/// <summary> /// Function for call from productRegister /// </summary> public void CallFromProductRegister(decimal decId, frmProductRegister frmProRegister) { try { base.Show(); this.frmProductRegisterObj = frmProRegister; frmProductRegisterObj.Enabled = false; ProductCreationBll BllProductCreation = new ProductCreationBll(); ProductInfo infoProduct = new ProductInfo(); StockPostingInfo infoStockPosting = new StockPostingInfo(); BatchInfo infoBatch = new BatchInfo(); StockPostingBll BllStockPosting = new StockPostingBll(); BatchBll BllBatch = new BatchBll(); UnitBll bllUnit = new UnitBll(); List<DataTable> ListObj = new List<DataTable>(); decProductIdForEdit = decId; infoProduct = BllProductCreation.ProductView(decId); strUnitNameForGrid = bllUnit.UnitName(infoProduct.UnitId); btnSave.Text = "Update"; btnDelete.Enabled = true; txtName.Text = infoProduct.ProductName; txtProductCode.Text = infoProduct.ProductCode; cmbGroup.SelectedValue = infoProduct.GroupId; cmbBrand.SelectedValue = infoProduct.BrandId; cmbUnit.SelectedValue = infoProduct.UnitId; if (BllProductCreation.ProductReferenceCheck(decId)) { cmbUnit.Enabled = false; } decUnitIdForUpdate = infoProduct.UnitId; cmbSize.SelectedValue = infoProduct.SizeId; cmbModalNo.SelectedValue = infoProduct.ModelNoId; cmbTax.SelectedValue = infoProduct.TaxId; cmbTaxApplicableOn.SelectedItem = infoProduct.TaxapplicableOn; txtPurchaseRate.Text = infoProduct.PurchaseRate.ToString(); txtSalesRate.Text = infoProduct.SalesRate.ToString(); txtMrp.Text = infoProduct.Mrp.ToString(); txtMinimumStock.Text = infoProduct.MinimumStock.ToString(); txtMaximumStock.Text = infoProduct.MaximumStock.ToString(); txtReorderLevel.Text = infoProduct.ReorderLevel.ToString(); txtPartNo.Text = infoProduct.PartNo; cmbDefaultGodown.SelectedValue = infoProduct.GodownId; cmbDefaultRack.SelectedValue = infoProduct.RackId; if (infoProduct.IsBom) { cmbBom.SelectedIndex = 1; isBomFromRegister = true; } if (infoProduct.Ismultipleunit) { cmbMultipleUnit.SelectedIndex = 1; isMulUnitFromRgister = true; } if (infoProduct.Isopeningstock) { isOpeningStockForUpdate = true; OpeningStockGridFill(); } if (infoProduct.IsallowBatch) { OpeningStockGridWithBathFill(); } else { cmbAllowBatch.SelectedIndex = 0; txtPartNo.Text = BllBatch.PartNoReturn(decProductIdForEdit); } if (infoProduct.Ismultipleunit) { cmbMultipleUnit.SelectedIndex = 1; } else { cmbMultipleUnit.SelectedIndex = 0; } if (infoProduct.IsBom) { cmbBom.SelectedIndex = 1; } else { cmbBom.SelectedIndex = 0; } if (infoProduct.Isopeningstock) { cmbOpeningStock.SelectedIndex = 1; } else { cmbOpeningStock.SelectedIndex = 0; } if (infoProduct.IsActive) { cbxActive.Checked = true; } else { cbxActive.Checked = false; } if (infoProduct.IsshowRemember) { cbxReminder.Checked = true; } else { cbxReminder.Checked = false; } txtNarration.Text = infoProduct.Narration; } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("PC:63" + ex.Message, "OpenMiracle", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } }
/// <summary> /// Work on cmbUnit Cell Leave /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void cmbUnit_Leave(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { UnitBll bllUnit = new UnitBll(); List<DataTable> ListObj = new List<DataTable>(); decId = Convert.ToDecimal(cmbUnit.SelectedValue); strUnitNameForGrid = bllUnit.UnitName(decId); isSaveMulUnitCheck = false; if (dtblMulUnit != null) { dtblMulUnit.Clear(); } if (dtblForUnitIdInOpeNingStock != null) { dtblForUnitIdInOpeNingStock.Clear(); } if (dtblFromMulUnitForUpdate != null) { dtblFromMulUnitForUpdate.Clear(); } if (btnSave.Text == "Update") { cmbMultipleUnit.SelectedIndex = 0; isMulUnitFromRgister = false; isCheck = true; } if (dgvProductCreation.Rows.Count != 0) { for (int inI = 0; inI <= dgvProductCreation.Rows.Count - 1; inI++) { dgvProductCreation.Rows[inI].Cells["dgvtxtunit"].Value = strUnitNameForGrid; DefaultUnitFillingInProductGrid(); } } else { dgvProductCreation.Rows[0].Cells["dgvtxtunit"].Value = strUnitNameForGrid; DefaultUnitFillingInProductGrid(); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("PC:106" + ex.Message, "OpenMiracle", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } }
/// <summary> /// Work on cmbOpeningStock Leave event /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void cmbOpeningStock_Leave(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (cmbOpeningStock.SelectedIndex == 1) { if (cmbUnit.SelectedIndex == -1) { Messages.InformationMessage("Select default unit"); cmbOpeningStock.SelectedIndex = 0; cmbUnit.Focus(); } if (!isstockPostingGridFil) { if (isOpeningStockForUpdate) { OpeningStockGridFill(); } if (isBatchForUpdate) { OpeningStockGridWithBathFill(); } } else { if (!isGridHasToClear) { dgvProductCreation.Rows.Clear(); isOpeningStockChanged = true; } } if (cmbMultipleUnit.SelectedIndex == 1 && dtblForUnitIdInOpeNingStock != null && dtblForUnitIdInOpeNingStock.Rows.Count > 0) { UnitBll bllUnit = new UnitBll(); List<DataTable> ListObj = new List<DataTable>(); decId = Convert.ToDecimal(cmbUnit.SelectedValue); strUnitNameForGrid = bllUnit.UnitName(decId); DataRow dr = dtblForUnitIdInOpeNingStock.NewRow(); dr["dgvtxtUnitId"] = decId; dr["unitName"] = strUnitNameForGrid; dr["CnvertionRate"] = 0; dr["quantities"] = 0; dr["extra1"] = string.Empty; dr["extra2"] = string.Empty; dr["extraDate"] = DateTime.Now; dtblForUnitIdInOpeNingStock.Rows.InsertAt(dr, (dtblForUnitIdInOpeNingStock.Rows.Count + 1)); dgvcmbUnit.DataSource = dtblForUnitIdInOpeNingStock; dgvcmbUnit.DisplayMember = "unitName"; dgvcmbUnit.ValueMember = "dgvtxtunitId"; for (int i = 0; i < dgvProductCreation.Rows.Count; i++) { if (!dgvProductCreation.Rows[i].IsNewRow) { dgvProductCreation.Rows[i].Cells["dgvcmbUnit"].Value = dtblForUnitIdInOpeNingStock.Rows[0][1]; } } } else if (decId != 0) { DefaultUnitFillingInProductGrid(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("PC:115" + ex.Message, "OpenMiracle", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } }
/// <summary> /// To work on cmbMultipleUnit cell leave /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void cmbMultipleUnit_Leave(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (cmbMultipleUnit.SelectedIndex == 1) { UnitBll bllUnit = new UnitBll(); strProductName = txtName.Text.Trim(); decimal decUnitId = Convert.ToDecimal(cmbUnit.SelectedValue); string strUnit = bllUnit.UnitName(Convert.ToDecimal(cmbUnit.SelectedValue)); frmProductMultipleUnit frmMultipleUnitObj = new frmProductMultipleUnit(); frmMultipleUnitObj.MdiParent = formMDI.MDIObj; frmProductMultipleUnit open = Application.OpenForms["frmProductMultipleUnit"] as frmProductMultipleUnit; if (open == null) { if (isMulUnitFromRgister && btnSave.Text == "Update") { if (!isCheck) { MultipleUnitTableForUpdate(); frmMultipleUnitObj.CallFromProdutCreationForUpadte(this, strProductName, decProductIdForEdit, dtblMulUnitForEdit, strUnitNameForGrid, decUnitIdForUpdate); isGridHasToClear = true; } else { if (strProductName != string.Empty) { if (cmbUnit.SelectedIndex != -1) { if (isSaveMulUnitCheck && (decUnitId == decUnitIdSelectedWhenMulUntCalled)) { frmMultipleUnitObj.CallFromProdutCreationAgain(this, strProductName, decUnitId, strUnit, dtblMulUnit); } else { frmMultipleUnitObj.CallFromProdutCreation(this, strProductName, decUnitId, strUnit); } } else { Messages.InformationMessage("Select default unit"); cmbMultipleUnit.SelectedIndex = 0; cmbUnit.Focus(); } } else { Messages.InformationMessage("Enter product name"); cmbMultipleUnit.SelectedIndex = 0; txtName.Focus(); } } } else { if (strProductName != string.Empty) { if (cmbUnit.SelectedIndex != -1) { if (isSaveMulUnitCheck && (decUnitId == decUnitIdSelectedWhenMulUntCalled)) { frmMultipleUnitObj.CallFromProdutCreationAgain(this, strProductName, decUnitId, strUnit, dtblMulUnit); } else { frmMultipleUnitObj.CallFromProdutCreation(this, strProductName, decUnitId, strUnit); } } else { Messages.InformationMessage("Select default unit"); cmbMultipleUnit.SelectedIndex = 0; cmbUnit.Focus(); } } else { Messages.InformationMessage("Enter product name"); cmbMultipleUnit.SelectedIndex = 0; txtName.Focus(); } } } else if (open != null) { if (open.WindowState == FormWindowState.Minimized) { open.WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal; } } if (dtblForUnitIdInOpeNingStock != null && dtblForUnitIdInOpeNingStock.Rows.Count > 0) { dgvcmbUnit.DataSource = dtblForUnitIdInOpeNingStock; dgvcmbUnit.DisplayMember = "unitName"; dgvcmbUnit.ValueMember = "dgvtxtunitId"; } } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("PC:103" + ex.Message, "OpenMiracle", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } }
/// <summary> /// Function to fill default Unit /// </summary> public void DefaultUnitFillingInProductGrid() { UnitBll bllUnit = new UnitBll(); DataTable dtbl = new DataTable(); string strName = bllUnit.UnitName(decId); dtbl.Columns.Add("UnitName", typeof(string)); dtbl.Columns.Add("UnitId", typeof(decimal)); if (btnSave.Text == "Update") { strName = bllUnit.UnitName(Convert.ToDecimal(cmbUnit.SelectedValue)); decId = Convert.ToDecimal(cmbUnit.SelectedValue); } DataRow dr = dtbl.NewRow(); dr["UnitName"] = strName; dr["UnitId"] = decId; dtbl.Rows.Add(dr); DataRow drow = dtbl.NewRow(); drow["UnitName"] = string.Empty; drow["UnitId"] = 0; dtbl.Rows.InsertAt(drow, 0); dgvcmbUnit.DataSource = dtbl; dgvcmbUnit.DisplayMember = "UnitName"; dgvcmbUnit.ValueMember = "UnitId"; for (int i = 0; i < dgvProductCreation.Rows.Count; i++) { if (!dgvProductCreation.Rows[i].IsNewRow) { dgvProductCreation.Rows[i].Cells["dgvcmbUnit"].Value = decId; } } }
/// <summary> /// On cell end edit of dgvMultipleUnit /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void dgvMultipleUnit_CellEndEdit(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e) { try { if (dgvMultipleUnit.Columns[e.ColumnIndex].Name == "dgvcmbmultipleunit") { UnitBll bllUnit = new UnitBll(); dgvMultipleUnit.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells["dgvtxtunitname"].Value = bllUnit.UnitName(Convert.ToDecimal(dgvMultipleUnit.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells["dgvcmbmultipleunit"].Value)); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("PMU:30" + ex.Message, "Open Miracle", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } }