상속: Asn1Encodable
        private string GetExchangeEncryptionAlgorithmName(
            AlgorithmIdentifier algo)
            DerObjectIdentifier oid = algo.Algorithm;

            if (Asn1Pkcs.PkcsObjectIdentifiers.RsaEncryption.Equals(oid))
            else if (Asn1Pkcs.PkcsObjectIdentifiers.IdRsaesOaep.Equals(oid))
                Asn1Pkcs.RsaesOaepParameters rsaParams = Asn1Pkcs.RsaesOaepParameters.GetInstance(algo.Parameters);
                return("RSA//OAEPWITH" + DigestUtilities.GetAlgorithmName(rsaParams.HashAlgorithm.Algorithm) + "ANDMGF1Padding");

예제 #2
		public override void PerformTest()
			byte[] input = new byte[]
			{ (byte)0x54, (byte)0x85, (byte)0x9b, (byte)0x34, (byte)0x2c, (byte)0x49, (byte)0xea, (byte)0x2a };
			byte[][] output = new byte[][]
			SecureRandom rand = new MyFixedSecureRandom();

//			KeyFactory fact = KeyFactory.GetInstance("RSA");
//			PrivateKey  privKey = fact.generatePrivate(privKeySpec);
//			PublicKey   pubKey = fact.generatePublic(pubKeySpec);
			AsymmetricKeyParameter privKey = privKeySpec;
			AsymmetricKeyParameter pubKey = pubKeySpec;

//			PrivateKey  priv2048Key = fact.generatePrivate(priv2048KeySpec);
//			PublicKey   pub2048Key = fact.generatePublic(pub2048KeySpec);
			AsymmetricKeyParameter priv2048Key = priv2048KeySpec;
			AsymmetricKeyParameter pub2048Key = pub2048KeySpec;

			// No Padding
//			Cipher c = Cipher.GetInstance("RSA");
			IBufferedCipher c = CipherUtilities.GetCipher("RSA");

//			c.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, pubKey, rand);
			c.Init(true, pubKey);// new ParametersWithRandom(pubKey, rand));

			byte[] outBytes = c.DoFinal(input);

			if (!AreEqual(outBytes, output[0]))
				Fail("NoPadding test failed on encrypt expected " + Hex.ToHexString(output[0]) + " got " + Hex.ToHexString(outBytes));

//			c.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, privKey);
			c.Init(false, privKey);

			outBytes = c.DoFinal(outBytes);

			if (!AreEqual(outBytes, input))
				Fail("NoPadding test failed on decrypt expected " + Hex.ToHexString(input) + " got " + Hex.ToHexString(outBytes));

			// No Padding - incremental
//			c = Cipher.GetInstance("RSA");
			c = CipherUtilities.GetCipher("RSA");

//			c.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, pubKey, rand);
			c.Init(true, pubKey);// new ParametersWithRandom(pubKey, rand));


			outBytes = c.DoFinal();

			if (!AreEqual(outBytes, output[0]))
				Fail("NoPadding test failed on encrypt expected " + Hex.ToHexString(output[0]) + " got " + Hex.ToHexString(outBytes));

//			c.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, privKey);
			c.Init(false, privKey);

			outBytes = c.DoFinal(outBytes);

			if (!AreEqual(outBytes, input))
				Fail("NoPadding test failed on decrypt expected " + Hex.ToHexString(input) + " got " + Hex.ToHexString(outBytes));

			// No Padding - incremental - explicit use of NONE in mode.
			c = CipherUtilities.GetCipher("RSA/NONE/NoPadding");

//			c.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, pubKey, rand);
			c.Init(true, pubKey);// new ParametersWithRandom(pubKey, rand));

			outBytes = c.DoFinal();

			if (!AreEqual(outBytes, output[0]))
				Fail("NoPadding test failed on encrypt expected " + Hex.ToHexString(output[0]) + " got " + Hex.ToHexString(outBytes));
//			c.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, privKey);
			c.Init(false, privKey);
			outBytes = c.DoFinal(outBytes);

			if (!AreEqual(outBytes, input))
				Fail("NoPadding test failed on decrypt expected " + Hex.ToHexString(input) + " got " + Hex.ToHexString(outBytes));

			// No Padding - maximum.Length
			c = CipherUtilities.GetCipher("RSA");

			byte[] modBytes = ((RsaKeyParameters) pubKey).Modulus.ToByteArray();

			byte[] maxInput = new byte[modBytes.Length - 1];

			maxInput[0] |= 0x7f;

			c.Init(true, pubKey);// new ParametersWithRandom(pubKey, rand));

			outBytes = c.DoFinal(maxInput);

			c.Init(false, privKey);

			outBytes = c.DoFinal(outBytes);

			if (!AreEqual(outBytes, maxInput))
				Fail("NoPadding test failed on decrypt expected "
					+ Hex.ToHexString(maxInput) + " got "
					+ Hex.ToHexString(outBytes));

			// PKCS1 V 1.5
			c = CipherUtilities.GetCipher("RSA//PKCS1Padding");

			c.Init(true, new ParametersWithRandom(pubKey, rand));

			outBytes = c.DoFinal(input);

			if (!AreEqual(outBytes, output[1]))
				Fail("PKCS1 test failed on encrypt expected " + Hex.ToHexString(output[1]) + " got " + Hex.ToHexString(outBytes));

			c.Init(false, privKey);

			outBytes = c.DoFinal(outBytes);

			if (!AreEqual(outBytes, input))
				Fail("PKCS1 test failed on decrypt expected " + Hex.ToHexString(input) + " got " + Hex.ToHexString(outBytes));

			// PKCS1 V 1.5 - NONE
			c = CipherUtilities.GetCipher("RSA/NONE/PKCS1Padding");

			c.Init(true, new ParametersWithRandom(pubKey, rand));

			outBytes = c.DoFinal(input);

			if (!AreEqual(outBytes, output[1]))
				Fail("PKCS1 test failed on encrypt expected " + Hex.ToHexString(output[1]) + " got " + Hex.ToHexString(outBytes));

			c.Init(false, privKey);

			outBytes = c.DoFinal(outBytes);

			if (!AreEqual(outBytes, input))
				Fail("PKCS1 test failed on decrypt expected " + Hex.ToHexString(input) + " got " + Hex.ToHexString(outBytes));
			// OAEP - SHA1
			c = CipherUtilities.GetCipher("RSA/NONE/OAEPPadding");

			c.Init(true, new ParametersWithRandom(pubKey, rand));

			outBytes = c.DoFinal(input);

			if (!AreEqual(outBytes, output[2]))
				Fail("OAEP test failed on encrypt expected " + Hex.ToHexString(output[2]) + " got " + Hex.ToHexString(outBytes));

			c = CipherUtilities.GetCipher("RSA/NONE/OAEPWithSHA1AndMGF1Padding");

			c.Init(false, privKey);

			outBytes = c.DoFinal(outBytes);

			if (!AreEqual(outBytes, input))
				Fail("OAEP test failed on decrypt expected " + Hex.ToHexString(input) + " got " + Hex.ToHexString(outBytes));

	        // TODO
//			AlgorithmParameters oaepP = c.getParameters();
	        byte[] rop = new RsaesOaepParameters(
					new AlgorithmIdentifier(OiwObjectIdentifiers.IdSha1, DerNull.Instance),
					new AlgorithmIdentifier(PkcsObjectIdentifiers.IdMgf1, new AlgorithmIdentifier(OiwObjectIdentifiers.IdSha1, DerNull.Instance)),
					new AlgorithmIdentifier(PkcsObjectIdentifiers.IdPSpecified, new DerOctetString(new byte[0]))).GetEncoded();

//			if (!AreEqual(oaepP.getEncoded(), rop.getEncoded()))
//			{
//				Fail("OAEP test failed default sha-1 parameters");
//			}

			// OAEP - SHA224
			c = CipherUtilities.GetCipher("RSA/NONE/OAEPWithSHA224AndMGF1Padding");

			c.Init(true, new ParametersWithRandom(pub2048Key, rand));

			outBytes = c.DoFinal(input);

			if (!AreEqual(outBytes, output[3]))
				Fail("OAEP SHA-224 test failed on encrypt expected " + Hex.ToHexString(output[2]) + " got " + Hex.ToHexString(outBytes));

			c.Init(false, priv2048Key);

			outBytes = c.DoFinal(outBytes);

			if (!AreEqual(outBytes, input))
				Fail("OAEP SHA-224 test failed on decrypt expected " + Hex.ToHexString(input) + " got " + Hex.ToHexString(outBytes));

//			oaepP = c.getParameters();
			rop = new RsaesOaepParameters(
				new AlgorithmIdentifier(NistObjectIdentifiers.IdSha224, DerNull.Instance),
				new AlgorithmIdentifier(PkcsObjectIdentifiers.IdMgf1, new AlgorithmIdentifier(NistObjectIdentifiers.IdSha224, DerNull.Instance)),
				new AlgorithmIdentifier(PkcsObjectIdentifiers.IdPSpecified, new DerOctetString(new byte[0]))).GetEncoded();

//			if (!AreEqual(oaepP.getEncoded(), rop.getEncoded())
//			{
//				Fail("OAEP test failed default sha-224 parameters");
//			}

			// OAEP - SHA 256
			c = CipherUtilities.GetCipher("RSA/NONE/OAEPWithSHA256AndMGF1Padding");

			c.Init(true, new ParametersWithRandom(pub2048Key, rand));

			outBytes = c.DoFinal(input);

			if (!AreEqual(outBytes, output[4]))
				Fail("OAEP SHA-256 test failed on encrypt expected " + Hex.ToHexString(output[2]) + " got " + Hex.ToHexString(outBytes));

			c.Init(false, priv2048Key);

			outBytes = c.DoFinal(outBytes);

			if (!AreEqual(outBytes, input))
				Fail("OAEP SHA-256 test failed on decrypt expected " + Hex.ToHexString(input) + " got " + Hex.ToHexString(outBytes));

//			oaepP = c.getParameters();
			rop = new RsaesOaepParameters(
				new AlgorithmIdentifier(NistObjectIdentifiers.IdSha256, DerNull.Instance),
				new AlgorithmIdentifier(PkcsObjectIdentifiers.IdMgf1, new AlgorithmIdentifier(NistObjectIdentifiers.IdSha256, DerNull.Instance)),
				new AlgorithmIdentifier(PkcsObjectIdentifiers.IdPSpecified, new DerOctetString(new byte[0]))).GetEncoded();

//			if (!AreEqual(oaepP.getEncoded(), rop.getEncoded())
//			{
//				Fail("OAEP test failed default sha-256 parameters");
//			}

			// OAEP - SHA 384
			c = CipherUtilities.GetCipher("RSA/NONE/OAEPWithSHA384AndMGF1Padding");

			c.Init(true, new ParametersWithRandom(pub2048Key, rand));

			outBytes = c.DoFinal(input);

			if (!AreEqual(outBytes, output[5]))
				Fail("OAEP SHA-384 test failed on encrypt expected " + Hex.ToHexString(output[2]) + " got " + Hex.ToHexString(outBytes));

			c.Init(false, priv2048Key);

			outBytes = c.DoFinal(outBytes);

			if (!AreEqual(outBytes, input))
				Fail("OAEP SHA-384 test failed on decrypt expected " + Hex.ToHexString(input) + " got " + Hex.ToHexString(outBytes));

//			oaepP = c.getParameters();
			rop = new RsaesOaepParameters(
				new AlgorithmIdentifier(NistObjectIdentifiers.IdSha384, DerNull.Instance),
				new AlgorithmIdentifier(PkcsObjectIdentifiers.IdMgf1, new AlgorithmIdentifier(NistObjectIdentifiers.IdSha384, DerNull.Instance)),
				new AlgorithmIdentifier(PkcsObjectIdentifiers.IdPSpecified, new DerOctetString(new byte[0]))).GetEncoded();

//			if (!AreEqual(oaepP.getEncoded(), rop.getEncoded())
//			{
//				Fail("OAEP test failed default sha-384 parameters");
//			}

			// OAEP - MD5
			c = CipherUtilities.GetCipher("RSA/NONE/OAEPWithMD5AndMGF1Padding");

			c.Init(true, new ParametersWithRandom(pubKey, rand));

			outBytes = c.DoFinal(input);

			if (!AreEqual(outBytes, output[6]))
				Fail("OAEP MD5 test failed on encrypt expected " + Hex.ToHexString(output[2]) + " got " + Hex.ToHexString(outBytes));

			c.Init(false, privKey);

			outBytes = c.DoFinal(outBytes);

			if (!AreEqual(outBytes, input))
				Fail("OAEP MD5 test failed on decrypt expected " + Hex.ToHexString(input) + " got " + Hex.ToHexString(outBytes));

//			oaepP = c.getParameters();
			rop = new RsaesOaepParameters(
				new AlgorithmIdentifier(PkcsObjectIdentifiers.MD5, DerNull.Instance),
				new AlgorithmIdentifier(PkcsObjectIdentifiers.IdMgf1, new AlgorithmIdentifier(PkcsObjectIdentifiers.MD5, DerNull.Instance)),
				new AlgorithmIdentifier(PkcsObjectIdentifiers.IdPSpecified, new DerOctetString(new byte[0]))).GetEncoded();

//			if (!AreEqual(oaepP.getEncoded(), rop.getEncoded())
//			{
//				Fail("OAEP test failed default md5 parameters");
//			}

			// OAEP - SHA1 with default parameters
			c = CipherUtilities.GetCipher("RSA/NONE/OAEPPadding");

			// TODO
//			c.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, pubKey, OAEPParameterSpec.DEFAULT, rand);
//			outBytes = c.DoFinal(input);
//			if (!AreEqual(outBytes, output[2]))
//			{
//				Fail("OAEP test failed on encrypt expected " + Encoding.ASCII.GetString(Hex.Encode(output[2])) + " got " + Encoding.ASCII.GetString(Hex.Encode(outBytes)));
//			}
//			c = CipherUtilities.GetCipher("RSA/NONE/OAEPWithSHA1AndMGF1Padding");
//			c.Init(false, privKey);
//			outBytes = c.DoFinal(outBytes);
//			if (!AreEqual(outBytes, input))
//			{
//				Fail("OAEP test failed on decrypt expected " + Encoding.ASCII.GetString(Hex.Encode(input)) + " got " + Encoding.ASCII.GetString(Hex.Encode(outBytes)));
//			}
//			oaepP = c.getParameters();
//			if (!AreEqual(oaepP.getEncoded(), new byte[] { 0x30, 0x00 }))
//			{
//				Fail("OAEP test failed default parameters");
//			}

			// OAEP - SHA1 with specified string
			c = CipherUtilities.GetCipher("RSA/NONE/OAEPPadding");

			// TODO
//			c.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, pubKey, new OAEPParameterSpec("SHA1", "MGF1", new MGF1ParameterSpec("SHA1"), new PSource.PSpecified(new byte[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 })), rand);
//			outBytes = c.DoFinal(input);
//			oaepP = c.getParameters();
			rop = new RsaesOaepParameters(
				new AlgorithmIdentifier(OiwObjectIdentifiers.IdSha1, DerNull.Instance),
				new AlgorithmIdentifier(PkcsObjectIdentifiers.IdMgf1, new AlgorithmIdentifier(OiwObjectIdentifiers.IdSha1, DerNull.Instance)),
				new AlgorithmIdentifier(PkcsObjectIdentifiers.IdPSpecified, new DerOctetString(new byte[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }))).GetEncoded();

//			if (!AreEqual(oaepP.getEncoded())
//			{
//				Fail("OAEP test failed changed sha-1 parameters");
//			}
//			if (!AreEqual(outBytes, output[7]))
//			{
//				Fail("OAEP test failed on encrypt expected " + Encoding.ASCII.GetString(Hex.Encode(output[2])) + " got " + Encoding.ASCII.GetString(Hex.Encode(outBytes)));
//			}

			c = CipherUtilities.GetCipher("RSA/NONE/OAEPWithSHA1AndMGF1Padding");

	        // TODO
//			c.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, privKey, oaepP);
//			outBytes = c.DoFinal(outBytes);
//			if (!AreEqual(outBytes, input))
//			{
//				Fail("OAEP test failed on decrypt expected " + Encoding.ASCII.GetString(Hex.Encode(input)) + " got " + Encoding.ASCII.GetString(Hex.Encode(outBytes)));
//			}

			// iso9796-1
			byte[] isoInput =  Hex.Decode("fedcba9876543210fedcba9876543210fedcba9876543210fedcba9876543210");
//			PrivateKey  isoPrivKey = fact.generatePrivate(isoPrivKeySpec);
//			PublicKey   isoPubKey = fact.generatePublic(isoPubKeySpec);
			AsymmetricKeyParameter isoPrivKey = isoPrivKeySpec;
			AsymmetricKeyParameter isoPubKey = isoPubKeySpec;

			c = CipherUtilities.GetCipher("RSA/NONE/ISO9796-1Padding");

			c.Init(true, isoPrivKey);

			outBytes = c.DoFinal(isoInput);

			if (!AreEqual(outBytes, output[8]))
				Fail("ISO9796-1 test failed on encrypt expected " + Hex.ToHexString(output[3]) + " got " + Hex.ToHexString(outBytes));

			c.Init(false, isoPubKey);

			outBytes = c.DoFinal(outBytes);

			if (!AreEqual(outBytes, isoInput))
				Fail("ISO9796-1 test failed on decrypt expected " + Hex.ToHexString(input) + " got " + Hex.ToHexString(outBytes));

			// generation with parameters test.
			IAsymmetricCipherKeyPairGenerator keyPairGen = GeneratorUtilities.GetKeyPairGenerator("RSA");

			// 768 bit RSA with e = 2^16-1
				new RsaKeyGenerationParameters(
					new SecureRandom(),

			AsymmetricCipherKeyPair kp = keyPairGen.GenerateKeyPair();

			pubKey = kp.Public;
			privKey = kp.Private;

			c.Init(true, new ParametersWithRandom(pubKey, rand));

			outBytes = c.DoFinal(input);

			c.Init(false, privKey);

			outBytes = c.DoFinal(outBytes);

			if (!AreEqual(outBytes, input))
				Fail("key generation test failed on decrypt expected " + Hex.ToHexString(input) + " got " + Hex.ToHexString(outBytes));

			// comparison check
//			KeyFactory keyFact = KeyFactory.GetInstance("RSA");
//			RSAPrivateCrtKey crtKey = (RSAPrivateCrtKey)keyFact.translateKey(privKey);
			RsaPrivateCrtKeyParameters crtKey = (RsaPrivateCrtKeyParameters) privKey;

			if (!privKey.Equals(crtKey))
				Fail("private key equality check failed");

//			RSAPublicKey copyKey = (RSAPublicKey)keyFact.translateKey(pubKey);
			RsaKeyParameters copyKey = (RsaKeyParameters) pubKey;

			if (!pubKey.Equals(copyKey))
				Fail("public key equality check failed");

			SecureRandom random = new SecureRandom();
			rawModeTest("SHA1withRSA", X509ObjectIdentifiers.IdSha1, priv2048Key, pub2048Key, random);
			rawModeTest("MD5withRSA", PkcsObjectIdentifiers.MD5, priv2048Key, pub2048Key, random);
			rawModeTest("RIPEMD128withRSA", TeleTrusTObjectIdentifiers.RipeMD128, priv2048Key, pub2048Key, random);