public static Vector4 UnProject(ref Matrix4 projection, Matrix4 view, Size viewport, MouseDevice mouse) { Vector4 vec; if (mouse.X > 0) { vec = new Vector4(); } vec.X = 2.0f * mouse.X / (float)viewport.Width -1; vec.Y = -(2.0f * mouse.Y / (float)viewport.Height -1); vec.Z = 0; vec.W = 1.0f; Matrix4 viewInv = Matrix4.Invert(view); Matrix4 projInv = Matrix4.Invert(projection); Vector4.Transform(ref vec, ref projInv, out vec); Vector4.Transform(ref vec, ref viewInv, out vec); if (vec.W > float.Epsilon || vec.W < float.Epsilon) { vec.X /= vec.W; vec.Y /= vec.W; vec.Z /= vec.W; } return (vec); }
internal LegacyInputDriver(INativeWindow window) { if (window == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(); var mouse = new MouseDevice(); mouse.Description = "Standard Mouse"; mouse.NumberOfButtons = 3; mouse.NumberOfWheels = 1; dummy_mice_list.Add(mouse); var keyboard = new KeyboardDevice(); keyboard.Description = "Standard Keyboard"; keyboard.NumberOfKeys = 101; keyboard.NumberOfLeds = 3; keyboard.NumberOfFunctionKeys = 12; dummy_keyboard_list.Add(keyboard); // Hook mouse events window.MouseDown += mouse.HandleMouseDown; window.MouseUp += mouse.HandleMouseUp; window.MouseMove += mouse.HandleMouseMove; window.MouseWheel += mouse.HandleMouseWheel; // Hook keyboard events window.KeyDown += keyboard.HandleKeyDown; window.KeyUp += keyboard.HandleKeyUp; }
public PlayerNameState(GameEngine engine, MainMenuState ms) { eng = engine; mouse = eng.Mouse; savedGameStates = new Stack<XmlNodeList>(); savedGameChoices = new Stack<string>(); _ms = ms; Assembly assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(); GL.Clear(ClearBufferMask.ColorBufferBit | ClearBufferMask.DepthBufferBit); lookat = new Vector3(0, 0, 2); eye = new Vector3(0, 0, 5); _old_state = OpenTK.Input.Keyboard.GetState(); // Get the current state of the keyboard eng.StateTextureManager.LoadTexture("menu", assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("")); menu = eng.StateTextureManager.GetTexture("menu"); saveFont = QFont.FromQFontFile("Fonts/myHappySans.qfont", new QFontLoaderConfiguration(true)); saveFont.Options.DropShadowActive = true; start_x = saveFont.Measure("Name: ").Width; //title = QFont.FromQFontFile("myHappySans.qfont", new QFontLoaderConfiguration(true)); title = QFont.FromQFontFile("Fonts/myRock.qfont", new QFontLoaderConfiguration(true)); title.Options.DropShadowActive = true; name = ""; numOfButtons = savedGameChoices.Count - 1; }
internal void RegisterRawDevice(OpenTK.Input.MouseDevice mouse) { RawInputDevice[] rid = new RawInputDevice[1]; // Mouse is 1/2 (page/id). See rid[0] = new RawInputDevice(); rid[0].UsagePage = 1; rid[0].Usage = 2; rid[0].Flags = RawInputDeviceFlags.INPUTSINK; rid[0].Target = window; if (!Functions.RegisterRawInputDevices(rid, 1, API.RawInputDeviceSize)) { throw new ApplicationException( String.Format( "Raw input registration failed with error: {0}. Device: {1}", Marshal.GetLastWin32Error(), rid[0].ToString()) ); } else { Debug.Print("Registered mouse {0}", mouse.ToString()); System.Drawing.Point p = new System.Drawing.Point(); if (Functions.GetCursorPos(ref p)) { mouse.Position = p; } } }
public LevelSelect(GameEngine engine) : base(engine) { eng = engine; savedGameStates = new Stack<XmlNodeList>(); savedGameChoices = new Stack<string>(); mouse = eng.Mouse; // Load all the textures eng.StateTextureManager.RenderSetup(); Assembly assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(); eng.StateTextureManager.LoadTexture("menu", assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("")); menu = eng.StateTextureManager.GetTexture("menu"); eng.StateTextureManager.LoadTexture("arrow", assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("U5Designs.Resources.Textures.arrow.png")); arrow = eng.StateTextureManager.GetTexture("arrow"); eng.StateTextureManager.LoadTexture("load", assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("U5Designs.Resources.Textures.btn_loadlevel.png")); load_nopress = eng.StateTextureManager.GetTexture("load"); eng.StateTextureManager.LoadTexture("loadpress", assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("U5Designs.Resources.Textures.btn_loadlevel_hover.png")); load_press = eng.StateTextureManager.GetTexture("loadpress"); eng.StateTextureManager.LoadTexture("quit", assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("U5Designs.Resources.Textures.btn_exit.png")); quit_nopress = eng.StateTextureManager.GetTexture("quit"); eng.StateTextureManager.LoadTexture("quitpress", assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("U5Designs.Resources.Textures.btn_exit_hover.png")); quit_press = eng.StateTextureManager.GetTexture("quitpress"); eng.StateTextureManager.LoadTexture("play", assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("U5Designs.Resources.Textures.btn_play.png")); play_nopress = eng.StateTextureManager.GetTexture("play"); eng.StateTextureManager.LoadTexture("playpress", assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("U5Designs.Resources.Textures.btn_play_hover.png")); play_press = eng.StateTextureManager.GetTexture("playpress"); eng.StateTextureManager.LoadTexture("ld", assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("U5Designs.Resources.Textures.btn_leveldesign.png")); ld_nopress = eng.StateTextureManager.GetTexture("ld"); eng.StateTextureManager.LoadTexture("ldpress", assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("U5Designs.Resources.Textures.btn_leveldesign_hover.png")); ld_press = eng.StateTextureManager.GetTexture("ldpress"); musicFile = new AudioFile(assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("U5Designs.Resources.Sound.Retribution.ogg")); musicFile.Play(); // Setup saved game data SavedGameDataSetup(); // Display available saved game states DisplayAvailableSaves(); // Clear the color to work with the SplashScreen so it doesn't white out GL.ClearColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); GL.Clear(ClearBufferMask.ColorBufferBit | ClearBufferMask.DepthBufferBit); lookat = new Vector3(0, 0, 2); eye = new Vector3(0, 0, 5); _old_state = OpenTK.Input.Keyboard.GetState(); // Get the current state of the keyboard arX = -150.0f; b1Y = 0.0f; b2Y = -100.0f; b3Y = -200.0f; b4Y = -250.0f; // TEST // enterdown = false; LoadSavedState(1); }
public MouseGL3x(MouseDevice mouse) { _mouse = mouse; _mouse.ButtonDown += OpenTKButtonDown; _mouse.ButtonUp += OpenTKButtonUp; _mouse.Move += OpenTKMove; }
public Forgottenvoxels() : base() { instance = this; mouse = Mouse; keyboard = Keyboard; string versionOpenGL = GL.GetString(StringName.Version); Console.WriteLine("OpenGL Version: {0}.{1}", versionOpenGL[0],versionOpenGL[2]); }
public Camera(KeyboardDevice k, MouseDevice m, CameraBehavior behavior = CameraBehavior.Flight) { Behavior = behavior; _keyboard = k; _mouse = m; _mouse.ButtonDown += new EventHandler<MouseButtonEventArgs>(OnMouseButtonDown); _mouse.ButtonUp += new EventHandler<MouseButtonEventArgs>(OnMouseButtonUp); _mouse.Move += new EventHandler<MouseMoveEventArgs>(OnMouseMove); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new <see cref="InputManager" /> with only basic low-level input support. /// </summary> /// <remarks> /// Creating <see cref="InputManager" /> without a driver container will cause the events /// to be useless and never be raised, only the methods on this class will return any useful info. /// If you want event support, construct the InputManager with a <see cref="GameWindow" /> /// or other supported driver providers (NYI). /// </remarks> public InputManager() { // We're assigning an empty mouse device. // This will make position functions return a constant 0. // Instead of being null and causing exceptions. _mouse = new MouseDevice(); // We don't have to assign an empty keyboard device, // since we don't have any code that directly relies on it being present. }
public GameWindowMouseInputSource(MouseDevice device, CursorPosSetter cursorPosSetterX, CursorPosSetter cursorPosSetterY) { this.device = device; this.cursorPosSetterX = cursorPosSetterX; this.cursorPosSetterY = cursorPosSetterY; this.device.Enter += this.device_Enter; this.device.Leave += this.device_Leave; }
public void Update(KeyboardDevice keyboard, MouseDevice mouse, double time) { int file = 0, rank = 0; Vector2 coords; //= Board.bottomLeft; coords.X = (float)mouse.X / (float)SCREEN_WIDTH; //temp *= 8.0f; //file = (int)temp; coords.Y = (float)(SCREEN_HEIGHT - mouse.Y) / (float)SCREEN_HEIGHT; coords *= 2.0f; coords -= new Vector2(1.0f, 1.0f); //temp = 1.0f - temp; //temp *= 8.0f; //rank = (int)temp; coords -= Board.bottomLeft; coords.X /= 1.6f; coords.Y *= 0.5f; file = (int)(coords.X * 8.0f); rank = (int)(coords.Y * 8.0f); //Console.WriteLine(file + ", " + rank); if(!paused) board.SubtractTime(time); if (keyboard[Key.Z] & keyboard[Key.Z] != prevZ) { board.UndoLastMove(); } if (keyboard[Key.R]) { board.SetBoard(); board.GameOver = false; } if (keyboard[Key.Space] & keyboard[Key.Space] != prevSpace) { paused = !paused; } if (mouse[MOUSE0] & mouse[MOUSE0] != prevMouseButton) { board.OnClick(file, rank); } else { board.OnHover(file, rank); } prevMouseButton = mouse[MOUSE0]; prevSpace = keyboard[Key.Space]; prevZ = keyboard[Key.Z]; }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new <see cref="InputManager" /> associated with the specified <see cref="GameWindow" />. /// </summary> /// <param name="window">The <see cref="GameWindow" /> this <see cref="InputManager" /> will interface with.</param> public InputManager(GameWindow window) { _keyboard = window.Keyboard; _mouse = window.Mouse; _keyboard.KeyDown += OnKeyDown; _keyboard.KeyUp += OnKeyUp; window.KeyPress += OnKeyPress; _mouse.ButtonDown += OnMouseDown; _mouse.ButtonUp += OnMouseUp; _mouse.WheelChanged += OnMouseWheelChanged; }
/// <summary>Initializes this mouse object with a pointer to the OpenTK mouse object.</summary> /// <param name="mouse">The reference to the OpenTK mouse object.</param> public Mouse(MouseDevice mouse) { _mouse = mouse; _stateOne = new bool[_numberOfMouseButtons]; _stateTwo = new bool[_numberOfMouseButtons]; _currentState = _stateOne; _previousState = _stateTwo; // Reset the mouse position _previousX = _mouse.X; _previousY = _mouse.Y; }
public override void Input_Controller(MouseDevice md, KeyboardDevice kd) { for (Int16 i = 0; i < 6; i++) { btnHover[i] = false; if ((md.X > menuVects[i][0].X && md.X < menuVects[i][1].X) && ((Settings.Height - md.Y) > menuVects[i][0].Y && (Settings.Height - md.Y) < menuVects[i][2].Y)) { btnHover[i] = true; } } }
public GUIEventSystem(GUIContainer root, MouseDevice mouse, KeyboardDevice keyboard, INativeWindow window) { this.root = root; mouse.Move += new EventHandler<OpenTK.Input.MouseMoveEventArgs>(mouse_Move); mouse.ButtonDown += new EventHandler<OpenTK.Input.MouseButtonEventArgs>(mouse_ButtonDown); mouse.ButtonUp += new EventHandler<OpenTK.Input.MouseButtonEventArgs>(mouse_ButtonUp); mouse.WheelChanged += new EventHandler<OpenTK.Input.MouseWheelEventArgs>(mouse_WheelChanged); this.keyboard = keyboard; keyboard.KeyDown += new EventHandler<KeyboardKeyEventArgs>(keyboard_KeyDown); keyboard.KeyUp += new EventHandler<KeyboardKeyEventArgs>(keyboard_KeyUp); window.KeyPress += new EventHandler<KeyPressEventArgs>(window_KeyPress); }
protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e) { GL.ClearColor(Color4.Black); LoadContent(); g_Keyboard = Keyboard; g_Mouse = Mouse; g_Gamepad = new GamepadState(GamepadIndex.One); _stateManager = new StateManager(); _stateManager.SetState(new LevelGenerationState(_stateManager)); Keyboard.KeyRepeat = false; }
public X11Mouse(WindowInfo window) { this.window = window; // Just create one mouse now. // TODO: support for multiple devices through evdev. // TODO: Should call XSelectInput for mouse pointer events. MouseDevice m = new MouseDevice(); m.Description = "Default X11 mouse"; m.DeviceID = IntPtr.Zero; m.NumberOfButtons = 5; m.NumberOfWheels = 1; mice.Add(m); }
public Input(KeyboardDevice keyboard, MouseDevice mouse) { Loc2D dirLoc = new Loc2D(); if (keyboard[Key.Down]) { Operations.MoveInDirection8(ref dirLoc, Direction8.Down, 1); } if (keyboard[Key.Left]) { Operations.MoveInDirection8(ref dirLoc, Direction8.Left, 1); } if (keyboard[Key.Up]) { Operations.MoveInDirection8(ref dirLoc, Direction8.Up, 1); } if (keyboard[Key.Right]) { Operations.MoveInDirection8(ref dirLoc, Direction8.Right, 1); } dir = Operations.GetDirection8(new Loc2D(), dirLoc); inputStates[(int)InputType.X] = keyboard[Key.X]; inputStates[(int)InputType.Z] = keyboard[Key.Z]; inputStates[(int)InputType.C] = keyboard[Key.C]; inputStates[(int)InputType.A] = keyboard[Key.A]; inputStates[(int)InputType.S] = keyboard[Key.S]; inputStates[(int)InputType.D] = keyboard[Key.D]; inputStates[(int)InputType.Q] = keyboard[Key.Q]; inputStates[(int)InputType.W] = keyboard[Key.W]; inputStates[(int)InputType.Enter] = (keyboard[Key.Enter]); LeftMouse = mouse[MouseButton.Left]; RightMouse = mouse[MouseButton.Right]; MouseWheel = mouse.Wheel; MouseLoc = new Loc2D(mouse.X, mouse.Y); Shift = keyboard[Key.ShiftLeft] || keyboard[Key.ShiftRight]; ShowDebug = keyboard[Key.F1]; SpeedDown = keyboard[Key.F2]; SpeedUp = keyboard[Key.F3]; #if GAME_MODE Intangible = keyboard[Key.F4]; Print = keyboard[Key.F5]; Restart = keyboard[Key.F12]; #endif }
/// <summary> /// The default Constructor. /// </summary> public Camera(float prefWidth, float prefHeight, float windowWidth, float windowHeight, MouseDevice m) { OriginalBounds = CameraBounds = new Polygon(); TargetScale = Scale = new Vector2(1f, 1f); MinimumScale = new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f); MaximumScale = new Vector2(20, 20); CameraBox = new Polygon(); Mouse = m; PreferredWidth = prefWidth; PreferredHeight = prefHeight; UpdateResize(windowWidth, windowHeight); UpdateProjectionMatrix(); }
public LoadGameState(GameEngine engine, MainMenuState ms) { eng = engine; mouse = eng.Mouse; savedGameStates = new Stack<XmlNodeList>(); savedGameChoices = new Stack<string>(); _ms = ms; Assembly assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(); musicFile = new AudioFile(assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("U5Designs.Resources.Music.Menu.ogg")); musicFile.Play(); // Clear the color to work with the SplashScreen so it doesn't white out //GL.ClearColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); GL.Clear(ClearBufferMask.ColorBufferBit | ClearBufferMask.DepthBufferBit); lookat = new Vector3(0, 0, 2); eye = new Vector3(0, 0, 5); _old_state = OpenTK.Input.Keyboard.GetState(); // Get the current state of the keyboard eng.StateTextureManager.LoadTexture("menu", assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("")); menu = eng.StateTextureManager.GetTexture("menu"); saveFont = QFont.FromQFontFile("Fonts/myHappySans.qfont", new QFontLoaderConfiguration(true)); saveFont.Options.DropShadowActive = true; //title = QFont.FromQFontFile("myHappySans.qfont", new QFontLoaderConfiguration(true)); title = QFont.FromQFontFile("Fonts/myRock.qfont", new QFontLoaderConfiguration(true)); title.Options.DropShadowActive = true; saveFontHighlighted = QFont.FromQFontFile("Fonts/myHappySans2.qfont", new QFontLoaderConfiguration(true)); saveFont.Options.DropShadowActive = true; //QFont.CreateTextureFontFiles("Fonts/HappySans.ttf", 48, "myHappySans2"); // Load available saved games // Setup saved game data SavedGameDataSetup(); numOfButtons = savedGameChoices.Count - 1; }
public void OnKeyDown(object sender, KeyboardKeyEventArgs e, KeyboardDevice Keyboard, MouseDevice Mouse) { switch (e.Key) { case Key.Escape: MainWindow.exit = true; break; case Key.Left: player.Angle = MathHelper.PiOver2; break; case Key.Right: player.Angle = 3 * MathHelper.PiOver2; break; case Key.Up: player.Angle = 0; break; case Key.Down: player.Angle = 3 * MathHelper.Pi; break; } }
public void OnKeyDown(object sender, KeyboardKeyEventArgs e, KeyboardDevice Keyboard, MouseDevice Mouse) { if (e.Key == Key.Escape) StateManager.ClearStates(); }
public void OnUpdateFrame(FrameEventArgs e, KeyboardDevice Keyboard, MouseDevice Mouse) { if (!fadingOut && fadeBox.Color.A > 0) { fadeBox.Color = new Color4(0, 0, 0, fadeBox.Color.A - (float)e.Time * fadeTime); } if (fadingOut) { if (fadeBox.Color.A < 1) fadeBox.Color = new Color4(0, 0, 0, fadeBox.Color.A + (float)e.Time * fadeTime); else { if (gameWon) { MainWindow.state = new EndMenuState(); Resources.StopAllAudio(); //Resources.UnloadAudioBuffers(); } else { Type oldAreaType = area.GetType(); area.Unload(); area = tempNewArea; area.LoadContent(data); player.MoveTo(area.SetPlayerStartLocation(oldAreaType)); GL.ClearColor(area.ClearColor); fadingOut = false; } } } player.Moving = false; if (Keyboard[Key.Up]) { player.MoveBy(new Vector2(0, (float)(e.Time * Player.MoveSpeed))); player.Moving = true; } if (Keyboard[Key.Down]) { player.MoveBy(new Vector2(0, -(float)(e.Time * Player.MoveSpeed))); player.Moving = true; } if (Keyboard[Key.Left]) { player.MoveBy(new Vector2(-(float)(e.Time * Player.MoveSpeed), 0)); player.Moving = true; } if (Keyboard[Key.Right]) { player.MoveBy(new Vector2((float)(e.Time * Player.MoveSpeed), 0)); player.Moving = true; } c.Update(e.Time); player.Update(e.Time); message = string.Empty; foreach (TriggerChangeArea trigger in area.AreaChangeTriggers) { if (PhysicsManager.IsColliding(player.BoundingBox, trigger.BBox)) { tempNewArea = trigger.Area; fadingOut = true; break; } } foreach (TriggerButtonPress trigger in area.ButtonPressTriggers) { if (PhysicsManager.IsColliding(player.BoundingBox, trigger.BBox)) { trigger.Button.Activated = true; } else { if (trigger.Button.Activated) { trigger.Activate(); } } } foreach (TriggerEndgame trigger in area.EndgameTrigger) { if (PhysicsManager.IsColliding(player.BoundingBox, trigger.BBox)) { if (Keyboard[Key.Z]) { fadingOut = true; gameWon = true; } else { message = "Press Z to repair the ship and leave!"; } } } foreach (TriggerReading trigger in area.ReadingTriggers) { if (PhysicsManager.IsColliding(player.BoundingBox, trigger.BBox)) { if (Keyboard[Key.Z]) { trigger.Activate(); } else { message = "Press Z to read the note"; } } } List<TriggerDoorOpen> openedList = new List<TriggerDoorOpen>(); foreach (TriggerDoorOpen trigger in area.DoorOpenTriggers) { if (PhysicsManager.IsColliding(player.BoundingBox, trigger.BBox)) { Entity ent = player.FindNameInInventory(trigger.LockCode); if (ent != null) { if (Keyboard[Key.Z]) { ChangeGameDataDoor(trigger.Door); player.Inventory.Remove(ent); area.EntList.Remove(trigger.Door); ent.Unload(); trigger.Door.Unload(); } else message = "Press Z to open the " + trigger.Door.Name; } } } List<TriggerPickup> pickedUpList = new List<TriggerPickup>(); foreach (TriggerPickup trigger in area.PickupTriggers) { if (PhysicsManager.IsColliding(player.BoundingBox, trigger.BBox)) { if (Keyboard[Key.Z]) { ChangeGameDataItem(trigger.Ent); player.Inventory.Add(trigger.Ent); area.EntList.Remove(trigger.Ent); pickedUpList.Add(trigger); } else message = "Press Z to pick up the " + trigger.Ent.Name; } } foreach (TriggerPickup trigger in pickedUpList) area.PickupTriggers.Remove(trigger); foreach (Entity ent in area.EntList) { if (PhysicsManager.IsColliding(player, ent) && ent.Solid) player.MoveBy(PhysicsManager.ReactCollision(player, ent)); } c.JumpTo(player.Position); }
public void OnMouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e, KeyboardDevice Keyboard, MouseDevice Mouse) { }
public void OnKeyUp(object sender, KeyboardKeyEventArgs e, KeyboardDevice Keyboard, MouseDevice Mouse) { switch (e.Key) { case Key.Left: if (Keyboard[Key.Right]) player.Angle = 3 * MathHelper.PiOver2; if (Keyboard[Key.Up]) player.Angle = 0; if (Keyboard[Key.Down]) player.Angle = MathHelper.Pi; break; case Key.Right: if (Keyboard[Key.Left]) player.Angle = MathHelper.PiOver2; if (Keyboard[Key.Up]) player.Angle = 0; if (Keyboard[Key.Down]) player.Angle = MathHelper.Pi; break; case Key.Up: if (Keyboard[Key.Left]) player.Angle = MathHelper.PiOver2; if (Keyboard[Key.Right]) player.Angle = 3 * MathHelper.PiOver2; if (Keyboard[Key.Down]) player.Angle = MathHelper.Pi; break; case Key.Down: if (Keyboard[Key.Left]) player.Angle = MathHelper.PiOver2; if (Keyboard[Key.Right]) player.Angle = 3 * MathHelper.PiOver2; if (Keyboard[Key.Up]) player.Angle = 0; break; } }
public virtual void Input_Controller(MouseDevice md, KeyboardDevice kd) { }
public void OnKeyUp(object sender, KeyboardKeyEventArgs e, KeyboardDevice Keyboard, MouseDevice Mouse) { }
public void OnUpdateFrame(FrameEventArgs e, KeyboardDevice Keyboard, MouseDevice Mouse) { if (fadingIn) { fadePercent -= (float)e.Time; if (fadePercent <= 0) fadingIn = false; } if (fadingOut) { fadePercent += (float)e.Time; if (fadePercent >= 1) { StateManager.PopState(); if (level + 1 > maxLevel) StateManager.PushState(new MenuState("You escaped!", "\n\n\nPlay again?")); else StateManager.PushState(new GameState(level + 1)); } } float time = (float)e.Time; bool up = Keyboard[Key.W], left = Keyboard[Key.A], down = Keyboard[Key.S], right = Keyboard[Key.D]; player.Update(time); Entity prevCollidedWith = lastCollidedWith; lastCollidedWith = null; Vector2 realPrevPos = player.Position; if (up && left) player.MoveUpLeft(time); else if (up && right) player.MoveUpRight(time); else if (down && left) player.MoveDownLeft(time); else if (down && right) player.MoveDownRight(time); else if (up) player.MoveUp(time); else if (left) player.MoveLeft(time); else if (down) player.MoveDown(time); else if (right) player.MoveRight(time); else { lastCollidedWith = prevCollidedWith; //if no key was pressed, restore the old one. HACK player.moving = false; } if (map.IsColliding(player.BoundingBox)) player.Position = realPrevPos; foreach (var ent in entities) { if (ent is Pickaxe) ((Pickaxe)ent).AIUpdate(player); if (ent is Goblin) ((Goblin)ent).AIUpdate(player); } for (int i = entities.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Entity ent = entities[i]; ent.Update(time); if (map.IsColliding(ent.BoundingBox)) ent.ResetPos(); if (PhysicsManager.IsColliding(player.BoundingBox, ent.BoundingBox)) { lastCollidedWith = ent; if (ent is Generator) { player.Position = realPrevPos; } else if (ent is Lift) { if (((Lift)ent).enabled) { ((Lift)ent).source.Play(); fadingOut = true; } } else if (ent is Pickaxe) { if (((Pickaxe)ent).active) { entities.Remove(ent);; } } else if (ent is Goblin) { entities.Remove(ent); -= 2; } else if (ent is Endgame) { fadingOut = true; } } } if (Keyboard[Key.E] && lastCollidedWith != null) { if (lastCollidedWith is Generator) { ((Generator)lastCollidedWith).Used = true; player.drawShadow = false; lift.Enable(); } } camera.Position = player.Position; AudioManager.ListenerPos = new Vector3(player.Position); if (generator != null && generator.Used) { for (int i = entities.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var ent = entities[i]; if (ent is Goblin) entities.Remove(ent); if (ent is Pickaxe) ((Pickaxe)ent).active = false; } } if ( <= 0) { StateManager.PopState(); StateManager.PushState(loseState); } }
public void OnMouseDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e, KeyboardDevice Keyboard, MouseDevice Mouse) { }
public Mouse(MouseDevice md) { Cursor = PointerCursor; md.Move += (sender, e) => Position = e.Position; Tasks.Add(() => drawCursor(Cursor, Position.X, Position.Y)); }
/// <summary>This initializes the reference to OpenTK's mouse.</summary> /// <param name="mouseDevice">Reference to OpenTK's MouseDevice class within their GameWindow class.</param> internal static void InitializeMouse(MouseDevice mouseDevice) { _mouse = new SevenEngine.Input.Mouse(mouseDevice); }
public int RegisterDevices() { int count = WinRawInput.DeviceCount; RawInputDeviceList[] ridl = new RawInputDeviceList[count]; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { ridl[i] = new RawInputDeviceList(); } Functions.GetRawInputDeviceList(ridl, ref count, API.RawInputDeviceListSize); // Discover mouse devices: for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { uint size = 0; Functions.GetRawInputDeviceInfo(ridl[i].Device, RawInputDeviceInfoEnum.DEVICENAME, IntPtr.Zero, ref size); IntPtr name_ptr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal((IntPtr)size); Functions.GetRawInputDeviceInfo(ridl[i].Device, RawInputDeviceInfoEnum.DEVICENAME, name_ptr, ref size); string name = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(name_ptr); Marshal.FreeHGlobal(name_ptr); if (name.ToLower().Contains("root")) { // This is a terminal services device, skip it. continue; } else if (ridl[i].Type == RawInputDeviceType.MOUSE || ridl[i].Type == RawInputDeviceType.HID) { // This is a mouse or a USB mouse device. In the latter case, discover if it really is a // mouse device by qeurying the registry. // remove the \??\ name = name.Substring(4); string[] split = name.Split('#'); string id_01 = split[0]; // ACPI (Class code) string id_02 = split[1]; // PNP0303 (SubClass code) string id_03 = split[2]; // 3&13c0b0c5&0 (Protocol code) // The final part is the class GUID and is not needed here string findme = string.Format( @"System\CurrentControlSet\Enum\{0}\{1}\{2}", id_01, id_02, id_03); RegistryKey regkey = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(findme); string deviceDesc = (string)regkey.GetValue("DeviceDesc"); deviceDesc = deviceDesc.Substring(deviceDesc.LastIndexOf(';') + 1); string deviceClass = (string)regkey.GetValue("Class"); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(deviceClass) && deviceClass.ToLower().Equals("mouse")) { OpenTK.Input.MouseDevice mouse = new OpenTK.Input.MouseDevice(); mouse.Description = deviceDesc; // Register the keyboard: RawInputDeviceInfo info = new RawInputDeviceInfo(); int devInfoSize = API.RawInputDeviceInfoSize; Functions.GetRawInputDeviceInfo(ridl[i].Device, RawInputDeviceInfoEnum.DEVICEINFO, info, ref devInfoSize); mouse.NumberOfButtons = info.Device.Mouse.NumberOfButtons; mouse.NumberOfWheels = info.Device.Mouse.HasHorizontalWheel ? 1 : 0; mouse.DeviceID = ridl[i].Device;//(IntPtr)info.Device.Mouse.Id; this.RegisterRawDevice(mouse); mice.Add(mouse); } } } return(count); }