public void BeforeSerialize(SoapMessage message) //ObjectOut { if (System.Environment.OSVersion.Platform != PlatformID.WinCE) { //NOTE this only works if you handle StreamOut/In too //NOTE this only works on .NETfx TimestampHeader timestampHeader = new TimestampHeader(300); message.Headers.Add(timestampHeader); //if(EndPoint == EndPointType.Addressing) ActionHeader actionHeader = new ActionHeader(message.Action); //FromHeader fromHeader = new FromHeader(null); ReplyToHeader replyToHeader = new ReplyToHeader(null); MessageIdHeader messageIdHeader = new MessageIdHeader(null); ToHeader toHeader = new ToHeader(message.Url); message.Headers.Add(actionHeader); //message.Headers.Add(fromHeader); message.Headers.Add(replyToHeader); message.Headers.Add(messageIdHeader); message.Headers.Add(toHeader); //else //routing //pathHeader pHeader = new pathHeader(message.Action, message.Url, null); //message.Headers.Add(pHeader); } return; }
public static XmlDocument CheckHeaders(XmlDocument xmlDoc) { XmlElement envelope = xmlDoc.DocumentElement; XmlElement headerOrBody = (XmlElement)envelope.ChildNodes[0]; XmlElement header = null; XmlElement body = null; if (headerOrBody.LocalName == Elem.Header) { header = (XmlElement)envelope.ChildNodes[0]; body = (XmlElement)envelope.ChildNodes[1]; } else //no header { body = (XmlElement)envelope.ChildNodes[0]; } if (header != null) { XmlElement tsElem = LameXpath.SelectSingleNode(header, Elem.Timestamp); if (tsElem != null) { XmlElement creElem = LameXpath.SelectSingleNode(tsElem, Elem.Created); XmlElement expElem = LameXpath.SelectSingleNode(tsElem, Elem.Expires); string cre = creElem.InnerText; string exp = expElem.InnerText; if (exp.CompareTo(cre) == -1) //less than { throw new Exception("Timestamp expired before creation"); } bool retVal = TimestampHeader.IsExpired(exp); if (retVal == true) { throw new Exception("response TimeStamp is expired"); } } } return(xmlDoc); }
public bool IsExpired() { bool retVal = TimestampHeader.IsExpired(Expires.text); return(retVal); }
public static XmlDocument AddHeaders(XmlDocument xmlDoc, string action, string url, string strReplyTo) { XmlElement envelope = xmlDoc.DocumentElement; //add namespaces if (EndPoint == EndPointType.Addressing) { XmlAttribute wsa = xmlDoc.CreateAttribute(Pre.xmlns, Pre.wsa, Ns.xmlns); wsa.Value = Ns.wsaLatest; envelope.Attributes.Append(wsa); } else //routing { XmlAttribute wsrp = xmlDoc.CreateAttribute(Pre.xmlns, Pre.wsrp, Ns.xmlns); wsrp.Value = Ns.wsrp; envelope.Attributes.Append(wsrp); } XmlAttribute wsu = xmlDoc.CreateAttribute(Pre.xmlns, Pre.wsu, Ns.xmlns); wsu.Value = Ns.wsuLatest; envelope.Attributes.Append(wsu); XmlAttribute wsse = xmlDoc.CreateAttribute(Pre.xmlns, Pre.wsse, Ns.xmlns); wsse.Value = Ns.wsseLatest; envelope.Attributes.Append(wsse); XmlElement headerOrBody = (XmlElement)envelope.ChildNodes[0]; XmlElement header; XmlElement body; if (headerOrBody.LocalName == Elem.Body) { header = xmlDoc.CreateElement(headerOrBody.Prefix, Elem.Header, headerOrBody.NamespaceURI); envelope.InsertBefore(header, headerOrBody); } header = (XmlElement)envelope.ChildNodes[0]; body = (XmlElement)envelope.ChildNodes[1]; XmlNodeList headers = header.ChildNodes; bool hasTimestamp = false; bool hasReplyTo = false; bool hasAction = false; //bool hasFrom = false; bool hasMessageId = false; bool hasTo = false; bool hasPath = false; foreach (XmlNode xn in headers) { XmlElement headerElement = (XmlElement)xn; switch (headerElement.LocalName) { case Elem.Timestamp: hasTimestamp = true; break; case Elem.ReplyTo: hasReplyTo = true; break; case Elem.Action: hasAction = true; break; //case Elem.From: // hasFrom = true; // break; case Elem.MessageID: hasMessageId = true; break; case Elem.To: hasTo = true; break; case Elem.path: hasPath = true; break; } } if (EndPoint == EndPointType.Addressing) { if (hasAction == false) { //<wsa:Action></wsa:Action> XmlElement actionElem = xmlDoc.CreateElement(Pre.wsa, Elem.Action, Ns.wsaLatest); actionElem.InnerText = action; header.AppendChild(actionElem); } if (hasMessageId == false) { //<wsa:MessageID>uuid:e5b8263b-43f1-4799-aa11-0d53a1ea7ace</wsa:MessageID> XmlElement messageId = xmlDoc.CreateElement(Pre.wsa, Elem.MessageID, Ns.wsaLatest); messageId.InnerText = "uuid:" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString("D"); header.AppendChild(messageId); } //<ReplyTo xmlns=""><Address></Address></ReplyTo> if (hasReplyTo == false) { XmlElement replyTo = xmlDoc.CreateElement(Pre.wsa, Elem.ReplyTo, Ns.wsaLatest); XmlElement address = xmlDoc.CreateElement(Pre.wsa, Elem.Address, Ns.wsaLatest); address.InnerText = strReplyTo; replyTo.AppendChild(address); header.AppendChild(replyTo); } if (hasTo == false) { //<wsa:To>http://localhost/RouterService/StockService.asmx</wsa:To> XmlElement to = xmlDoc.CreateElement(Pre.wsa, Elem.To, Ns.wsaLatest); if (SoapActorUrl == null || SoapActorUrl == String.Empty) { to.InnerText = url; } else { to.InnerText = SoapActorUrl; } header.AppendChild(to); } } else //routing { if (hasPath == false) { XmlElement path = xmlDoc.CreateElement(Pre.wsrp, Elem.path, Ns.wsrp); XmlAttribute actor = xmlDoc.CreateAttribute(Pre.soap,, Ns.soap); actor.Value = Misc.pathActorNext; path.Attributes.Append(actor); XmlAttribute mustUnderstand = xmlDoc.CreateAttribute(Pre.soap, Attrib.mustUnderstand, Ns.soap); mustUnderstand.Value = "1"; path.Attributes.Append(mustUnderstand); XmlElement actionElem = xmlDoc.CreateElement(Pre.wsrp, Elem.action, Ns.wsrp); actionElem.InnerText = action; path.AppendChild(actionElem); XmlElement to = xmlDoc.CreateElement(Pre.wsrp,, Ns.wsrp); to.InnerText = url; path.AppendChild(to); XmlElement id = xmlDoc.CreateElement(Pre.wsrp,, Ns.wsrp); id.InnerText = "uuid:" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString("D"); path.AppendChild(id); header.AppendChild(path); } } if (hasTimestamp == false) { XmlElement security = null; foreach (XmlNode xn in headers) { if (xn.LocalName == Elem.Security) { security = (XmlElement)xn; } } if (security == null) { security = xmlDoc.CreateElement(Pre.wsse, Elem.Security, Ns.wsseLatest); XmlAttribute mustUnderstand = xmlDoc.CreateAttribute(Pre.soap, Attrib.mustUnderstand, Ns.soap); mustUnderstand.Value = "1"; security.Attributes.Append(mustUnderstand); header.AppendChild(security); } XmlElement timestamp = xmlDoc.CreateElement(Pre.wsu, Elem.Timestamp, Ns.wsuLatest); XmlElement created = xmlDoc.CreateElement(Pre.wsu, Elem.Created, Ns.wsuLatest); created.InnerText = TimestampHeader.ConvertDateTime(DateTime.UtcNow); XmlElement expires = xmlDoc.CreateElement(Pre.wsu, Elem.Expires, Ns.wsuLatest); expires.InnerText = TimestampHeader.ConvertDateTime(DateTime.UtcNow.AddSeconds(secondsToTimeout)); timestamp.AppendChild(created); timestamp.AppendChild(expires); security.AppendChild(timestamp); } return(xmlDoc); }
public void BeforeSerialize(SoapMessage message) //ObjectOut { if(System.Environment.OSVersion.Platform != PlatformID.WinCE) { //NOTE this only works if you handle StreamOut/In too //NOTE this only works on .NETfx TimestampHeader timestampHeader = new TimestampHeader(300); message.Headers.Add(timestampHeader); //if(EndPoint == EndPointType.Addressing) ActionHeader actionHeader = new ActionHeader(message.Action); //FromHeader fromHeader = new FromHeader(null); ReplyToHeader replyToHeader = new ReplyToHeader(null); MessageIdHeader messageIdHeader = new MessageIdHeader(null); ToHeader toHeader = new ToHeader(message.Url); message.Headers.Add(actionHeader); //message.Headers.Add(fromHeader); message.Headers.Add(replyToHeader); message.Headers.Add(messageIdHeader); message.Headers.Add(toHeader); //else //routing //pathHeader pHeader = new pathHeader(message.Action, message.Url, null); //message.Headers.Add(pHeader); } return; }