public void stopscan() { mSongScanner = new SongScanner(this); if(mSongScanner.IsScanning()) { mSongScanner.StopScan(); } Scanning = false; }
public void scan() { if (Scanning) { SendChatMessage("Scan already in progress"); } else { if (CurrentRoom == null) { SendChatMessage("Scanning can not be done from the Lobby. Join a room and then run /scan"); } else { MySql.Query("DELETE FROM userpacks where userid = '" + User_ID + "'"); mainClass.SendChatAll("Scan Started for " + NameFormat()+" ", CurrentRoom); mSongScanner = new SongScanner(this); Scanning = true; Hashtable[] packs = MySql.Query("select packname, title, subtitle, artist, packidentifiertrans.packid, titletrans, subtitletrans, artisttrans from packsongstrans, packidentifiertrans, packs where packidentifiertrans.packsongid = and packidentifiertrans.packid = order by packname asc"); mSongScanner.LoadSongs(packs); mSongScanner.SendNextSong(); } } }