/// <summary>
        /// Remove a UPnPStateVariable
        /// <para>
        /// An exception will be thrown if you try to remove a UPnPStateVariable that is associated with an action,
        /// or a UPnPStateVariable that is referenced by an Action.
        /// </para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="stateVariable">UPnPStateVariable to remove</param>
        public void RemoveStateVariable(UPnPStateVariable stateVariable)
            foreach (UPnPStateVariable.AssociationNode n in stateVariable.GetAssociations())
                    if (GetAction(n.ActionName).GetArg(n.ArgName).StateVarName == stateVariable.Name)
                        throw (new UPnPStateVariable.CannotRemoveException("Associated with " + n.ActionName + ":" + n.ArgName));
                catch (System.NullReferenceException)
                { }


        /// <summary>
        /// Add a UPnPStateVariable
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="NewVar"></param>
        public void AddStateVariable(UPnPStateVariable NewVar)
            NewVar.ParentService = this;
            StateVariables[NewVar.Name] = NewVar;
            UPnPStateVariable.AssociationNode[] Nodes;

            Hashtable ArgTable;

            Nodes = NewVar.GetAssociations();
            for (int x = 0; x < Nodes.Length; ++x)
                ArgTable = (Hashtable)VarAssociation[Nodes[x].ActionName];
                if (ArgTable == null) ArgTable = new Hashtable();

                if (ArgTable.ContainsKey(Nodes[x].ArgName) == true)

                ArgTable[Nodes[x].ArgName] = NewVar;
                VarAssociation[Nodes[x].ActionName] = ArgTable;

                // THIS: Updated to throw meaningfull exception instead of null reference
                UPnPAction A = GetAction(Nodes[x].ActionName);
                if (A != null)
                    UPnPArgument Argument = A.GetArg(Nodes[x].ArgName);
                    if (Argument == null)
                        throw (new Exception(string.Format("There is no parameter named {0} for the {1}.{2} method.", Nodes[x].ArgName, ServiceInstance.GetType().ToString(), Nodes[x].ActionName)));
                    Argument.StateVarName = NewVar.Name;
                // THIS: End update