예제 #1
 public RegionInfo(SimpleRegionInfo ConvertFrom)
     m_regionLocX            = ConvertFrom.RegionLocX;
     m_regionLocY            = ConvertFrom.RegionLocY;
     m_internalEndPoint      = ConvertFrom.InternalEndPoint;
     m_externalHostName      = ConvertFrom.ExternalHostName;
     m_remotingPort          = ConvertFrom.RemotingPort;
     m_allow_alternate_ports = ConvertFrom.m_allow_alternate_ports;
     RemotingAddress         = ConvertFrom.RemotingAddress;
     RegionID = UUID.Zero;
 public async Task<bool> SendCloseAgentAsync(SimpleRegionInfo regionInfo, UUID id)
     return await m_regionClient.DoCloseAgentCallAsync(regionInfo, id);
예제 #3
 public System.Threading.Tasks.Task<bool> SendCloseAgentAsync(SimpleRegionInfo regionInfo, UUID id)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
예제 #4
        public ChildAgentUpdate2Response SendChildAgentUpdate2(SimpleRegionInfo regionInfo, AgentData data)
            foreach (Scene s in m_sceneList)
                if (s.RegionInfo.RegionHandle == regionInfo.RegionHandle)
                    return s.IncomingChildAgentDataUpdate2(data);

            return ChildAgentUpdate2Response.Error;
예제 #5
        private async Task<bool> WaitForScenePresenceEstablished(SimpleRegionInfo region)
            //this is the HTTP timeout, however the actual wait timeout on the receiving side is 10 seconds
            //so that timeout should be triggered first
            const int HTTP_SP_WAIT_TIMEOUT = 15000;

            var req = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create(region.InsecurePublicHTTPServerURI + String.Format("/agent2/{0}/{1}", _sp.UUID, region.RegionHandle));
            req.Headers["authorization"] = Util.GenerateHttpAuthorization(_scene.GridSendKey);
            req.Timeout = HTTP_SP_WAIT_TIMEOUT;
            req.ReadWriteTimeout = HTTP_SP_WAIT_TIMEOUT;
            req.Method = "GET";

                using (WebResponse response = await req.GetResponseAsync(HTTP_SP_WAIT_TIMEOUT))
                    //we do nothing besides dispose on success. a 200 response means all is well

                return true;
            catch (Exception e)
                _log.ErrorFormat("[REMOTEPRESENCE]: Waiting for viewer connection from {0} to {1} failed: {2}", _sp.Name, region.RegionHandle, e);
                return false;
예제 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Attempts to establish a presence on the given region
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="region">The region we want to establish a child presence on</param>
        /// <param name="forceReestablish">Whether to force a reestablishment even if we already think we have a remote presence</param>
        /// <param name="isFarPresence">Is this presence intentionally far away? Eg. The beginning of a remote teleport</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private async Task<Tuple<EstablishPresenceResult, string>> EstablishPresenceOnRegion(SimpleRegionInfo region, bool forceReestablish, bool isFarPresence)
            Task<Tuple<EstablishPresenceResult, string>> establishTask = null;
            bool presenceExisted = false;

            //check if we already have or are waiting on an establish
            TryGetRemotePresenceLocked(region.RegionHandle, (AvatarRemotePresence presence) =>
                if (presence != null && !forceReestablish)
                    //we have a presence
                    //if it is established just return
                    if (presence.State == RemotePresenceState.Established)
                        presenceExisted = true;
                        //if not, we can await the existing callback
                        establishTask = presence.EstablishTask;
                    //we have no presence and we're not waiting for a callback
                    //begin an async establish and await a callback

                    presence = new AvatarRemotePresence
                        PresenceInfo = new RemotePresenceInfo { RegionInfo = region, CapsPath = CapsUtil.GetRandomCapsObjectPath() },
                        IsFarPresence = isFarPresence,
                        State = RemotePresenceState.Establishing

                    if (_remotePresences.ContainsKey(region.RegionHandle))
                    _remotePresences.Add(region.RegionHandle, presence);

                    establishTask = DoEstablishPresenceOnRegion(region, presence);
                    presence.EstablishTask = establishTask;

            //nothing to do, we're already established
            if (presenceExisted) return Tuple.Create(EstablishPresenceResult.Success, String.Empty);

            return await establishTask;
예제 #7
 private async Task HandleNeighborUp(SimpleRegionInfo neighbor)
     // on any neighbor change, we need to recalculate all neighbors because 
     // visibility rules may have resulted in more than one new neighbor.
     await CalculateAndResyncNeighbors((uint)_sp.DrawDistance, 0);
예제 #8
 /// <summary>
 /// Drops the given presence taking the operation semaphore
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="neighbor">The presence to drop</param>
 /// <param name="onlyIfFar">Only drop if the presence is a far presence</param>
 public async Task DropRemotePresenceLocked(SimpleRegionInfo neighbor, bool onlyIfFar)
         await _operationSemaphore.WaitAsync();
         await DropRemotePresence(neighbor, onlyIfFar);
예제 #9
        public void Reset(SimpleRegionInfo destinationRegion)
            m_scene.SendKillObject(m_localId, destinationRegion);

            // Put the child agent back at the center
            AbsolutePosition = new Vector3(128, 128, 70);
예제 #10
 internal void TriggerAvatarLeavingRegion(ScenePresence agent, SimpleRegionInfo newRegion)
     AvatarLeavingRegion handlerAvatarLeavingRegion = OnAvatarLeavingRegion;
     if (handlerAvatarLeavingRegion != null)
         handlerAvatarLeavingRegion(agent, newRegion);
예제 #11
        private static List<SimpleRegionInfo> ExtractRegionInfoFromMapBlockQuery(uint x, uint y, Hashtable respData)
            List<SimpleRegionInfo> neighbours = new List<SimpleRegionInfo>();

            foreach (ArrayList neighboursList in respData.Values)
                foreach (Hashtable neighbourData in neighboursList)
                    uint regX = Convert.ToUInt32(neighbourData["x"]);
                    uint regY = Convert.ToUInt32(neighbourData["y"]);
                    if ((x != regX) || (y != regY))
                        string simIp = (string)neighbourData["sim_ip"];
                        uint port = Convert.ToUInt32(neighbourData["sim_port"]);

                        SimpleRegionInfo sri = new SimpleRegionInfo(regX, regY, simIp, port);
                        sri.RegionID = new UUID((string)neighbourData["uuid"]);
                        sri.RemotingPort = Convert.ToUInt32(neighbourData["remoting_port"]);

                        if (neighbourData.ContainsKey("http_port"))
                            sri.HttpPort = Convert.ToUInt32(neighbourData["http_port"]);

                        if (neighbourData.ContainsKey("outside_ip"))
                            sri.OutsideIP = (string)neighbourData["outside_ip"];


            return neighbours;
 private void EventManager_OnAvatarLeavingRegion(ScenePresence presence, SimpleRegionInfo newRegion)
     //Add them to the cache
     LeavingRegionInfo info = new LeavingRegionInfo() { RegionServerURI = newRegion.InsecurePublicHTTPServerURI, SessionID = presence.ControllingClient.SessionId };
     _avatarRegionCache.AddOrUpdate(presence.UUID, info, CACHE_EXPIRATION_TIME);
        public bool HasEstablishedConnection(SimpleRegionInfo region)
            AvatarRemotePresence pres;
            lock (_remotePresences)
                if (_remotePresences.TryGetValue(region.RegionHandle, out pres))
                    return (pres.State == RemotePresenceState.Established);

            return false;
예제 #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a list of neighbors we are aware of that are within the given client draw distance from any
        /// of our edges
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="drawDistance">DD in meters</param>
        /// <returns>List of known neighbors</returns>
        public List<SimpleRegionInfo> GetKnownNeighborsWithinClientDD(uint drawDistance)
            drawDistance = Math.Max(drawDistance, 64);

            drawDistance = Math.Min(drawDistance, MAX_DRAW_DISTANCE);

            uint xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax;
            var regionInfo = _scene.RegionInfo;
            Util.GetDrawDistanceBasedRegionRectangle(drawDistance, regionInfo.RegionLocX, regionInfo.RegionLocY, out xmin, out xmax, out ymin, out ymax);

            uint gridsize = xmax - xmin + 1;
            uint center = (xmax - xmin) / 2;
            List<SimpleRegionInfo> neighbors = new List<SimpleRegionInfo>();

            // visibleNeighbors[] and inspected[] arrays use 0-based coordinates.
            SimpleRegionInfo[,] visibleNeighbors = new SimpleRegionInfo[gridsize, gridsize];

            lock (_knownNeighbors)
                foreach (KnownNeighborRegion neighbor in _knownNeighbors.Values)
                    if (Util.IsWithinDDRectangle(neighbor.RegionInfo.RegionLocX, neighbor.RegionInfo.RegionLocY,
                        xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax))
                        //region within bounds

                // Apply per-presence region visibility filter
                bool[,] inspected = new bool[gridsize, gridsize];   // context for recursive call

                // The starting/center point in the visibility grid is always included.
                visibleNeighbors[center, center] = new SimpleRegionInfo(regionInfo);
                inspected[center, center] = true;

                // Recursively path-find all visible neighbors.
                AddVisibleNeighbors(visibleNeighbors, inspected, regionInfo.RegionLocX, regionInfo.RegionLocY, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax);

            // Now replace the full list of neighbors with the regions in the filtered visible array.
            foreach (var region in visibleNeighbors)
                if ((region != null) && (region.RegionHandle != regionInfo.RegionHandle)) // got one and it's not this one
            return neighbors;
예제 #15
 // Called with _knownNeighbors already locked.
 // Returns true if anything added to visibleNeighbors
 private void AddVisibleNeighbors(SimpleRegionInfo[,] visibleNeighbors, bool[,] inspected, uint x, uint y, uint xmin, uint xmax, uint ymin, uint ymax)
     // Visibility rules are view must pass through at least one horizontal or vertical neighbor.
     AddVisibleRegion(visibleNeighbors, inspected, x, y - 1, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax);
     AddVisibleRegion(visibleNeighbors, inspected, x, y + 1, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax);
     AddVisibleRegion(visibleNeighbors, inspected, x - 1, y, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax);
     AddVisibleRegion(visibleNeighbors, inspected, x + 1, y, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax);
예제 #16
        /// <summary>
        /// Called by the surrounding region manager when there is a region state change
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="neighbor"></param>
        /// <param name="changeType"></param>
        void SurroundingRegions_OnNeighborStateChange(SimpleRegionInfo neighbor, NeighborStateChangeType changeType)
            switch (changeType)
                case NeighborStateChangeType.NeighborUp:

                case NeighborStateChangeType.NeighborDown:
        /// <summary>
        /// Async component for informing client of which neighbours exist
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This needs to run asynchronously, as a network timeout may block the thread for a long while
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="remoteClient"></param>
        /// <param name="a"></param>
        /// <param name="regionHandle"></param>
        /// <param name="endPoint"></param>
        private void InformClientOfNeighbourAsync(ScenePresence avatar, AgentCircuitData a, SimpleRegionInfo reg,
                                                  IPEndPoint endPoint, bool newAgent)
            // Let's wait just a little to give time to originating regions to catch up with closing child agents
            // after a cross here

            uint x, y;
            Utils.LongToUInts(reg.RegionHandle, out x, out y);
            x = x / Constants.RegionSize;
            y = y / Constants.RegionSize;
            m_log.Info("[INTERGRID]: Starting to inform client about neighbour " + x + ", " + y + "(" + endPoint.ToString() + ")");

            string capsPath = "http://" + reg.ExternalHostName + ":" + reg.HttpPort
                  + "/CAPS/" + a.CapsPath + "0000/";

            string reason = String.Empty;

            //bool regionAccepted = m_commsProvider.InterRegion.InformRegionOfChildAgent(reg.RegionHandle, a);
            bool regionAccepted = m_interregionCommsOut.SendCreateChildAgent(reg.RegionHandle, a, out reason);

            if (regionAccepted && newAgent)
                IEventQueue eq = avatar.Scene.RequestModuleInterface<IEventQueue>();
                if (eq != null)
                    #region IP Translation for NAT
                    IClientIPEndpoint ipepClient;
                    if (avatar.ClientView.TryGet(out ipepClient))
                        endPoint.Address = NetworkUtil.GetIPFor(ipepClient.EndPoint, endPoint.Address);

                    eq.EnableSimulator(reg.RegionHandle, endPoint, avatar.UUID);
                    eq.EstablishAgentCommunication(avatar.UUID, endPoint, capsPath);
                    m_log.DebugFormat("[CAPS]: Sending new CAPS seed url {0} to client {1} in region {2}",
                                      capsPath, avatar.UUID, avatar.Scene.RegionInfo.RegionName);
                    avatar.ControllingClient.InformClientOfNeighbour(reg.RegionHandle, endPoint);
                    // TODO: make Event Queue disablable!

                m_log.Info("[INTERGRID]: Completed inform client about neighbour " + endPoint.ToString());
예제 #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Drops the given presence
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="neighbor">The presence to drop</param>
        /// <param name="onlyIfFar">Only drop if the presence is a far presence</param>
        private async Task DropRemotePresence(SimpleRegionInfo neighbor, bool onlyIfFar)
            AvatarRemotePresence foundPresence = null;

            TryGetRemotePresenceLocked(neighbor.RegionHandle, (AvatarRemotePresence presence) =>
                foundPresence = presence;

                if (presence != null)
                    if (onlyIfFar && !presence.IsFarPresence)

                    //You can not send a disablesimulator for the remote region
                    //the viewer processes all disablesimulator messages coming from this
                    //region as a disablesimulator message FOR this region
                    //therefore, we remove the neighbor from our known regions list 
                    //and ask the sim on the other end to tear down the connection 

            if (foundPresence != null)
                //send a close to the neighbor
                await _scene.InterregionComms.SendCloseAgentAsync(neighbor, _sp.UUID);
        /// <summary>
        /// This informs a single neighboring region about agent "avatar".
        /// Calls an asynchronous method to do so..  so it doesn't lag the sim.
        /// </summary>
        public void InformNeighborChildAgent(ScenePresence avatar, SimpleRegionInfo region)
            AgentCircuitData agent = avatar.ControllingClient.RequestClientInfo();
            agent.BaseFolder = UUID.Zero;
            agent.InventoryFolder = UUID.Zero;
            agent.startpos = new Vector3(128, 128, 70);
            agent.child = true;

            InformClientOfNeighbourDelegate d = InformClientOfNeighbourAsync;
            d.BeginInvoke(avatar, agent, region, region.ExternalEndPoint, true,
예제 #20
 /// <summary>
 /// Attempts to establish a presence on the given region. Does this while waiting for other major tasks to complete
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="region">The region we want to establish a child presence on</param>
 /// <param name="forceReestablish">Whether to force a reestablishment even if we already think we have a remote presence</param>
 /// <param name="isFarPresence">Is this presence intentionally far away? Eg. The beginning of a remote teleport</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public async Task<Tuple<EstablishPresenceResult, string>> EstablishPresenceOnRegionLocked(SimpleRegionInfo region, bool forceReestablish, bool isFarPresence)
         await _operationSemaphore.WaitAsync();
         return await this.EstablishPresenceOnRegion(region, forceReestablish, isFarPresence);
예제 #21
        public async Task<Tuple<EstablishPresenceResult, string>> EstablishChildConnectionToRegionAsync(ScenePresence avatar, AgentCircuitData a, SimpleRegionInfo reg)
            string capsPath = CapsUtil.GetFullCapsSeedURL(reg.InsecurePublicHTTPServerURI, a.CapsPath);

            Tuple<bool, string> createResult = await m_interregionCommsOut.SendCreateRemoteChildAgentAsync(reg, a);

            if (createResult.Item1)
                IPEndPoint endPoint = reg.ExternalEndPoint;

                IEventQueue eq = avatar.Scene.RequestModuleInterface<IEventQueue>();
                if (!eq.EnableSimulator(reg.RegionHandle, endPoint, avatar.UUID))
                    m_log.ErrorFormat("[INTERGRID]: Could not enqueue eq.EnableSimulator for {0}", avatar.Name);
                    return Tuple.Create(EstablishPresenceResult.ClientSignallingFailed, "Could not enqueue EnableSimulator");

                if (! eq.EstablishAgentCommunication(avatar.UUID, endPoint, capsPath))
                    m_log.ErrorFormat("[INTERGRID]: Could not enqueue eq.EstablishAgentCommunication for {0}", avatar.Name);
                    return Tuple.Create(EstablishPresenceResult.ClientSignallingFailed, "Could not enqueue EstablishAgentCommunication");

                return Tuple.Create(EstablishPresenceResult.Success, String.Empty);
                return Tuple.Create(EstablishPresenceResult.ErrorInformingRegion, createResult.Item2);
예제 #22
        private async Task<Tuple<EstablishPresenceResult, string>> DoEstablishPresenceOnRegion(SimpleRegionInfo region, AvatarRemotePresence initPresence)
            Tuple<EstablishPresenceResult, string> establishResult;

                establishResult = await this.LaunchNewEstablishChildTask(initPresence, region);
            catch (Exception e)
                establishResult = new Tuple<EstablishPresenceResult, string>(EstablishPresenceResult.ErrorInformingRegion, e.Message);

            bool failure = false;

            TryGetRemotePresenceLocked(region.RegionHandle, (AvatarRemotePresence presence) =>
                //success, change the status of the task
                if (presence != null)
                    if (establishResult.Item1 == EstablishPresenceResult.Success)
                        presence.State = RemotePresenceState.ViewerWait;
                        //failure contacting other region
                        failure = true;
                    failure = true;

                    //hmm, someone stole this presence from us
                    _log.ErrorFormat("[REMOTEPRESENCE]: Unable to update child presence established to {0} for {1}. Child presence missing.", establishResult, _sp.Name);
                    establishResult = Tuple.Create(EstablishPresenceResult.ConnectionAborted, "Connection was aborted");

            if (failure)
                return establishResult;

            //now we need to call out to the remote region to wait for the SP to be set up
            bool waitSuccess = await WaitForScenePresenceEstablished(region);

            Tuple<EstablishPresenceResult, string> result = null;

            TryGetRemotePresenceLocked(region.RegionHandle, (AvatarRemotePresence presence) =>
                //success, change the status of the task
                if (presence != null)
                    if (waitSuccess)
                        presence.State = RemotePresenceState.Established;
                        result = Tuple.Create(EstablishPresenceResult.Success, String.Empty);
                        //failure waiting for SP
                        result = Tuple.Create(EstablishPresenceResult.ClientWaitTimeout, "Destination region never received a connection from the viewer");
                    //hmm, someone stole this presence from us
                    _log.ErrorFormat("[REMOTEPRESENCE]: Unable to update child presence established to {0} for {1}. Child presence missing.", establishResult, _sp.Name);
                    result = Tuple.Create(EstablishPresenceResult.ConnectionAborted, "Connection was aborted");

            return result;
예제 #23
        /// <summary>
        /// Moves the agent outside the region bounds
        /// Tells neighbor region that we're crossing to it
        /// If the neighbor accepts, remove the agent's viewable avatar from this scene
        /// set them to a child agent.
        /// </summary>
        protected void CrossToNewRegion(ulong neighborHandle, SimpleRegionInfo neighborInfo, Vector3 positionInNewRegion)
            lock (m_posInfo)    // SetInTransit and AbsolutePosition will grab this
                if (PhysicsActor == null)
                    //when a user is crossing on a border due to being attached to a moving object
                    //they will have no physics actor. This is our signal to let the object
                    //do the crossing for us

            m_scene.CrossWalkingOrFlyingAgentToNewRegion(this, neighborHandle, neighborInfo, positionInNewRegion);
예제 #24
        private Task<Tuple<EstablishPresenceResult, string>> LaunchNewEstablishChildTask(AvatarRemotePresence presence, SimpleRegionInfo region)
            AgentCircuitData agent = _sp.ControllingClient.RequestClientInfo();
            agent.BaseFolder = UUID.Zero;
            agent.InventoryFolder = UUID.Zero;
            agent.startpos = Scene.DEFAULT_CHILD_AGENT_POS;
            agent.child = true;
            agent.CapsPath = presence.PresenceInfo.CapsPath;

            return _scene.SceneGridService.EstablishChildConnectionToRegionAsync(_sp, agent, region);
예제 #25
        protected int HaveNeighbor(Cardinals car, ref float[] fix, ref ulong neighborHandle, ref SimpleRegionInfo neighborInfo)
            uint neighbourx = m_regionInfo.RegionLocX;
            uint neighboury = m_regionInfo.RegionLocY;

            float fixX = 0;
            float fixY = 0;

            int dir = (int)car;

            if (dir > 1 && dir < 5) //Heading East
                fixX -= (float)Constants.RegionSize;
            else if (dir > 5) // Heading West
                fixX += (float)Constants.OUTSIDE_REGION_POSITIVE_EDGE;

            if (dir < 3 || dir == 8) // Heading North
                fixY -= (float)Constants.RegionSize;
            else if (dir > 3 && dir < 7) // Heading Sout
                fixY += (float)Constants.OUTSIDE_REGION_POSITIVE_EDGE;

            neighborHandle = Util.RegionHandleFromLocation(neighbourx, neighboury);
            neighborInfo = m_scene.RequestNeighbouringRegionInfo(neighborHandle);

            if (neighborInfo == null)

                fix[0] = (float)(int)(m_regionInfo.RegionLocX - neighbourx);
                fix[1] = (float)(int)(m_regionInfo.RegionLocY - neighboury);
                return dir * (-1);
                fix[0] = fixX;
                fix[1] = fixY;
                return dir;
예제 #26
 public System.Threading.Tasks.Task<Tuple<bool, string>> SendCreateRemoteChildAgentAsync(SimpleRegionInfo regionInfo, AgentCircuitData aCircuit)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
예제 #27
        /// <summary>
        /// Moves the agent outside the region bounds
        /// Tells neighbor region that we're crossing to it
        /// If the neighbor accepts, remove the agent's viewable avatar from this scene
        /// set them to a child agent.
        /// </summary>
        protected void CrossToNewRegion(ulong neighborHandle, SimpleRegionInfo neighborInfo, Vector3 positionInNewRegion)
            ulong started = Util.GetLongTickCount();

            lock (m_posInfo)    // SetInTransit and AbsolutePosition will grab this
                if (PhysicsActor == null)
                    //when a user is crossing on a border due to being attached to a moving object
                    //they will have no physics actor. This is our signal to let the object
                    //do the crossing for us

            m_scene.CrossWalkingOrFlyingAgentToNewRegion(this, neighborHandle, neighborInfo, positionInNewRegion);

            m_log.InfoFormat("[SCENE]: Crossing for avatar took {0} ms for {1}.", Util.GetLongTickCount()-started, this.Name);
        public ChildAgentUpdate2Response SendChildAgentUpdate2(SimpleRegionInfo regionInfo, AgentData data)
            int childAgentUpdateStart = Environment.TickCount;
                // Try local first
                if (m_localBackend.SendChildAgentUpdate2(regionInfo, data) == ChildAgentUpdate2Response.Ok)
                    return ChildAgentUpdate2Response.Ok;

                // else do the remote thing
                if (!m_localBackend.IsLocalRegion(regionInfo.RegionHandle))
                    RegionClient.AgentUpdate2Ret ret = m_regionClient.DoChildAgentUpdateCall2(regionInfo, data);
                    switch (ret)
                        case RegionClient.AgentUpdate2Ret.Ok:
                            return ChildAgentUpdate2Response.Ok;
                        case RegionClient.AgentUpdate2Ret.Error:
                            return ChildAgentUpdate2Response.Error;
                        case RegionClient.AgentUpdate2Ret.NotFound:
                            return ChildAgentUpdate2Response.MethodNotAvailalble;
                        case RegionClient.AgentUpdate2Ret.AccessDenied:
                            return ChildAgentUpdate2Response.AccessDenied;

                return ChildAgentUpdate2Response.Error;
                m_log.DebugFormat("[REST COMM] SendChildAgentUpdateCall2: {0} ms", Environment.TickCount - childAgentUpdateStart);
예제 #29
 public void Reset(SimpleRegionInfo destinationRegion)
     m_scene.SendKillObject(m_localId, destinationRegion);
        public async Task<Tuple<bool, string>> SendCreateRemoteChildAgentAsync(SimpleRegionInfo regionInfo, AgentCircuitData aCircuit)
            if (regionInfo == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("regionInfo cannot be null");

            return await m_regionClient.DoCreateChildAgentCallAsync(regionInfo, aCircuit);
예제 #31
        // Called with _knownNeighbors already locked.
        // Returns true if anything added to visibleNeighbors
        private void AddVisibleRegion(SimpleRegionInfo[,] visibleNeighbors, bool[,] inspected, uint x, uint y, uint xmin, uint xmax, uint ymin, uint ymax)
            if ((x < xmin) || (x > xmax) || (y < ymin) || (y > ymax))
                return;     // off the grid, nothing to do

            // visibleNeighbors[] and inspected[] arrays use 0-based coordinates.
            uint xmap = x - xmin;
            uint ymap = y - ymin;
            if (inspected[xmap, ymap])
                return;     // already did this one

            inspected[xmap, ymap] = true;

            SimpleRegionInfo neighbor = FindKnownNeighbor(x, y);
            if (neighbor == null)
                return;     // region not present

            visibleNeighbors[xmap, ymap] = neighbor;

            AddVisibleNeighbors(visibleNeighbors, inspected, x, y, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax);