private void FillGridServices() { _listServices = ResellerServices.GetServicesForReseller(_resellerCur.ResellerNum); gridServices.BeginUpdate(); gridServices.ListGridColumns.Clear(); GridColumn col = new GridColumn("Description", 180); gridServices.ListGridColumns.Add(col); col = new GridColumn("Fee", 0); col.TextAlign = HorizontalAlignment.Right; gridServices.ListGridColumns.Add(col); gridServices.ListGridRows.Clear(); GridRow row; for (int i = 0; i < _listServices.Count; i++) { row = new GridRow(); row.Cells.Add(ProcedureCodes.GetLaymanTerm(_listServices[i].CodeNum)); row.Cells.Add(_listServices[i].Fee.ToString("F")); gridServices.ListGridRows.Add(row); } gridServices.EndUpdate(); //The Available Services grid has changed, re-evaluate the bundle requirement label visibility. labelBundleRequired.Visible = IsBundleMissing(); }
private void FillProcs() { listProcs.Items.Clear(); foreach (string procStr in _listCCProcs) { listProcs.Items.Add(procStr + "- " + ProcedureCodes.GetLaymanTerm(ProcedureCodes.GetProcCode(procStr).CodeNum)); } }
private void FormResellerServiceEdit_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsNew) { textCode.Text = ProcedureCodes.GetStringProcCode(ResellerServiceCur.CodeNum); textDesc.Text = ProcedureCodes.GetLaymanTerm(ResellerServiceCur.CodeNum); textFee.Text = ResellerServiceCur.Fee.ToString("F"); } }
private void FillProcs() { listProcs.Items.Clear(); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(CreditCardCur.Procedures)) { return; } string[] arrayProcCodes = CreditCardCur.Procedures.Split(new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); for (int i = 0; i < arrayProcCodes.Length; i++) { listProcs.Items.Add(arrayProcCodes[i] + "- " + ProcedureCodes.GetLaymanTerm(ProcedureCodes.GetProcCode(arrayProcCodes[i]).CodeNum)); } }
private void butPick_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { FormProcCodes FormPC = new FormProcCodes(); FormPC.IsSelectionMode = true; FormPC.ShowDialog(); if (FormPC.DialogResult == DialogResult.OK) { ResellerServiceCur.CodeNum = FormPC.SelectedCodeNum; textCode.Text = ProcedureCodes.GetStringProcCode(ResellerServiceCur.CodeNum); textDesc.Text = ProcedureCodes.GetLaymanTerm(ResellerServiceCur.CodeNum); } }
private void FillTriggers() { listTriggers.Items.Clear(); if (TriggerList.Count == 0) { return; } string str; for (int i = 0; i < TriggerList.Count; i++) { str = ProcedureCodes.GetStringProcCode(TriggerList[i].CodeNum); str += "- " + ProcedureCodes.GetLaymanTerm(TriggerList[i].CodeNum); listTriggers.Items.Add(str); } }
private void FillTriggers() { listTriggers.Items.Clear(); if (TriggerList.Count == 0 || comboSpecial.SelectedIndex == 2) //child prophy special type has no triggers, triggers from Prophy type are used { return; } string str; for (int i = 0; i < TriggerList.Count; i++) { str = ProcedureCodes.GetStringProcCode(TriggerList[i].CodeNum); str += "- " + ProcedureCodes.GetLaymanTerm(TriggerList[i].CodeNum); listTriggers.Items.Add(str); } }
private void FillProcs() { listProcs.Items.Clear(); if (RecallTypeCur.Procedures == null || RecallTypeCur.Procedures == "") { return; } string[] strArray = RecallTypeCur.Procedures.Split(','); string str; for (int i = 0; i < strArray.Length; i++) { str = strArray[i]; str += "- " + ProcedureCodes.GetLaymanTerm(ProcedureCodes.GetProcCode(str).CodeNum); listProcs.Items.Add(str); } }
private void FillGridServices() { ListServices = ResellerServices.GetServicesForReseller(ResellerCur.ResellerNum); gridServices.BeginUpdate(); gridServices.Columns.Clear(); ODGridColumn col = new ODGridColumn("Description", 180); gridServices.Columns.Add(col); col = new ODGridColumn("Fee", 0); col.TextAlign = HorizontalAlignment.Right; gridServices.Columns.Add(col); gridServices.Rows.Clear(); ODGridRow row; for (int i = 0; i < ListServices.Count; i++) { row = new ODGridRow(); row.Cells.Add(ProcedureCodes.GetLaymanTerm(ListServices[i].CodeNum)); row.Cells.Add(ListServices[i].Fee.ToString("F")); gridServices.Rows.Add(row); } gridServices.EndUpdate(); }
private void FillGrid() { if (textDateTo.errorProvider1.GetError(textDateTo) != "" || textDateFrom.errorProvider1.GetError(textDateFrom) != "") //Test To and From dates { MsgBox.Show(this, "Please enter valid To and From dates."); return; } DateFrom = PIn.Date(textDateFrom.Text); DateTo = PIn.Date(textDateTo.Text); if (DateTo < DateFrom) { MsgBox.Show(this, "Date To cannot be before Date From."); return; } //todo: checkbox RefAttachList = RefAttaches.RefreshForReferralProcTrack(DateFrom, DateTo, checkComplete.Checked); Table = Procedures.GetReferred(DateFrom, DateTo, checkComplete.Checked); gridMain.BeginUpdate(); gridMain.Columns.Clear(); ODGridColumn col; col = new ODGridColumn(Lan.g(this, "Patient"), 125); gridMain.Columns.Add(col); col = new ODGridColumn(Lan.g(this, "Referred To"), 125); gridMain.Columns.Add(col); col = new ODGridColumn(Lan.g(this, "Description"), 125); gridMain.Columns.Add(col); col = new ODGridColumn(Lan.g(this, "Note"), 125); gridMain.Columns.Add(col); col = new ODGridColumn(Lan.g(this, "Date Referred"), 86); gridMain.Columns.Add(col); col = new ODGridColumn(Lan.g(this, "Date Done"), 86); gridMain.Columns.Add(col); col = new ODGridColumn(Lan.g(this, "Status"), 84); gridMain.Columns.Add(col); gridMain.Rows.Clear(); ODGridRow row; DateTime date; for (int i = 0; i < Table.Rows.Count; i++) { row = new ODGridRow(); row.Cells.Add(Patients.GetPat(PIn.Long(Table.Rows[i]["PatNum"].ToString())).GetNameLF()); row.Cells.Add(Table.Rows[i]["LName"].ToString() + ", " + Table.Rows[i]["FName"].ToString() + " " + Table.Rows[i]["MName"].ToString()); row.Cells.Add(ProcedureCodes.GetLaymanTerm(PIn.Long(Table.Rows[i]["CodeNum"].ToString()))); row.Cells.Add(Table.Rows[i]["Note"].ToString()); date = PIn.Date(Table.Rows[i]["RefDate"].ToString()); if (date.Year < 1880) { row.Cells.Add(""); } else { row.Cells.Add(date.ToShortDateString()); } date = PIn.Date(Table.Rows[i]["DateProcComplete"].ToString()); if (date.Year < 1880) { row.Cells.Add(""); } else { row.Cells.Add(date.ToShortDateString()); } ReferralToStatus refStatus = (ReferralToStatus)PIn.Int(Table.Rows[i]["RefToStatus"].ToString()); if (refStatus == ReferralToStatus.None) { row.Cells.Add(""); } else { row.Cells.Add(refStatus.ToString()); } gridMain.Rows.Add(row); } gridMain.EndUpdate(); }
///<summary>Both grid s should be filled with the same columns. This method prevents the need for two nearly identical fill grid patterns.</summary> private void FillGrid(ref ODGrid grid) { grid.BeginUpdate(); grid.Columns.Clear(); grid.Columns.Add(new ODGridColumn(Lan.g(this, "Status"), 40)); grid.Columns.Add(new ODGridColumn(Lan.g(this, "Tth"), 30)); grid.Columns.Add(new ODGridColumn(Lan.g(this, "Surf"), 40)); grid.Columns.Add(new ODGridColumn(Lan.g(this, "Code"), 40)); grid.Columns.Add(new ODGridColumn(Lan.g(this, "Description"), 195)); grid.Columns.Add(new ODGridColumn(Lan.g(this, "TPs"), 35)); grid.Columns.Add(new ODGridColumn(Lan.g(this, "Apt"), 40)); grid.Rows.Clear(); ODGridRow row; List <Procedure> listProcs; if (grid == gridAll) { listProcs = _listTpProcsAll.FindAll(x => _listTpProcsCur.All(y => x.ProcNum != y.ProcNum)).OrderBy(x => Tooth.ToInt(x.ToothNum)).ToList(); } else { listProcs = _listTpProcsCur.OrderBy(x => Tooth.ToInt(x.ToothNum)).ToList(); } foreach (Procedure proc in listProcs) { row = new ODGridRow(); ProcedureCode proccode = ProcedureCodes.GetProcCode(proc.CodeNum); row.Cells.Add(proc.ProcStatus.ToString()); row.Cells.Add(Tooth.ToInternat(proc.ToothNum)); row.Cells.Add(proc.Surf); row.Cells.Add(proccode.ProcCode); row.Cells.Add(ProcedureCodes.GetLaymanTerm(proc.CodeNum)); row.Cells.Add(_listTpAttachesAll.FindAll(x => x.ProcNum == proc.ProcNum && x.TreatPlanNum != _treatPlanUnassigned.TreatPlanNum).Count.ToString()); string aptStatus = ""; foreach (long aptNum in new[] { proc.AptNum, proc.PlannedAptNum }.Where(x => x > 0)) { Appointment apt = _listAppointments.FirstOrDefault(x => x.AptNum == aptNum); if (apt != null) { switch (apt.AptStatus) { case ApptStatus.UnschedList: aptStatus += "U"; break; case ApptStatus.Scheduled: aptStatus += "S"; break; case ApptStatus.Complete: aptStatus += "C"; break; case ApptStatus.Broken: aptStatus += "B"; break; case ApptStatus.Planned: aptStatus += "P"; break; case ApptStatus.PtNote: case ApptStatus.PtNoteCompleted: case ApptStatus.None: default: aptStatus += "!"; //should never happen break; } } } row.Cells.Add(aptStatus); row.Tag = proc; grid.Rows.Add(row); } grid.EndUpdate(); }
public static string GetChanges(Procedure procCur, Procedure procOld, OrionProc orionProcCur, OrionProc orionProcOld) { Changes = ""; if (orionProcOld.DPC != orionProcCur.DPC) { if (Changes != "") { Changes += "\r\n"; } Changes += "DPC changed from " + POut.String(orionProcOld.DPC.ToString()) + " to " + POut.String(orionProcCur.DPC.ToString()) + "."; } if (orionProcOld.DPCpost != orionProcCur.DPCpost) { if (Changes != "") { Changes += "\r\n"; } Changes += "DPC Post Visit changed from " + POut.String(orionProcOld.DPCpost.ToString()) + " to " + POut.String(orionProcCur.DPCpost.ToString()) + "."; } //PatNum, AptNum, PlannedAptNum should never change--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (procOld.PatNum != procCur.PatNum) { if (Changes != "") { Changes += "\r\n"; } Changes += "Patient Num changed from " + procOld.PatNum + " to " + procCur.PatNum + "."; } if (procOld.AptNum != procCur.AptNum) { if (Changes != "") { Changes += "\r\n"; } Changes += "Apt Num changed from " + procOld.AptNum + " to " + procCur.AptNum + "."; } if (procOld.PlannedAptNum != procCur.PlannedAptNum) { if (Changes != "") { Changes += "\r\n"; } Changes += "Planned Apt Num changed from " + procOld.PlannedAptNum + " to " + procCur.PlannedAptNum + "."; } //Date and time related fields------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if (procOld.DateEntryC.Date != procCur.DateEntryC.Date) { if (Changes != "") { Changes += "\r\n"; } Changes += "Date Entry changed from " + procOld.DateEntryC.ToShortDateString() + " to " + procCur.DateEntryC.ToShortDateString() + "."; } if (procOld.ProcDate.Date != procCur.ProcDate.Date) { if (Changes != "") { Changes += "\r\n"; } Changes += "Proc Date changed from " + procOld.ProcDate.ToShortDateString() + " to " + procCur.ProcDate.ToShortDateString() + "."; } //if(procOld.StartTime != procCur.StartTime) { // if(Changes!=""){ Changes+="\r\n";} // Changes+="Start Time changed from "+procOld.StartTime+" to "+procCur.StartTime+"."; //} //if(procOld.StopTime != procCur.StopTime) { // if(Changes!=""){ Changes+="\r\n";} // Changes+="Stop Time changed from "+procOld.StopTime+" to "+procCur.StopTime+"."; //} if (procOld.ProcTime != procCur.ProcTime) { if (Changes != "") { Changes += "\r\n"; } Changes += "Procedure Time changed from " + (PIn.DateT(procOld.ProcTime.ToString()).ToShortTimeString() == "12:00 AM"?"none":PIn.DateT(procOld.ProcTime.ToString()).ToShortTimeString()) + " to " + (PIn.DateT(procCur.ProcTime.ToString()).ToShortTimeString() == "12:00 AM"?"none":PIn.DateT(procCur.ProcTime.ToString()).ToShortTimeString()) + "."; } if (procOld.ProcTimeEnd != procCur.ProcTimeEnd) { if (Changes != "") { Changes += "\r\n"; } Changes += "Procedure End Time changed from " + (PIn.DateT(procOld.ProcTimeEnd.ToString()).ToShortTimeString() == "12:00 AM"?"none":PIn.DateT(procOld.ProcTimeEnd.ToString()).ToShortTimeString()) + " to " + (PIn.DateT(procCur.ProcTimeEnd.ToString()).ToShortTimeString() == "12:00 AM"?"none":PIn.DateT(procCur.ProcTimeEnd.ToString()).ToShortTimeString()) + "."; } //Procedure, related areas, amount, hide graphics, etc.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (procOld.CodeNum != procCur.CodeNum) { if (Changes != "") { Changes += "\r\n"; } Changes += "Procedure changed from " + ProcedureCodes.GetLaymanTerm(procOld.CodeNum) + " to " + ProcedureCodes.GetLaymanTerm(procCur.CodeNum) + "."; } if (procOld.ProcFee != procCur.ProcFee) { if (Changes != "") { Changes += "\r\n"; } Changes += "Proc Fee changed from $" + procOld.ProcFee.ToString("F") + " to $" + procCur.ProcFee.ToString("F") + "."; } if (procOld.ToothNum != procCur.ToothNum) { if (Changes != "") { Changes += "\r\n"; } Changes += "Tooth Num changed from " + procOld.ToothNum + " to " + procCur.ToothNum + "."; } if (procOld.Surf != procCur.Surf) { if (Changes != "") { Changes += "\r\n"; } Changes += "Surface changed from " + procOld.Surf + " to " + procCur.Surf + "."; } if (procOld.ToothRange != procCur.ToothRange) { if (Changes != "") { Changes += "\r\n"; } Changes += "Tooth Range changed from " + procOld.ToothRange + " to " + procCur.ToothRange + "."; } if (procOld.HideGraphics != procCur.HideGraphics) { if (Changes != "") { Changes += "\r\n"; } Changes += "Hide Graphics changed from " + (procOld.HideGraphics?"Hide Graphics":"Do Not Hide Graphics") + " to " + (procCur.HideGraphics?"Hide Graphics":"Do Not Hide Graphics") + "."; } //Provider, Diagnosis, Priority, Place of Service, Clinic, Site--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (procOld.ProvNum != procCur.ProvNum) { if (Changes != "") { Changes += "\r\n"; } Changes += "Provider changed from " + Providers.GetAbbr(procOld.ProvNum) + " to " + Providers.GetAbbr(procCur.ProvNum) + "."; } if (procOld.Dx != procCur.Dx) { if (Changes != "") { Changes += "\r\n"; } Changes += "Diagnosis changed from " + Defs.GetDef(DefCat.Diagnosis, procOld.Dx).ItemName + " to " + Defs.GetDef(DefCat.Diagnosis, procCur.Dx).ItemName + "."; } if (procOld.Priority != procCur.Priority) { if (Changes != "") { Changes += "\r\n"; } Changes += "Priority changed from " + ((procOld.Priority != 0)?Defs.GetDef(DefCat.TxPriorities, procOld.Priority).ItemName:"no priority") + " to " + ((procCur.Priority != 0)?Defs.GetDef(DefCat.TxPriorities, procCur.Priority).ItemName:"no priority") + "."; } if (procOld.PlaceService != procCur.PlaceService) { if (Changes != "") { Changes += "\r\n"; } Changes += "Place of Service changed from " + procOld.PlaceService.ToString() + " to " + procCur.PlaceService.ToString() + "."; } if (procOld.ClinicNum != procCur.ClinicNum) { if (Changes != "") { Changes += "\r\n"; } Changes += "Clinic changed from " + Clinics.GetAbbr(procOld.ClinicNum) + " to " + Clinics.GetAbbr(procCur.ClinicNum) + "."; } if (procOld.SiteNum != procCur.SiteNum) { if (Changes != "") { Changes += "\r\n"; } Changes += "Site changed from " + (procOld.SiteNum == 0?"none":Sites.GetDescription(procOld.SiteNum)) + " to " + (procCur.SiteNum == 0?"none":Sites.GetDescription(procCur.SiteNum)) + "."; } //Prosthesis reverse lookup--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (procOld.Prosthesis != procCur.Prosthesis) { if (Changes != "") { Changes += "\r\n"; } string prosthesisOld; switch (procOld.Prosthesis.ToString()) { case "": prosthesisOld = "no"; break; case "I": prosthesisOld = "Initial"; break; case "R": prosthesisOld = "Replacement"; break; default: prosthesisOld = "error"; break; } string prosthesisCur; switch (procCur.Prosthesis.ToString()) { case "": prosthesisCur = "no"; break; case "I": prosthesisCur = "Initial"; break; case "R": prosthesisCur = "Replacement"; break; default: prosthesisCur = "error"; break; } Changes += "Prosthesis changed from " + prosthesisOld + " to " + prosthesisCur + "."; } if (procOld.DateOriginalProsth.Date != procCur.DateOriginalProsth.Date) { if (Changes != "") { Changes += "\r\n"; } Changes += "Date of Original Prosthesis changed from " + procOld.DateOriginalProsth.ToShortDateString() + " to " + procCur.DateOriginalProsth.ToShortDateString() + "."; } //Claim Note & Orion Proc Fields---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (procOld.ClaimNote != procCur.ClaimNote) { if (Changes != "") { Changes += "\r\n"; } Changes += "Claim Note changed from " + (procOld.ClaimNote == ""?"none":"'" + procOld.ClaimNote + "'") + " to " + (procCur.ClaimNote == ""?"none":"'" + procCur.ClaimNote + "'"); } if (orionProcOld.OrionProcNum != orionProcCur.OrionProcNum) { if (Changes != "") { Changes += "\r\n"; } Changes += "Orion Proc Num changed from " + POut.Long(orionProcOld.OrionProcNum) + " to " + POut.Long(orionProcCur.OrionProcNum) + "."; } if (orionProcOld.ProcNum != orionProcCur.ProcNum) { if (Changes != "") { Changes += "\r\n"; } Changes += "Proc Num changed from " + POut.Long(orionProcOld.ProcNum) + " to " + POut.Long(orionProcCur.ProcNum) + "."; } //Orion Status Reverse Lookup for Description----------------------------------//None is equivalent to TP--------------------------------------- if (orionProcOld.Status2 != orionProcCur.Status2 && !(orionProcOld.Status2 == OrionStatus.None && orionProcCur.Status2 == OrionStatus.TP)) { if (Changes != "") { Changes += "\r\n"; } string[] status2 = new string[2]; string[] status2Desc = new string[2]; status2[0] = orionProcOld.Status2.ToString(); status2[1] = orionProcCur.Status2.ToString(); for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { switch (status2[i]) { case "None": status2Desc[i] = "TP-treatment planned"; break; case "TP": status2Desc[i] = "TP-treatment planned"; break; case "C": status2Desc[i] = "C-completed"; break; case "E": status2Desc[i] = "E-existing prior to incarceration"; break; case "R": status2Desc[i] = "R-refused treatment"; break; case "RO": status2Desc[i] = "RO-referred out to specialist"; break; case "CS": status2Desc[i] = "CS-completed by specialist"; break; case "CR": status2Desc[i] = "CR-completed by registry"; break; case "CA_Tx": status2Desc[i] = "CA_Tx-cancelled, tx plan changed"; break; case "CA_EPRD": status2Desc[i] = "CA_EPRD-cancelled, eligible parole"; break; case "CA_P/D": status2Desc[i] = "CA_P/D--cancelled, parole/discharge"; break; case "S": status2Desc[i] = "S-suspended, unacceptable plaque"; break; case "ST": status2Desc[i] = "ST-stop clock, multi visit"; break; case "W": status2Desc[i] = "W-watch"; break; case "A": status2Desc[i] = "A-alternative"; break; default: status2Desc[i] = "error"; break; } } Changes += "Orion Procedure Status changed from " + status2Desc[0] + " to " + status2Desc[1] + "."; } //Other orion fields---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (orionProcOld.DateScheduleBy.Date != orionProcCur.DateScheduleBy.Date) { if (Changes != "") { Changes += "\r\n"; } Changes += "Date Schedule By changed from " + orionProcOld.DateScheduleBy.ToShortDateString() + " to " + orionProcCur.DateScheduleBy.ToShortDateString() + "."; } if (orionProcOld.DateStopClock.Date != orionProcCur.DateStopClock.Date) { if (Changes != "") { Changes += "\r\n"; } Changes += "Date Stop Clock changed from " + orionProcOld.DateStopClock.ToShortDateString() + " to " + orionProcCur.DateStopClock.ToShortDateString() + "."; } if (orionProcOld.IsOnCall != orionProcCur.IsOnCall) { if (Changes != "") { Changes += "\r\n"; } Changes += "Is On Call changed from " + (orionProcOld.IsOnCall?"Is On Call":"Is Not On Call") + " to " + (orionProcCur.IsOnCall?"Is On Call":"Is Not On Call") + "."; } if (orionProcOld.IsEffectiveComm != orionProcCur.IsEffectiveComm) { if (Changes != "") { Changes += "\r\n"; } Changes += "Is Effective Comm changed from " + (orionProcOld.IsEffectiveComm?"Is an Effective Communicator":"Is Not an Effective Communicator") + " to " + (orionProcCur.IsEffectiveComm?"Is an Effective Communicator":"Is Not an Effective Communicator") + "."; } if (orionProcOld.IsRepair != orionProcCur.IsRepair) { if (Changes != "") { Changes += "\r\n"; } Changes += "Is Repair changed from " + (orionProcOld.IsRepair?"Is a Repair":"Is Not a Repair") + " to " + (orionProcCur.IsRepair?"Is a Repair":"Is Not a Repair") + "."; } //Medical fields-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (procOld.MedicalCode != procCur.MedicalCode) { if (Changes != "") { Changes += "\r\n"; } Changes += "Medical Code changed from " + (procOld.MedicalCode == ""?"none":procOld.MedicalCode) + " to " + (procCur.MedicalCode == ""?"none":procCur.MedicalCode) + "."; } if (procOld.DiagnosticCode != procCur.DiagnosticCode) { if (Changes != "") { Changes += "\r\n"; } Changes += "Diagnostic Code changed from " + (procOld.DiagnosticCode == ""?"none":procOld.DiagnosticCode) + " to " + (procCur.DiagnosticCode == ""?"none":procCur.DiagnosticCode) + "."; } if (procOld.IsPrincDiag != procCur.IsPrincDiag) { if (Changes != "") { Changes += "\r\n"; } Changes += "Is Princ Diag changed from " + (procOld.IsPrincDiag?"Principal Diagnosis":"Not Principal Diagnosis") + " to " + (procCur.IsPrincDiag?"Principal Diagnosis":"Not Principal Diagnosis") + "."; } //if(procOld.RevCode != procCur.RevCode) { // if(Changes!=""){ Changes+="\r\n";} // Changes+="Rev Code changed from "+POut.String(procOld.RevCode)+"' to '"+POut.String(procCur.RevCode)+"."; //} //Proc status and billing fields---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (procOld.ProcStatus != procCur.ProcStatus) { if (Changes != "") { Changes += "\r\n"; } Changes += "Procedure Status changed from " + procOld.ProcStatus.ToString() + " to " + procCur.ProcStatus.ToString() + "."; } if (procOld.DateTP.Date != procCur.DateTP.Date && procOld.DateTP.Date != DateTime.MinValue.Date) { if (Changes != "") { Changes += "\r\n"; } Changes += "Date TP changed from " + procOld.DateTP.ToShortDateString() + " to " + procCur.DateTP.ToShortDateString() + "."; } //if(procOld.BillingTypeOne != procCur.BillingTypeOne) { // if(Changes!=""){ Changes+="\r\n";} // Changes+="Billing Type One changed from "+(procOld.BillingTypeOne!=0?Defs.GetDef(DefCat.BillingTypes,procOld.BillingTypeOne).ItemName:"none") // +" to "+(procCur.BillingTypeOne!=0?Defs.GetDef(DefCat.BillingTypes,procCur.BillingTypeOne).ItemName:"none")+"."; //} //if(procOld.BillingTypeTwo != procCur.BillingTypeTwo) { // if(Changes!=""){ Changes+="\r\n";} // Changes+="Billing Type Two changed from "+(procOld.BillingTypeTwo!=0?Defs.GetDef(DefCat.BillingTypes,procOld.BillingTypeTwo).ItemName:"none") // +" to "+(procCur.BillingTypeTwo!=0?Defs.GetDef(DefCat.BillingTypes,procCur.BillingTypeTwo).ItemName:"none")+"."; //} if (procOld.ProcNumLab != procCur.ProcNumLab) { if (Changes != "") { Changes += "\r\n"; } Changes += "Proc Num Lab changed from " + POut.Long(procOld.ProcNumLab) + " to " + POut.Long(procCur.ProcNumLab) + "."; } //if(procOld.UnitCode != procCur.UnitCode) { // if(Changes!=""){ Changes+="\r\n";} // Changes+="Unit Code changed from "+POut.String(procOld.UnitCode)+" to "+POut.String(procCur.UnitCode)+"."; //} //UnitQty, Canadian Type Codes, and Note-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (procOld.UnitQty != procCur.UnitQty) { if (Changes != "") { Changes += "\r\n"; } Changes += "Unit Quantity changed from " + POut.Int(procOld.UnitQty) + " to " + POut.Int(procCur.UnitQty) + "."; } //if(procOld.CanadianTypeCodes != procCur.CanadianTypeCodes) { // if(Changes!=""){ Changes+="\r\n";} // Changes+="Canadian Code Type changed from "+POut.String(procOld.CanadianTypeCodes)+" to "+POut.String(procCur.CanadianTypeCodes)+"."; // } if (procOld.Note != procCur.Note && !(procOld.Note == null && procCur.Note == "")) //Null note is equivalent to an empty note string. { if (Changes != "") { Changes += "\r\n"; } Changes += "Note changed from " + (procOld.Note == ""?"none":"'" + procOld.Note + "'") + " to " + (procCur.Note == ""?"none":"'" + procCur.Note + "'"); } return(Changes); }
private void FillGrid() { List <Procedure> entireList = Procedures.Refresh(AptCur.PatNum); ProcList = new List <Procedure>(); bool isPlanned = AptCur.AptStatus == ApptStatus.Planned; ApptStatus apptStatus = AptCur.AptStatus; for (int i = 0; i < entireList.Count; i++) { //We want all unattached completed procs with same date as appt. //but only if one of these types if (apptStatus == ApptStatus.Scheduled || apptStatus == ApptStatus.Complete || apptStatus == ApptStatus.Broken) { if (entireList[i].AptNum == 0 && entireList[i].ProcStatus == ProcStat.C && entireList[i].ProcDate.Date == AptCur.AptDateTime.Date) { ProcList.Add(entireList[i]); } } //otherwise, we only want TP procs that are not attached to this appointment. //As for TP procs attached to other appointments, we will show this to the user and warn them about it, //but we won't filter them out. if (entireList[i].ProcStatus != ProcStat.TP) { continue; } if (isPlanned) { if (entireList[i].PlannedAptNum == AptCur.AptNum) { continue; } } else { if (entireList[i].AptNum == AptCur.AptNum) { continue; } } ProcList.Add(entireList[i]); } gridMain.BeginUpdate(); gridMain.Columns.Clear(); ODGridColumn col; col = new ODGridColumn(Lan.g("TableProcSelect", "OtherAppt"), 70, HorizontalAlignment.Center); gridMain.Columns.Add(col); col = new ODGridColumn(Lan.g("TableProcSelect", "Code"), 55); gridMain.Columns.Add(col); col = new ODGridColumn(Lan.g("TableProcSelect", "Priority"), 55); gridMain.Columns.Add(col); col = new ODGridColumn(Lan.g("TableProcSelect", "Tooth"), 50); gridMain.Columns.Add(col); col = new ODGridColumn(Lan.g("TableProcSelect", "Description"), 250); gridMain.Columns.Add(col); col = new ODGridColumn(Lan.g("TableProcSelect", "Fee"), 60, HorizontalAlignment.Right); gridMain.Columns.Add(col); gridMain.Rows.Clear(); ODGridRow row; for (int i = 0; i < ProcList.Count; i++) { row = new ODGridRow(); if (ProcList[i].ProcStatus == ProcStat.C) //so unattached { row.Cells.Add(""); } else if (isPlanned && ProcList[i].PlannedAptNum != 0) { row.Cells.Add("X"); } else if (!isPlanned && ProcList[i].AptNum != 0) { row.Cells.Add("X"); } else { row.Cells.Add(""); } row.Cells.Add(ProcedureCodes.GetStringProcCode(ProcList[i].CodeNum)); row.Cells.Add(Defs.GetName(DefCat.TxPriorities, ProcList[i].Priority)); row.Cells.Add(Tooth.ToInternat(ProcList[i].ToothNum)); row.Cells.Add(ProcedureCodes.GetLaymanTerm(ProcList[i].CodeNum)); row.Cells.Add(ProcList[i].ProcFee.ToString("F")); gridMain.Rows.Add(row); } gridMain.EndUpdate(); }