public LoggerDestination(Replica parent, Semantic semantic, string senderID, string loggerUrl) : base(parent, semantic) { SenderID = senderID; Logger = (ILogger)Activator.GetObject(typeof(ILogger), loggerUrl); if (Logger == null) { Console.WriteLine($"Could not locate logging service at {loggerUrl}"); } else { Console.WriteLine("PMLogService was successfully initiated."); } }
public NeighbourOperator(Replica master, DestinationInfo info, Semantic semantic) : base(master, semantic) { this.master = master; = info; CachedOutputTuples = new List <CTuple>(); GarbageCollectedTupleIds = new List <TupleID>(new TupleID[info.Addresses.Count]); SentTupleIds = new List <TupleID>(new TupleID[info.Addresses.Count]); somethingSentInRecentPast = new List <bool>(new bool[info.Addresses.Count]); replicas = new List <IReplica>(new IReplica[info.Addresses.Count]); for (int i = 0; i < GarbageCollectedTupleIds.Count; i++) { GarbageCollectedTupleIds[i] = new TupleID(); SentTupleIds[i] = new TupleID(); somethingSentInRecentPast[i] = false; } if (info.RtStrategy == SharedTypes.RoutingStrategy.Primary) { RoutingStrategy = new PrimaryStrategy(info.Addresses.Count); } else if (info.RtStrategy == SharedTypes.RoutingStrategy.Hashing) { RoutingStrategy = new HashingStrategy(info.Addresses.Count, info.HashingArg); } else { RoutingStrategy = new RandomStrategy(info.Addresses.Count, (master.OperatorId + info.ID + master.ID.ToString()).GetHashCode()); } var replicasTask = Helper.GetAllStubs <IReplica>(info.Addresses); var initTask = Task.Run(async() => { this.replicas = (await replicasTask).ToList(); }); flushTimer = new Timer((e) => { Flush(master.LastSentId); for (int i = 0; i < replicas.Count; i++) { somethingSentInRecentPast[i] = false; } }, null, 1000, 1000); }
static void Main(string[] args) { //var c = new List<string> { "a", "b" }; //var op = Operations.GetOperation("COUNT"); //op.Process(c); //op.Process(c); //var a = Operations.GetCustomOperation(@"SharedTypes.dll", "SharedTypes.CustomFunctions", "reverse"); // var b = Operations.GetCustomOperation(@"C:\Users\Goncalo\Source\Repos\DAD2016\Operator\Operator\bin\Debug\SharedTypes.dll", "SharedTypes.CustomFunctions", "dup"); //var c = a(new List<string> { "a", "b" }); // var d = b(new List<string> { "a", "b" }); if (args.Length < 1) { Console.WriteLine("Missing creation info argument."); loop(); } TextReader tr = new StringReader(args[0]); ReplicaCreationInfo rep = null; try { DataContractSerializer serializer = new DataContractSerializer(typeof(ReplicaCreationInfo)); rep = (ReplicaCreationInfo)serializer.ReadObject(XmlReader.Create(tr)); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine($"Creation info XML has a wrong format. Exception: {e.Message}"); throw; } finally { tr.Close(); } if (rep == null) { loop(); } var info = rep.Operator; Console.WriteLine($"Successfully initiated replica {info.Addresses.IndexOf(rep.Address)} of {info.ID}."); string address = rep.Address; Replica replica = new Replica(rep); ReplicaManager repManager = new ReplicaManager(replica, info); Regex portRegex = new Regex(@"tcp://(\w|\.)+:(?<port>(\d+))(/(?<name>\w*))?", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); var match = portRegex.Match(address); if (!match.Groups["port"].Success || !match.Groups["name"].Success) { Console.WriteLine($"URL ({address}) malformed. Unable to create process."); return; } var port = Int32.Parse(match.Groups["port"].Value); var name = match.Groups["name"].Value; try { TcpChannel channel = new TcpChannel(port); ChannelServices.RegisterChannel(channel, false); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } RemotingServices.Marshal(repManager, name, typeof(ReplicaManager)); Console.WriteLine($"Listening at {address}. Press Enter to exit."); Console.ReadLine(); }
public void Recover(int failedId) { Dictionary <int, Replica> replicasCopy; lock (replicas) { replicasCopy = new Dictionary <int, Replica>(replicas); } Replica r = CreateReplica(failedId); ReplicaState repState = otherReplicasStates[failedId]; //get the last state of crashed replica Dictionary <string, OriginState> os = repState.InputStreamsIds; Console.WriteLine($"Started to recover replica {failedId} from state {repState}"); r.LoadState(repState); AddReplica(r); allReplicas[failedId] = this; foreach (string opName in os.Keys) { var sentIds = os[opName].SentIds; // Only keeps the last id sent to each destination //for each operator ask a re-sent if (opName == { continue; } for (int j = 0; j < sentIds.Count; j++) { while (true) { try { Console.WriteLine($"Asking for resend to {opName} ({j})"); inputReplicas[opName][j].Resend(sentIds[j],, failedId, j, SelfURL); break; } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Resending failed. Trying again. Stay positive." + e.Message); } } } } // Console.WriteLine("Phase 1 completed: Tuples were resent."); foreach (string opName in inputReplicas.Keys) { for (int i = 0; i < inputReplicas[opName].Count; i++) { try { inputReplicas[opName][i].ReRoute(this.adresses[failedId], this.SelfURL); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("ReplicaManager.Recover: Reroute of input replicas failed " + e.Message); } } } // Console.WriteLine("Phase 2 completed: Input replicas were rerouted."); foreach (string opName in outputReplicas.Keys) { for (int i = 0; i < outputReplicas[opName].Count; i++) { try { outputReplicas[opName][i].ReRoute(this.adresses[failedId], this.SelfURL); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("ReplicaManager.Recover: Reroute of output replicas failed" + e.Message); } } } // Console.WriteLine("Phase 3 completed: Output replicas were rerouted."); try { puppetMaster.ReRoute(, failedId, this.SelfURL); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("ReplicaManager.Recover: Reroute of puppet master failed" + e.Message); } //Console.WriteLine("Phase 4 completed: Puppet master was rerouted."); adresses[failedId] = SelfURL; Console.WriteLine("MISSION COMPLETED: all recovered!"); if (repState.IsFrozen) { r.Freeze(); } if (replicas.First().Value.processingState) { r.Start(); } r.Init(); //resend }
public ReplicaManager(Replica rep, OperatorInfo info) { rep.Init(); this.SelfURL = rep.SelfURL; this.replicas = new Dictionary <int, Replica>(); this.replicas.Add(rep.ID, rep); this.adresses = info.Addresses; = info; this.inputReplicas = new Dictionary <string, List <IReplica> >(); this.outputReplicas = new Dictionary <string, List <IReplica> >(); this.otherReplicasStates = new List <ReplicaState>(new ReplicaState[adresses.Count]); //await Task.Delay(10000); var initialState = rep.GetState(); for (int i = 0; i < info.Addresses.Count; i++) { otherReplicasStates[i] = initialState; } this.pfd = new PerfectFailureDetector(); this.pfd.NodeFailed += OnFail; var initTask = Task.Run(async() => { this.allReplicas = (await Helper.GetAllStubs <IReplica>( // hack to not get his own stub info.Addresses.Select((address) => (rep.SelfURL != address ? address : null)).ToList())) .ToList(); allReplicas[rep.ID] = this; for (int i = 0; i < info.Addresses.Count; i++) { if (i == rep.ID) { continue; } pfd.StartMonitoringNewNode(info.Addresses[i], allReplicas[i]); } foreach (var op in info.InputReplicas.Keys) { this.inputReplicas[op] = (await Helper.GetAllStubs <IReplica>(info.InputReplicas[op])).ToList(); } foreach (var op in info.OutputOperators) { this.outputReplicas[op.ID] = (await Helper.GetAllStubs <IReplica>(op.Addresses)).ToList(); } }); propagateStateTimer = new Timer((e) => { Dictionary <int, Replica> replicasCopy; lock (replicas) { replicasCopy = new Dictionary <int, Replica>(replicas); } foreach (var repId in replicasCopy.Keys) { PropagateState(repId); } }, null, PROPAGATE_STATE_PERIOD, PROPAGATE_STATE_PERIOD); puppetMaster = (ILogger)Activator.GetObject(typeof(ILogger), info.MasterURL); Console.Title = $"{rep.OperatorId} ({rep.ID})"; }
public OutputFile(Replica parent, Semantic semantic, string filepath = "output.dat") : base(parent, semantic) { FilePath = filepath; OutputStream = new StreamWriter(filepath); }