().updateUnit(model.UnitName, model.Id); if (result.Success) { Session["user"] = new User().getUser(model.Id); return RedirectToAction("UpdateSuccess"); } } else { ModelState.AddModelError("", "Endereço de email já está sendo utilizado por outro usuário"); } } else { ModelState.AddModelError("", "Os campos email e senha precisam ser preenchidos"); } } ViewBag.isAdmin = loggedUser.isAdmin; return View(model); } }
public List<User> getWardUsers(int unitId) { List<User> users = new List<User>(); foreach (List<string> data in database.retrieveData("select,, us.profile from lds_user us, lds_unit un, lds_user_unit uu " + " where unit_id = @unit_id " + " and uu.unit_id = " + " and uu.user_id = " + " order by", unitId)) { User user = new User(); user.Id = common.convertNumber(data[0]); user.Email = data[1]; user.isAdmin = (data[2] == "1"); users.Add(user); } return users; }
public User getUser(string email) { User user = new User(); foreach (List<string> data in database.retrieveData("select id, profile from lds_user where email = @email", email)) { user.Id = Convert.ToInt32(data[0]); user.Email = email; user.isAdmin = (data[1] == "1"); Unit unit = new Unit().getUnit(user.Id); user.Unit = unit.Id; user.UnitName = unit.Name; } return user; }
public User getUser(int id) { User user = new User(); foreach(List<string> data in database.retrieveData("select email, password, profile from lds_user where id = @id", id)) { user.Id = id; user.Email = data[0]; user.Password = data[1]; user.isAdmin = (data[2] == "1"); Unit unit = new Unit().getUnit(id); user.Unit = unit.Id; user.UnitName = unit.Name; } return user; }