//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: @Parameterized.Parameters public static java.util.Collection<Object[]> data() public static ICollection <object[]> Data() { return(Arrays.asList(new object[][] { new object[] { PathExpanders.allTypesAndDirections(), PathInterestFactory.All(), Uniqueness.NODE_PATH, new string[] { "a", "a,b", "a,c", "a,b,d", "a,b,c", "a,c,b", "a,c,b,d" } }, new object[] { PathExpanders.allTypesAndDirections(), PathInterestFactory.AllShortest(), Uniqueness.NODE_PATH, new string[] { "a", "a,b", "a,c", "a,b,d" } }, new object[] { PathExpanders.forDirection(Direction.OUTGOING), PathInterestFactory.All(), Uniqueness.NODE_PATH, new string[] { "a", "a,b", "a,c", "a,b,d", "a,c,b", "a,c,b,d" } }, new object[] { PathExpanders.allTypesAndDirections(), PathInterestFactory.All(), Uniqueness.NODE_GLOBAL, new string[] { "a", "a,b", "a,c", "a,b,d" } }, new object[] { PathExpanders.allTypesAndDirections(), PathInterestFactory.All(), Uniqueness.RELATIONSHIP_GLOBAL, new string[] { "a", "a,b", "a,c", "a,b,d", "a,b,c" } } })); }
public WeightedPathIterator(ResourceIterator <Path> paths, CostEvaluator <double> costEvaluator, double epsilon, bool stopAfterLowestWeight) : this(paths, costEvaluator, epsilon, stopAfterLowestWeight ? PathInterestFactory.AllShortest(epsilon) : PathInterestFactory.All(epsilon)) { }