public GridSystem(Room room, int cellsX, Vector2 position, int? GridWidth = null, int? GridHeight = null) { linesToDraw = new List<Rectangle>(); this.position = position; = room; this.gridWidth = GridWidth ?? room.worldWidth; this.gridHeight = GridHeight ?? room.worldHeight; this.cellsX = cellsX; //this.cellReach = cellReach; cellWidth = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)gridWidth / (double)cellsX); cellHeight = cellWidth; this.cellsY = (gridHeight - 1)/ cellHeight + 1; //cellheight = gridheight / cellsY; grid = new List<Collider>[cellsX, cellsY]; for (int i = 0; i < cellsX; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < cellsY; j++) { grid[i, j] = new List<Collider>(); } } // arrayGrid = new IndexArray<Collider>[cellsX][]; for(int i = 0; i < cellsX; i++) { arrayGrid[i] = new IndexArray<Collider>[cellsY]; for(int j = 0; j < cellsY; j++) { arrayGrid[i][j] = new IndexArray<Collider>(100); } } bucketBags = new IndexArray<IndexArray<Collider>>[cellsX][]; for (int i = 0; i < cellsX; i++) { bucketBags[i] = new IndexArray<IndexArray<Collider>>[cellsY]; for (int j = 0; j < cellsY; j++) { bucketBags[i][j] = new IndexArray<IndexArray<Collider>>(20); } } // distToOffsets = GenerateReachOffsetsDictionary(); //Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch(); //stopwatch.Start(); int generateReach = gridWidth / 3; //GenerateAllReachOffsetsPerCoord(generateReach); //takes a shitload of time.. but only for the temproom? //stopwatch.Stop(); //string taken = stopwatch.Elapsed.ToString(); //Console.WriteLine("gridsystem generation time taken: " + taken); bucketLists = new List<List<Collider>>[cellsX, cellsY]; ///new attempt GenerateReachOffsetsArray(); }
public Level(Room room, int cellsX, int cellsY, int cellWidth, int? cellHeight = null) { = room; this.cellsX = cellsX; this.cellsY = cellsY; this.cellWidth = cellWidth; this.cellHeight = cellHeight ?? cellWidth; }
//public static Dictionary<string, bool> timerStarteds = new Dictionary<string, bool>(); public Testing() { room =; Redirector.PopulateDelegatesAll(); redirector = new Redirector(); //obints.CollectionChanged += (s, e) => { }; }
public Formation(Link link, Formation form, bool InitializeFormation = true) { =; = link; //this.FormationType = FormationType; this.Uninhabited = form.Uninhabited; this.UpdateFrequency = form.UpdateFrequency; this.NearestNValue = form.NearestNValue; this.AffectionSets = new Dictionary<Node, ObservableHashSet<Node>>(); if (InitializeFormation) UpdateFormation(); }
public Formation( Link link, formationtype FormationType = formationtype.AllToAll, bool Uninhabited = false, int UpdateFrequency = -1, int NearestNValue = 1, bool InitializeFormation = true) { =; = link; //this.FormationType = FormationType; this.Uninhabited = Uninhabited; this.UpdateFrequency = UpdateFrequency; this.NearestNValue = NearestNValue; this.AffectionSets = new Dictionary<Node, ObservableHashSet<Node>>(); if (InitializeFormation) UpdateFormation(); }
public Group(Room room, Node defaultNode = null, Group parentGroup = null, string Name = "", bool Spawnable = true, ObservableHashSet<Node> entities = null) { if (parentGroup != null) room =; = room ??; GroupId = -1; this.defaultNode = defaultNode ??; this.entities = entities ?? new ObservableHashSet<Node>(); this.inherited = new ObservableHashSet<Node>(); this.fullSet = new ObservableHashSet<Node>(); if (entities != null) { foreach (Node e in entities) { fullSet.Add(e); } } this.parentGroup = parentGroup; //this.groupState = groupState; this.Spawnable = Spawnable; this.childGroups = new Dictionary<string, Group>(); this.entities.CollectionChanged += entities_CollectionChanged; this.inherited.CollectionChanged += entities_CollectionChanged; if (Name.Equals("")) { this.GroupId = GroupNumber; Name = "Group" + GroupNumber; //maybe a check that the name is unique GroupNumber++; } this.Name = Name; groupPath = new List<Group>(); if (parentGroup != null) { parentGroup.AddGroup(this.Name, this); Group g = parentGroup; while (g != null) { groupPath.Add(g); g = g.parentGroup; } } }
public RoomPanel(Sidebar sidebar, Control parent, Room room, bool interactive, int Top = 0, int Padding = 5) { this.Padding = Padding; panel = new Panel(sidebar.manager); panel.Init(); panel.Top = Top; panel.Left = Padding; panel.Width = room.worldWidth; panel.Height = room.worldHeight; //roomPanel.Left = (parent.Width - roomPanel.Width)/2; int col = 30; panel.Color = new Color(col, col, col); panel.BevelBorder = BevelBorder.All; panel.BevelStyle = BevelStyle.Flat; panel.BevelColor = Color.Black; parent.Add(panel); panel.ClientArea.Draw += (s, e) => { e.Renderer.Draw(room.roomRenderTarget, e.Rectangle, Color.White); }; refreshAction = refresh; parent.VisibleChanged += (s, e) => { if (parent.Visible) OrbIt.OnUpdate += refreshAction; else OrbIt.OnUpdate -= refreshAction; }; panel.Click += (s, e) => { Point innerpos = (e as MouseEventArgs).Position; //room.spawnNode(innerpos.X, innerpos.Y); Utils.notImplementedException(); }; }
public CollisionManager(Room room) { = room; CollisionSetCircle = new HashSet<Collider>(); CollisionSetPolygon = new HashSet<Collider>(); colIterations = 1; collideAction = (c1, c2) => { if (c1.parent == c2.parent) return; if (c1 is Body) { Body b = (Body)c1; if (gridsystemCollision.alreadyVisited.Contains(c2)) return; if (c2 is Body) { Body bb = (Body)c2; //if (!b.exclusionList.Contains(bb)) b.CheckCollisionBody(bb); } else { b.CheckCollisionCollider(c2); } } else { if (gridsystemCollision.alreadyVisited.Contains(c2)) return; if (c2 is Body) { Body bb = (Body)c2; //if (!c1.exclusionList.Contains(bb)) c1.CheckCollisionBody(bb); } } }; gridsystemCollision = new GridSystem(room, room.gridsystemAffect.cellsX, new Vector2(0, room.worldHeight - OrbIt.ScreenHeight), room.worldWidth, OrbIt.ScreenHeight); }
protected override void Initialize() { Assets.LoadAssets(Content); base.Initialize(); base.MainWindow.TransparentClientArea = true; room = new Room(this, ScreenWidth, ScreenHeight-40); setResolution(prefWindowedResolution, false); globalGameMode = new GlobalGameMode(this); frameRateCounter = new FrameRateCounter(this); Player.CreatePlayers(room); ui = UserInterface.Start(); ui.Initialize(); room.attatchToSidebar(ui); GlobalKeyBinds(ui); }
public void Draw(Room room, Vector2 position, Color color) {, position, color * alpha, scale, rotation, 20); }
public Formation() { //.. =; this.AffectionSets = new Dictionary<Node, ObservableHashSet<Node>>(); }
public Gametype() { room =; players = new HashSet<Player>(); }
public void DrawGrid(Room room, Color color) {, color); linesToDraw = new List<Rectangle>(); }
public RoomGroups(Room room) { = room; }
public ThreadedCamera(Room room, float zoom = 0.5f, Vector2? pos = null) { = room; this.batch = new SpriteBatch(; this.zoom = zoom; this.pos = pos ?? new Vector2(room.gridsystemAffect.position.X + room.gridsystemAffect.gridWidth / 2, 10 + room.gridsystemAffect.position.Y + room.gridsystemAffect.gridHeight / 2); _worker = new Thread(Work); _worker.Name = "CameraThread"; _worker.IsBackground = true; _worker.Start(); //Game1.ui.keyManager.addProcessKeyAction("screenshot", KeyCodes.PrintScreen, OnPress: delegate { TakeScreenshot = true; }); }
public static void MakeBullet(Room room) { Dictionary<dynamic, dynamic> props = new Dictionary<dynamic, dynamic>() { { nodeE.radius, 5f}, { typeof(Laser), true}, { typeof(ColorChanger), true}, { typeof(Lifetime), true}, }; bulletNode = new Node(room, props); bulletNode.Comp<Collision>().isSolid = false; bulletNode.body.isSolid = true; bulletNode.body.restitution = 1f; bulletNode.Comp<ColorChanger>().colormode = ColorChanger.ColorMode.hueShifter; bulletNode.Comp<Lifetime>().timeUntilDeath.enabled = true; bulletNode.Comp<Laser>().thickness = 5f; bulletNode.Comp<Laser>().laserLength = 20; bulletNode.Comp<Movement>().randInitialVel.enabled = false; = room.groups.bullets; }
public void MakeBigTony(Room room) { //if (bigtony != null) //{ // return; //} Dictionary<dynamic, dynamic> tonyProps = new Dictionary<dynamic, dynamic>() { { nodeE.position, new Vector2(room.worldWidth/2,room.worldHeight/2) }, { nodeE.texture, textures.blackorb }, { typeof(PhaseOrb), true }, }; Node tony = new Node(room, tonyProps); room.scheduler.doEveryXMilliseconds(delegate { if (OrbIt.soundEnabled) Scheduler.end.Play(0.3f, -0.5f, 0f); int rad = 100; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { int rx = Utils.random.Next(rad * 2) - rad; int ry = Utils.random.Next(rad * 2) - rad; //room.spawnNode(room.worldWidth / 2 + rx, room.worldHeight / 2 + ry); } }, 2000); //tony.body.pos = new Vector2(room.worldWidth / 2, room.worldHeight / 2); tony.body.radius = 64; tony.body.mass = tonymass; tony.body.velocity *= 100; = "bigTony"; tony.body.texture = textures.blackorb; tony.Comp<Queuer>().queuecount = 100; bigtony = tony; EventHandler updateScores = null; updateScores = (ooo, eee) => { foreach (var p in room.players) { if (p.node == bigtony) { p.node.meta.score += OrbIt.gametime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; if (p.node.meta.score >= maxScore) { p.node.body.radius += 500; p.node.body.mass += 100; foreach (var pp in room.players) { //pp.node.body.ClearHandlers(); //pp.nodeCollision.body.ClearHandlers(); pp.node.collision.AllHandlersEnabled = false; } if (OrbIt.soundEnabled) Scheduler.fanfare.Play(); bigtony.OnAffectOthers -= updateScores; } } } }; bigtony.OnAffectOthers += updateScores; room.masterGroup.fullSet.Add(bigtony); //#bigtony }