public void GetSolutionReport_UsingEmptyConstructor()
            var dhs = new DownHillSimplex();
            dhs.InitialGuess = new[] {1d, 7d};
            IVertex initialVertex = new Vertex(dhs.InitialGuess);
            dhs.InitialSimplex = new Simplex(initialVertex);
            dhs.CurrentSimplex = dhs.InitialSimplex;
            dhs.ObjectiveFunction = vertex => ObjectiveMeasure.SumOfSquares(vertex);

            if (!dhs.IsValid())
                throw new Exception("Did not pass the IsValid method");

            var solution = dhs.GetSolution();

            var isSolved = solution.ObjectiveMeasure.IsEqualTo(0d);
        public void GetSolutionReport_UsingInitialParamsConstructor()
            Func<IVertex, double> objFunction = vert =>
                    var x = vert.Parameters[0];
                    var y = vert.Parameters[1];
                    return (x*x + y - 11)*(x*x + y - 11) + (x + y*y - 7)*(x + y*y - 7);

            var initialGuess = new[] { 1.0, 1.0 };
            var dhs = new DownHillSimplex(initialGuess);
            dhs.ObjectiveFunction = objFunction;

            if (!dhs.IsValid())
                throw new Exception("Did not pass the IsValid method");

            var solution = dhs.GetSolution();

            Assert.AreEqual(1.6368619236455376E-24, solution.ObjectiveMeasure);
예제 #3
        static void Main()
            // Set up a some initial parameters
            var initialParameterSet = new double[NumDimensions];
            var rng = new Random(3);
            foreach (var i in Enumerable.Range(0, initialParameterSet.Length))
                initialParameterSet[i] = rng.Next(-10, 10);

            // Create a downhill simplex object and change a few of the default settings.
            var dhs = new DownHillSimplex(initialParameterSet);
            dhs.MinNumberOfIterations = 10;
            dhs.MaxNumberOfIterations = 10000;
            dhs.ObjectiveMeasureTolerance = 0.000001;

            // Create and assign an objective function. This needs to have an output minimum of 0 E.g. like a sum of squares type function
            Func<IVertex, double> objFunctionRosenbrock = vert =>
                            var sum = 0.0;
                            for (int i = 0; i < vert.Parameters.Length - 1; i++)
                                sum += (1 - vert.Parameters[i]) * (1 - vert.Parameters[i]) +
                                    100 *
                                    (vert.Parameters[i + 1] - vert.Parameters[i] * vert.Parameters[i]) *
                                    (vert.Parameters[i + 1] - vert.Parameters[i] * vert.Parameters[i]);
                            return sum;
            dhs.ObjectiveFunction = objFunctionRosenbrock;

            // Setting this to true will generate all the path data
            // E.g. At each step you can see the current parameters, the objectives measures and the type of transformation
            // from either of Reflection, Contraction or Reduction. Note that the transformation info is lagged so if iteration 61 says
            // Reflection then it means iteration 62 has been reflected and not iteration 61.
            dhs.SaveDebugSimplexPathDataToSolutionReport = CreatePathDataForDebugging;

            // Run the method
            var stopWatch = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();
            var solution = dhs.GetSolution();

            // Format string together the output
            string paramSet;
            string initialParamSet;
                paramSet = solution.ParameterSet.Aggregate(string.Empty, (current, p) => current + (Math.Round(p, 4) + "; "));
                initialParamSet = initialParameterSet.Aggregate(string.Empty, (current, p) => current + (Math.Round(p, 4) + "; "));
                paramSet = string.Empty;
                initialParamSet = string.Empty;

             // Print the output
            Console.WriteLine("Unit tested code:");
            Console.WriteLine("Initial Params: {0}", initialParamSet);
            Console.WriteLine("Run status: {0}\nNumber of iterations: {1}\nObjective measure: {2}\nSolution parameters: {3}",
                solution.NumOfIterationsMade, Math.Round(solution.ObjectiveMeasure,4), paramSet);
            Console.WriteLine("Time taken (ms): {0}", stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds);

            // Information for debugging
            #region If CreatePathDataForDebugging is set to true then the following code block will be run
            if (dhs.SaveDebugSimplexPathDataToSolutionReport)
                for (int i = 0; i < solution.NumOfIterationsMade; i++)
                    if (i % PathIntervalToBeDisplayedWhenDebugging != 0)
                    var measures = string.Empty;
                    var vertices = "(";
                    for (int j = 0; j <= solution.ParameterSet.Length; j++)
                        measures += Math.Round(solution.ObjectiveMeasuresPath[i][j],4) + "; ";
                        vertices = solution.SimplexPath[i].Vertices[j + 1].Parameters.Aggregate(vertices, (current, p) => current + (Math.Round(p,4) + " "));
                        vertices += "/ ";
                    vertices += ")";
                    Console.WriteLine("Iteration Number: {0}", i);
                    Console.WriteLine("Transformation type: {0}", solution.SimplexTransformationPath[i + 1]);
                    Console.WriteLine("Measures: {0}", measures);
                    Console.WriteLine("Vertices: {0}", vertices);
