public static GeometricObjectElementSprites Read(Reader reader, Pointer offset, GeometricObject m) { MapLoader l = MapLoader.Loader; GeometricObjectElementSprites s = new GeometricObjectElementSprites(offset, m); = "Sprite @ pos " + offset; //l.print(; if (Settings.s.engineVersion > Settings.EngineVersion.Montreal) { if (Settings.s.platform == Settings.Platform.DC) { s.off_sprites = offset; s.num_sprites = 1; } else { s.off_sprites = Pointer.Read(reader); s.num_sprites = reader.ReadUInt16(); reader.ReadInt16(); // -1 if ( != Settings.Game.R2Revolution) { reader.ReadUInt32(); if ( != Settings.Game.LargoWinch) { reader.ReadUInt32(); } } } } else { s.num_sprites = (ushort)reader.ReadUInt32(); s.off_sprites = Pointer.Read(reader); reader.ReadUInt32(); } if ( == Settings.Game.R2Revolution) { Pointer.DoAt(ref reader, s.off_sprites, () => { s.sprites = new IndexedSprite[s.num_sprites]; for (uint i = 0; i < s.num_sprites; i++) { s.sprites[i] = new IndexedSprite(); uint type = reader.ReadUInt32(); s.sprites[i].info_scale = new Vector2(reader.ReadSingle(), reader.ReadSingle()); if (type == 0x20) { // Light cookie sprite uint index = reader.ReadUInt32(); R2PS2Loader ps2l = MapLoader.Loader as R2PS2Loader; s.sprites[i].visualMaterial = ps2l.lightCookieMaterial.Clone(); s.sprites[i].visualMaterial.diffuseCoef = ps2l.lightCookieColors[index]; } else { s.sprites[i].off_material = Pointer.Read(reader); if (s.sprites[i].off_material != null) { s.sprites[i].visualMaterial = VisualMaterial.FromOffsetOrRead(s.sprites[0].off_material, reader); } } } }); } else if (Settings.s.platform == Settings.Platform.DC) { s.sprites = new IndexedSprite[1]; s.sprites[0] = new IndexedSprite(); s.sprites[0].off_material = Pointer.Read(reader); if (s.sprites[0].off_material != null) { s.sprites[0].visualMaterial = VisualMaterial.FromOffsetOrRead(s.sprites[0].off_material, reader); } s.sprites[0].info_scale = new Vector2(reader.ReadSingle(), reader.ReadSingle()); reader.ReadUInt16(); s.sprites[0].centerPoint = reader.ReadUInt16(); reader.ReadUInt16(); reader.ReadUInt16(); reader.ReadUInt16(); reader.ReadUInt16(); } else { if (s.off_sprites != null) { Pointer.Goto(ref reader, s.off_sprites); s.sprites = new IndexedSprite[s.num_sprites]; for (uint i = 0; i < s.num_sprites; i++) { s.sprites[i] = new IndexedSprite(); if (Settings.s.engineVersion <= Settings.EngineVersion.Montreal) { reader.ReadUInt32(); } s.sprites[i].off_info = Pointer.Read(reader); s.sprites[i].size = new Vector2(reader.ReadSingle(), reader.ReadSingle()); if (Settings.s.engineVersion > Settings.EngineVersion.Montreal) { if ( != Settings.Game.LargoWinch) { s.sprites[i].constraint = new Vector3(reader.ReadSingle(), reader.ReadSingle(), reader.ReadSingle()); s.sprites[i].uv1 = new Vector2(reader.ReadSingle(), reader.ReadSingle()); s.sprites[i].uv2 = new Vector2(reader.ReadSingle(), reader.ReadSingle()); } s.sprites[i].centerPoint = reader.ReadUInt16(); reader.ReadUInt16(); if (Settings.s.engineVersion < Settings.EngineVersion.R3) { reader.ReadUInt32(); } } if (s.sprites[i].off_info != null) { Pointer off_current = Pointer.Goto(ref reader, s.sprites[i].off_info); reader.ReadUInt32(); Pointer.Read(reader); Pointer.Read(reader); Pointer off_info_scale = Pointer.Read(reader); Pointer off_info_unknown = Pointer.Read(reader); s.sprites[i].off_material_pointer = Pointer.Read(reader); Pointer.Goto(ref reader, off_current); Pointer.DoAt(ref reader, off_info_scale, () => { s.sprites[i].info_scale = new Vector2(reader.ReadSingle(), reader.ReadSingle()); }); Pointer.DoAt(ref reader, off_info_unknown, () => { s.sprites[i].info_unknown = new Vector2(reader.ReadSingle(), reader.ReadSingle()); }); if (s.sprites[i].off_material_pointer != null) { off_current = Pointer.Goto(ref reader, s.sprites[i].off_material_pointer); s.sprites[i].off_material = Pointer.Read(reader); if (s.sprites[i].off_material != null) { if (Settings.s.engineVersion < Settings.EngineVersion.R3) { s.sprites[i].gameMaterial = GameMaterial.FromOffsetOrRead(s.sprites[i].off_material, reader); s.sprites[i].visualMaterial = s.sprites[i].gameMaterial.visualMaterial; } else { s.sprites[i].visualMaterial = VisualMaterial.FromOffsetOrRead(s.sprites[i].off_material, reader); } } Pointer.Goto(ref reader, off_current); } } } } } return(s); }
public static GeometricObjectElementTriangles Read(Reader reader, Pointer offset, GeometricObject geo) { MapLoader l = MapLoader.Loader; GeometricObjectElementTriangles sm = new GeometricObjectElementTriangles(offset, geo); = "Submesh @ pos " + offset; //l.print(; sm.backfaceCulling = !l.forceDisplayBackfaces; sm.off_material = Pointer.Read(reader); if ( == Settings.Game.LargoWinch) { //sm.visualMaterial = VisualMaterial.FromOffset(sm.off_material); sm.visualMaterial = VisualMaterial.FromOffsetOrRead(sm.off_material, reader); } else if (Settings.s.engineVersion == Settings.EngineVersion.R3 || == Settings.Game.R2Revolution) { sm.visualMaterial = VisualMaterial.FromOffset(sm.off_material); } else { sm.gameMaterial = GameMaterial.FromOffsetOrRead(sm.off_material, reader); sm.visualMaterial = sm.gameMaterial.visualMaterial; } sm.visualMaterialOG = sm.visualMaterial; /*if (sm.visualMaterial != null && sm.visualMaterial.textures.Count > 0 && sm.visualMaterial.textures[0].off_texture != null) { * += " - VisMatTex:" + sm.visualMaterial.textures[0].offset + " - TexInfo:" + sm.visualMaterial.textures[0].off_texture; * }*/ if (sm.visualMaterial != null) { sm.backfaceCulling = ((sm.visualMaterial.flags & VisualMaterial.flags_backfaceCulling) != 0) && !l.forceDisplayBackfaces; } sm.num_triangles = reader.ReadUInt16(); if ( == Settings.Game.R2Revolution) { sm.lightmap_index = reader.ReadInt16(); sm.off_triangles = Pointer.Read(reader); } else { sm.num_uvs = reader.ReadUInt16(); if (Settings.s.engineVersion == Settings.EngineVersion.R3) { sm.num_uvMaps = reader.ReadUInt16(); sm.lightmap_index = reader.ReadInt16(); } sm.off_triangles = Pointer.Read(reader); // 1 entry = 3 shorts. Max: num_vertices if (Settings.s.mode == Settings.Mode.Rayman3GC) { reader.ReadUInt32(); } sm.off_mapping_uvs = Pointer.Read(reader); // 1 entry = 3 shorts. Max: num_weights sm.off_normals = Pointer.Read(reader); // 1 entry = 3 floats sm.off_uvs = Pointer.Read(reader); // 1 entry = 2 floats if ( == Settings.Game.LargoWinch) { sm.off_mapping_lightmap = Pointer.Read(reader); sm.num_mapping_lightmap = reader.ReadUInt16(); reader.ReadUInt16(); } else if (Settings.s.engineVersion == Settings.EngineVersion.R3) { reader.ReadUInt32(); reader.ReadUInt32(); } else if (Settings.s.engineVersion == Settings.EngineVersion.Montreal) { reader.ReadUInt32(); } if ( != Settings.Game.TTSE) { sm.off_vertex_indices = Pointer.Read(reader); sm.num_vertex_indices = reader.ReadUInt16(); sm.parallelBox = reader.ReadUInt16(); reader.ReadUInt32(); } } if (Settings.s.engineVersion == Settings.EngineVersion.R3) { if ( != Settings.Game.Dinosaur && != Settings.Game.LargoWinch && Settings.s.mode != Settings.Mode.RaymanArenaGCDemo) { sm.isVisibleInPortal = reader.ReadByte(); reader.ReadByte(); sm.OPT_num_mapping_entries = reader.ReadUInt16(); // num_shorts sm.OPT_off_mapping_vertices = Pointer.Read(reader); // shorts_offset1 (1st array of size num_shorts, max_num_vertices) sm.OPT_off_mapping_uvs = Pointer.Read(reader); // shorts_offset2 (2nd array of size num_shorts, max: num_weights) sm.OPT_num_triangleStrip = reader.ReadUInt16(); // num_shorts2 sm.OPT_num_disconnectedTriangles = reader.ReadUInt16(); sm.OPT_off_triangleStrip = Pointer.Read(reader); // shorts2_offset (array of size num_shorts2) sm.OPT_off_disconnectedTriangles = Pointer.Read(reader); if (Settings.s.hasNames) { += reader.ReadString(0x34); } } else { sm.OPT_num_mapping_entries = 0; sm.OPT_off_mapping_vertices = null; sm.OPT_off_mapping_uvs = null; sm.OPT_num_triangleStrip = 0; sm.OPT_num_disconnectedTriangles = 0; sm.OPT_off_triangleStrip = null; sm.OPT_off_disconnectedTriangles = null; sm.isVisibleInPortal = 1; if (Settings.s.mode == Settings.Mode.RaymanArenaGCDemo) { sm.isVisibleInPortal = reader.ReadByte(); reader.ReadByte(); sm.OPT_num_mapping_entries = reader.ReadUInt16(); // num_shorts } } } else { // Defaults for Rayman 2, no optimized mesh feature sm.num_uvMaps = 1; sm.OPT_num_mapping_entries = 0; sm.OPT_off_mapping_vertices = null; sm.OPT_off_mapping_uvs = null; sm.OPT_num_triangleStrip = 0; sm.OPT_num_disconnectedTriangles = 0; sm.OPT_off_triangleStrip = null; sm.OPT_off_disconnectedTriangles = null; sm.isVisibleInPortal = 1; } // Read mapping tables sm.OPT_mapping_uvs = new int[sm.num_uvMaps][]; if (sm.OPT_num_mapping_entries > 0) { Pointer.Goto(ref reader, sm.OPT_off_mapping_vertices); //print("Mapping offset: " + String.Format("0x{0:X}", fs.Position)); sm.OPT_mapping_vertices = new int[sm.OPT_num_mapping_entries]; for (int j = 0; j < sm.OPT_num_mapping_entries; j++) { sm.OPT_mapping_vertices[j] = reader.ReadInt16(); } Pointer.Goto(ref reader, sm.OPT_off_mapping_uvs); for (int j = 0; j < sm.num_uvMaps; j++) { sm.OPT_mapping_uvs[j] = new int[sm.OPT_num_mapping_entries]; } for (int j = 0; j < sm.OPT_num_mapping_entries; j++) { for (int um = 0; um < sm.num_uvMaps; um++) { sm.OPT_mapping_uvs[um][j] = reader.ReadInt16(); } } } if (sm.num_triangles > 0) { Pointer.Goto(ref reader, sm.off_mapping_uvs); sm.mapping_uvs = new int[sm.num_uvMaps][]; for (int j = 0; j < sm.num_uvMaps; j++) { sm.mapping_uvs[j] = new int[sm.num_triangles * 3]; } // Why is uv maps here the outer loop instead of inner like the other thing? for (int um = 0; um < sm.num_uvMaps; um++) { for (int j = 0; j < sm.num_triangles * 3; j++) { sm.mapping_uvs[um][j] = reader.ReadInt16(); } } } // Read UVs Pointer.DoAt(ref reader, sm.off_uvs, () => { sm.uvs = new Vector2[sm.num_uvs]; for (int j = 0; j < sm.num_uvs; j++) { sm.uvs[j] = new Vector2(reader.ReadSingle(), reader.ReadSingle()); } }); // Read triangle data Pointer.DoAt(ref reader, sm.OPT_off_triangleStrip, () => { sm.OPT_triangleStrip = new int[sm.OPT_num_triangleStrip]; for (int j = 0; j < sm.OPT_num_triangleStrip; j++) { sm.OPT_triangleStrip[j] = reader.ReadInt16(); } }); Pointer.DoAt(ref reader, sm.OPT_off_disconnectedTriangles, () => { sm.OPT_disconnectedTriangles = new int[sm.OPT_num_disconnectedTriangles * 3]; //print("Loading disconnected triangles at " + String.Format("0x{0:X}", fs.Position)); for (int j = 0; j < sm.OPT_num_disconnectedTriangles; j++) { sm.OPT_disconnectedTriangles[(j * 3) + 0] = reader.ReadInt16(); sm.OPT_disconnectedTriangles[(j * 3) + 1] = reader.ReadInt16(); sm.OPT_disconnectedTriangles[(j * 3) + 2] = reader.ReadInt16(); } }); if (sm.num_triangles > 0) { Pointer.Goto(ref reader, sm.off_triangles); sm.triangles = new int[sm.num_triangles * 3]; //print("Loading disconnected triangles at " + String.Format("0x{0:X}", fs.Position)); for (int j = 0; j < sm.num_triangles; j++) { sm.triangles[(j * 3) + 0] = reader.ReadInt16(); sm.triangles[(j * 3) + 1] = reader.ReadInt16(); sm.triangles[(j * 3) + 2] = reader.ReadInt16(); } if (sm.off_normals != null) { Pointer.Goto(ref reader, sm.off_normals); sm.normals = new Vector3[sm.num_triangles]; for (int j = 0; j < sm.num_triangles; j++) { float x = reader.ReadSingle(); float z = reader.ReadSingle(); float y = reader.ReadSingle(); sm.normals[j] = new Vector3(x, y, z); } } } if ( == Settings.Game.LargoWinch && sm.lightmap_index != -1) { LWLoader lwl = MapLoader.Loader as LWLoader; if (lwl.lms != null && sm.lightmap_index >= 0 && sm.lightmap_index < lwl.lms.Count) { /*if (sm.lightmap_index < l.off_lightmapUV.Length - 1) { * int amount = ((int)l.off_lightmapUV[sm.lightmap_index + 1].offset - (int)l.off_lightmapUV[sm.lightmap_index].offset); * amount = amount / 8; * l.print(offset + " - UVs: " + amount + " - " + sm.mesh.num_vertices + " - " + sm.num_mapping_entries + " - " + sm.num_uvs + " - " + sm.num_disconnected_triangles_spe + " - " + sm.num_mapping_lightmap); * }*/ Vector2[] lightmapUVs = new Vector2[sm.num_mapping_lightmap]; Pointer.DoAt(ref reader, sm.off_mapping_lightmap, () => { sm.mapping_lightmap = new int[sm.num_mapping_lightmap]; for (int i = 0; i < sm.num_mapping_lightmap; i++) { sm.mapping_lightmap[i] = reader.ReadInt16(); } }); Pointer.DoAt(ref reader, l.off_lightmapUV[sm.lightmap_index], () => { for (int j = 0; j < lightmapUVs.Length; j++) { lightmapUVs[j] = new Vector2(reader.ReadSingle(), reader.ReadSingle()); } }); sm.AddLightmap(lwl.GetLightmap(sm.lightmap_index), lightmapUVs); } } return(sm); }