예제 #1
        internal static void SetSuccessor(PageCursor cursor, long successorId, long stableGeneration, long unstableGeneration)
            cursor.Offset = BytePosSuccessor;
            long result = GenerationSafePointerPair.Write(cursor, successorId, stableGeneration, unstableGeneration);

예제 #2
        internal static void SetLeftSibling(PageCursor cursor, long leftSiblingId, long stableGeneration, long unstableGeneration)
            cursor.Offset = BytePosLeftsibling;
            long result = GenerationSafePointerPair.Write(cursor, leftSiblingId, stableGeneration, unstableGeneration);

예제 #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Checks a read pointer for success/failure and throws appropriate exception with failure information
 /// if failure. Must be called after a consistent read from page cache (after <seealso cref="PageCursor.shouldRetry()"/>.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="result"> result from <seealso cref="GenerationSafePointerPair.FLAG_READ"/> or
 /// <seealso cref="GenerationSafePointerPair.write(PageCursor, long, long, long)"/>. </param>
 /// <param name="allowNoNode"> If <seealso cref="TreeNode.NO_NODE_FLAG"/> is allowed as pointer value. </param>
 internal static void CheckPointer(long result, bool allowNoNode)
     if (allowNoNode && !TreeNode.IsNode(result))
     if (result < IdSpace.MIN_TREE_NODE_ID)
         throw new TreeInconsistencyException("Pointer to id " + result + " not allowed. Minimum node id allowed is " + IdSpace.MIN_TREE_NODE_ID);
예제 #4
 /* PageCorruption */
 public static PageCorruption <KEY, VALUE> Crashed <KEY, VALUE>(GBPTreePointerType gbpTreePointerType)
     return((pageCursor, layout, node, treeState) =>
         int offset = gbpTreePointerType.Offset(node);
         long stableGeneration = treeState.stableGeneration();
         long unstableGeneration = treeState.unstableGeneration();
         long crashGeneration = crashGeneration(treeState);
         pageCursor.Offset = offset;
         long pointer = pointer(GenerationSafePointerPair.Read(pageCursor, stableGeneration, unstableGeneration, NO_GENERATION_TARGET));
         OverwriteGSPP(pageCursor, offset, crashGeneration, pointer);
예제 #5
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void shouldWrite()
        public virtual void ShouldWrite()
            // GIVEN
            _cursor.Offset = SLOT_A_OFFSET;
            long preStatePointerA = StateA.materialize(_cursor, POINTER_A);

            _cursor.Offset = _slotBOffset;
            long preStatePointerB = StateB.materialize(_cursor, POINTER_B);

            // WHEN
            _cursor.Offset = GSPP_OFFSET;
            long written = GenerationSafePointerPair.Write(_cursor, WRITTEN_POINTER, STABLE_GENERATION, UNSTABLE_GENERATION);

            // THEN
            ExpectedWriteOutcome.verifyWrite(_cursor, written, StateA, StateB, preStatePointerA, preStatePointerB);
예제 #6
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void shouldRead()
        public virtual void ShouldRead()
            // GIVEN
            _cursor.Offset = SLOT_A_OFFSET;
            long preStatePointerA = StateA.materialize(_cursor, POINTER_A);

            _cursor.Offset = _slotBOffset;
            long preStatePointerB = StateB.materialize(_cursor, POINTER_B);

            // WHEN
            _cursor.Offset = GSPP_OFFSET;
            GenerationKeeper generationKeeper = new GenerationKeeper();
            long             result           = GenerationSafePointerPair.Read(_cursor, STABLE_GENERATION, UNSTABLE_GENERATION, generationKeeper);

            // THEN
            ExpectedReadOutcome.verifyRead(_cursor, result, StateA, StateB, preStatePointerA, preStatePointerB, generationKeeper.Generation);
예제 #7
        private void AssertKeysAndChildren(long stable, long unstable, params long[] keysAndChildren)
            KEY actualKey = _layout.newKey();
            int pos;

            for (int i = 0; i < keysAndChildren.Length; i++)
                pos = i / 2;
                if (i % 2 == 0)
                    assertEquals(keysAndChildren[i], GenerationSafePointerPair.Pointer(_node.childAt(Cursor, pos, stable, unstable)));
                    KEY expectedKey = Key(keysAndChildren[i]);
                    _node.keyAt(Cursor, actualKey, pos, INTERNAL);
                    assertEquals(0, _layout.Compare(expectedKey, actualKey));
예제 #8
        private static void AssertFailure(long result, long readOrWrite, int generationComparison, sbyte pointerStateA, sbyte pointerStateB)

            // Raw failure bits
            assertEquals(readOrWrite, result & READ_OR_WRITE_MASK);
            if (generationComparison != EXPECTED_GENERATION_DISREGARD)
                assertEquals(GenerationComparisonBits(generationComparison), result & GENERATION_COMPARISON_MASK);
            assertEquals(pointerStateA, pointerStateFromResult(result, SHIFT_STATE_A));
            assertEquals(pointerStateB, pointerStateFromResult(result, SHIFT_STATE_B));

            // Failure description
            string failureDescription = failureDescription(result);

            assertThat(failureDescription, containsString(isRead(result) ? "READ" : "WRITE"));
            if (generationComparison != EXPECTED_GENERATION_DISREGARD)
                assertThat(failureDescription, containsString(GenerationComparisonName(generationComparison)));
            assertThat(failureDescription, containsString(pointerStateName(pointerStateA)));
            assertThat(failureDescription, containsString(pointerStateName(pointerStateB)));
예제 #9
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @Test void checkChildShouldThrowOnReadFailure()
        internal virtual void CheckChildShouldThrowOnReadFailure()
            long result = GenerationSafePointerPair.Read(_cursor, 0, 1, NO_GENERATION_TARGET);

            assertThrows(typeof(TreeInconsistencyException), () => PointerChecking.checkPointer(result, false));
예제 #10
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in C#:
//ORIGINAL LINE: static void goTo(org.neo4j.io.pagecache.PageCursor cursor, String messageOnError, long nodeId) throws java.io.IOException
        internal static void GoTo(PageCursor cursor, string messageOnError, long nodeId)
            PageCursorUtil.GoTo(cursor, messageOnError, GenerationSafePointerPair.Pointer(nodeId));
예제 #11
 internal static bool IsNode(long node)
     return(GenerationSafePointerPair.Pointer(node) != NO_NODE_FLAG);
예제 #12
        internal static void WriteChild(PageCursor cursor, long child, long stableGeneration, long unstableGeneration)
            long write = GenerationSafePointerPair.Write(cursor, child, stableGeneration, unstableGeneration);

예제 #13
 private static string StateToString(long generation, long readPointer, long pointer, sbyte stateA)
     return(format("generation=%d, readPointer=%d, pointer=%d, state=%s", generation, readPointer, pointer, GenerationSafePointerPair.PointerStateName(stateA)));