///<summary>Retrieves data and uses them to create new PayPlanExtended objects. ///Heavy lifting (db calls and double loops) done here once upon load. This also gets called if the user clicks "Refresh Data".</summary> private bool LoadData() { List <PayPlan> listPayPlans; List <PayPlanCharge> listPayPlanCharges; List <ClaimProc> listPayPlanClaimProcs; List <Patient> listPatients; List <InsPlan> listInsPlans; listPayPlans = PayPlans.GetAllOpenInsPayPlans(); if (listPayPlans.Count == 0) { MsgBox.Show(this, "There are no insurance payment plans past due."); return(false); } listPayPlanCharges = PayPlanCharges.GetForPayPlans(listPayPlans.Select(x => x.PayPlanNum).ToList()).Where(x => x.ChargeType == PayPlanChargeType.Debit).ToList(); listPayPlanClaimProcs = ClaimProcs.GetForPayPlans(listPayPlans.Select(x => x.PayPlanNum).ToList() , new List <ClaimProcStatus>() { ClaimProcStatus.Received, ClaimProcStatus.Supplemental }); listPatients = Patients.GetLimForPats(listPayPlans.Select(x => x.PatNum).ToList()); listInsPlans = InsPlans.GetPlans(listPayPlans.Select(x => x.PlanNum).ToList()); _listPayPlanExtended = new List <PayPlanExtended>(); foreach (PayPlan plan in listPayPlans) { //for each payplan, create a PayPlanExtended object which contains all of the payment plan's information and it's charges. //pass in the plan, the list of associated charges, and the list of associated claimprocs (payments). _listPayPlanExtended.Add(new PayPlanExtended(plan, listPatients.FirstOrDefault(x => x.PatNum == plan.PatNum), listPayPlanCharges.Where(x => x.PayPlanNum == plan.PayPlanNum).ToList(), listPayPlanClaimProcs.Where(x => x.PayPlanNum == plan.PayPlanNum).ToList(), listInsPlans.FirstOrDefault(x => x.PlanNum == plan.PlanNum))); } return(true); }
private void FormPayPlanSelect_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { if (_includeNone) { this.Text = Lan.g(this, "Attach to payment plan?"); labelExpl.Visible = true; butNone.Visible = true; } _listPayPlanCharges = PayPlanCharges.GetForPayPlans(_listValidPayPlans.Select(x => x.PayPlanNum).ToList()); FillGrid(); gridMain.SetSelected(0, true); }
private void FormCreditCardEdit_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { _creditCardOld = CreditCardCur.Clone(); FillFrequencyCombos(); FillData(); checkExcludeProcSync.Checked = CreditCardCur.ExcludeProcSync; if ((_isXChargeEnabled || _isPayConnectEnabled || _isPaySimpleEnabled) && (!CreditCardCur.IsXWeb() && !CreditCardCur.IsPayConnectPortal())) { //Get recurring payment plan information if using X-Charge or PayConnect and the card is not from XWeb or PayConnectPortal. PayPlanList = PayPlans.GetValidPlansNoIns(PatCur.PatNum); List <PayPlanCharge> chargeList = PayPlanCharges.GetForPayPlans(PayPlanList.Select(x => x.PayPlanNum).ToList()); comboPaymentPlans.Items.Add("None"); comboPaymentPlans.SelectedIndex = 0; for (int i = 0; i < PayPlanList.Count; i++) { comboPaymentPlans.Items.Add(PayPlans.GetTotalPrinc(PayPlanList[i].PayPlanNum, chargeList).ToString("F") + " " + Patients.GetPat(PayPlanList[i].PatNum).GetNameFL()); if (PayPlanList[i].PayPlanNum == CreditCardCur.PayPlanNum) { comboPaymentPlans.SelectedIndex = i + 1; } } if (PrefC.IsODHQ) { groupProcedures.Visible = true; FillProcs(); } else { this.ClientSize = new System.Drawing.Size(this.ClientSize.Width, this.ClientSize.Height - 144); } UpdateFrequencyText(); EnableFrequencyControls(); } else //This will hide the recurring section and change the window size. { groupRecurringCharges.Visible = false; groupChargeFrequency.Visible = false; this.ClientSize = new System.Drawing.Size(this.ClientSize.Width, this.ClientSize.Height - 486); } if (_isPaySimpleEnabled && !CreditCardCur.IsNew) { labelAcctType.Visible = true; textAccountType.Visible = true; } checkChrgWithNoBal.Checked = CreditCardCur.CanChargeWhenNoBal; //Only visible if preference is on. checkChrgWithNoBal.Visible = PrefC.GetBool(PrefName.RecurringChargesAllowedWhenNoPatBal); Plugins.HookAddCode(this, "FormCreditCardEdit.Load_end", PatCur); }
private void FormCreditCardEdit_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { _creditCardOld = CreditCardCur.Clone(); FillData(); checkExcludeProcSync.Checked = CreditCardCur.ExcludeProcSync; if ((_isXChargeEnabled || _isPayConnectEnabled || _isPaySimpleEnabled) && !CreditCardCur.IsXWeb()) { //Get recurring payment plan information if using X-Charge or PayConnect and the card is not from XWeb. PayPlanList = PayPlans.GetValidPlansNoIns(PatCur.PatNum); List <PayPlanCharge> chargeList = PayPlanCharges.GetForPayPlans(PayPlanList.Select(x => x.PayPlanNum).ToList()); comboPaymentPlans.Items.Add("None"); comboPaymentPlans.SelectedIndex = 0; for (int i = 0; i < PayPlanList.Count; i++) { comboPaymentPlans.Items.Add(PayPlans.GetTotalPrinc(PayPlanList[i].PayPlanNum, chargeList).ToString("F") + " " + Patients.GetPat(PayPlanList[i].PatNum).GetNameFL()); if (PayPlanList[i].PayPlanNum == CreditCardCur.PayPlanNum) { comboPaymentPlans.SelectedIndex = i + 1; } } if (PrefC.IsODHQ) { groupProcedures.Visible = true; FillProcs(); } else { this.ClientSize = new System.Drawing.Size(this.ClientSize.Width, this.ClientSize.Height - 144); } } else //This will hide the recurring section and change the window size. { groupRecurringCharges.Visible = false; this.ClientSize = new System.Drawing.Size(this.ClientSize.Width, this.ClientSize.Height - 356); } if (_isPaySimpleEnabled && !CreditCardCur.IsNew) { textCardNumber.ReadOnly = true; } Plugins.HookAddCode(this, "FormCreditCardEdit.Load_end", PatCur); }