예제 #1
 public CreateSubtreeNode(TsurgeonPattern start, TsurgeonPattern end, AuxiliaryTree tree) :
          (end == null) ? new TsurgeonPattern[] { start } : new TsurgeonPattern[] { start, end })
     this.auxTree = tree;
예제 #2
        public CreateSubtreeNode(TsurgeonPattern start, TsurgeonPattern end, AuxiliaryTree tree) :
                (end == null) ? new TsurgeonPattern[] {start} : new TsurgeonPattern[] {start, end})

            this.auxTree = tree;
예제 #3
        private TsurgeonPattern root; // TODO: can remove?

        public virtual void SetRoot(TsurgeonPatternRoot root)
            this.root = root;
            foreach (TsurgeonPattern child in children)
예제 #4
        private TsurgeonPattern root; // TODO: can remove?

        public virtual void SetRoot(TsurgeonPatternRoot root)
            this.root = root;
            foreach (TsurgeonPattern child in children)
예제 #5
        public RelabelNode(TsurgeonPattern child, string newLabel) :
            base("relabel", new TsurgeonPattern[] { child })
            var m1 = SubstPattern.Match(newLabel);

            if (m1.Success)
                mode                   = RelabelMode.Regex;
                this.labelRegex        = new Regex(m1.Groups[1].Value);
                this.replacementString = m1.Groups[2].Value;
                replacementPieces      = new List <string>();
                var generalMatcher =
                int lastPosition = 0;
                var nextMatch    = generalMatcher.NextMatch();
                while (nextMatch.Success)
                    if (nextMatch.Index > lastPosition)
                        replacementPieces.Add(replacementString.Substring(lastPosition, nextMatch.Index));
                    lastPosition = nextMatch.Index + nextMatch.Length;
                    string piece = nextMatch.Value;
                    if (piece.Equals(""))
                        nextMatch = generalMatcher.NextMatch();
                    nextMatch = generalMatcher.NextMatch();
                if (lastPosition < replacementString.Length)
                this.newLabel = null;
                mode = RelabelMode.Fixed;
                var m2 = RegexPattern.Match(newLabel);
                if (m2.Success)
                    // fixed relabel but surrounded by regex slashes
                    string unescapedLabel = m2.Groups[1].Value;
                    this.newLabel = RemoveEscapeSlashes(unescapedLabel);
                    // just a node name to relabel to
                    this.newLabel = newLabel;
                this.replacementString = null;
                this.replacementPieces = null;
                this.labelRegex        = null;
예제 #6
        public RelabelNode(TsurgeonPattern child, string newLabel) :
            base("relabel", new TsurgeonPattern[] {child})
            var m1 = SubstPattern.Match(newLabel);
            if (m1.Success)
                mode = RelabelMode.Regex;
                this.labelRegex = new Regex(m1.Groups[1].Value);
                this.replacementString = m1.Groups[2].Value;
                replacementPieces = new List<string>();
                var generalMatcher =
                int lastPosition = 0;
                var nextMatch = generalMatcher.NextMatch();
                while (nextMatch.Success)
                    if (nextMatch.Index > lastPosition)
                        replacementPieces.Add(replacementString.Substring(lastPosition, nextMatch.Index));
                    lastPosition = nextMatch.Index + nextMatch.Length;
                    string piece = nextMatch.Value;
                    if (piece.Equals(""))
                        nextMatch = generalMatcher.NextMatch();
                    nextMatch = generalMatcher.NextMatch();
                if (lastPosition < replacementString.Length)
                this.newLabel = null;
                mode = RelabelMode.Fixed;
                var m2 = RegexPattern.Match(newLabel);
                if (m2.Success)
                    // fixed relabel but surrounded by regex slashes
                    string unescapedLabel = m2.Groups[1].Value;
                    this.newLabel = RemoveEscapeSlashes(unescapedLabel);
                    // just a node name to relabel to
                    this.newLabel = newLabel;
                this.replacementString = null;
                this.replacementPieces = null;
                this.labelRegex = null;

예제 #7
 public AdjoinNode(string name, AuxiliaryTree t, TsurgeonPattern p) :
     base(name, new TsurgeonPattern[] {p})
     if (t == null || p == null)
         throw new NullReferenceException("AdjoinNode: illegal null argument, t=" + t + ", p=" + p);
     padjunctionTree = t;
예제 #8
 public AdjoinNode(string name, AuxiliaryTree t, TsurgeonPattern p) :
     base(name, new TsurgeonPattern[] { p })
     if (t == null || p == null)
         throw new NullReferenceException("AdjoinNode: illegal null argument, t=" + t + ", p=" + p);
     padjunctionTree = t;
예제 #9
         * Parses a tsurgeon script text input and compiles a tregex pattern and a list
         * of tsurgeon operations into a pair.
         * @param reader Reader to read patterns from
         * @return A pair of a tregex and tsurgeon pattern read from a file, or <code>null</code>
         *    when the operations in the Reader have been exhausted
         * @throws IOException If any IO problem
        /*public static Tuple<TregexPattern, TsurgeonPattern> getOperationFromReader(BufferedReader reader, TregexPatternCompiler compiler) /*throws IOException#1# {
         * string patternString = getTregexPatternFromReader(reader);
         * if ("".equals(patternString)) {
         * return null;
         * }
         * TregexPattern matchPattern = compiler.compile(patternString);
         * TsurgeonPattern collectedPattern = getTsurgeonOperationsFromReader(reader);
         * return new Pair<TregexPattern,TsurgeonPattern>(matchPattern,collectedPattern);
         * }*/

         * Assumes that we are at the beginning of a tsurgeon script file and gets the string for the
         * tregex pattern leading the file
         * @return tregex pattern string
        /*public static string getTregexPatternFromReader(BufferedReader reader) throws IOException {
         * StringBuilder matchString = new StringBuilder();
         * for (string thisLine; (thisLine = reader.readLine()) != null; ) {
         * if (matchString.length() > 0 && emptyLinePattern.matcher(thisLine).matches()) {
         * // A blank line after getting some real content (not just comments or nothing)
         * break;
         * }
         * Matcher m = commentPattern.matcher(thisLine);
         * if (m.matches()) {
         * // delete it
         * thisLine = m.replaceFirst("");
         * }
         * if ( ! emptyLinePattern.matcher(thisLine).matches()) {
         * matchString.append(thisLine);
         * }
         * }
         * return matchString.ToString();
         * }*/

         * Assumes the given reader has only tsurgeon operations (not a tregex pattern), and parses
         * these out, collecting them into one operation.  Stops on a whitespace line.
         * @throws IOException
        /*public static TsurgeonPattern getTsurgeonOperationsFromReader(BufferedReader reader) throws IOException {
         * List<TsurgeonPattern> operations = new ArrayList<TsurgeonPattern>();
         * for (string thisLine; (thisLine = reader.readLine()) != null; ) {
         * if (emptyLinePattern.matcher(thisLine).matches()) {
         * break;
         * }
         * thisLine = removeComments(thisLine);
         * if (emptyLinePattern.matcher(thisLine).matches()) {
         * continue;
         * }
         * operations.add(parseOperation(thisLine));
         * }
         * if (operations.size() == 0)
         * throw new TsurgeonParseException("No Tsurgeon operation provided.");
         * return collectOperations(operations);
         * }*/

        /*private static string removeComments(string line) {
         *  Matcher m = commentPattern.matcher(line);
         *  line = m.replaceFirst("");
         *  Matcher m1 = escapedCommentCharacterPattern.matcher(line);
         *  line = m1.replaceAll(commentIntroducingCharacter);
         *  return line;
         * }*/

         * Assumes the given reader has only tsurgeon operations (not a tregex pattern), and returns
         * them as a String, mirroring the way the strings appear in the file. This is helpful
         * for lazy evaluation of the operations, as in a GUI,
         * because you do not parse the operations on load.  Comments are still excised.
         * @throws IOException
        /*public static string getTsurgeonTextFromReader(BufferedReader reader) throws IOException {
         * StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
         * for (string thisLine; (thisLine = reader.readLine()) != null; ) {
         * thisLine = removeComments(thisLine);
         * if (emptyLinePattern.matcher(thisLine).matches()) {
         * continue;
         * }
         * sb.append(thisLine);
         * sb.append('\n');
         * }
         * return sb.ToString();
         * }*/

         * Parses a tsurgeon script file and compiles all operations in the file into a list
         * of pairs of tregex and tsurgeon patterns.
         * @param filename file containing the tsurgeon script
         * @return A pair of a tregex and tsurgeon pattern read from a file
         * @throws IOException If there is any I/O problem
        /*public static List<Pair<TregexPattern, TsurgeonPattern>> getOperationsFromFile(string filename, string encoding, TregexPatternCompiler compiler) throws IOException {
         * List<Pair<TregexPattern,TsurgeonPattern>> operations = new ArrayList<Pair<TregexPattern, TsurgeonPattern>>();
         * BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(filename), encoding));
         * for ( ; ; ) {
         * Pair<TregexPattern, TsurgeonPattern> operation = getOperationFromReader(reader, compiler);
         * if (operation == null) {
         * break;
         * }
         * operations.add(operation);
         * }
         * reader.close();
         * return operations;
         * }*/

        /// <summary>
        /// Applies {#processPattern} to a collection of trees.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="matchPattern">A {@link TregexPattern} to be matched against a {@link Tree}.</param>
        /// <param name="p">A {@link TsurgeonPattern} to apply.</param>
        /// <param name="inputTrees">The input trees to be processed</param>
        /// <returns>A List of the transformed trees</returns>
        public static List <Tree> ProcessPatternOnTrees(TregexPattern matchPattern, TsurgeonPattern p,
                                                        List <Tree> inputTrees)
            var result = new List <Tree>();

            foreach (Tree tree in inputTrees)
                result.Add(ProcessPattern(matchPattern, p, tree));
예제 #10
        // TODO: ideally we should have the tree and the tregex matcher be part of this as well.
        // That would involve putting some of the functionality in Tsurgeon.java in this object
        public TsurgeonMatcher(TsurgeonPattern pattern, Dictionary<string, Tree> newNodeNames,
            CoindexationGenerator coindexer)
            this.NewNodeNames = newNodeNames;
            this.Coindexer = coindexer;

            this.ChildMatcher = new TsurgeonMatcher[pattern.children.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < pattern.children.Length; ++i)
                this.ChildMatcher[i] = pattern.children[i].GetMatcher(newNodeNames, coindexer);
예제 #11
        // TODO: ideally we should have the tree and the tregex matcher be part of this as well.
        // That would involve putting some of the functionality in Tsurgeon.java in this object
        public TsurgeonMatcher(TsurgeonPattern pattern, Dictionary <string, Tree> newNodeNames,
                               CoindexationGenerator coindexer)
            this.NewNodeNames = newNodeNames;
            this.Coindexer    = coindexer;

            this.ChildMatcher = new TsurgeonMatcher[pattern.children.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < pattern.children.Length; ++i)
                this.ChildMatcher[i] = pattern.children[i].GetMatcher(newNodeNames, coindexer);
예제 #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Tries to match a pattern against a tree.  If it succeeds, apply the surgical operations contained in a {@link TsurgeonPattern}.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="matchPattern">A {@link TregexPattern} to be matched against a {@link Tree}.</param>
        /// <param name="p">A {@link TsurgeonPattern} to apply.</param>
        /// <param name="t">the {@link Tree} to match against and perform surgery on.</param>
        /// <returns>t, which has been surgically modified.</returns>
        public static Tree ProcessPattern(TregexPattern matchPattern, TsurgeonPattern p, Tree t)
            TregexMatcher   m   = matchPattern.Matcher(t);
            TsurgeonMatcher tsm = p.GetMatcher();

            while (m.Find())
                t = tsm.Evaluate(t, m);
                if (t == null)
                m = matchPattern.Matcher(t);
예제 #13
 public CreateSubtreeNode(TsurgeonPattern start, AuxiliaryTree tree) :
     this(start, null, tree)
예제 #14
 public CoindexNodes(TsurgeonPattern[] children) :
     base("coindex", children)
예제 #15
 public TreeLocation(string relation, TsurgeonPattern p)
     this.relation = relation;
     this.child    = p;
예제 #16
 public MoveNode(TsurgeonPattern child, TreeLocation l) :
     base("move", new TsurgeonPattern[] {child})
     this.location = l;
예제 #17
 /// <summary>
 /// Excises only the directed node
 /// </summary>
 public ExciseNode(TsurgeonPattern node) :
     base("excise", new TsurgeonPattern[] { node, node })
예제 #18
 public ReplaceNode(TsurgeonPattern oldNode, List <AuxiliaryTree> trees) :
     this(oldNode, trees.Select(n => convertAuxiliaryToHold(n)).ToArray())
예제 #19
 public AdjoinNode(AuxiliaryTree t, TsurgeonPattern p) :
     this("adjoin", t, p)
예제 #20
 public AdjoinToHeadNode(AuxiliaryTree t, TsurgeonPattern p) :
     base("adjoinH", t, p)
예제 #21
 public TsurgeonPatternRoot(TsurgeonPattern child) : this(new TsurgeonPattern[] { child })
예제 #22
 public IfExistsNode(string name, bool invert, TsurgeonPattern[] children) :
     base("if " + (invert ? "not " : "") + "exists " + name, children)
     this.name = name;
     this.invert = invert;
예제 #23
 public AdjoinToFootNode(AuxiliaryTree t, TsurgeonPattern p) :
     base("adjoinF", t, p)
예제 #24
 public ReplaceNode(TsurgeonPattern oldNode, TsurgeonPattern[] newNodes) :
     base("replace", new TsurgeonPattern[] { oldNode }.Union(newNodes).ToArray())
예제 #25
 public ReplaceNode(TsurgeonPattern oldNode, TsurgeonPattern[] newNodes) :
     base("replace", new TsurgeonPattern[] {oldNode}.Union(newNodes).ToArray())
예제 #26
 public ReplaceNode(TsurgeonPattern oldNode, List<AuxiliaryTree> trees) :
     this(oldNode, trees.Select(n => convertAuxiliaryToHold(n)).ToArray())
예제 #27
 public AdjoinToHeadNode(AuxiliaryTree t, TsurgeonPattern p) :
     base("adjoinH", t, p)
예제 #28
 /// <summary>
 /// Top should evaluate to a node that dominates bottom, but this is not checked!
 /// </summary>
 public ExciseNode(TsurgeonPattern top, TsurgeonPattern bottom) :
     base("excise", new TsurgeonPattern[] {top, bottom})
예제 #29
 public AdjoinNode(AuxiliaryTree t, TsurgeonPattern p) :
     this("adjoin", t, p)
예제 #30
 /// <summary>
 /// Top should evaluate to a node that dominates bottom, but this is not checked!
 /// </summary>
 public ExciseNode(TsurgeonPattern top, TsurgeonPattern bottom) :
     base("excise", new TsurgeonPattern[] { top, bottom })
예제 #31
 /// <summary>
 /// Excises only the directed node
 /// </summary>
 public ExciseNode(TsurgeonPattern node) :
     base("excise", new TsurgeonPattern[] {node, node})
예제 #32
 public CreateSubtreeNode(TsurgeonPattern start, AuxiliaryTree tree) :
     this(start, null, tree)
예제 #33
 public TreeLocation(string relation, TsurgeonPattern p)
     this.relation = relation;
     this.child = p;
예제 #34
 public InsertNode(TsurgeonPattern child, TreeLocation l) :
     base("insert", new TsurgeonPattern[] {child})
     this.location = l;
예제 #35
 public InsertNode(TsurgeonPattern child, TreeLocation l) :
     base("insert", new TsurgeonPattern[] { child })
     this.location = l;
예제 #36
 public MoveNode(TsurgeonPattern child, TreeLocation l) :
     base("move", new TsurgeonPattern[] { child })
     this.location = l;
예제 #37
 /// <summary>
 /// In some cases, the order of the children has special meaning.
 /// For example, in the case of ReplaceNode, the first child will
 /// evaluate to the node to be replaced, and the other(s) will
 /// evaluate to the replacement.
 /// </summary>
 public TsurgeonPattern(string label, TsurgeonPattern[] children)
     this.label = label;
     this.children = children;
예제 #38
        * Parses a tsurgeon script text input and compiles a tregex pattern and a list
        * of tsurgeon operations into a pair.
        * @param reader Reader to read patterns from
        * @return A pair of a tregex and tsurgeon pattern read from a file, or <code>null</code>
        *    when the operations in the Reader have been exhausted
        * @throws IOException If any IO problem
            /*public static Tuple<TregexPattern, TsurgeonPattern> getOperationFromReader(BufferedReader reader, TregexPatternCompiler compiler) /*throws IOException#1# {
        string patternString = getTregexPatternFromReader(reader);
        if ("".equals(patternString)) {
            return null;
        TregexPattern matchPattern = compiler.compile(patternString);

        TsurgeonPattern collectedPattern = getTsurgeonOperationsFromReader(reader);
        return new Pair<TregexPattern,TsurgeonPattern>(matchPattern,collectedPattern);

        * Assumes that we are at the beginning of a tsurgeon script file and gets the string for the
        * tregex pattern leading the file
        * @return tregex pattern string
            /*public static string getTregexPatternFromReader(BufferedReader reader) throws IOException {
        StringBuilder matchString = new StringBuilder();
        for (string thisLine; (thisLine = reader.readLine()) != null; ) {
            if (matchString.length() > 0 && emptyLinePattern.matcher(thisLine).matches()) {
            // A blank line after getting some real content (not just comments or nothing)
            Matcher m = commentPattern.matcher(thisLine);
            if (m.matches()) {
            // delete it
            thisLine = m.replaceFirst("");
            if ( ! emptyLinePattern.matcher(thisLine).matches()) {
        return matchString.ToString();

        * Assumes the given reader has only tsurgeon operations (not a tregex pattern), and parses
        * these out, collecting them into one operation.  Stops on a whitespace line.
        * @throws IOException
            /*public static TsurgeonPattern getTsurgeonOperationsFromReader(BufferedReader reader) throws IOException {
        List<TsurgeonPattern> operations = new ArrayList<TsurgeonPattern>();
        for (string thisLine; (thisLine = reader.readLine()) != null; ) {
            if (emptyLinePattern.matcher(thisLine).matches()) {
            thisLine = removeComments(thisLine);
            if (emptyLinePattern.matcher(thisLine).matches()) {

        if (operations.size() == 0)
            throw new TsurgeonParseException("No Tsurgeon operation provided.");

        return collectOperations(operations);

        /*private static string removeComments(string line) {
            Matcher m = commentPattern.matcher(line);
            line = m.replaceFirst("");
            Matcher m1 = escapedCommentCharacterPattern.matcher(line);
            line = m1.replaceAll(commentIntroducingCharacter);
            return line;

       * Assumes the given reader has only tsurgeon operations (not a tregex pattern), and returns
       * them as a String, mirroring the way the strings appear in the file. This is helpful
       * for lazy evaluation of the operations, as in a GUI,
       * because you do not parse the operations on load.  Comments are still excised.
       * @throws IOException
            /*public static string getTsurgeonTextFromReader(BufferedReader reader) throws IOException {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        for (string thisLine; (thisLine = reader.readLine()) != null; ) {
          thisLine = removeComments(thisLine);
          if (emptyLinePattern.matcher(thisLine).matches()) {
        return sb.ToString();

       * Parses a tsurgeon script file and compiles all operations in the file into a list
       * of pairs of tregex and tsurgeon patterns.
       * @param filename file containing the tsurgeon script
       * @return A pair of a tregex and tsurgeon pattern read from a file
       * @throws IOException If there is any I/O problem
            /*public static List<Pair<TregexPattern, TsurgeonPattern>> getOperationsFromFile(string filename, string encoding, TregexPatternCompiler compiler) throws IOException {
        List<Pair<TregexPattern,TsurgeonPattern>> operations = new ArrayList<Pair<TregexPattern, TsurgeonPattern>>();
        BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(filename), encoding));
        for ( ; ; ) {
          Pair<TregexPattern, TsurgeonPattern> operation = getOperationFromReader(reader, compiler);
          if (operation == null) {
        return operations;

        /// <summary>
        /// Applies {#processPattern} to a collection of trees.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="matchPattern">A {@link TregexPattern} to be matched against a {@link Tree}.</param>
        /// <param name="p">A {@link TsurgeonPattern} to apply.</param>
        /// <param name="inputTrees">The input trees to be processed</param>
        /// <returns>A List of the transformed trees</returns>
        public static List<Tree> ProcessPatternOnTrees(TregexPattern matchPattern, TsurgeonPattern p,
            List<Tree> inputTrees)
            var result = new List<Tree>();
            foreach (Tree tree in inputTrees)
                result.Add(ProcessPattern(matchPattern, p, tree));
            return result;
예제 #39
 public AdjoinToFootNode(AuxiliaryTree t, TsurgeonPattern p) :
     base("adjoinF", t, p)
예제 #40
 public PruneNode(TsurgeonPattern[] children) :
     base("prune", children)
예제 #41
 /// <summary>
 /// Tries to match a pattern against a tree.  If it succeeds, apply the surgical operations contained in a {@link TsurgeonPattern}.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="matchPattern">A {@link TregexPattern} to be matched against a {@link Tree}.</param>
 /// <param name="p">A {@link TsurgeonPattern} to apply.</param>
 /// <param name="t">the {@link Tree} to match against and perform surgery on.</param>
 /// <returns>t, which has been surgically modified.</returns>
 public static Tree ProcessPattern(TregexPattern matchPattern, TsurgeonPattern p, Tree t)
     TregexMatcher m = matchPattern.Matcher(t);
     TsurgeonMatcher tsm = p.GetMatcher();
     while (m.Find())
         t = tsm.Evaluate(t, m);
         if (t == null)
         m = matchPattern.Matcher(t);
     return t;
예제 #42
 public TsurgeonPatternRoot(TsurgeonPattern child) : this(new TsurgeonPattern[] {child})
예제 #43
 // TODO: this is wasteful in terms of creating TsurgeonPatternRoot.
 // Should separate that out into another production
 public TsurgeonPatternRoot Root()
     /*@bgen(jjtree) Root */
     var jjtn000 = new SimpleNode(JjtRoot);
     bool jjtc000 = true;
     List<TsurgeonPattern> results = null;
         TsurgeonPattern result;
         switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? Jj_ntk_f() : jj_ntk)
             case Delete:
             case Prune:
             case Relabel:
             case Excise:
             case Insert:
             case Move:
             case Replace:
             case CreateSubtree:
             case Adjoin:
             case AdjoinToHead:
             case AdjoinToFoot:
             case Coindex:
                 result = Operation();
                 JjTree.CloseNodeScope(jjtn000, true);
                 jjtc000 = false;
                 return new TsurgeonPatternRoot(result);
                 jj_la1[1] = jj_gen;
                 Token name;
                 if (Jj_2_1(2))
                     name = Jj_consume_token(Name);
                     result = Root();
                     JjTree.CloseNodeScope(jjtn000, true);
                     jjtc000 = false;
                     return new TsurgeonPatternRoot(new IfExistsNode(name.Image, false, result.children));
                 else if (Jj_2_2(2))
                     name = Jj_consume_token(Name);
                     result = Root();
                     JjTree.CloseNodeScope(jjtn000, true);
                     jjtc000 = false;
                     return new TsurgeonPatternRoot(new IfExistsNode(name.Image, true, result.children));
                     switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? Jj_ntk_f() : jj_ntk)
                         case OpenBracket:
                             while (true)
                                 result = Root();
                                 if (results == null)
                                     results = new List<TsurgeonPattern>();
                                 foreach (TsurgeonPattern child in result.children)
                                 switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? Jj_ntk_f() : jj_ntk)
                                     case OpenBracket:
                                         jj_la1[0] = jj_gen;
                                         goto post_label_1;
                                 JjTree.CloseNodeScope(jjtn000, true);
                                 jjtc000 = false;
                                 var array = new TsurgeonPattern[results.Count];
                                 return new TsurgeonPatternRoot(results.ToArray());
                             jj_la1[2] = jj_gen;
                             throw new ParseException();
     catch (Exception jjte000)
         if (jjtc000)
             jjtc000 = false;
         if (jjte000 is SystemException)
             throw jjte000;
         if (jjte000 is ParseException)
             throw jjte000;
         throw jjte000;
         if (jjtc000)
             JjTree.CloseNodeScope(jjtn000, true);
예제 #44
 public TsurgeonPatternRoot(TsurgeonPattern[] children) : base("operations: ", children)
예제 #45
 public DeleteNode(TsurgeonPattern[] children) :
     base("delete", children)