예제 #1
        protected override void AddItem(T item)
            Check.Require(this.parent != null || item.Parent != null,
                          "item of type Pathable must have Parent attribute set when list parent not set");

            Check.Invariant(identifiedLocatables != null, "identifiedLocatables must not be null");

            Locatable locatable = item as Locatable;

            Check.Assert(item != null, "item must not be null");

            if (item.Parent == null)
                item.Parent = this.parent;

            else if (this.parent == null)
                this.parent = item.Parent;

            else if (!Object.ReferenceEquals(item.Parent, this.parent))
                throw new ApplicationException("item parent must have same parent as other items");

            NamedLocatableList <T> namedLocatables;

            if (identifiedLocatables.ContainsKey(item.ArchetypeNodeId))
                namedLocatables = identifiedLocatables[item.ArchetypeNodeId];
                namedLocatables = new NamedLocatableList <T>();
                identifiedLocatables.Add(item.ArchetypeNodeId, namedLocatables);

            DvCodedText codedName = item.Name as DvCodedText;

            if (codedName != null)
                if (namedLocatables.Contains(codedName.DefiningCode.TerminologyId.Value, codedName.DefiningCode.CodeString))
                    throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("locatable ({0}) name ({1}) already existing in the namedLocatable list.",
                                                                 item.ArchetypeNodeId, codedName.ToString()));
            else if (namedLocatables.Contains(item.Name.Value))
                throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("locatable ({0}) name ({1}) already existing in this namedLocatable list",
                                                             item.ArchetypeNodeId, item.Name.Value));


예제 #2
        public T this[string nodeId, string nameTerminologyId, string nameCodeString]
                Check.Invariant(identifiedLocatables != null, "identifiedLocatables must not be null");

                NamedLocatableList <T> namedLocatables = identifiedLocatables[nodeId];
                return(namedLocatables[nameTerminologyId, nameCodeString]);