예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates terrain meshes, cell and biome data from a scene. Can be put in a task.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="scene">The scene to generate from</param>
        /// <returns>Results</returns>
        private MeshGenerationResult GenerateMeshesFromScene(Scene scene)
            // Results
            var renderableMeshes = new List <RenderableMesh>();
            var rawMeshes        = new List <Mesh>();
            var cellData         = new Dictionary <Cell, CellMappedData>();
            // Stopwatch used for performance logging
            Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch();

            // Create world meshes
            var hexCombiner = new MeshCombiner();
            int range       = scene.WorldMap.Radius;

            for (int p = -range; p <= range; p++)
                for (int q = -range; q <= range; q++)
                    var cell = scene.WorldMap.GetCell(p, q);
                    // Due to the hexagonal shape we might be out of bounds
                    if (cell == null)

                    var  worldPoint = TopographyHelper.HexToWorld(new Point(p, q));
                    var  position   = new Vector3(worldPoint, (float)cell.Elevation);
                    var  color      = GetCellColor(cell);
                    Mesh mesh       = biomeMappedData[cell.Biome.Name].HexMesh;

                    // Ensure sea is actually level
                    if (cell.IsWater && cell.Elevation < scene.Settings.SeaLevel)
                        position.Z = scene.Settings.SeaLevel;

                    // Add it to the combiner, using the cell's location as a tag so we can later
                    // get the vertexes of this hex inside the larger mesh
                    int meshIndex = hexCombiner.Add(new MeshInstance
                        mesh     = mesh,
                        matrix   = Matrix.CreateTranslation(position),
                        tag      = new Point(p, q),
                        color    = color,
                        useColor = true,

                    // Register partial cell mapped data to be used later
                    var cellMappedData = new CellMappedData
                        MeshIndex = meshIndex
                    cellData[cell] = cellMappedData;

            // Combine meshes
            var meshList = hexCombiner.GetCombinedMeshes();

            for (int i = 0; i < meshList.Count; i++)
                var renderable = new RenderableMesh(orbis.GraphicsDevice, meshList[i]);
            // Finish cell mapped data
            foreach (var cell in cellData)
                var mesh = meshList[cell.Value.MeshIndex];
                cell.Value.VertexIndexes = mesh.TagIndexMap[cell.Key.Coordinates];

            Debug.WriteLine("Generated " + renderableMeshes.Count + " meshes in " + stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds + " ms");

            return(new MeshGenerationResult {
                cellData = cellData,
                rawMeshes = rawMeshes,
                renderableMeshes = renderableMeshes
예제 #2
        protected override void LoadContent()
            // Load shader, set up settings
            var black = Game.Content.Load <Texture2D>("Textures/black");

            basicShader = Game.Content.Load <Effect>("Shaders/BasicColorMapped");
            basicShader.CurrentTechnique = basicShader.Techniques["DefaultTechnique"];

            // Load models, decoration and biome data
            var modelLoader       = new AtlasModelLoader(2048, 2048, basicShader, Game.Content);
            var decorationData    = orbis.Content.Load <XMLModel.DecorationCollection>("Config/Decorations");
            var decorationManager = new DecorationManager(decorationData, modelLoader, GraphicsDevice);

            // Load decorations
            foreach (var data in decorationData.Decorations)
                decorations.Add(data.Name, new DecorationPool(decorationManager.GetDecorationMesh(data.Name), GraphicsDevice, 1));
            var biomeData = orbis.Content.Load <XMLModel.BiomeCollection>("Config/Biomes");

            biomeMappedData = new Dictionary <string, BiomeMappedData>();
            // Load biomes
            foreach (var biome in biomeData.Biomes)
                biomeMappedData.Add(biome.Name, new BiomeMappedData
                    HexMesh           = modelLoader.LoadModel(biome.HexModel.Name, biome.HexModel.Texture, biome.HexModel.ColorTexture).Mesh,
                    DefaultDecoration = biome.DefaultDecoration,
                    DefaultDensity    = biome.DecorationDensity,

            // Load tile highlight mesh
            var model = modelLoader.LoadModel("flag", "flag");

            tileHighlightMesh = new RenderableMesh(GraphicsDevice, model.Mesh);


            // Set up shader textures

            if (atlasDebugEnabled)
                // Atlas texture debugging
                Mesh mesh = null;
                using (var stream = TitleContainer.OpenStream("Content/Meshes/quad_up.obj"))
                    mesh = ObjParser.FromStream(stream);
                atlasDebugInstance = new RenderInstance
                    mesh   = new RenderableMesh(GraphicsDevice, mesh),
                    matrix = Matrix.CreateScale(10) * Matrix.CreateTranslation(0, 0, 30),
