예제 #1
 public static bool CanPlaceBuilding(this World world, string name, BuildingInfo building, int2 topLeft, Actor toIgnore)
     var res = world.WorldActor.traits.Get<ResourceLayer>();
     return !Footprint.Tiles(name, building, topLeft).Any(
         t => !world.Map.IsInMap(t.X, t.Y) || res.GetResource(t) != null || !world.IsCellBuildable(t,
             building.WaterBound, toIgnore));
예제 #2
파일: TileSet.cs 프로젝트: Berzeger/OpenRA
		public TileTemplate(ushort id, string image, int2 size, int[] tiles)
			this.Id = id;
			this.Image = image;
			this.Size = size;
			this.tiles = tiles;
예제 #3
        public bool AnyUnitsAt(int2 a, SubCell sub)
            for( var i = influence[ a.X, a.Y ] ; i != null ; i = i.next )
                if (i.subCell == sub || i.subCell == SubCell.FullCell)
                    return true;

            return false;
예제 #4
        public IEnumerable<Actor> GetUnitsAt( int2 a )
            if (!map.IsInMap(a)) yield break;

            for( var i = influence[ a.X, a.Y ] ; i != null ; i = i.next )
                if (!i.actor.Destroyed)
                    yield return i.actor;
예제 #5
        public IEnumerable<Actor> GetUnitsAt( int2 a, SubCell sub )
            if (!map.IsInMap(a)) yield break;

            for( var i = influence[ a.X, a.Y ] ; i != null ; i = i.next )
                if (!i.actor.Destroyed && (i.subCell == sub || i.subCell == SubCell.FullCell))
                    yield return i.actor;
예제 #6
파일: WorldUtils.cs 프로젝트: FMode/OpenRA
 public static IEnumerable<int2> FindTilesInCircle(this World world, int2 a, int r)
     var min = world.ClampToWorld(a - new int2(r, r));
     var max = world.ClampToWorld(a + new int2(r, r));
     for (var j = min.Y; j <= max.Y; j++)
         for (var i = min.X; i <= max.X; i++)
             if (r * r >= (new int2(i, j) - a).LengthSquared)
                 yield return new int2(i, j);
예제 #7
파일: PathSearch.cs 프로젝트: pdovy/OpenRA
        public static PathSearch FromPoint( World world, MobileInfo mi, int2 from, int2 target, bool checkForBlocked )
            var search = new PathSearch(world, mi) {
                heuristic = DefaultEstimator( target ),
                checkForBlocked = checkForBlocked };

            search.AddInitialCell( world, from );
            return search;
예제 #8
파일: Order.cs 프로젝트: comradpara/OpenRA
 public Order(string orderString, Actor subject, 
     Actor targetActor, int2 targetLocation, string targetString)
     this.OrderString = orderString;
     this.Subject = subject;
     this.TargetActor = targetActor;
     this.TargetLocation = targetLocation;
     this.TargetString = targetString;
예제 #9
		public MouseInput(MouseInputEvent ev, MouseButton button, int scrollDelta, int2 location, Modifiers mods, int multiTapCount)
			Event = ev;
			Button = button;
			ScrollDelta = scrollDelta;
			Location = location;
			Modifiers = mods;
			MultiTapCount = multiTapCount;
예제 #10
        public static PathSearch FromPoint( Actor self, int2 from, int2 target, bool checkForBlocked )
            var search = new PathSearch(self) {
                heuristic = DefaultEstimator( target ),
                checkForBlocked = checkForBlocked };

            search.AddInitialCell( self.World, from );
            return search;
예제 #11
파일: PathSearch.cs 프로젝트: pdovy/OpenRA
 public static Func<int2, int> DefaultEstimator( int2 destination )
     return here =>
         int2 d = ( here - destination ).Abs();
         int diag = Math.Min( d.X, d.Y );
         int straight = Math.Abs( d.X - d.Y );
         return (3400 * diag / 24) + (100 * straight);
예제 #12
 public static Func<int2, float> DefaultEstimator( int2 destination )
     return here =>
         int2 d = ( here - destination ).Abs();
         int diag = Math.Min( d.X, d.Y );
         int straight = Math.Abs( d.X - d.Y );
         return 1.5f * diag + straight;
예제 #13
        Order(string orderString, Actor subject,
			Actor targetActor, int2 targetLocation, string targetString, bool queued, int2 extraLocation)
            this.OrderString = orderString;
            this.Subject = subject;
            this.TargetActor = targetActor;
            this.TargetLocation = targetLocation;
            this.TargetString = targetString;
            this.Queued = queued;
            this.ExtraLocation = extraLocation;
예제 #14
파일: Smudge.cs 프로젝트: comradpara/OpenRA
 public static void AddSmudge(this Map map, int2 targetTile, WarheadInfo warhead)
     if (warhead.SmudgeType == SmudgeType.None) return;
     if (warhead.Size[0] == 0 && warhead.Size[1] == 0)
         map.AddSmudge(warhead.SmudgeType == SmudgeType.Crater, targetTile.X, targetTile.Y);
         foreach (var t in Game.world.FindTilesInCircle(targetTile, warhead.Size[0]))
             if ((t - targetTile).LengthSquared >= warhead.Size[1] * warhead.Size[1])
                 if (Rules.TerrainTypes[Game.world.GetTerrainType(t)].AcceptSmudge)
                     map.AddSmudge(warhead.SmudgeType == SmudgeType.Crater, t.X, t.Y);
예제 #15
        public int GetTapCount(int2 xy)
            FirstRelease = SecondRelease;
            SecondRelease = ThirdRelease;
            ThirdRelease = Pair.New(DateTime.Now, xy);

            if (!CloseEnough(ThirdRelease, SecondRelease))
                return 1;
            if (!CloseEnough(SecondRelease, FirstRelease))
                return 2;

            return 3;
예제 #16
        public static IEnumerable<int2> FindTilesInCircle(this World world, int2 a, int r)
            var min = a - new int2(r, r);
            var max = a + new int2(r, r);
            if (min.X < world.Map.XOffset) min.X = world.Map.XOffset;
            if (min.Y < world.Map.YOffset) min.Y = world.Map.YOffset;
            if (max.X > world.Map.XOffset + world.Map.Width - 1) max.X = world.Map.XOffset + world.Map.Width - 1;
            if (max.Y > world.Map.YOffset + world.Map.Height - 1) max.Y = world.Map.YOffset + world.Map.Height - 1;

            for (var j = min.Y; j <= max.Y; j++)
                for (var i = min.X; i <= max.X; i++)
                    if (r * r >= (new int2(i, j) - a).LengthSquared)
                        yield return new int2(i, j);
예제 #17
파일: Combat.cs 프로젝트: comradpara/OpenRA
        public static void DoExplosion(Actor attacker, string weapontype, int2 location, int altitude)
            var args = new ProjectileArgs
                src = location,
                dest = location,
                srcAltitude = altitude,
                destAltitude = altitude,
                firedBy = attacker,
                target = null,
                weapon = Rules.Weapons[ weapontype.ToLowerInvariant() ],
                facing = 0

            DoImpacts(args, location);
예제 #18
파일: Actor.cs 프로젝트: comradpara/OpenRA
        public Actor( World world, string name, int2 location, Player owner )
            World = world;
            ActorID = world.NextAID();
            Location = location;
            CenterLocation = Traits.Util.CenterOfCell(Location);
            Owner = owner;

            if (name != null)
                Info = Rules.Info[name.ToLowerInvariant()];
                Health = this.GetMaxHP();

                foreach (var trait in Info.TraitsInConstructOrder())
예제 #19
파일: Combat.cs 프로젝트: comradpara/OpenRA
        public static void DoImpact(WarheadInfo warhead, ProjectileArgs args, int2 visualLocation)
            var world = args.firedBy.World;
            var targetTile = ((1f / Game.CellSize) * args.dest.ToFloat2()).ToInt2();
            var isWater = world.GetTerrainType(targetTile) == TerrainType.Water;

            if (warhead.Explosion != 0)
                    w => w.Add(new Explosion(w, visualLocation, warhead.Explosion, isWater)));

            Sound.Play(GetImpactSound(warhead, isWater));

            if (!isWater) world.Map.AddSmudge(targetTile, warhead);
            if (warhead.Ore)

            var firepowerModifier = args.firedBy.traits
                .Select(a => a.GetFirepowerModifier())

            switch (warhead.DamageModel)
                case DamageModel.Normal:
                        var maxSpread = warhead.Spread * (float)Math.Log(Math.Abs(warhead.Damage), 2);
                        var hitActors = world.FindUnitsInCircle(args.dest, maxSpread);

                        foreach (var victim in hitActors)
                                (int)GetDamageToInflict(victim, args, warhead, firepowerModifier), warhead);
                    } break;

                case DamageModel.PerCell:
                        foreach (var t in world.FindTilesInCircle(targetTile, warhead.Size[0]))
                            foreach (var unit in world.FindUnits(Game.CellSize * t, Game.CellSize * (t + new float2(1,1))))
                                    (int)(warhead.Damage * warhead.EffectivenessAgainst(
                                    unit.Info.Traits.Get<OwnedActorInfo>().Armor)), warhead);
                    } break;
예제 #20
파일: Map.cs 프로젝트: ushardul/OpenRA
        public BinaryDataHeader(Stream s, int2 expectedSize)
            Format = s.ReadUInt8();
            var width = s.ReadUInt16();
            var height = s.ReadUInt16();
            if (width != expectedSize.X || height != expectedSize.Y)
                throw new InvalidDataException("Invalid tile data");

            if (Format == 1)
                TilesOffset = 5;
                HeightsOffset = 0;
                ResourcesOffset = (uint)(3 * width * height + 5);
            else if (Format == 2)
                TilesOffset = s.ReadUInt32();
                HeightsOffset = s.ReadUInt32();
                ResourcesOffset = s.ReadUInt32();
                throw new InvalidDataException("Unknown binary map format '{0}'".F(Format));
예제 #21
        public static IEnumerable<int2> GetLineBuildCells(World world, int2 location, string name, BuildingInfo bi)
            int range = Rules.Info[name].Traits.Get<LineBuildInfo>().Range;
            var topLeft = location;	// 1x1 assumption!

            if (world.IsCellBuildable(topLeft, bi.WaterBound))
                yield return topLeft;

            // Start at place location, search outwards
            // TODO: First make it work, then make it nice
            var vecs = new[] { new int2(1, 0), new int2(0, 1), new int2(-1, 0), new int2(0, -1) };
            int[] dirs = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
            for (int d = 0; d < 4; d++)
                for (int i = 1; i < range; i++)
                    if (dirs[d] != 0)

                    int2 cell = topLeft + i * vecs[d];
                    if (world.IsCellBuildable(cell, bi.WaterBound))
                        continue; // Cell is empty; continue search

                    // Cell contains an actor. Is it the type we want?
                    if (Game.world.Queries.WithTrait<LineBuild>().Any(a => (a.Actor.Info.Name == name && a.Actor.Location.X == cell.X && a.Actor.Location.Y == cell.Y)))
                        dirs[d] = i; // Cell contains actor of correct type
                        dirs[d] = -1; // Cell is blocked by another actor type

                // Place intermediate-line sections
                if (dirs[d] > 0)
                    for (int i = 1; i < dirs[d]; i++)
                        yield return topLeft + i * vecs[d];
예제 #22
파일: Map.cs 프로젝트: ushardul/OpenRA
        // editor magic.
        public void Resize(int width, int height)
            var oldMapTiles = MapTiles.Value;
            var oldMapResources = MapResources.Value;
            var oldMapHeight = MapHeight.Value;
            var newSize = new Size(width, height);

            MapTiles = Exts.Lazy(() => CellLayer.Resize(oldMapTiles, newSize, oldMapTiles[MPos.Zero]));
            MapResources = Exts.Lazy(() => CellLayer.Resize(oldMapResources, newSize, oldMapResources[MPos.Zero]));
            MapHeight = Exts.Lazy(() => CellLayer.Resize(oldMapHeight, newSize, oldMapHeight[MPos.Zero]));
            MapSize = new int2(newSize);
예제 #23
        // editor magic.
        public void Resize(int width, int height)
            var oldMapTiles = MapTiles.Value;
            var oldMapResources = MapResources.Value;

            MapTiles = Lazy.New(() => Exts.ResizeArray(oldMapTiles, oldMapTiles[0, 0], width, height));
            MapResources = Lazy.New(() => Exts.ResizeArray(oldMapResources, oldMapResources[0, 0], width, height));
            MapSize = new int2(width, height);
예제 #24
 public bool IsExplored(int2 xy)
     return IsExplored(xy.X, xy.Y);
예제 #25
파일: Sync.cs 프로젝트: mtjvankuik/OpenRA
 public static int HashInt2(int2 i2)
     return(((i2.X * 5) ^ (i2.Y * 3)) / 4);
예제 #26
파일: Map.cs 프로젝트: JackKucan/OpenRA
		public void Resize(int width, int height)		// editor magic.
			var oldMapTiles = MapTiles.Value;
			var oldMapResources = MapResources.Value;
			var newSize = new Size(width, height);

			MapTiles = Exts.Lazy(() => CellLayer.Resize(oldMapTiles, newSize, oldMapTiles[0, 0]));
			MapResources = Exts.Lazy(() => CellLayer.Resize(oldMapResources, newSize, oldMapResources[0, 0]));
			MapSize = new int2(newSize);
예제 #27
 static int WindingDirectionTest(int2 v0, int2 v1, int2 p)
     return((v1.X - v0.X) * (p.Y - v0.Y) - (p.X - v0.X) * (v1.Y - v0.Y));
예제 #28
파일: float2.cs 프로젝트: zgrsgr/OpenRA-SC
 public float2(int2 p)
     X = p.X; Y = p.Y;
예제 #29
파일: int2.cs 프로젝트: geckosoft/OpenRA
 public static int2 Lerp( int2 a, int2 b, int mul, int div )
     return a + ( b - a ) * mul / div;
예제 #30
파일: int2.cs 프로젝트: RunCraze/OpenRA
 public static int Dot(int2 a, int2 b)
     return a.X * b.X + a.Y * b.Y;
예제 #31
 public bool IsVisible(int2 xy)
     return IsVisible(xy.X, xy.Y);
예제 #32
 public TerrainTemplateInfo(ushort id, string[] images, int2 size, byte[] tiles)
     Id     = id;
     Images = images;
     Size   = size;
예제 #33
파일: TileSet.cs 프로젝트: CH4Code/OpenRA
 public TerrainTemplateInfo(ushort id, string[] images, int2 size, byte[] tiles)
     Id = id;
     Images = images;
     Size = size;
예제 #34
 public static bool Contains(this RectangleF r, int2 p)
예제 #35
파일: int2.cs 프로젝트: geckosoft/OpenRA
 public static int2 Min(int2 a, int2 b)
     return new int2(Math.Min(a.X, b.X), Math.Min(a.Y, b.Y));
예제 #36
 public void BeginFrame(int2 scroll, float zoom)
     SetViewportParams(scroll, zoom);