/// <summary>
            /// Draw the elements instances
            /// </summary>
            ///  <param name="ctx">
            /// The <see cref="GraphicsContext"/> used for drawing.
            /// </param>
            /// <param name="instances">
            /// A <see cref="UInt32"/> that specify the number of instances to draw.
            /// </param>
            public override void DrawInstanced(GraphicsContext ctx, uint instances)

                ArrayBufferObjectBase.IArraySection arraySection = ArrayIndices.GetArraySection(0);
                Debug.Assert(arraySection != null);

                // Element array must be (re)bound
                ctx.Bind(ArrayIndices, true);

                // Enable restart primitive?
                if (ArrayIndices.RestartIndexEnabled)
                    if (PrimitiveRestart.IsPrimitiveRestartSupported(ctx))
                        // Enable primitive restart
                        PrimitiveRestart.EnablePrimitiveRestart(ctx, ArrayIndices.ElementsType);
                        // Draw elements as usual
                        DrawElementsInstanced(ctx, arraySection.Pointer, instances);
                        // Disable primitive restart
                        throw new NotSupportedException();
                    uint count = (ElementCount == 0) ? ArrayIndices.ItemCount : ElementCount;
                    Debug.Assert(count - ElementOffset <= ArrayIndices.ItemCount, "element indices array out of bounds");

                    // Draw vertex arrays by indices
                    DrawElementsInstanced(ctx, arraySection.Pointer, instances);
            /// <summary>
            /// Draw the elements.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="ctx">
            /// The <see cref="GraphicsContext"/> used for drawing.
            /// </param>
            public override void Draw(GraphicsContext ctx)

                ArrayBufferObjectBase.IArraySection arraySection = ArrayIndices.GetArraySection(0);
                Debug.Assert(arraySection != null);

                // Element array must be (re)bound
                ctx.Bind(ArrayIndices, true);

                // Enable restart primitive?
                if (ArrayIndices.RestartIndexEnabled)
                    if (PrimitiveRestart.IsPrimitiveRestartSupported(ctx))
                        // Draw elements with primitive restart
                        PrimitiveRestart.EnablePrimitiveRestart(ctx, ArrayIndices.ElementsType);
                        DrawElements(ctx, arraySection.Pointer);
                        // Note: uses MultiDrawElements to emulate the primitive restart feature; PrimitiveRestartOffsets and
                        // PrimitiveRestartCounts are computed at element buffer creation time
                        Gl.MultiDrawElements(ElementsMode, ArrayIndices.PrimitiveRestartOffsets, ArrayIndices.ElementsType, ArrayIndices.PrimitiveRestartCounts, ArrayIndices.PrimitiveRestartOffsets.Length);
                    uint count = (ElementCount == 0) ? ArrayIndices.ItemCount : ElementCount;
                    Debug.Assert(count - ElementOffset <= ArrayIndices.ItemCount, "element indices array out of bounds");

                    // Draw vertex arrays by indices
                    DrawElements(ctx, arraySection.Pointer);