public static Tokenizer.Token GoToEndOfLine(Tokenizer tokenizer) { Tokenizer.Token previous = null; Tokenizer.Token token = tokenizer.Next(); while (token != null && token.Type != EXPRESSION_COMMENT && token.Type != Tokenizer.EXPRESSION_END_OF_LINE) { previous = token; token = tokenizer.Next(); } return previous; }
public static void GoToValue(Tokenizer tokenizer) { while (IsEndOfLineFileOrComment(tokenizer)) { if (tokenizer.Current() == null) { break; } tokenizer.Next(); } }
public unsafe void Load(byte[] buffer) { if (buffer == null) { return; } string theString; fixed (byte* pBuffer = &buffer[0]) { theString = BufferReader.ReadString(pBuffer, buffer.Length); } Tokenizer tokenizer = new Tokenizer(theString, _datExpressions, addNewLine: true); tokenizer.First(); Tokenizer.Token token; Character currentCharacter; while ((token = tokenizer.Current()) != null) { if (token.Type == CommonParser.EXPRESSION_COMMENT || token.Type == Tokenizer.EXPRESSION_END_OF_LINE) { CommonParser.GoToValue(tokenizer); continue; } if (token.Type != Tokenizer.EXPRESSION_NUMBER) { throw new OpenSAGEException(ErrorCode.AptParser, "Token '$TOKEN$' was not recognized", "token", token); } currentCharacter = new Character(uint.Parse(token.Value)); if ((token = tokenizer.Next()).Type != EXPRESSION_IMAGE && token.Type != EXPRESSION_TEXTURE) { throw new OpenSAGEException(ErrorCode.AptParser, "Token '$TOKEN$' was not recognized", "token", token); } ISource source = null; switch (token.Type) { case EXPRESSION_IMAGE: SourceImage sourceImage = new SourceImage(); token = tokenizer.Next(); if (token.Type == EXPRESSION_SOURCE_STANDARD) { sourceImage.Type = SourceImageType.STANDARD; } else if (token.Type == EXPRESSION_SOURCE_CLASSIC) { sourceImage.Type = SourceImageType.CLASSIC; } else { throw new OpenSAGEException(ErrorCode.AptParser, "Token '$TOKEN$' was not recognized", "token", token); } sourceImage.X = int.Parse(token.Match.Groups["X"].Value); sourceImage.Y = int.Parse(token.Match.Groups["Y"].Value); sourceImage.Width = int.Parse(token.Match.Groups["Width"].Value); sourceImage.Height = int.Parse(token.Match.Groups["Height"].Value); source = sourceImage; break; case EXPRESSION_TEXTURE: SourceTexture sourceTexture = new SourceTexture(); token = tokenizer.Next(); if (token.Type != Tokenizer.EXPRESSION_NUMBER) { throw new OpenSAGEException(ErrorCode.AptParser, "Token '$TOKEN$' was not recognized", "token", tokenizer.Current()); } sourceTexture.Id = int.Parse(token.Value); source = sourceTexture; break; } currentCharacter.Source = source; _characters.Add(currentCharacter); tokenizer.Next(); } }
public static unsafe ABaseAssetType[] Load(byte[] buffer) { if (buffer == null) { return null; } string theString; fixed (byte* pBuffer = &buffer[0]) { theString = BufferReader.ReadString(pBuffer, buffer.Length); } Tokenizer tokenizer = new Tokenizer(theString, _iniExpressions, addNewLine: true); tokenizer.First(); List<ABaseAssetType> result = new List<ABaseAssetType>(); Tokenizer.Token token; ABaseAssetType currentObject = null; IniTypeDescription type = null; Match match; TypeHash typeHash; uint hash; while (tokenizer.Current() != null) { CommonParser.GoToValue(tokenizer); if ((token = tokenizer.Current()).Type != EXPRESSION_OBJECTSTART) { throw new OpenSAGEException(ErrorCode.IniParser, "Token '$TOKEN$' was not recognized", "token", token); } hash = GetHash(tokenizer); match = _objectTypeAndId.Match(token.Value); typeHash = match.Groups["type"].Value; type = _descriptions.Find(x => x.Name == typeHash); if (type == null) { throw new OpenSAGEException(ErrorCode.IniParser, "No object of type $TYPE$ can be instanciated.", "type", typeHash.TheString); } currentObject = Activator.CreateInstance(type.Type, match.Groups["id"].Value, hash) as ABaseAssetType; tokenizer.Next(); Parse(tokenizer, currentObject, type); result.Add(currentObject); } return result.ToArray(); }
private static void Parse(Tokenizer tokenizer, object current, IniTypeDescription type) { Tokenizer.Token token; string name; TypeHash subType; IniTypeDescription childType = null; IniTypeAndAlias[] typeAndAliases; IniTypeAndAlias typeAndAlias; Match match; object subObject; CommonParser.GoToValue(tokenizer); Dictionary<string, int> attributeSetCheck = new Dictionary<string, int>(type.Items.Length); for (int idx = 0; idx < type.Items.Length; ++idx) { attributeSetCheck.Add(type.Items[idx].Name, 0); } while ((token = tokenizer.Current()).Type != EXPRESSION_OBJECTEND) { if (token.Type != EXPRESSION_ATTRIBUTE) { throw new OpenSAGEException(ErrorCode.IniParser, "Token '$TOKEN$' was not recognized", "token", token); } name = _attributeId.Match(token.Value).Groups["name"].Value; IIniDescription itemDescription = null; for (int idx = 0; idx < type.Items.Length; ++idx) { if (type.Items[idx].Name == name) { itemDescription = type.Items[idx]; break; } } if (itemDescription == null) { throw new OpenSAGEException(ErrorCode.IniParser, "No property named $NAME$ can be found.", "name", name); } token = tokenizer.Next(); if (itemDescription is IniPropertyDescription) { object result; if (!(itemDescription as IniPropertyDescription).TheParseHandler(tokenizer, (itemDescription as IniPropertyDescription).ItemType, out result)) { throw new OpenSAGEException(ErrorCode.IniParser, "Could not parse property named $NAME$.", "name", name); } if (itemDescription.MaxOccurrences == 1) { itemDescription.Property.SetValue(current, result); } else { if (itemDescription.Property.PropertyType.IsArray) { Array testArray = itemDescription.Property.GetValue(current) as Array; if (attributeSetCheck[name] == testArray.Length) { throw new OpenSAGEException(ErrorCode.IniParser, "Attribute $NAME$ was set more times than its array length ($LENGTH$).", "name", itemDescription.Name, "length", testArray.Length); } (itemDescription.Property.GetValue(current) as Array).SetValue(result, attributeSetCheck[name]); } else { itemDescription.Property.PropertyType.GetMethod("Add").Invoke(itemDescription.Property.GetValue(current), new[] { result }); } } } else { if (token.Type != EXPRESSION_OBJECTSTART) { throw new OpenSAGEException(ErrorCode.IniParser, "Token '$TOKEN$' was not recognized", "token", token); } match = _objectTypeAndId.Match(token.Value); subType = match.Groups["type"].Value; typeAndAliases = (itemDescription as IniTypePropertyDescription).TypeOptions; typeAndAlias = null; for (int idx = 0; idx < typeAndAliases.Length; ++idx) { if (typeAndAliases[idx].Alias == subType) { typeAndAlias = typeAndAliases[idx]; } } if (typeAndAlias == null) { throw new OpenSAGEException(ErrorCode.IniParser, "No object of type $TYPE$ can be instanciated.", "type", subType.TheString); } childType = _descriptions.Find(x => x.Name == subType); if (typeAndAlias == null) { throw new OpenSAGEException(ErrorCode.IniParser, "No object of type $TYPE$ can be instanciated.", "type", subType.TheString); } subObject = Activator.CreateInstance(typeAndAlias.Type, match.Groups["id"].Value); tokenizer.Next(); Parse(tokenizer, subObject, childType); if (itemDescription.MaxOccurrences == 1) { itemDescription.Property.SetValue(current, subObject); } else { if (itemDescription.Property.PropertyType.IsArray) { Array testArray = itemDescription.Property.GetValue(current) as Array; if (attributeSetCheck[name] == testArray.Length) { throw new OpenSAGEException(ErrorCode.IniParser, "Attribute $NAME$ was set more times than its array length ($LENGTH$).", "name", itemDescription.Name, "length", testArray.Length); } (itemDescription.Property.GetValue(current) as Array).SetValue(subObject, attributeSetCheck[name]); } else { itemDescription.Property.PropertyType.GetMethod("Add").Invoke(itemDescription.Property.GetValue(current), new[] { subObject }); } } } ++attributeSetCheck[name]; tokenizer.Next(); CommonParser.GoToValue(tokenizer); } IIniDescription item; for (int idx = 0; idx < type.Items.Length; ++idx) { if ((item = type.Items[idx]).MinOccurrences != 0 && attributeSetCheck[item.Name] < item.MinOccurrences) { throw new OpenSAGEException(ErrorCode.IniParser, "Attribute $NAME$ was only set $OCCURRENCIES$ times but needs to be set at least $MIN$ times.", "name", item.Name, "occurrencies", attributeSetCheck[item.Name], "min", item.MinOccurrences); } if (item.MaxOccurrences != 0 && attributeSetCheck[item.Name] > item.MaxOccurrences) { throw new OpenSAGEException(ErrorCode.IniParser, "Attribute $NAME$ was set $OCCURRENCIES$ times but needs to be set at most $MAX$ times.", "name", item.Name, "occurrencies", attributeSetCheck[item.Name], "max", item.MaxOccurrences); } } tokenizer.Next(); }
private static Tokenizer.Token GoToEnd(Tokenizer tokenizer) { Tokenizer.Token token = tokenizer.Next(); while (token.Type != EXPRESSION_OBJECTEND) { if (token.Type == EXPRESSION_OBJECTSTART) { for (int idx = 0; idx < _descriptions.Count; ++idx) { if (_descriptions[idx].Name == new TypeHash(token.Value)) { token = GoToEnd(tokenizer); break; } } } token = tokenizer.Next(); } return token; }
public static bool ParseString(Tokenizer tokenizer, Type resultType, out object result) { Tokenizer.Token token; if ((token = tokenizer.Current()) == null) { throw new ArgumentException(); } string value = token.Value; if (token.Type == Tokenizer.EXPRESSION_STRING) { result = value.Substring(1, value.Length - 2); } else { result = string.Empty; while (!IsEndOfLineFileOrComment(tokenizer)) { result += token.Value; token = tokenizer.Next(); } tokenizer.Previous(); } (result as string).Replace("\\n", "\n"); (result as string).Replace("\\r", "\r"); return true; }
public unsafe void Load(byte[] buffer) { if (buffer == null) { return; } string theString; fixed (byte* pBuffer = &buffer[0]) { theString = BufferReader.ReadString(pBuffer, buffer.Length); } Tokenizer tokenizer = new Tokenizer(theString, _geometryExpressions, addNewLine: true); tokenizer.First(); Tokenizer.Token token; Character currentCharacter; while (tokenizer.Current() != null) { if (tokenizer.Current().Type != EXPRESSION_CHARACTER) { throw new OpenSAGEException(ErrorCode.AptParser, "Token '$TOKEN$' was not recognized", "token", tokenizer.Current()); } currentCharacter = new Character(); tokenizer.Next(); CommonParser.GoToValue(tokenizer); if (tokenizer.Current().Type != EXPRESSION_SHAPE) { throw new OpenSAGEException(ErrorCode.AptParser, "Token '$TOKEN$' was not recognized", "token", tokenizer.Current()); } IShape shape = null; token = tokenizer.Next(); switch (token.Type) { case EXPRESSION_SHAPE_SOLID: ShapeSolid shapeSolid = new ShapeSolid(); shapeSolid.Color = new Color( byte.Parse(token.Match.Groups["C"].Captures[0].Value), byte.Parse(token.Match.Groups["C"].Captures[1].Value), byte.Parse(token.Match.Groups["C"].Captures[2].Value), byte.Parse(token.Match.Groups["C"].Captures[3].Value)); shape = shapeSolid; break; case EXPRESSION_SHAPE_LINE: ShapeLine shapeLine = new ShapeLine(); shapeLine.Width = float.Parse(token.Match.Groups["Width"].Value); shapeLine.Color = new Color( byte.Parse(token.Match.Groups["C"].Captures[0].Value), byte.Parse(token.Match.Groups["C"].Captures[1].Value), byte.Parse(token.Match.Groups["C"].Captures[2].Value), byte.Parse(token.Match.Groups["C"].Captures[3].Value)); shape = shapeLine; break; case EXPRESSION_SHAPE_TEXTURE: ShapeTexture shapeTexture = new ShapeTexture(); shapeTexture.Color = new Color( byte.Parse(token.Match.Groups["C"].Captures[0].Value), byte.Parse(token.Match.Groups["C"].Captures[1].Value), byte.Parse(token.Match.Groups["C"].Captures[2].Value), byte.Parse(token.Match.Groups["C"].Captures[3].Value)); shapeTexture.TextureId = uint.Parse(token.Match.Groups["TextureId"].Value); shapeTexture.Rotation = new Matrix2x2( float.Parse(token.Match.Groups["R"].Captures[0].Value), float.Parse(token.Match.Groups["R"].Captures[1].Value), float.Parse(token.Match.Groups["R"].Captures[2].Value), float.Parse(token.Match.Groups["R"].Captures[3].Value)); shapeTexture.Translation = new Vector2( float.Parse(token.Match.Groups["T"].Captures[0].Value), float.Parse(token.Match.Groups["T"].Captures[1].Value)); shape = shapeTexture; break; } currentCharacter.TheShape.Type = shape; tokenizer.Next(); CommonParser.GoToValue(tokenizer); while ((token = tokenizer.Current()) != null && token.Type != EXPRESSION_CHARACTER) { IShapeItem item = null; switch (token.Type) { case EXPRESSION_LINE: ItemLine itemLine = new ItemLine(); itemLine.Start = new Vector2( float.Parse(token.Match.Groups["V"].Captures[0].Value), float.Parse(token.Match.Groups["V"].Captures[1].Value)); itemLine.End = new Vector2( float.Parse(token.Match.Groups["V"].Captures[2].Value), float.Parse(token.Match.Groups["V"].Captures[3].Value)); item = itemLine; break; case EXPRESSION_TRIANGLE: ItemTriangle itemTriangle = new ItemTriangle(); itemTriangle.V0 = new Vector2( float.Parse(token.Match.Groups["V"].Captures[0].Value), float.Parse(token.Match.Groups["V"].Captures[1].Value)); itemTriangle.V1 = new Vector2( float.Parse(token.Match.Groups["V"].Captures[2].Value), float.Parse(token.Match.Groups["V"].Captures[3].Value)); itemTriangle.V2 = new Vector2( float.Parse(token.Match.Groups["V"].Captures[4].Value), float.Parse(token.Match.Groups["V"].Captures[5].Value)); item = itemTriangle; break; } currentCharacter.TheShape.Items.Add(item); tokenizer.Next(); CommonParser.GoToValue(tokenizer); } _characters.Add(currentCharacter); } }