public static List <Technician> GetAllTechnicians() { List <Technician> technicians = new List <Technician>(); // empty list for return Technician technician; SqlConnection connection = TechSupportDB.GetConnection(); // DB connection // create select command string selectString = "SELECT TechID, Name, Email, Phone " + "FROM Technicians " + "ORDER BY Name"; SqlCommand selectCommand = new SqlCommand(selectString, connection); // try to connect and execute command try { connection.Open(); SqlDataReader reader = selectCommand.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) // get next row { technician = new Technician((int)reader["TechID"], reader["Name"].ToString(), reader["Email"].ToString(), reader["Phone"].ToString()); technicians.Add(technician); // build the list } reader.Close(); // close the reader } catch (SqlException ex) { throw ex; } // throw exception to form finally { connection.Close(); } return(technicians); } // end GetAllTechnicians
public static List <Incident> GetOpenTechIncidents(int techID) { List <Incident> openTechIncidents = new List <Incident>(); // empty list to return Incident techIncident = null; // empty incident to build list SqlConnection connection = TechSupportDB.GetConnection(); // db connection string selectString = "SELECT Incidents.IncidentID, Customers.Name, Incidents.ProductCode, Incidents.TechID, " + " Incidents.DateOpened, Incidents.DateClosed, Incidents.Title, Incidents.Description " + "FROM Incidents JOIN Customers " + "ON Incidents.CustomerID = Customers.CustomerID " + "WHERE Incidents.TechID = @TechID AND Incidents.DateClosed IS NULL " + "ORDER BY Incidents.DateOpened"; // get open incidents for tech Incidents.DateClosed IS NULL AND SqlCommand selectCommand = new SqlCommand(selectString, connection); //selectCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@TechID", techID); SqlParameter param = new SqlParameter("@TechID", SqlDbType.Int); param.Value = techID; selectCommand.Parameters.Add(param); // try to connect and execute command try { connection.Open(); SqlDataReader reader = selectCommand.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) // get next row { techIncident = new Incident(); techIncident.IncidentID = (int)reader["IncidentID"]; techIncident.CustomerName = reader["Name"].ToString(); techIncident.ProductCode = reader["ProductCode"].ToString(); if (reader["TechID"] != DBNull.Value) // check for null values { techIncident.TechID = (int)reader["TechID"]; } else { techIncident.TechID = null; } techIncident.DateOpened = Convert.ToDateTime(reader["DateOpened"]); if (reader["DateClosed"] != DBNull.Value) // check for null values { techIncident.DateClosed = (DateTime)reader["DateClosed"]; } else { techIncident.DateClosed = null; } techIncident.Title = reader["Title"].ToString(); techIncident.Description = reader["Description"].ToString(); openTechIncidents.Add(techIncident); // build the list of open incidents } reader.Close(); // close the readre } catch (SqlException ex) { throw ex; } // throw exception to form finally { connection.Close(); } return(openTechIncidents); } // end GetOpenTechIncidents