예제 #1
        private static void Main(string[] args)
            if (args.Length != 3)

            var templateDoc = new FileInfo(args[0]);

            if (!templateDoc.Exists)
                Console.WriteLine("Error, {0} does not exist.", args[0]);

            var dataFile = new FileInfo(args[1]);

            if (!dataFile.Exists)
                Console.WriteLine("Error, {0} does not exist.", args[1]);

            var assembledDoc = new FileInfo(args[2]);

            if (assembledDoc.Exists)
                Console.WriteLine("Error, {0} exists.", args[2]);

            var         wmlDoc          = new WmlDocument(templateDoc.FullName);
            XElement    data            = XElement.Load(dataFile.FullName);
            WmlDocument wmlAssembledDoc = DocumentAssembler.AssembleDocument(wmlDoc, data, out bool templateError);

            if (templateError)
                Console.WriteLine("Errors in template.");
                Console.WriteLine("See {0} to determine the errors in the template.", assembledDoc.Name);

        static void Main(string[] args)
            var n      = DateTime.Now;
            var tempDi = new DirectoryInfo(string.Format("ExampleOutput-{0:00}-{1:00}-{2:00}-{3:00}{4:00}{5:00}", n.Year - 2000, n.Month, n.Day, n.Hour, n.Minute, n.Second));


            FileInfo templateDoc = new FileInfo("../../TemplateDocument.docx");
            FileInfo dataFile    = new FileInfo("../../Data.xml");

            WmlDocument wmlDoc = new WmlDocument(templateDoc.FullName);
            XElement    data   = XElement.Load(dataFile.FullName);
            bool        templateError;
            WmlDocument wmlAssembledDoc = DocumentAssembler.AssembleDocument(wmlDoc, data, out templateError);

            if (templateError)
                Console.WriteLine("Errors in template.");
                Console.WriteLine("See AssembledDoc.docx to determine the errors in the template.");

            FileInfo assembledDoc = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(tempDi.FullName, "AssembledDoc.docx"));

        private static void Main()
            DateTime n      = DateTime.Now;
            var      tempDi = new DirectoryInfo(
                $"ExampleOutput-{n.Year - 2000:00}-{n.Month:00}-{n.Day:00}-{n.Hour:00}{n.Minute:00}{n.Second:00}");


            var templateDoc = new FileInfo("../../../TemplateDocument.docx");
            var dataFile    = new FileInfo("../../../Data.xml");

            var         wmlDoc          = new WmlDocument(templateDoc.FullName);
            XElement    data            = XElement.Load(dataFile.FullName);
            WmlDocument wmlAssembledDoc = DocumentAssembler.AssembleDocument(wmlDoc, data, out bool templateError);

            if (templateError)
                Console.WriteLine("Errors in template.");
                Console.WriteLine("See AssembledDoc.docx to determine the errors in the template.");

            var assembledDoc = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(tempDi.FullName, "AssembledDoc.docx"));

예제 #4
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var n      = DateTime.Now;
            var tempDi = new DirectoryInfo(string.Format("ExampleOutput-{0:00}-{1:00}-{2:00}-{3:00}{4:00}{5:00}", n.Year - 2000, n.Month, n.Day, n.Hour, n.Minute, n.Second));


            FileInfo templateDoc = new FileInfo("../../TemplateDocument.docx");
            FileInfo dataFile    = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(tempDi.FullName, "Data.xml"));

            // The following method generates a large data file with random data.
            // In a real world scenario, this is where you would query your data source and produce XML that will drive your document generation process.
            XElement data = GenerateDataFromDataSource(dataFile);

            WmlDocument wmlDoc = new WmlDocument(templateDoc.FullName);
            int         count  = 1;

            foreach (var customer in data.Elements("Customer"))
                FileInfo assembledDoc = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(tempDi.FullName, string.Format("Letter-{0:0000}.docx", count++)));
                bool        templateError;
                WmlDocument wmlAssembledDoc = DocumentAssembler.AssembleDocument(wmlDoc, customer, out templateError);
                if (templateError)
                    Console.WriteLine("Errors in template.");
                    Console.WriteLine("See {0} to determine the errors in the template.", assembledDoc.Name);
        static void Main(string[] args)
            FileInfo templateDoc = new FileInfo("../../TemplateDocument.docx");
            FileInfo dataFile    = new FileInfo("../../Data.xml");

            WmlDocument wmlDoc = new WmlDocument(templateDoc.FullName);
            XElement    data   = XElement.Load(dataFile.FullName);
            bool        templateError;
            WmlDocument wmlAssembledDoc = DocumentAssembler.AssembleDocument(wmlDoc, data, out templateError);

            if (templateError)
                Console.WriteLine("Errors in template.");
                Console.WriteLine("See AssembledDoc.docx to determine the errors in the template.");

            FileInfo assembledDoc = new FileInfo("../../AssembledDoc.docx");

예제 #6
        private static void Main()
            DateTime n      = DateTime.Now;
            var      tempDi = new DirectoryInfo(
                $"ExampleOutput-{n.Year - 2000:00}-{n.Month:00}-{n.Day:00}-{n.Hour:00}{n.Minute:00}{n.Second:00}");


            var templateDoc = new FileInfo("../../../TemplateDocument.docx");
            var dataFile    = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(tempDi.FullName, "Data.xml"));

            // The following method generates a large data file with random data.
            // In a real world scenario, this is where you would query your data source and produce XML that will drive your document generation process.
            const int numberOfDocumentsToGenerate = 100;
            XElement  data = GenerateDataFromDataSource(dataFile, numberOfDocumentsToGenerate);

            var wmlDoc = new WmlDocument(templateDoc.FullName);
            var count  = 1;

            foreach (XElement customer in data.Elements("Customer"))
                var assembledDoc = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(tempDi.FullName, $"Letter-{count++:0000}.docx"));
                Console.WriteLine("Generating {0}", assembledDoc.Name);
                WmlDocument wmlAssembledDoc = DocumentAssembler.AssembleDocument(wmlDoc, customer, out bool templateError);
                if (templateError)
                    Console.WriteLine("Errors in template.");
                    Console.WriteLine("See {0} to determine the errors in the template.", assembledDoc.Name);


                Console.WriteLine("Converting to HTML {0}", assembledDoc.Name);
                FileInfo htmlFileName = ConvertToHtml(assembledDoc.FullName, tempDi.FullName);

                Console.WriteLine("Converting back to DOCX {0}", htmlFileName.Name);
                ConvertToDocx(htmlFileName.FullName, tempDi.FullName);