예제 #1
파일: BSPrim.cs 프로젝트: NovaGrid/opensim
 // Create a linkset by creating a compound hull at the root prim that consists of all
 // the children.
 // NOTE: This does not allow proper collisions with the children prims so it is not a workable solution
 void CreateLinksetWithCompoundHull()
     // If I am the root prim of a linkset, replace my physical shape with all the
     // pieces of the children.
     // All of the children should have called CreateGeom so they have a hull
     // in the physics engine already. Here we pull together all of those hulls
     // into one shape.
     int totalPrimsInLinkset = _childrenPrims.Count + 1;
     // m_log.DebugFormat("{0}: CreateLinkset. Root prim={1}, prims={2}", LogHeader, LocalID, totalPrimsInLinkset);
     ShapeData[] shapes = new ShapeData[totalPrimsInLinkset];
     FillShapeInfo(out shapes[0]);
     int ii = 1;
     foreach (BSPrim prim in _childrenPrims)
         // m_log.DebugFormat("{0}: CreateLinkset: adding prim {1}", LogHeader, prim.LocalID);
         prim.FillShapeInfo(out shapes[ii]);
     BulletSimAPI.CreateLinkset(_scene.WorldID, totalPrimsInLinkset, shapes);
예제 #2
 public abstract BulletShape BuildNativeShape(BulletWorld world, ShapeData shapeData);
예제 #3
public static extern bool CreateObject(uint worldID, ShapeData shapeData);
예제 #4
public static extern IntPtr BuildNativeShape2(IntPtr world, ShapeData shapeData);
예제 #5
    // Create a body object in Bullet.
    // Updates prim.BSBody with the information about the new body if one is created.
    // Returns 'true' if an object was actually created.
    // Called at taint-time.
    private bool CreateBody(bool forceRebuild, BSPrim prim, BulletSim sim, BulletShape shape, 
                            ShapeData shapeData, BodyDestructionCallback bodyCallback)
        bool ret = false;

        // the mesh, hull or native shape must have already been created in Bullet
        bool mustRebuild = (prim.BSBody.ptr == IntPtr.Zero);

        // If there is an existing body, verify it's of an acceptable type.
        // If not a solid object, body is a GhostObject. Otherwise a RigidBody.
        if (!mustRebuild)
            CollisionObjectTypes bodyType = (CollisionObjectTypes)BulletSimAPI.GetBodyType2(prim.BSBody.ptr);
            if (prim.IsSolid && bodyType != CollisionObjectTypes.CO_RIGID_BODY
                || !prim.IsSolid && bodyType != CollisionObjectTypes.CO_GHOST_OBJECT)
                // If the collisionObject is not the correct type for solidness, rebuild what's there
                mustRebuild = true;


        if (mustRebuild || forceRebuild)
            DereferenceBody(prim.BSBody, true, bodyCallback);

            BulletBody aBody;
            IntPtr bodyPtr = IntPtr.Zero;
            if (prim.IsSolid)
                bodyPtr = BulletSimAPI.CreateBodyFromShape2(sim.ptr, shape.ptr,
                                        shapeData.ID, shapeData.Position, shapeData.Rotation);
                // DetailLog("{0},BSShapeCollection.CreateBody,mesh,ptr={1}", prim.LocalID, bodyPtr.ToString("X"));
                bodyPtr = BulletSimAPI.CreateGhostFromShape2(sim.ptr, shape.ptr,
                                        shapeData.ID, shapeData.Position, shapeData.Rotation);
                // DetailLog("{0},BSShapeCollection.CreateBody,ghost,ptr={1}", prim.LocalID, bodyPtr.ToString("X"));
            aBody = new BulletBody(shapeData.ID, bodyPtr);

            ReferenceBody(aBody, true);

            prim.BSBody = aBody;

            ret = true;

        return ret;
예제 #6
        private BSShapeNative(BSScene physicsScene, BSPhysObject prim,
            BSPhysicsShapeType shapeType, FixedShapeKey shapeKey)
            ShapeData nativeShapeData = new ShapeData();
            nativeShapeData.Type = shapeType;
            nativeShapeData.ID = prim.LocalID;
            nativeShapeData.Scale = prim.Scale;
            nativeShapeData.Size = prim.Scale;
            nativeShapeData.MeshKey = (ulong)shapeKey;
            nativeShapeData.HullKey = (ulong)shapeKey;

            if (shapeType == BSPhysicsShapeType.SHAPE_CAPSULE)
            ptr = PhysicsScene.PE.BuildCapsuleShape(physicsScene.World, 1f, 1f, prim.Scale);
            physicsScene.DetailLog("{0},BSShapeCollection.BuiletPhysicalNativeShape,capsule,scale={1}", prim.LocalID, prim.Scale);
            ptr = PhysicsScene.PE.BuildNativeShape(physicsScene.World, nativeShapeData);
            if (ptr == IntPtr.Zero)
            physicsScene.Logger.ErrorFormat("{0} BuildPhysicalNativeShape failed. ID={1}, shape={2}",
                                    LogHeader, prim.LocalID, shapeType);
            type = shapeType;
            key = (UInt64)shapeKey;
예제 #7
    private BulletShape BuildPhysicalNativeShape(ShapeData.PhysicsShapeType shapeType,
                        ShapeData shapeData, ShapeData.FixedShapeKey shapeKey)
        BulletShape newShape;
        // Need to make sure the passed shape information is for the native type.
        ShapeData nativeShapeData = shapeData;
        nativeShapeData.Type = shapeType;
        nativeShapeData.MeshKey = (ulong)shapeKey;
        nativeShapeData.HullKey = (ulong)shapeKey;

        if (shapeType == ShapeData.PhysicsShapeType.SHAPE_AVATAR)
            newShape = new BulletShape(
                        BulletSimAPI.BuildCapsuleShape2(PhysicsScene.World.ptr, 1f, 1f, nativeShapeData.Scale)
                        , shapeType);
            DetailLog("{0},BSShapeCollection.BuiletPhysicalNativeShape,capsule,scale={1}", nativeShapeData.ID, nativeShapeData.Scale);
            newShape = new BulletShape(BulletSimAPI.BuildNativeShape2(PhysicsScene.World.ptr, nativeShapeData), shapeType);
        if (newShape.ptr == IntPtr.Zero)
            PhysicsScene.Logger.ErrorFormat("{0} BuildPhysicalNativeShape failed. ID={1}, shape={2}",
                                    LogHeader, nativeShapeData.ID, nativeShapeData.Type);
        newShape.shapeKey = (System.UInt64)shapeKey;
        newShape.isNativeShape = true;

        return newShape;
예제 #8
    // Create a hash of all the shape parameters to be used as a key
    //    for this particular shape.
    private ulong ComputeShapeKey(ShapeData shapeData, PrimitiveBaseShape pbs, out float retLod)
        // level of detail based on size and type of the object
        float lod = PhysicsScene.MeshLOD;
        if (pbs.SculptEntry)
            lod = PhysicsScene.SculptLOD;

        float maxAxis = Math.Max(shapeData.Size.X, Math.Max(shapeData.Size.Y, shapeData.Size.Z));
        if (maxAxis > PhysicsScene.MeshMegaPrimThreshold)
            lod = PhysicsScene.MeshMegaPrimLOD;

        retLod = lod;
        return (ulong)pbs.GetMeshKey(shapeData.Size, lod);
예제 #9
 public BulletShape(IntPtr xx, ShapeData.PhysicsShapeType typ)
     ptr = xx;
     type = typ;
     shapeKey = 0;
     isNativeShape = false;
예제 #10
    // Creates a native shape and assignes it to prim.BSShape.
    // "Native" shapes are never shared. they are created here and destroyed in DereferenceShape().
    private bool GetReferenceToNativeShape(BSPhysObject prim, ShapeData shapeData,
                            ShapeData.PhysicsShapeType shapeType, ShapeData.FixedShapeKey shapeKey,
                            ShapeDestructionCallback shapeCallback)
        // release any previous shape
        DereferenceShape(prim.BSShape, true, shapeCallback);

        shapeData.Type = shapeType;
        // Bullet native objects are scaled by the Bullet engine so pass the size in
        prim.Scale = shapeData.Size;
        shapeData.Scale = shapeData.Size;

        BulletShape newShape = BuildPhysicalNativeShape(shapeType, shapeData, shapeKey);

        // Don't need to do a 'ReferenceShape()' here because native shapes are not shared.
                                shapeData.ID, newShape, shapeData.Scale);

        prim.BSShape = newShape;
        return true;
예제 #11
파일: BSPrim.cs 프로젝트: CCIR/opensim
    }// end CalculateMass
    #endregion Mass Calculation

    // Copy prim's info into the BulletSim shape description structure
    public void FillShapeInfo(out ShapeData shape)
        shape.ID = LocalID;
        shape.Type = ShapeData.PhysicsShapeType.SHAPE_UNKNOWN;
        shape.Position = _position;
        shape.Rotation = _orientation;
        shape.Velocity = _velocity;
        shape.Size = _size;
        shape.Scale = Scale;
        shape.Mass = _isPhysical ? _mass : 0f;
        shape.Buoyancy = _buoyancy;
        shape.HullKey = 0;
        shape.MeshKey = 0;
        shape.Friction = _friction;
        shape.Restitution = _restitution;
        shape.Collidable = (!IsPhantom) ? ShapeData.numericTrue : ShapeData.numericFalse;
        shape.Static = _isPhysical ? ShapeData.numericFalse : ShapeData.numericTrue;
        shape.Solid = IsSolid ? ShapeData.numericFalse : ShapeData.numericTrue;
예제 #12
파일: BSCharacter.cs 프로젝트: CCIR/opensim
    public BSCharacter(uint localID, String avName, BSScene parent_scene, OMV.Vector3 pos, OMV.Vector3 size, bool isFlying)
        base.BaseInitialize(parent_scene, localID, avName, "BSCharacter");
        _physicsActorType = (int)ActorTypes.Agent;
        _position = pos;
        _size = size;
        _flying = isFlying;
        _orientation = OMV.Quaternion.Identity;
        _velocity = OMV.Vector3.Zero;
        _appliedVelocity = OMV.Vector3.Zero;
        _buoyancy = ComputeBuoyancyFromFlying(isFlying);
        _currentFriction = PhysicsScene.Params.avatarStandingFriction;
        _avatarDensity = PhysicsScene.Params.avatarDensity;

        // The dimensions of the avatar capsule are kept in the scale.
        // Physics creates a unit capsule which is scaled by the physics engine.
        // set _avatarVolume and _mass based on capsule size, _density and Scale
                            LocalID, _size, Scale, _avatarDensity, _avatarVolume, MassRaw);

        ShapeData shapeData = new ShapeData();
        shapeData.ID = LocalID;
        shapeData.Type = ShapeData.PhysicsShapeType.SHAPE_AVATAR;
        shapeData.Position = _position;
        shapeData.Rotation = _orientation;
        shapeData.Velocity = _velocity;
        shapeData.Size = Scale; // capsule is a native shape but scale is not just <1,1,1>
        shapeData.Scale = Scale;
        shapeData.Mass = _mass;
        shapeData.Buoyancy = _buoyancy;
        shapeData.Static = ShapeData.numericFalse;
        shapeData.Friction = PhysicsScene.Params.avatarStandingFriction;
        shapeData.Restitution = PhysicsScene.Params.avatarRestitution;

        // do actual create at taint time
        PhysicsScene.TaintedObject("BSCharacter.create", delegate()
            DetailLog("{0},BSCharacter.create,taint", LocalID);
            // New body and shape into BSBody and BSShape
            PhysicsScene.Shapes.GetBodyAndShape(true, PhysicsScene.World, this, shapeData, null, null, null);

예제 #13
 public abstract BulletShape BuildNativeShape(BulletWorld world, ShapeData shapeData);
예제 #14
 public static extern bool CreateObject(uint worldID, ShapeData shapeData);
예제 #15
    // Create a hash of all the shape parameters to be used as a key
    //    for this particular shape.
    private System.UInt64 ComputeShapeKey(ShapeData shapeData, PrimitiveBaseShape pbs, out float retLod)
        // level of detail based on size and type of the object
        float lod = PhysicsScene.MeshLOD;
        if (pbs.SculptEntry)
            lod = PhysicsScene.SculptLOD;

        // Mega prims usually get more detail because one can interact with shape approximations at this size.
        float maxAxis = Math.Max(shapeData.Size.X, Math.Max(shapeData.Size.Y, shapeData.Size.Z));
        if (maxAxis > PhysicsScene.MeshMegaPrimThreshold)
            lod = PhysicsScene.MeshMegaPrimLOD;

        retLod = lod;
        return pbs.GetMeshKey(shapeData.Size, lod);
예제 #16
    // See that hull shape exists in the physical world and update prim.BSShape.
    // We could be creating the hull because scale changed or whatever.
    private bool GetReferenceToHull(BSPrim prim, ShapeData shapeData, PrimitiveBaseShape pbs,
                                ShapeDestructionCallback shapeCallback)
        BulletShape newShape;

        float lod;
        ulong newHullKey = ComputeShapeKey(shapeData, pbs, out lod);

        // if the hull hasn't changed, don't rebuild it
        if (newHullKey == prim.BSShape.shapeKey && prim.BSShape.type == ShapeData.PhysicsShapeType.SHAPE_HULL)
            return false;

                        prim.LocalID, prim.BSShape.shapeKey.ToString("X"), newHullKey.ToString("X"));

        // Remove usage of the previous shape. Also removes reference to underlying mesh if it is a hull.
        DereferenceShape(prim.BSShape, true, shapeCallback);

        newShape = CreatePhysicalHull(prim.PhysObjectName, newHullKey, pbs, shapeData.Size, lod);


        // hulls are already scaled by the meshmerizer
        prim.Scale = new OMV.Vector3(1f, 1f, 1f);
        prim.BSShape = newShape;
        return true;        // 'true' means a new shape has been added to this prim
예제 #17
 // For those who don't want the LOD
 private System.UInt64 ComputeShapeKey(ShapeData shapeData, PrimitiveBaseShape pbs)
     float lod;
     return ComputeShapeKey(shapeData, pbs, out lod);
예제 #18
 // For those who don't want the LOD
 private ulong ComputeShapeKey(ShapeData shapeData, PrimitiveBaseShape pbs)
     float lod;
     return ComputeShapeKey(shapeData, pbs, out lod);
예제 #19
    // The creation of a mesh or hull can fail if an underlying asset is not available.
    // There are two cases: 1) the asset is not in the cache and it needs to be fetched;
    //     and 2) the asset cannot be converted (like decompressing JPEG2000s).
    //     The first case causes the asset to be fetched. The second case just requires
    //     us to not loop forever.
    // Called after creating a physical mesh or hull. If the physical shape was created,
    //     just return.
    private BulletShape VerifyMeshCreated(BulletShape newShape, BSPhysObject prim, ShapeData shapeData, PrimitiveBaseShape pbs)
        // If the shape was successfully created, nothing more to do
        if (newShape.ptr != IntPtr.Zero)
            return newShape;

        // If this mesh has an underlying asset and we have not failed getting it before, fetch the asset
        if (pbs.SculptEntry && !prim.LastAssetBuildFailed && pbs.SculptTexture != OMV.UUID.Zero)
            prim.LastAssetBuildFailed = true;
            BSPhysObject xprim = prim;
                            LogHeader, shapeData.ID.ToString("X"), prim.LastAssetBuildFailed);
                    RequestAssetDelegate assetProvider = PhysicsScene.RequestAssetMethod;
                    if (assetProvider != null)
                        BSPhysObject yprim = xprim; // probably not necessary, but, just in case.
                        assetProvider(yprim.BaseShape.SculptTexture, delegate(AssetBase asset)
                            if (!yprim.BaseShape.SculptEntry)
                            if (yprim.BaseShape.SculptTexture.ToString() != asset.ID)

                            yprim.BaseShape.SculptData = asset.Data;
                            // This will cause the prim to see that the filler shape is not the right
                            //    one and try again to build the object.
                            // No race condition with the native sphere setting since the rebuild is at taint time.

            if (prim.LastAssetBuildFailed)
                PhysicsScene.Logger.ErrorFormat("{0} Mesh failed to fetch asset. lID={1}, texture={2}",
                                            LogHeader, shapeData.ID, pbs.SculptTexture);

        // While we figure out the real problem, stick a simple native shape on the object.
        BulletShape fillinShape =
            BuildPhysicalNativeShape(ShapeData.PhysicsShapeType.SHAPE_BOX, shapeData, ShapeData.FixedShapeKey.KEY_BOX);

        return fillinShape;
예제 #20
    // Called to update/change the body and shape for an object.
    // First checks the shape and updates that if necessary then makes
    //    sure the body is of the right type.
    // Return 'true' if either the body or the shape changed.
    // Called at taint-time!!
    public bool GetBodyAndShape(bool forceRebuild, BulletSim sim, BSPrim prim, 
                    ShapeData shapeData, PrimitiveBaseShape pbs,
                    ShapeDestructionCallback shapeCallback, BodyDestructionCallback bodyCallback)
        bool ret = false;

        // This lock could probably be pushed down lower but building shouldn't take long
        lock (m_collectionActivityLock)
            // Do we have the correct geometry for this type of object?
            // Updates prim.BSShape with information/pointers to requested shape
            bool newGeom = CreateGeom(forceRebuild, prim, shapeData, pbs, shapeCallback);
            // If we had to select a new shape geometry for the object,
            //    rebuild the body around it.
            // Updates prim.BSBody with information/pointers to requested body
            bool newBody = CreateBody((newGeom || forceRebuild), prim, PhysicsScene.World, 
                                    prim.BSShape, shapeData, bodyCallback);
            ret = newGeom || newBody;
                                prim.LocalID, forceRebuild, ret, prim.BSBody, prim.BSShape);

        return ret;
예제 #21
    private static BulletShape CreatePhysicalNativeShape(BSScene physicsScene, BSPhysObject prim,
                                            BSPhysicsShapeType shapeType, FixedShapeKey shapeKey)
        BulletShape newShape;

        ShapeData nativeShapeData = new ShapeData();
        nativeShapeData.Type = shapeType;
        nativeShapeData.ID = prim.LocalID;
        nativeShapeData.Scale = prim.Scale;
        nativeShapeData.Size = prim.Scale;
        nativeShapeData.MeshKey = (ulong)shapeKey;
        nativeShapeData.HullKey = (ulong)shapeKey;

        if (shapeType == BSPhysicsShapeType.SHAPE_CAPSULE)
            newShape = physicsScene.PE.BuildCapsuleShape(physicsScene.World, 1f, 1f, prim.Scale);
            physicsScene.DetailLog("{0},BSShapeNative,capsule,scale={1}", prim.LocalID, prim.Scale);
            newShape = physicsScene.PE.BuildNativeShape(physicsScene.World, nativeShapeData);
        if (!newShape.HasPhysicalShape)
            physicsScene.Logger.ErrorFormat("{0} BuildPhysicalNativeShape failed. ID={1}, shape={2}",
                                    LogHeader, prim.LocalID, shapeType);
        newShape.shapeType = shapeType;
        newShape.isNativeShape = true;
        newShape.shapeKey = (UInt64)shapeKey;
        return newShape;
예제 #22
        private BulletShape BuildPhysicalNativeShape(BSPhysObject prim, BSPhysicsShapeType shapeType,
            FixedShapeKey shapeKey)
            BulletShape newShape;
            // Need to make sure the passed shape information is for the native type.
            ShapeData nativeShapeData = new ShapeData();
            nativeShapeData.Type = shapeType;
            nativeShapeData.ID = prim.LocalID;
            nativeShapeData.Scale = prim.Scale;
            nativeShapeData.Size = prim.Scale;  // unneeded, I think.
            nativeShapeData.MeshKey = (ulong)shapeKey;
            nativeShapeData.HullKey = (ulong)shapeKey;

            if (shapeType == BSPhysicsShapeType.SHAPE_CAPSULE)

            newShape = PhysicsScene.PE.BuildCapsuleShape(PhysicsScene.World, 1f, 1f, prim.Scale);
            if (DDetail) DetailLog("{0},BSShapeCollection.BuildPhysicalNativeShape,capsule,scale={1}", prim.LocalID, prim.Scale);
            // Native shapes are scaled in Bullet so set the scaling to the size
            newShape = PhysicsScene.PE.BuildNativeShape(PhysicsScene.World, nativeShapeData);

            if (!newShape.HasPhysicalShape)
            PhysicsScene.Logger.ErrorFormat("{0} BuildPhysicalNativeShape failed. ID={1}, shape={2}",
                                    LogHeader, prim.LocalID, shapeType);
            newShape.shapeKey = (System.UInt64)shapeKey;
            newShape.isNativeShape = true;

            return newShape;
예제 #23
    public BSCharacter(uint localID, String avName, BSScene parent_scene, OMV.Vector3 pos, OMV.Vector3 size, bool isFlying)
        base.BaseInitialize(parent_scene, localID, avName, "BSCharacter");
        _physicsActorType = (int)ActorTypes.Agent;
        _position = pos;
        _size = size;
        _flying = isFlying;
        _orientation = OMV.Quaternion.Identity;
        _velocity = OMV.Vector3.Zero;
        _buoyancy = ComputeBuoyancyFromFlying(isFlying);

        // The dimensions of the avatar capsule are kept in the scale.
        // Physics creates a unit capsule which is scaled by the physics engine.
        _avatarDensity = PhysicsScene.Params.avatarDensity;
        // set _avatarVolume and _mass based on capsule size, _density and _scale

        ShapeData shapeData = new ShapeData();
        shapeData.ID = LocalID;
        shapeData.Type = ShapeData.PhysicsShapeType.SHAPE_AVATAR;
        shapeData.Position = _position;
        shapeData.Rotation = _orientation;
        shapeData.Velocity = _velocity;
        shapeData.Scale = _scale;
        shapeData.Mass = _mass;
        shapeData.Buoyancy = _buoyancy;
        shapeData.Static = ShapeData.numericFalse;
        shapeData.Friction = PhysicsScene.Params.avatarFriction;
        shapeData.Restitution = PhysicsScene.Params.avatarRestitution;

        // do actual create at taint time
        PhysicsScene.TaintedObject("BSCharacter.create", delegate()
            DetailLog("{0},BSCharacter.create,taint", LocalID);
            BulletSimAPI.CreateObject(PhysicsScene.WorldID, shapeData);

            // Set the buoyancy for flying. This will be refactored when all the settings happen in C#.
            // If not set at creation, the avatar will stop flying when created after crossing a region boundry.
            BulletSimAPI.SetObjectBuoyancy(PhysicsScene.WorldID, LocalID, _buoyancy);

            BSBody = new BulletBody(LocalID, BulletSimAPI.GetBodyHandle2(PhysicsScene.World.ptr, LocalID));

            // This works here because CreateObject has already put the character into the physical world.
                            (uint)CollisionFilterGroups.AvatarFilter, (uint)CollisionFilterGroups.AvatarMask);
예제 #24
public static extern void CreateLinkset(uint worldID, int objectCount, ShapeData[] shapeDatas);
예제 #25
    // Create the geometry information in Bullet for later use.
    // The objects needs a hull if it's physical otherwise a mesh is enough.
    // No locking here because this is done when we know physics is not simulating.
    // if 'forceRebuild' is true, the geometry is rebuilt. Otherwise a previously built version is used.
    // Returns 'true' if the geometry was rebuilt.
    // Called at taint-time!
    private bool CreateGeom(bool forceRebuild, BSPrim prim, ShapeData shapeData, 
                            PrimitiveBaseShape pbs, ShapeDestructionCallback shapeCallback)
        bool ret = false;
        bool haveShape = false;
        bool nativeShapePossible = true;

        // If the prim attributes are simple, this could be a simple Bullet native shape
        if (nativeShapePossible
                && ((pbs.SculptEntry && !PhysicsScene.ShouldMeshSculptedPrim)
                    || (pbs.ProfileBegin == 0 && pbs.ProfileEnd == 0
                        && pbs.ProfileHollow == 0
                        && pbs.PathTwist == 0 && pbs.PathTwistBegin == 0
                        && pbs.PathBegin == 0 && pbs.PathEnd == 0
                        && pbs.PathTaperX == 0 && pbs.PathTaperY == 0
                        && pbs.PathScaleX == 100 && pbs.PathScaleY == 100
                        && pbs.PathShearX == 0 && pbs.PathShearY == 0) ) )
            if (pbs.ProfileShape == ProfileShape.HalfCircle && pbs.PathCurve == (byte)Extrusion.Curve1)
                haveShape = true;
                if (forceRebuild
                        || prim.Scale != shapeData.Size
                        || prim.BSShape.type != ShapeData.PhysicsShapeType.SHAPE_SPHERE
                    ret = GetReferenceToNativeShape(prim, shapeData, ShapeData.PhysicsShapeType.SHAPE_SPHERE, 
                                            ShapeData.FixedShapeKey.KEY_SPHERE, shapeCallback);
                                        prim.LocalID, forceRebuild, prim.BSShape);
                haveShape = true;
                if (forceRebuild
                        || prim.Scale != shapeData.Size
                        || prim.BSShape.type != ShapeData.PhysicsShapeType.SHAPE_BOX
                    ret = GetReferenceToNativeShape( prim, shapeData, ShapeData.PhysicsShapeType.SHAPE_BOX, 
                                            ShapeData.FixedShapeKey.KEY_BOX, shapeCallback);
                                        prim.LocalID, forceRebuild, prim.BSShape);
        // If a simple shape is not happening, create a mesh and possibly a hull.
        // Note that if it's a native shape, the check for physical/non-physical is not
        //     made. Native shapes are best used in either case.
        if (!haveShape)
            if (prim.IsPhysical)
                // Update prim.BSShape to reference a hull of this shape.
                ret = GetReferenceToHull(prim, shapeData, pbs, shapeCallback);
                                        shapeData.ID, prim.BSShape, prim.BSShape.shapeKey.ToString("X"));
                ret = GetReferenceToMesh(prim, shapeData, pbs, shapeCallback);
                                        shapeData.ID, prim.BSShape, prim.BSShape.shapeKey.ToString("X"));
        return ret;
예제 #26
public override BulletShape BuildNativeShape(BulletWorld world, ShapeData shapeData)
    BulletWorldUnman worldu = world as BulletWorldUnman;
    return new BulletShapeUnman(BSAPICPP.BuildNativeShape2(worldu.ptr, shapeData), shapeData.Type);
예제 #27
    // Creates a native shape and assignes it to prim.BSShape
    private bool GetReferenceToNativeShape( BSPrim prim, ShapeData shapeData,
                            ShapeData.PhysicsShapeType shapeType, ShapeData.FixedShapeKey shapeKey,
                            ShapeDestructionCallback shapeCallback)
        BulletShape newShape;

        shapeData.Type = shapeType;
        // Bullet native objects are scaled by the Bullet engine so pass the size in
        prim.Scale = shapeData.Size;
        shapeData.Scale = shapeData.Size;

        // release any previous shape
        DereferenceShape(prim.BSShape, true, shapeCallback);

        // Native shapes are always built independently.
        newShape = new BulletShape(BulletSimAPI.BuildNativeShape2(PhysicsScene.World.ptr, shapeData), shapeType);
        newShape.shapeKey = (ulong)shapeKey;
        newShape.isNativeShape = true;

        // Don't need to do a 'ReferenceShape()' here because native shapes are not tracked.
        // DetailLog("{0},BSShapeCollection.AddNativeShapeToPrim,create,newshape={1}", shapeData.ID, newShape);

        prim.BSShape = newShape;
        return true;
예제 #28
파일: BSPrim.cs 프로젝트: NovaGrid/opensim
 // Copy prim's info into the BulletSim shape description structure
 public void FillShapeInfo(out ShapeData shape)
     shape.ID = _localID;
     shape.Type = _shapeType;
     shape.Position = _position;
     shape.Rotation = _orientation;
     shape.Velocity = _velocity;
     shape.Scale = _scale;
     shape.Mass = _isPhysical ? _mass : 0f;
     shape.Buoyancy = _buoyancy;
     shape.HullKey = _hullKey;
     shape.MeshKey = _meshKey;
     shape.Friction = _friction;
     shape.Restitution = _restitution;
     shape.Collidable = (!IsPhantom) ? ShapeData.numericTrue : ShapeData.numericFalse;
     shape.Static = _isPhysical ? ShapeData.numericFalse : ShapeData.numericTrue;
예제 #29
    // Builds a mesh shape in the physical world and updates prim.BSShape.
    // Dereferences previous shape in BSShape and adds a reference for this new shape.
    // Returns 'true' of a mesh was actually built. Otherwise .
    // Called at taint-time!
    private bool GetReferenceToMesh(BSPrim prim, ShapeData shapeData, PrimitiveBaseShape pbs,
                                ShapeDestructionCallback shapeCallback)
        BulletShape newShape = new BulletShape(IntPtr.Zero);

        float lod;
        ulong newMeshKey = ComputeShapeKey(shapeData, pbs, out lod);

        // if this new shape is the same as last time, don't recreate the mesh
        if (newMeshKey == prim.BSShape.shapeKey && prim.BSShape.type == ShapeData.PhysicsShapeType.SHAPE_MESH)
            return false;

                                prim.LocalID, prim.BSShape.shapeKey.ToString("X"), newMeshKey.ToString("X"));

        // Since we're recreating new, get rid of the reference to the previous shape
        DereferenceShape(prim.BSShape, true, shapeCallback);

        newShape = CreatePhysicalMesh(prim.PhysObjectName, newMeshKey, pbs, shapeData.Size, lod);


        // meshes are already scaled by the meshmerizer
        prim.Scale = new OMV.Vector3(1f, 1f, 1f);
        prim.BSShape = newShape;

        return true;        // 'true' means a new shape has been added to this prim
예제 #30
    public BSCharacter(uint localID, String avName, BSScene parent_scene, Vector3 pos, Vector3 size, bool isFlying)
        _localID = localID;
        _avName = avName;
        _scene = parent_scene;
        _position = pos;
        _size = size;
        _flying = isFlying;
        _orientation = Quaternion.Identity;
        _velocity = Vector3.Zero;
        _buoyancy = isFlying ? 1f : 0f;
        _scale = new Vector3(1f, 1f, 1f);
        _density = _scene.Params.avatarDensity;
        ComputeAvatarVolumeAndMass();   // set _avatarVolume and _mass based on capsule size, _density and _scale

        ShapeData shapeData = new ShapeData();
        shapeData.ID = _localID;
        shapeData.Type = ShapeData.PhysicsShapeType.SHAPE_AVATAR;
        shapeData.Position = _position;
        shapeData.Rotation = _orientation;
        shapeData.Velocity = _velocity;
        shapeData.Scale = _scale;
        shapeData.Mass = _mass;
        shapeData.Buoyancy = _buoyancy;
        shapeData.Static = ShapeData.numericFalse;
        shapeData.Friction = _scene.Params.avatarFriction;
        shapeData.Restitution = _scene.Params.defaultRestitution;

        // do actual create at taint time
            BulletSimAPI.CreateObject(parent_scene.WorldID, shapeData);
예제 #31
        public BSCharacter(uint localID, UUID avID, String avName, BSScene parent_scene, Vector3 pos,
                           Quaternion rotation, Vector3 size, bool isFlying)
            _localID = localID;
            _avID = avID;
            _avName = avName;
            _scene = parent_scene;
            _position = pos;
            _orientation = rotation;
            _size = size;
            _orientation = Quaternion.Identity;
            _velocity = Vector3.Zero;
            _scale = new Vector3(1f, 1f, 1f);
            float AVvolume =
                (float) (Math.PI*Math.Pow(_scene.Params.avatarCapsuleRadius, 2)*_scene.Params.avatarCapsuleHeight);
            _density = _scene.Params.avatarDensity;
            _mass = _density*AVvolume;
            _isPhysical = true;

            ShapeData shapeData = new ShapeData
                                          ID = _localID,
                                          Type = ShapeData.PhysicsShapeType.SHAPE_AVATAR,
                                          Position = _position,
                                          Rotation = _orientation,
                                          Velocity = _velocity,
                                          Scale = _scale,
                                          Mass = _mass,
                                          Buoyancy = isFlying ? 1f : 0f,
                                          Static = ShapeData.numericFalse,
                                          Friction = _scene.Params.avatarFriction,
                                          Restitution = _scene.Params.defaultRestitution

            // do actual create at taint time
            _scene.TaintedObject(() => BulletSimAPI.CreateObject(parent_scene.WorldID, shapeData));
