예제 #1
        // for the purposes of establishing profitability of position
        public Positions GetInitialPositions()
                Positions retlist = new Positions();
                Positions allpos  = new Positions();

                // establish connection

                // step thru open holdings
                string sql = "SELECT symbol, transgroupid, type, datetime(expiredate) AS ExpireDate, strike, sum(amount) as amount, datetime(Time) AS TransTime, [Open-Close] FROM transactions";
                sql += " WHERE (transgroupid = @gr) and [Open-Close] = 'Open' GROUP BY symbol, type, expiredate, strike, [Open-Close]";
                SQLiteCommand cmd = new SQLiteCommand(sql, App.ConnStr);
                cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("gr", this.GroupID);

                SQLiteDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
                while (reader.Read())
                    //decimal strike = reader["strike"].ToString();
                    decimal strike = 0m;
                    if (reader["Strike"] != DBNull.Value)
                        strike = Convert.ToDecimal(reader["Strike"]);
                    decimal amount = 0.0m;
                    if (reader["Amount"] != DBNull.Value)
                        amount = Convert.ToDecimal(reader["Amount"]);
                    DateTime expDate = DateTime.MinValue;
                    if (reader["ExpireDate"] != DBNull.Value)
                        expDate = Convert.ToDateTime(reader["ExpireDate"].ToString());
                    DateTime transTime = DateTime.MinValue;
                    if (reader["TransTime"] != DBNull.Value)
                        transTime = Convert.ToDateTime(reader["TransTime"].ToString());
                    transTime = DateTime.SpecifyKind(transTime, DateTimeKind.Utc);

                    allpos.Add(reader["symbol"].ToString(), reader["type"].ToString(), expDate, strike, 0.0m, amount, transTime, 0, "", 0);

                // find first day of group
                DateTime startDay = DateTime.MaxValue;
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, Position> item in allpos)
                    if (item.Value.TransTime < startDay)
                        startDay = item.Value.TransTime;
                startDay = new DateTime(startDay.Year, startDay.Month, startDay.Day);

                // remove all transactions that didn't occur on the first day
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, Position> item in allpos)
                    DateTime day = new DateTime(item.Value.TransTime.Year, item.Value.TransTime.Month, item.Value.TransTime.Day);
                    if (day == startDay)

            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine("GetOpeningPositions: " + ex.Message);

예제 #2
        public string GetHistory()
            SortedList <DateTime, Positions> data = new SortedList <DateTime, Positions>();

            // step thru open transactions
            string sql = "SELECT datetime(time) AS Time, symbol, type, datetime(expiredate) AS ExpireDate, strike, quantity, amount, TransSubType FROM transactions";

            sql += " WHERE (transgroupid = @gr) ORDER BY time";
            SQLiteCommand cmd = new SQLiteCommand(sql, App.ConnStr);

            cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("gr", this.GroupID);

            SQLiteDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();

            while (reader.Read())
                DateTime time = ((reader["Time"] != DBNull.Value) ? Convert.ToDateTime(reader["Time"].ToString()) : DateTime.MinValue);
                time = DateTime.SpecifyKind(time, DateTimeKind.Utc);
                if (!data.ContainsKey(time))
                    data.Add(time, new Positions());

                Positions tr      = new Positions();
                string    symbol  = reader["Symbol"].ToString();
                string    type    = reader["Type"].ToString();
                DateTime  expDate = DateTime.MinValue;
                if (reader["ExpireDate"] != DBNull.Value)
                    expDate = Convert.ToDateTime(reader["ExpireDate"].ToString());
                decimal strike = 0;
                if (reader["Strike"] != DBNull.Value)
                    strike = Convert.ToDecimal(reader["Strike"]);
                decimal quantity  = Convert.ToDecimal(reader["Quantity"]);
                decimal amount    = Convert.ToDecimal(reader["Amount"]);
                string  transType = reader["TransSubType"].ToString();

                data[time].Add(symbol, type, expDate, strike, quantity, amount, time, 0, transType, 0);

            string returnValue = "";

            foreach (KeyValuePair <DateTime, Positions> key in data)
                Positions positions = key.Value;
                decimal   total     = SumAmounts(positions);

                returnValue += String.Format("{0}   {1} for {2:C0}\n", key.Key.ToString(), GetDescription(positions), total);
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, Position> pkey in positions)
                    Position pos  = pkey.Value;
                    string   code = "";
                    switch (pos.TransType)
                    case "Buy to Open":
                        code = "BTO";

                    case "Buy to Close":
                        code = "BTC";

                    case "Sell to Open":
                        code = "STO";

                    case "Sell to Close":
                        code = "STC";
                    if (pos.Type == "Stock")
                        returnValue += String.Format("   {0,2} {1} {2}\n", pos.Quantity, pos.Type, code);
                        returnValue += String.Format("   {0,2} {1} {2} {3:MMMd} {4}\n", pos.Quantity, pos.Type, pos.Strike, pos.ExpDate, code);

예제 #3
        private static string GuessStrategy(Positions positions)
            string retval = "";

            if (positions.Count == 1)
                retval  = positions.ElementAt(0).Value.Quantity < 0 ? "Short " : "Long ";
                retval += positions.ElementAt(0).Value.Type;
            else if (positions.Count == 2)
                if (positions.ElementAt(0).Value.ExpDate != positions.ElementAt(1).Value.ExpDate)
                    retval = "Calendar Spread";
                else if (positions.ElementAt(0).Value.Type == positions.ElementAt(1).Value.Type)
                    if ((positions.ElementAt(0).Value.Quantity + positions.ElementAt(1).Value.Quantity) != 0)
                        retval = "Ratio " + positions.ElementAt(0).Value.Type + " Spread";
                        retval = "Vertical " + positions.ElementAt(0).Value.Type + " Spread";
                else if (positions.ElementAt(0).Value.Strike == positions.ElementAt(1).Value.Strike)
                    retval = "Straddle";
                    retval = "Strangle";
            else if (positions.Count == 4)
                decimal  sum       = 0;
                DateTime expDate   = DateTime.MinValue;
                bool     dateError = false;

                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, Position> item in positions)
                    Position p = item.Value;
                    sum += p.Quantity;
                    if (expDate == DateTime.MinValue)
                        expDate = p.ExpDate;  // set date first time thru
                    else if (expDate != p.ExpDate)
                        dateError = true;   // set flag if any dates don't match
                    if (sum == 0)
                        if (dateError)
                            retval = "Calendar Spread";
                            retval = "Iron Condor";

            return(retval += "");
예제 #4
        private static void ProcessTransactionGroup(string account, string symbol, DataTable dt, string time, Positions holdings, SortedList <string, string> times)
            Debug.WriteLine("Entering ProcessTransactionGroup (" + symbol + ")");

            // Collect all 'opens' for the selected time
            DataRow[] rows = dt.Select("TransTime = '" + time + "'");

            if (rows.Count() == 0)
                return;                     // nothing found
            bool somethingAdded = false;

            for (int i = 0; i < rows.Count(); i++)
                DataRow  r       = rows[i];
                DateTime expDate = DateTime.MinValue;
                if (r["ExpireDate"] != DBNull.Value)
                    expDate = Convert.ToDateTime(r.Field <string>("ExpireDate").ToString());
                string  type   = r.Field <string>("Type").ToString();
                decimal strike = 0;
                if (r["Strike"] != DBNull.Value)
                    strike = (decimal)r.Field <Double>("Strike");
                Int32   quantity = (Int32)r.Field <Int64>("Quantity");
                decimal amount   = 0;
                if (r["Amount"] != DBNull.Value)
                    amount = (decimal)r.Field <Double>("Amount");
                Int32  row       = (Int32)r.Field <Int64>("ID");
                string openClose = r.Field <string>("Open-Close").ToString();
                int    grpID     = 0;
                if (r["TransGroupID"] != DBNull.Value)
                    grpID = (int)r.Field <Int64>("TransGroupID");

                if (openClose == "Open")
                    bool process = true;
                    if ((type == "Stock") && (r.Field <string>("TransType").ToString() != "Trade"))
                        // need to handle stock activity at expiration differently since there are 'opens' that can cause
                        // all other transactions for symbol to be sucked up into this chain
                        decimal price = (decimal)r.Field <Double>("Price");
                        // there is an option with this price already in the chain
                        process = holdings.Includes("", Convert.ToDateTime(time).Date, price);

                    if (process)
                        // add transaction to the chain
                        string key = holdings.Add(symbol, type, expDate, strike, quantity, amount, null, row, openClose, grpID);
                        Debug.WriteLine("    Opening transaction added to holdings: " + key + "    " + r.Field <Int64>("Quantity").ToString() + "   " + time.ToString());

                        // add the associated time to the hierarchy for chain
                        if (!times.ContainsKey(time))
                            times.Add(time, time);
                        somethingAdded = true;

            if (!somethingAdded)

            // run thru what is found, and search for matching/closing transactions
            for (int i = 0; i < holdings.Count; i++)
                Position p = holdings[holdings.Keys.ElementAt(i)];

                if (p.Quantity != 0)
                    Func <DataRow, bool> func;

                    // define the appropriate linq filter
                    if (p.Type == "Stock")
                        func = r => (r.Field <string>("Type")) == p.Type &&
                               r.Field <string>("Open-Close") == "Close" &&
                               Convert.ToDateTime(r.Field <string>("TransTime")) >= Convert.ToDateTime(time);
                        func = r => (r.Field <string>("Type")) == p.Type &&
                               (decimal)r.Field <Double>("Strike") == p.Strike &&
                               Convert.ToDateTime(r.Field <string>("ExpireDate")) == p.ExpDate && r.Field <string>("Open-Close") == "Close" &&
                               Convert.ToDateTime(r.Field <string>("TransTime")) >= Convert.ToDateTime(time);

                    var closingRow = dt.AsEnumerable()

                    // generally should only be one transaction, but occassionaly the closing transaction can split lots accross multiple transactions
                    foreach (DataRow r in closingRow)
                        bool process = true;
                        if ((r.Field <string>("Type") == "Stock") && (r.Field <string>("TransType").ToString() != "Trade"))
                            // need to handle stock activity at expiration differently since there are 'closes' that can cause
                            // all other transactions for symbol to be sucked up into this chain
                            decimal price = (decimal)r.Field <Double>("Price");
                            // there is an option with this price already in the chain
                            process = holdings.Includes("", Convert.ToDateTime(time).Date, price);

                        if (process)
                            int grpID = 0;
                            if (r["TransGroupID"] != DBNull.Value)
                                grpID = (int)r.Field <Int64>("TransGroupID");

                            string key = holdings.Add(p.Symbol, p.Type, p.ExpDate, p.Strike, (Int32)r.Field <Int64>("Quantity"), (Int32)r.Field <Int64>("ID"), r.Field <string>("Open-Close").ToString(), grpID);
                            Debug.WriteLine("    Closing transaction added to holdings: " + key + "    " + r.Field <Int64>("Quantity").ToString() + "   " + time.ToString());

                            // add the associated time to the hierarchy for chain
                            string t = r.Field <string>("TransTime");
                            if (!times.ContainsKey(t))
                                times.Add(t, t);

                        if (p.Quantity == 0)

            // purge out collected rows from original table with all transactions for a given symbol
            List <int> idList = holdings.GetRowNumbers();

            foreach (int id in idList)
                rows = dt.Select("ID = " + id.ToString());
                for (int i = 0; i < rows.Count(); i++)

            // recurse for anything else in the transaction that might open new positions
            for (int i = 0; i < times.Count(); i++)
                string t = times[times.Keys[i]];
                if (Convert.ToDateTime(t) > Convert.ToDateTime(time))
                    ProcessTransactionGroup(account, symbol, dt, t, holdings, times);

            Debug.WriteLine("Exiting ProcessTransactionGroup (" + symbol + ")");
예제 #5
        // Header function for setting up recursion
        // starts with data table of all possible transaction, account/symbol and a particular transaction time
        // chain is built from there
        private static void ProcessTransactionChain(string account, string symbol, DataTable dt, string time)
            Positions holdings = new Positions();
            SortedList <string, string> times = new SortedList <string, string>();

            // start recursion
            ProcessTransactionGroup(account, symbol, dt, time, holdings, times);
            Debug.WriteLine("First pass of chain completed.  Retrieving manually matched transactions...");

            // retrieve existing group id
            int groupID = holdings.GroupID();

            Debug.WriteLine("GroupID: " + groupID.ToString());

            // Collect remaining transactions that have been manually merged
            if (groupID > 0)
                DataRow[] remainingRows = dt.Select("TransGroupID = " + groupID.ToString());
                while (remainingRows.Length > 0)
                    string t = remainingRows[0]["TransTime"].ToString(); // maintain sqlite date format as a string
                    ProcessTransactionGroup(account, symbol, dt, t, holdings, times);

                    remainingRows = dt.Select("TransGroupID = " + groupID.ToString());
            Debug.WriteLine("Chain completed for GroupID: " + groupID.ToString());

                if (groupID > 0)
                    // update chain status
                    string        sql    = "UPDATE TransGroup SET Open = @op WHERE ID=@row";
                    SQLiteCommand cmdUpd = new SQLiteCommand(sql, App.ConnStr);
                    cmdUpd.Parameters.AddWithValue("op", !holdings.IsAllClosed());
                    cmdUpd.Parameters.AddWithValue("row", groupID);
                    string        sql = "INSERT INTO TransGroup(Account, Symbol, Open, Strategy, DefinedRisk, NeutralStrategy, CapitalRequired, Risk) Values(@ac,@sym,@op,@str,@dr,@ns,@cap,@rsk)";
                    SQLiteCommand cmd = new SQLiteCommand(sql, App.ConnStr);
                    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("ac", account);
                    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("sym", symbol);
                    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("op", !holdings.IsAllClosed());
                    string strat = GuessStrategy(holdings);
                    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("str", strat);
                    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("dr", DefaultDefinedRisk(strat));
                    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("ns", DefaultNeutralStrategy(strat));
                    decimal capital = DefaultCapital(account, strat, holdings);
                    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("rsk", DefaultRisk(strat, capital, holdings));
                    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("cap", FindTWMarginRequirement(account, holdings));

                    groupID = DBUtilities.GetMax("SELECT max(id) FROM TransGroup");
            catch (Exception ex)
                Debug.WriteLine("ProcessTransactionChain (Update/insert TransGroup): " + ex.Message + "(groupID: " + groupID.ToString() + ")");

                List <int> rows = holdings.GetRowNumbers();
                foreach (int r in rows)
                    // update all of the rows in the chain
                    string        sql    = "UPDATE transactions SET TransGroupID = @id WHERE ID=@row";
                    SQLiteCommand cmdUpd = new SQLiteCommand(sql, App.ConnStr);
                    cmdUpd.Parameters.AddWithValue("id", groupID);
                    cmdUpd.Parameters.AddWithValue("row", r);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Debug.WriteLine("ProcessTransactionChain (Updating transactions): " + ex.Message);