예제 #1
        // Add an order to the list
        // Keep in mind: The Travel Time is in seconds!
        public RouteSim AddOrder(Order destination, int location = -1)
            RouteSim result = new RouteSim ();
            Route obj = this;
            if (this.Orders.Count == 0) {
                if (this.Clearings.Count == 0) {
                    this.Clearings.AddLast(new GarbageStop ());
                result.getRoute = () => {
                    RouteStop stop = new RouteStop();
                    stop.Order = destination;
                    stop.Node = obj.Orders.AddLast(stop);

                    stop.NextClearing = obj.Clearings.Last;
                    stop.NextClearing.Value.Amount = stop.Order.CompressedVolume;

                    stop.NextClearing.Value.Last = stop.Node;

                    obj.EnRouteTime = Program.afstandenMatrix [287, destination.MatrixID].TravelTime + destination.LoadTime + Program.afstandenMatrix [destination.MatrixID, 287].TravelTime + 1800;
                    return obj;
                result.time = Program.afstandenMatrix [287, destination.MatrixID].TravelTime + destination.LoadTime + Program.afstandenMatrix [destination.MatrixID, 287].TravelTime + 1800;
                if (result.time > dayTimeSec) {
                    throw new OverflowException ("Too much!");
                return result;

            if (location == -1) {
                Random rnd = new Random ();
                location = rnd.Next(this.Orders.Count);

            RouteStop next = this.Orders.ElementAt(location);

            int prevID;
            if (next.Node.Previous != null) {
                prevID = next.Node.Previous.Value.Order.MatrixID;
            } else {
                prevID = 287; // The garbage disposal location
            int curID = destination.MatrixID;
            int nextID = next.Order.MatrixID;

            float EnRouteTime = this.EnRouteTime;
            EnRouteTime -= Program.afstandenMatrix [prevID, nextID].TravelTime;
            EnRouteTime += Program.afstandenMatrix [prevID, curID].TravelTime;
            EnRouteTime += Program.afstandenMatrix [curID, nextID].TravelTime;
            EnRouteTime += destination.LoadTime;

            var nextClearing = next.NextClearing;
            RouteStop stop2 = new RouteStop();
            stop2.Order = destination;
            stop2.Node = obj.Orders.AddBefore (next.Node, stop2);
            stop2.NextClearing = nextClearing;
            var fixSim = FixClearings (nextClearing, destination.CompressedVolume, false);
            obj.Orders.Remove (stop2.Node);
            EnRouteTime += fixSim.delta;

            result.getRoute = () => {
                // Get the new time and distance required
                obj.EnRouteTime = EnRouteTime;

                stop2.Node = obj.Orders.AddBefore (next.Node, stop2);
                obj = fixSim.getRoute();
                return obj;
            result.time = EnRouteTime;

            if (result.time > dayTimeSec) {
                throw new OverflowException ("Too much!");
            return result;
예제 #2
        // O(n) time to remove a specified node
        public RouteSim RemoveOrder(RouteStop order)
            RouteSim result = new RouteSim ();
            if (this.Orders.Count == 1 && this.Orders.First.Value == order) {
                result.time = 0;
                result.getRoute = () => { return new Route(this.GarbageTruck, this.DayId); };
                return result;
            float EnRouteTime = this.EnRouteTime;
            EnRouteTime -= order.Order.LoadTime;
            int prevID = 287;
            int nextID = 287;
            int curID = order.Order.MatrixID;
            if (order.Node.Previous != null) {
                prevID = order.Node.Previous.Value.Order.MatrixID;
            if (order.NextClearing.Value.Last.Value != order) {
                nextID = order.Node.Next.Value.Order.MatrixID;

            EnRouteTime -= Program.afstandenMatrix [curID, nextID].TravelTime;
            EnRouteTime -= Program.afstandenMatrix [prevID, curID].TravelTime;
            EnRouteTime += Program.afstandenMatrix [prevID, nextID].TravelTime;
            var next = order.Node.Next;
            bool changedClearing = false;
            if (order.NextClearing.Value.Last.Value == order) {
                order.NextClearing.Value.Last = order.Node.Previous;
                changedClearing = true;
            this.Orders.Remove (order.Node);
            var fixSim = FixClearings (order.NextClearing, order.Order.CompressedVolume, true);
            if (next != null) {
                this.Orders.AddBefore (next, order.Node);
            } else {
                this.Orders.AddLast (order.Node);
            if (changedClearing) {
                order.NextClearing.Value.Last = order.Node;
            EnRouteTime += fixSim.delta;

            result = new RouteSim ();
            Route obj = this;
            result.getRoute = () => {
                if (order.NextClearing.Value.Last == order.Node) {
                    order.NextClearing.Value.Last = order.Node.Previous;

                obj.EnRouteTime = EnRouteTime;
                obj = fixSim.getRoute();
                return obj;
            result.time = EnRouteTime;

            return result;