private void init(IDigest digest, int securityStrength, IEntropySource entropySource, byte[] personalizationString, byte[] nonce) { if (securityStrength > DrbgUtilities.GetMaxSecurityStrength(digest)) { throw new ArgumentException("Requested security strength is not supported by the derivation function"); } if (entropySource.EntropySize < securityStrength) { throw new ArgumentException("Not enough entropy for security strength required"); } mDigest = digest; mEntropySource = entropySource; mSecurityStrength = securityStrength; mSeedLength = (int)seedlens[digest.AlgorithmName]; // 1. seed_material = entropy_input || nonce || personalization_string. // 2. seed = Hash_df (seed_material, seedlen). // 3. V = seed. // 4. C = Hash_df ((0x00 || V), seedlen). Comment: Preceed V with a byte // of zeros. // 5. reseed_counter = 1. // 6. Return V, C, and reseed_counter as the initial_working_state byte[] entropy = getEntropy(); byte[] seedMaterial = Arrays.ConcatenateAll(entropy, nonce, personalizationString); Arrays.Fill(entropy, (byte)0); reseedFromSeedMaterial(seedMaterial); }
private void init(IMac hMac, int securityStrength, IEntropySource entropySource, byte[] personalizationString, byte[] nonce) { if (securityStrength > DrbgUtilities.GetMaxSecurityStrength(hMac)) { throw new ArgumentException("Requested security strength is not supported by the derivation function"); } if (entropySource.EntropySize < securityStrength) { throw new ArgumentException("Not enough entropy for security strength required"); } mSecurityStrength = securityStrength; mEntropySource = entropySource; mHMac = hMac; mEntropySource = entropySource; mK = new byte[hMac.GetMacSize()]; mV = new byte[mK.Length]; Arrays.Fill(mV, (byte)1); byte[] entropy = getEntropy(); byte[] seedMaterial = Arrays.ConcatenateAll(entropy, nonce, personalizationString); Arrays.Fill(entropy, (byte)0); reseedFromSeedMaterial(seedMaterial); }
private byte[] hashSeedMaterial(byte[] seedMaterial) { try { return(DrbgUtilities.HashDF(mDigest, seedMaterial, mSeedLength)); } finally { Arrays.Fill(seedMaterial, (byte)0); } }
internal override void Evaluate() { byte[] origV = parent.mV; byte[] origC = parent.mC; long origReseedCounter = parent.mReseedCounter; IEntropySource origEntropySource = parent.mEntropySource; int origSeedLength = parent.mSeedLength; int origSecurityStrength = parent.mSecurityStrength; try { byte[] additionalInput = Hex.Decode("404142434445464748494A4B4C4D4E4F505152535455565758595A5B5C5D5E5F606162636465666768696A6B6C6D6E6F70717273747576"); int entropyStrength = DrbgUtilities.GetMaxSecurityStrength(parent.mDigest); byte[][] expected = (byte[][])reseedKats[algorithm.Name]; parent.mV = Arrays.Clone((byte[])reseedVs[algorithm.Name]); parent.mEntropySource = new DrbgUtilities.KatEntropyProvider().Get(entropyStrength); parent.Reseed(additionalInput); if (parent.mReseedCounter != 1) { Fail("DRBG reseedCounter failed to reset"); } byte[] output = new byte[expected[0].Length]; parent.Generate(output, null, false); if (!Arrays.AreEqual(expected[0], output)) { Fail("DRBG Block 1 reseed KAT failure"); } output = new byte[expected[1].Length]; parent.Generate(output, null, false); if (!Arrays.AreEqual(expected[1], output)) { Fail("DRBG Block 2 reseed KAT failure"); } try { parent.mEntropySource = new DrbgUtilities.LyingEntropySource(entropyStrength); parent.Reseed(null); Fail("DRBG LyingEntropySource not detected on reseed"); } catch (InvalidOperationException e) { if (!e.Message.Equals("Insufficient entropy provided by entropy source")) { Fail("DRBG self test failed reseed entropy check"); } } } finally { parent.mV = origV; parent.mC = origC; parent.mReseedCounter = origReseedCounter; parent.mEntropySource = origEntropySource; parent.mSeedLength = origSeedLength; parent.mSecurityStrength = origSecurityStrength; } }
internal override void Evaluate() { byte[] origV = parent.mV; byte[] origC = parent.mC; long origReseedCounter = parent.mReseedCounter; IEntropySource origEntropySource = parent.mEntropySource; int origSeedLength = parent.mSeedLength; int origSecurityStrength = parent.mSecurityStrength; try { byte[] personalization = Hex.Decode("404142434445464748494A4B4C4D4E4F505152535455565758595A5B5C5D5E5F606162636465666768696A6B6C6D6E6F70717273747576"); byte[] nonce = Hex.Decode("2021222324"); int entropyStrength = DrbgUtilities.GetMaxSecurityStrength(parent.mDigest); byte[][] expected = (byte[][])kats[algorithm.Name]; parent.init(parent.mDigest, parent.mSecurityStrength, new DrbgUtilities.KatEntropyProvider().Get(entropyStrength), personalization, nonce); byte[] output = new byte[expected[0].Length]; parent.Generate(output, null, true); if (!Arrays.AreEqual(expected[0], output)) { Fail("DRBG Block 1 KAT failure"); } output = new byte[expected[1].Length]; parent.Generate(output, null, true); if (!Arrays.AreEqual(expected[1], output)) { Fail("DRBG Block 2 KAT failure"); } try { parent.init(parent.mDigest, parent.mSecurityStrength, new DrbgUtilities.LyingEntropySource(entropyStrength), personalization, nonce); Fail("DRBG LyingEntropySource not detected in init"); } catch (InvalidOperationException e) { if (!e.Message.Equals("Insufficient entropy provided by entropy source")) { Fail("DRBG self test failed init entropy check"); } } try { parent.init(parent.mDigest, parent.mSecurityStrength, new DrbgUtilities.LyingEntropySource(20), personalization, nonce); Fail("DRBG insufficient EntropySource not detected"); } catch (ArgumentException e) { if (!e.Message.Equals("Not enough entropy for security strength required")) { Fail("DRBG self test failed init entropy check"); } } try { parent.mEntropySource = new DrbgUtilities.LyingEntropySource(entropyStrength); parent.Reseed(null); Fail("DRBG LyingEntropySource not detected in reseed"); } catch (InvalidOperationException e) { if (!e.Message.Equals("Insufficient entropy provided by entropy source")) { Fail("DRBG self test failed reseed entropy check"); } } try { parent.init(parent.mDigest, entropyStrength + 1, new DrbgUtilities.KatEntropyProvider().Get(entropyStrength), personalization, nonce); Fail("DRBG successful initialise with too high security strength"); } catch (ArgumentException e) { if (!e.Message.Equals("Requested security strength is not supported by the derivation function")) { Fail("DRBG self test failed init security strength check"); } } } finally { parent.mV = origV; parent.mC = origC; parent.mReseedCounter = origReseedCounter; parent.mEntropySource = origEntropySource; parent.mSeedLength = origSeedLength; parent.mSecurityStrength = origSecurityStrength; } }
/** * Populate a passed in array with random data. * * @param output output array for generated bits. * @param additionalInput additional input to be added to the DRBG in this step. * @param predictionResistant true if a reseed should be forced, false otherwise. * * @return number of bits generated, -1 if a reseed required. */ public int Generate(byte[] output, byte[] additionalInput, bool predictionResistant) { if (predictionResistant) { CTR_DRBG_Reseed_algorithm(additionalInput); additionalInput = null; } if (mIsTDEA) { if (mReseedCounter > TDEA_RESEED_MAX) { return(-1); } if (DrbgUtilities.IsTooLarge(output, TDEA_MAX_BITS_REQUEST / 8)) { throw new ArgumentException("Number of bits per request limited to " + TDEA_MAX_BITS_REQUEST); } } else { if (mReseedCounter > AES_RESEED_MAX) { return(-1); } if (DrbgUtilities.IsTooLarge(output, AES_MAX_BITS_REQUEST / 8)) { throw new ArgumentException("Number of bits per request limited to " + AES_MAX_BITS_REQUEST); } } byte[] seedMaterial; if (additionalInput != null) { seedMaterial = Block_Cipher_df(additionalInput, mSeedLength); // _Key & _V are modified by this call CTR_DRBG_Update(seedMaterial); } else { seedMaterial = new byte[mSeedLength]; } byte[] requested = new byte[mV.Length]; mEngine.Init(true, new KeyParameter(mKey)); for (int i = 0; i <= output.Length / requested.Length; i++) { int bytesToCopy = ((output.Length - i * requested.Length) > requested.Length) ? requested.Length : (output.Length - i * mV.Length); if (bytesToCopy != 0) { addOneTo(mV); mEngine.ProcessBlock(mV, 0, requested, 0); Array.Copy(requested, 0, output, i * requested.Length, bytesToCopy); } } // _Key & _V are modified by this call CTR_DRBG_Update(seedMaterial); Arrays.Fill(seedMaterial, (byte)0); mReseedCounter++; return(output.Length * 8); }