/// <summary> /// rips apart rawKey into public byte [] for DsaParameters class /// </summary> public Dsa(byte [] rawKey) { this.rawKey = rawKey; //336 //444 pks = new PUBLICKEYSTRUC(); pks.bType = rawKey[0]; //7 //6 pks.bVersion = rawKey[1]; //2 pks.reserved = BitConverter.ToUInt16(rawKey, 2); //0 pks.aiKeyAlg = BitConverter.ToUInt32(rawKey, 4); //8704 kb = (KeyBlob)pks.bType; //private //public c = (Calg)pks.aiKeyAlg; //DSS_SIGN if (kb != KeyBlob.PUBLICKEYBLOB && kb != KeyBlob.PRIVATEKEYBLOB) { throw new Exception("unsupported blob type"); } dpk = new DSSPUBKEY(); //PRIV This must always be set to 0x32535344. the ASCII encoding of DSS2. //PUB This must always be set to 0x31535344, the ASCII encoding of DSS1. dpk.magic = BitConverter.ToUInt32(rawKey, 8); //844321604 //827544388 //Number of bits in the DSS key BLOB's prime, P. dpk.bitlen = BitConverter.ToUInt32(rawKey, 12); //1024 uint byteLen = dpk.bitlen / 8; //128 this.SetSizeAndPosition(dpk.bitlen); bool revBytes = true; P = Format.GetBytes(this.rawKey, pPos, pLen, revBytes); Q = Format.GetBytes(this.rawKey, qPos, qLen, revBytes); G = Format.GetBytes(this.rawKey, gPos, gLen, revBytes); if (kb == KeyBlob.PRIVATEKEYBLOB) { X = Format.GetBytes(this.rawKey, xyPos, xLen, revBytes); PgenCounter = Format.GetBytes(this.rawKey, xPgenCounterPos, pgenCounterLen, revBytes); Seed = Format.GetBytes(this.rawKey, xSeedPos, seedLen, revBytes); } if (kb == KeyBlob.PUBLICKEYBLOB) { Y = Format.GetBytes(this.rawKey, xyPos, yLen, revBytes); PgenCounter = Format.GetBytes(this.rawKey, yPgenCounterPos, pgenCounterLen, revBytes); Seed = Format.GetBytes(this.rawKey, ySeedPos, seedLen, revBytes); } ds = new DSSSEED(); byte [] baPcTemp = new byte[4]; Buffer.BlockCopy(PgenCounter, 0, baPcTemp, 0, PgenCounter.Length); ds.counter = (uint)BitConverter.ToInt32(baPcTemp, 0); ds.seed = (byte[])Seed.Clone(); Int64 bij = 0; Int64 bip = BitConverter.ToInt64(P, 0); Int64 biq = BitConverter.ToInt64(Q, 0); bij = (bip - 1) / biq; byte [] baJ = BitConverter.GetBytes(bij); int len = baJ.Length; int rem = (len % 4); //seems to be 4 byte blocks for J? int pad = 0; if (rem != 0) { pad = 4 - rem; len = len + pad; } this.J = new byte[len]; Array.Copy(baJ, 0, this.J, pad, baJ.Length); }
public void BuildRawKey(bool privateKey) { //build up rawKey byte[] uint dsaMagic = 0; uint caSize = 0; uint bitLen = (uint)this.P.Length * 8; this.SetSizeAndPosition(bitLen); if (privateKey == true) { kb = KeyBlob.PRIVATEKEYBLOB; caSize = privByteLen; //336 dsaMagic = 0x32535344; //ASCII encoding of "DSS2" } else //public { kb = KeyBlob.PUBLICKEYBLOB; caSize = pubByteLen; //444 dsaMagic = 0x31535344; //ASCII encoding of "DSS1" } rawKey = new byte[caSize]; //PUBLICKEYSTRUC rawKey[0] = (byte)kb; //bType rawKey[1] = (byte)2; //bVersion //reserved 2,3 c = Calg.DSS_SIGN; byte [] baKeyAlg = BitConverter.GetBytes((uint)c); //aiKeyAlg Buffer.BlockCopy(baKeyAlg, 0, rawKey, 4, 4); pks = new PUBLICKEYSTRUC(); pks.bType = rawKey[0]; pks.bVersion = rawKey[1]; pks.reserved = BitConverter.ToUInt16(rawKey, 2); pks.aiKeyAlg = BitConverter.ToUInt32(rawKey, 4); //DSSPUBKEY byte [] baMagic = BitConverter.GetBytes(dsaMagic); //magic Buffer.BlockCopy(baMagic, 0, rawKey, 8, 4); byte [] baBitlen = BitConverter.GetBytes(bitLen); //bitlen Buffer.BlockCopy(baBitlen, 0, rawKey, 12, 4); dpk = new DSSPUBKEY(); dpk.magic = BitConverter.ToUInt32(rawKey, 8); dpk.bitlen = BitConverter.ToUInt32(rawKey, 12); uint byteLen = dpk.bitlen / 8; bool revBytes = true; Format.SetBytes(this.rawKey, pPos, pLen, this.P, revBytes); Format.SetBytes(this.rawKey, qPos, qLen, this.Q, revBytes); Format.SetBytes(this.rawKey, gPos, gLen, this.G, revBytes); if (privateKey == true) { Format.SetBytes(this.rawKey, xyPos, xLen, this.X, revBytes); Format.SetBytes(this.rawKey, xPgenCounterPos, pgenCounterLen, this.PgenCounter, revBytes); Format.SetBytes(this.rawKey, xSeedPos, seedLen, this.Seed, revBytes); //this.Y = null; } else //public { Format.SetBytes(this.rawKey, xyPos, yLen, this.Y, revBytes); Format.SetBytes(this.rawKey, yPgenCounterPos, pgenCounterLen, this.PgenCounter, revBytes); Format.SetBytes(this.rawKey, ySeedPos, seedLen, this.Seed, revBytes); this.X = null; } ds = new DSSSEED(); byte [] baPcTemp = new byte[4]; Buffer.BlockCopy(PgenCounter, 0, baPcTemp, 0, PgenCounter.Length); //Array.Reverse(baPcTemp, 0, baPcTemp.Length); ds.counter = (uint)BitConverter.ToInt32(baPcTemp, 0); ds.seed = (byte[])Seed.Clone(); //nowhere to put J //this.J = null; }