///<summary></summary> public static void Insert(ScreenGroup Cur) { if (PrefB.RandomKeys) { Cur.ScreenGroupNum = MiscData.GetKey("screengroup", "ScreenGroupNum"); } string command = "INSERT INTO screengroup ("; if (PrefB.RandomKeys) { command += "ScreenGroupNum,"; } command += "Description,SGDate) VALUES("; if (PrefB.RandomKeys) { command += "'" + POut.PInt(Cur.ScreenGroupNum) + "', "; } command += "'" + POut.PString(Cur.Description) + "', " + POut.PDate(Cur.SGDate) + ")"; if (PrefB.RandomKeys) { General.NonQ(command); } else { Cur.ScreenGroupNum = General.NonQ(command, true); } }
///<summary>This will also delete all screen items, so may need to ask user first.</summary> public static void Delete(ScreenGroup Cur) { string command = "DELETE from screen WHERE ScreenGroupNum ='" + POut.PInt(Cur.ScreenGroupNum) + "'"; General.NonQ(command); command = "DELETE from screengroup WHERE ScreenGroupNum ='" + POut.PInt(Cur.ScreenGroupNum) + "'"; General.NonQ(command); }
///<summary></summary> public static void Update(ScreenGroup Cur) { string command = "UPDATE screengroup SET " + "Description ='" + POut.PString(Cur.Description) + "'" + ",SGDate =" + POut.PDate(Cur.SGDate) + " WHERE ScreenGroupNum = '" + POut.PInt(Cur.ScreenGroupNum) + "'"; General.NonQ(command); }
///<summary>Updates all screens for a group with the date,prov, and location info of the current group.</summary> public static void UpdateForGroup(ScreenGroup ScreenGroupCur) { string command = "UPDATE screen SET " + "ScreenDate =" + POut.PDate(ScreenGroupCur.SGDate) + ",GradeSchool ='" + POut.PString(ScreenGroupCur.GradeSchool) + "'" + ",County ='" + POut.PString(ScreenGroupCur.County) + "'" + ",PlaceService ='" + POut.PInt((int)ScreenGroupCur.PlaceService) + "'" + ",ProvNum ='" + POut.PInt(ScreenGroupCur.ProvNum) + "'" + ",ProvName ='" + POut.PString(ScreenGroupCur.ProvName) + "'" + " WHERE ScreenGroupNum = '" + ScreenGroupCur.ScreenGroupNum.ToString() + "'"; General.NonQ(command); }
private void butAdd_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { ScreenGroup screenGroup = new ScreenGroup(); if (_listScreenGroups.Count != 0) { screenGroup = _listScreenGroups[_listScreenGroups.Count - 1]; //'remembers' the last entry } screenGroup.SGDate = DateTime.Today; //except date will be today screenGroup.IsNew = true; FormScreenGroupEdit FormSG = new FormScreenGroupEdit(screenGroup); FormSG.ShowDialog(); FillGrid(); }
private void butDelete_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { if (gridMain.SelectedIndices.Length != 1) { MessageBox.Show("Please select one item first."); return; } ScreenGroupCur = ScreenGroupList[gridMain.GetSelectedIndex()]; OpenDentBusiness.Screen[] screenList = Screens.Refresh(ScreenGroupCur.ScreenGroupNum); if (screenList.Length > 0) { MessageBox.Show("Not allowed to delete a screening group with items in it."); return; } ScreenGroups.Delete(ScreenGroupCur); FillGrid(); }
private void butDelete_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { if (listMain.SelectedIndices.Count != 1) { MessageBox.Show("Please select one item first."); return; } ScreenGroup ScreenGroupCur = ScreenGroups.List[listMain.SelectedIndices[0]]; Screens.Refresh(ScreenGroupCur.ScreenGroupNum); if (Screens.List.Length > 0) { MessageBox.Show("Not allowed to delete a screening group with items in it."); return; } ScreenGroups.Delete(ScreenGroupCur); FillGrid(); }
private void butDelete_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { if (gridMain.SelectedIndices.Length != 1) { MessageBox.Show("Please select one item first."); return; } ScreenGroup screenGroupCur = _listScreenGroups[gridMain.GetSelectedIndex()]; List <OpenDentBusiness.Screen> listScreens = Screens.GetScreensForGroup(screenGroupCur.ScreenGroupNum); if (listScreens.Count > 0) { MessageBox.Show("Not allowed to delete a screening group with items in it."); return; } ScreenGroups.Delete(screenGroupCur); FillGrid(); }
///<summary></summary> public static void Refresh(DateTime fromDate, DateTime toDate) { string command = "SELECT * from screengroup " + "WHERE SGDate >= " + POut.PDateT(fromDate) + " " + "AND SGDate <= " + POut.PDateT(toDate.AddDays(1)) + " " //added one day since it's calculated based on midnight. + "ORDER BY SGDate,ScreenGroupNum"; DataTable table = General.GetTable(command);; List = new ScreenGroup[table.Rows.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < List.Length; i++) { List[i] = new ScreenGroup(); List[i].ScreenGroupNum = PIn.PInt(table.Rows[i][0].ToString()); List[i].Description = PIn.PString(table.Rows[i][1].ToString()); List[i].SGDate = PIn.PDate(table.Rows[i][2].ToString()); } }