예제 #1
        ///<summary>When user clicks on a colored light, they intend to ack it to turn it off.  This acks all sigmessages with the specified index.
        ///This is in case multiple sigmessages have been created from different workstations.  This acks them all in one shot.
        ///Must specify a time because you only want to ack sigmessages earlier than the last time this workstation was refreshed.
        ///A newer sigmessage would not get acked. If this seems slow, then I will need to check to make sure all these tables are properly indexed.
        ///Inserts a signal for every SigMessageNum that was updated.</summary>
        public static void AckButton(int buttonIndex, DateTime time)
            if (RemotingClient.RemotingRole == RemotingRole.ClientWeb)
                Meth.GetVoid(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(), buttonIndex, time);
            List <long> listSigMessageNums = new List <long>();
            string      command            = "SELECT DISTINCT sigmessage.SigMessageNum FROM sigmessage "
                                             + "INNER JOIN sigelementdef ON (sigmessage.SigElementDefNumUser=sigelementdef.SigElementDefNum "
                                             + "OR sigmessage.SigElementDefNumExtra=sigelementdef.SigElementDefNum "
                                             + "OR sigmessage.SigElementDefNumMsg=sigelementdef.SigElementDefNum) "
                                             + "WHERE sigmessage.AckDateTime < " + POut.Date(new DateTime(1880, 1, 1), true) + " "
                                             + "AND MessageDateTime <= " + POut.DateT(time) + " "
                                             + "AND sigelementdef.LightRow=" + POut.Long(buttonIndex);
            DataTable table = Db.GetTable(command);

            if (table.Rows.Count == 0)
            listSigMessageNums = table.Select().Select(x => PIn.Long(x["SigMessageNum"].ToString())).ToList();
            command            = "UPDATE sigmessage SET AckDateTime = " + DbHelper.Now() + " "
                                 + "WHERE SigMessageNum IN (" + string.Join(",", listSigMessageNums) + ")";
            listSigMessageNums.ForEach(x => Signalods.SetInvalid(InvalidType.SigMessages, KeyType.SigMessage, x));
예제 #2
        ///<summary>If there is nothing in _queueFeeUdpates, reset _hasTransStarted to false and return.
        ///If all items in _queueFeeUpdates are Inserts, do a bulk insert to save time.
        ///If all items in _queueFeeUpdates are Deletes, do a bulk delete to save time.
        ///Otherwise, we need to loop through the list of updates and save them to the db, as order matters for these operations.
        ///Set signalods invalid for each distinct fee schedule represented in _queueFeeUpdates and re-initialize the static cache used by the Fees class.
        ///Finally, set _hasTransStarted back to false and clear _queueFeeUpdates.</summary>
        public void SaveToDb()
            if (_queueFeeUpdates == null || _queueFeeUpdates.Count == 0)
                _hasTransStarted = false;
            List <long> listFeeScheds = new List <long>();

            if (_queueFeeUpdates.All(x => x.UpdateType == FeeUpdateType.Add))            //all updates are inserts, so do bulk insert
                listFeeScheds = _queueFeeUpdates.Select(x => x.Fee.FeeSched).Distinct().ToList();
                Fees.InsertMany(_queueFeeUpdates.Select(x => (Fee)x.Fee).ToList());
            else if (_queueFeeUpdates.All(x => x.UpdateType == FeeUpdateType.Remove))            //all updates are removes, so do bulk delete
                listFeeScheds = _queueFeeUpdates.Select(x => x.Fee.FeeSched).Distinct().ToList();
                Fees.DeleteMany(_queueFeeUpdates.Select(x => x.Fee.FeeNum).ToList());
            else               //There is a mixture of Add, Removes, and Updates
                listFeeScheds = Fees.UpdateFromCache(_queueFeeUpdates.ToList());
            foreach (long feeSched in listFeeScheds)
                Signalods.SetInvalid(InvalidType.Fees, KeyType.FeeSched, feeSched);
            _hasTransStarted = false;
            _queueFeeUpdates = new ConcurrentQueue <FeeUpdate>();         //clear the list of updates
예제 #3
 public static void Update(MobileAppDevice device)
     if (RemotingClient.RemotingRole == RemotingRole.ClientWeb)
         Meth.GetVoid(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(), device);
예제 #4
 public static void Delete(long mobileAppDeviceNum)
     if (RemotingClient.RemotingRole == RemotingRole.ClientWeb)
         Meth.GetVoid(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(), mobileAppDeviceNum);
     WebTypes.PushNotificationUtils.CI_IsAllowedChanged(mobileAppDeviceNum, false);            //deleting so always false
예제 #5
 ///<summary>Syncs the two lists in the database.</summary>
 public static void Sync(List <MobileAppDevice> listDevicesNew, List <MobileAppDevice> listDevicesDb)
     if (RemotingClient.RemotingRole == RemotingRole.ClientWeb)
         Meth.GetVoid(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(), listDevicesNew, listDevicesDb);
     if (Crud.MobileAppDeviceCrud.Sync(listDevicesNew, listDevicesDb))
예제 #6
        ///<summary>Keeps MobileAppDevice table current so we know which patient is on which device and for how long.</summary>
        public static void SetPatNum(long mobileAppDeviceNum, long patNum)
            if (RemotingClient.RemotingRole == RemotingRole.ClientWeb)
                Meth.GetVoid(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(), mobileAppDeviceNum, patNum);
            string command = "UPDATE mobileappdevice SET PatNum=" + POut.Long(patNum) + ",LastCheckInActivity=" + POut.DateT(DateTime.Now)
                             + " WHERE MobileAppDeviceNum=" + POut.Long(mobileAppDeviceNum);

예제 #7
 ///<summary>Also sets primary key and DateTcreated.</summary>
 public static long Insert(WebChatSession webChatSession)
     if (RemotingClient.RemotingRole == RemotingRole.ClientWeb)
         webChatSession.WebChatSessionNum = Meth.GetLong(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(), webChatSession);
     WebChatMisc.DbAction(delegate() {
     WebChatMisc.DbAction(delegate() {
         Signalods.SetInvalid(InvalidType.WebChatSessions);                //Signal OD HQ to refresh sessions.
     }, false);
예제 #8
        public static void SetQueueForExtension(int extension, AsteriskQueues asteriskQueue)
            if (RemotingClient.RemotingRole == RemotingRole.ClientWeb)
                Meth.GetVoid(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(), extension, asteriskQueue);
            //Update the phone table so that the PhoneTrackingServer knows what queue to put this extension into.
            string command = "UPDATE phone SET RingGroups=" + POut.Int((int)asteriskQueue) + " "
                             + "WHERE Extension=" + POut.Int(extension);

            //Create a custom signalod so that the queue system (new way of doing ring groups) knows how to handle this extension.
            Signalods.SetInvalid(InvalidType.PhoneAsteriskReload, KeyType.PhoneExtension, (long)extension);
예제 #9
        ///<summary>Used to set the patient for a kiosk, to either load a patient or pass in patNum==0 to clear a patient.  Does nothing if termNum is not
        ///a valid TerminalActiveNum.</summary>
        public static void SetPatNum(long termNum, long patNum)
            if (RemotingClient.RemotingRole == RemotingRole.ClientWeb)
                Meth.GetVoid(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(), termNum, patNum);
            if (termNum < 1)
                return;                //invalid TerminalActiveNum, just return
            string command = "UPDATE terminalactive SET PatNum=" + POut.Long(patNum) + " WHERE TerminalActiveNum=" + POut.Long(termNum);

예제 #10
 public static void Update(WebChatSession webChatSession, WebChatSession oldWebChatSession, bool hasSignal = true)
     if (RemotingClient.RemotingRole == RemotingRole.ClientWeb)
         Meth.GetVoid(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(), webChatSession, oldWebChatSession, hasSignal);
     WebChatMisc.DbAction(delegate() {
         Crud.WebChatSessionCrud.Update(webChatSession, oldWebChatSession);
     if (hasSignal)
         WebChatMisc.DbAction(delegate() {
             Signalods.SetInvalid(InvalidType.WebChatSessions);                    //Signal OD HQ to refresh sessions.
         }, false);
예제 #11
        ///<summary>Responsible for updating procedures in the group to "In Process" or "Not In Process", depending on the stat passed in.
        ///Also sends signal to cause cache refresh.  Refreshes local cache for clients directly connected.</summary>
        public static void UpdateGroupForProc(long procNum, ProcStat stat)
            //No need to check RemotingRole; no call to db.
            List <ProcMultiVisit> listPmvs = GetGroupsForProcsFromDb(procNum);
            ProcMultiVisit        pmv      = listPmvs.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ProcNum == procNum);

            if (pmv == null)
                return;                //Rare edge case.  Might happen is someone deletes the procedure at the same time another person is updating it.
            bool isGroupInProcessOld = IsGroupInProcess(listPmvs);

            if (stat == ProcStat.D)
                //If the procedure is deleted, also delete the procvisitmulti to reduce clutter.
                listPmvs.Remove(pmv);                                                                 //Remove pmv from listpmvs.
                if (pmv.ProcMultiVisitNum == pmv.GroupProcMultiVisitNum && !listPmvs.IsNullOrEmpty()) //If the group points to the pmv to be removed and the group still exists.
                    long replacementGPMVNum = listPmvs.First().ProcMultiVisitNum;
                    UpdateGroupProcMultiVisitNumForGroup(pmv.ProcMultiVisitNum, replacementGPMVNum);
                    foreach (ProcMultiVisit procMulti in listPmvs)                     //Replace all group numbers.
                        procMulti.GroupProcMultiVisitNum = replacementGPMVNum;
                ProcMultiVisit oldPmv = pmv.Copy();
                pmv.ProcStatus = stat;
                Update(pmv, oldPmv);
            bool isGroupInProcess = IsGroupInProcess(listPmvs);

            if (isGroupInProcess != isGroupInProcessOld)
                UpdateInProcessForGroup(pmv.GroupProcMultiVisitNum, isGroupInProcess);
            //Always send a signal and refresh the cache in case someone else is going to edit the group soon.
            if (RemotingClient.RemotingRole == RemotingRole.ClientDirect)
예제 #12
        ///<summary>DateType and ObjectType to None, the TaskListStatus to 1 - Archived,
        ///and set all Task List Inboxes that reference this Task List to 0.</summary>
        public static void Archive(TaskList taskList)
            //No need to check RemotingRole; no call to db.
            if (taskList.TaskListStatus != TaskListStatusEnum.Active)
            TaskList taskListOld = taskList.Copy();

            taskList.DateType       = TaskDateType.None;
            taskList.DateTL         = DateTime.MinValue;
            taskList.ObjectType     = TaskObjectType.None;
            taskList.TaskListStatus = TaskListStatusEnum.Archived;
            Update(taskList, taskListOld);
            Signalods.SetInvalid(InvalidType.Security);            //Send a signal in case any userod was associated to the task list.
예제 #13
        ///<summary>This can be used to delete a specific terminalactive by computer name, session ID and process ID, e.g. when the terminal window closes
        ///or when the delete button is pressed in the terminal manager window.  Also used to clear any left over terminalactives when starting a terminal
        ///for a specific computer and session, in which case you can supply a process ID to exclude so the current terminal won't be deleted but all
        ///others for the computer and session will be.  ComputerName is case-insensitive.</summary>
        public static void DeleteForCmptrSessionAndId(string computerName, int sessionId, int processId = 0, int excludeId = 0)
            if (RemotingClient.RemotingRole == RemotingRole.ClientWeb)
                Meth.GetVoid(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(), computerName, sessionId, processId, excludeId);
            string command = "DELETE FROM terminalactive WHERE ComputerName='" + POut.String(computerName) + "' AND SessionId=" + POut.Int(sessionId);

            if (processId > 0)
                command += " AND ProcessId=" + POut.Int(processId);
            if (excludeId > 0)
                command += " AND ProcessId!=" + POut.Int(excludeId);
예제 #14
        ///<summary>Will not create a group if there are less than 2 items in listProcs.  Also sends signal and refreshes cache.</summary>
        public static void CreateGroup(List <Procedure> listProcs)
            //No need to check RemotingRole; no call to db.
            if (listProcs.Count < 2)           //No reason to make a "group" with 0 or 1 items.
            List <ProcMultiVisit> listPmvs = new List <ProcMultiVisit>();

            for (int i = 0; i < listProcs.Count; i++)
                ProcMultiVisit pmv = new ProcMultiVisit();
                pmv.ProcNum    = listProcs[i].ProcNum;
                pmv.ProcStatus = listProcs[i].ProcStatus;
            bool isGroupInProcess       = ProcMultiVisits.IsGroupInProcess(listPmvs);    //Could be in process if grouped procs which are different statuses via menu.
            long groupProcMultiVisitNum = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < listPmvs.Count; i++)
                ProcMultiVisit pmv = listPmvs[i];
                pmv.IsInProcess = isGroupInProcess;
                if (i == 0)
                    groupProcMultiVisitNum = ProcMultiVisits.Insert(pmv);
                    ProcMultiVisit oldPmv = pmv.Copy();
                    pmv.GroupProcMultiVisitNum = groupProcMultiVisitNum;
                    ProcMultiVisits.Update(pmv, oldPmv);                   //Have to update after insert, or else we cannot know what the primary key is.
                    pmv.GroupProcMultiVisitNum = groupProcMultiVisitNum;
예제 #15
        ///<summary>If carrierName is blank (empty string) this will throw an ApplicationException.  If a carrier is not found with the exact name,
        ///including capitalization, a new carrier is created, inserted in the database, and returned.</summary>
        public static Carrier GetByNameAndPhone(string carrierName, string phone, bool updateCacheIfNew = false)
            //No need to check RemotingRole; no call to db.
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(carrierName))
                throw new ApplicationException("Carrier cannot be blank");
            Carrier carrier = GetFirstOrDefault(x => x.CarrierName == carrierName && x.Phone == phone);

            if (carrier == null)
                carrier             = new Carrier();
                carrier.CarrierName = carrierName;
                carrier.Phone       = phone;
                Insert(carrier);                 //Insert function takes care of logging.
                if (updateCacheIfNew)
예제 #16
 ///<summary>Kicks all of the occupants within the passed in conference room.</summary>
 public static void KickConfRoom(long confRoomExtension)
     //No need to check RemotingRole; no call to db.
     Signalods.SetInvalid(InvalidType.PhoneAsteriskReload, KeyType.ConfKick, confRoomExtension);
예제 #17
        ///<summary>Updates writeoff estimated for claimprocs for the passed in clinics. Called only in FormFeeSchedTools, located here to allow unit
        ///testing. Requires an ODProgressExtended to display UI updates.  If clinics are enabled and the user is not clinic restricted and chooses to run
        ///for all clinics, set doUpdatePrevClinicPref to true so that the ClinicNums will be stored in the preference table as they are finished to allow
        ///for pausing/resuming the process.</summary>
        public static long GlobalUpdateWriteoffs(List <long> listWriteoffClinicNums, ODProgressExtended progress, bool doUpdatePrevClinicPref = false)
            //No need to check RemotingRole; no call to db.
            long       totalWriteoffsUpdated = 0;
            List <Fee> listFeesHQ            = Fees.GetByClinicNum(0);//All HQ fees
            Dictionary <long, List <Procedure> > dictPatProcs;
            List <FamProc> listFamProcs;
            Dictionary <long, List <ClaimProc> > dictClaimProcs;
            List <Fee>            listFeesHQandClinic;
            Lookup <FeeKey2, Fee> lookupFeesByCodeAndSched;
            List <InsSub>         listInsSubs;
            List <InsPlan>        listInsPlans;
            List <PatPlan>        listPatPlans;
            List <Benefit>        listBenefits;
            List <Action>         listActions;
            //Get all objects needed to check if procedures are linked to an orthocase here to avoid querying in loops.
            List <OrthoProcLink>             listOrthoProcLinksAll = new List <OrthoProcLink>();
            Dictionary <long, OrthoProcLink> dictOrthoProcLinksAll = new Dictionary <long, OrthoProcLink>();
            Dictionary <long, OrthoCase>     dictOrthoCases        = new Dictionary <long, OrthoCase>();
            Dictionary <long, OrthoSchedule> dictOrthoSchedules    = new Dictionary <long, OrthoSchedule>();

            OrthoCases.GetDataForAllProcLinks(ref listOrthoProcLinksAll, ref dictOrthoProcLinksAll, ref dictOrthoCases, ref dictOrthoSchedules);
            OrthoProcLink        orthoProcLink = null;
            OrthoCase            orthoCase     = null;
            OrthoSchedule        orthoSchedule = null;
            List <OrthoProcLink> listOrthoProcLinksForOrthoCase = null;

            foreach (long clinicNumCur in listWriteoffClinicNums)
                progress.Fire(ODEventType.FeeSched, new ProgressBarHelper(Clinics.GetAbbr(clinicNumCur), "0%", 0, 100, ProgBarStyle.Blocks, "WriteoffProgress"));
                long   rowCurIndex = 0;               //reset for each clinic.
                object lockObj     = new object();    //used to lock rowCurIndex so the threads will correctly increment the count
                progress.Fire(ODEventType.FeeSched, new ProgressBarHelper(Lans.g("FeeSchedEvent", "Getting list to update writeoffs..."),
                                                                          progressBarEventType: ProgBarEventType.TextMsg));
                listFeesHQandClinic = Fees.GetByClinicNum(clinicNumCur);              //could be empty for some clinics that don't use overrides
                lookupFeesByCodeAndSched = (Lookup <FeeKey2, Fee>)listFeesHQandClinic.ToLookup(x => new FeeKey2(x.CodeNum, x.FeeSched));
                dictPatProcs             = Procedures.GetAllTp(clinicNumCur)
                                           .GroupBy(x => x.PatNum)
                                           .ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => Procedures.SortListByTreatPlanPriority(x.ToList()).ToList());
                #region Has Paused or Cancelled
                while (progress.IsPaused)
                    if (progress.IsCanceled)
                if (progress.IsCanceled)
                #endregion Has Paused or Cancelled
                if (dictPatProcs.Count == 0)
                int procCount = dictPatProcs.Sum(x => x.Value.Count);
                listFamProcs = Patients.GetFamilies(dictPatProcs.Keys.ToList()).Where(x => x.Guarantor != null)
                               .Select(x => new FamProc {
                    GuarNum      = x.Guarantor.PatNum,
                    ListPatProcs = x.ListPats.Select(y => new PatProc {
                        PatNum    = y.PatNum,
                        Age       = y.Age,
                        ListProcs = dictPatProcs.TryGetValue(y.PatNum, out List <Procedure> listProcsCurr)?listProcsCurr:new List <Procedure>()
                listPatPlans = PatPlans.GetPatPlansForPats(dictPatProcs.Keys.ToList());
                listInsSubs  = InsSubs.GetListInsSubs(dictPatProcs.Keys.ToList());
                List <long> listInsSubNums = listInsSubs.Select(x => x.InsSubNum).ToList();
                listInsSubs.AddRange(InsSubs.GetMany(listPatPlans.Select(x => x.InsSubNum).Distinct().Where(x => !listInsSubNums.Contains(x)).ToList()));
                listInsSubs  = listInsSubs.DistinctBy(x => x.InsSubNum).ToList();
                listInsPlans = InsPlans.RefreshForSubList(listInsSubs);
                listBenefits = Benefits.GetAllForPatPlans(listPatPlans, listInsSubs);
                #region Has Paused or Cancelled
                while (progress.IsPaused)
                    if (progress.IsCanceled)
                if (progress.IsCanceled)
                #endregion Has Paused or Cancelled
                //dictionary of key=PatNum, value=list of claimprocs, i.e. a dictionary linking each PatNum to a list of claimprocs for the given procs
                dictClaimProcs = ClaimProcs.GetForProcs(dictPatProcs.SelectMany(x => x.Value.Select(y => y.ProcNum)).ToList(), useDataReader: true)
                                 .GroupBy(x => x.PatNum)
                                 .ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.ToList());
                #region Has Paused or Cancelled
                while (progress.IsPaused)
                    if (progress.IsCanceled)
                if (progress.IsCanceled)
                #endregion Has Paused or Cancelled
                progress.Fire(ODEventType.FeeSched, new ProgressBarHelper(Lans.g("FeeSchedEvent", "Updating writeoff estimates for patients..."),
                                                                          progressBarEventType: ProgBarEventType.TextMsg));
                listActions = listFamProcs.Select(x => new Action(() => {
                    #region Has Cancelled
                    if (progress.IsCanceled)
                    #endregion Has Cancelled
                    List <long> listPatNums = x.ListPatProcs.Select(y => y.PatNum).ToList();
                    List <long> listInsSubNumsPatPlanCur          = listPatPlans.Where(y => y.PatNum.In(listPatNums)).Select(y => y.InsSubNum).ToList();
                    List <InsSub> listInsSubsCur                  = listInsSubs.FindAll(y => listPatNums.Contains(y.Subscriber) || y.InsSubNum.In(listInsSubNumsPatPlanCur));
                    List <long> listInsSubPlanNumsCur             = listInsSubsCur.Select(y => y.PlanNum).ToList();
                    List <InsPlan> listInsPlansCur                = listInsPlans.FindAll(y => listInsSubPlanNumsCur.Contains(y.PlanNum));
                    List <SubstitutionLink> listSubstitutionLinks = SubstitutionLinks.GetAllForPlans(listInsPlansCur);
                    List <PatPlan> listPatPlansCur;
                    List <Benefit> listBenefitsCur;
                    foreach (PatProc patProc in x.ListPatProcs)                     //foreach patient in the family
                        if (patProc.ListProcs.IsNullOrEmpty())
                        listPatPlansCur = listPatPlans.FindAll(y => y.PatNum == patProc.PatNum);
                        List <long> listInsPlanNumsCur = listInsPlansCur.Select(y => y.PlanNum).ToList();
                        List <long> listPatPlanNumsCur = listPatPlansCur.Select(y => y.PatPlanNum).ToList();
                        listBenefitsCur = listBenefits
                                          .FindAll(y => listInsPlanNumsCur.Contains(y.PlanNum) || listPatPlanNumsCur.Contains(y.PatPlanNum));
                        if (!dictClaimProcs.TryGetValue(patProc.PatNum, out List <ClaimProc> listClaimProcsCur))
                            listClaimProcsCur = new List <ClaimProc>();
                        foreach (Procedure procCur in patProc.ListProcs)                         //foreach proc for this patient
                            OrthoCases.FillOrthoCaseObjectsForProc(procCur.ProcNum, ref orthoProcLink, ref orthoCase, ref orthoSchedule
                                                                   , ref listOrthoProcLinksForOrthoCase, dictOrthoProcLinksAll, dictOrthoCases, dictOrthoSchedules, listOrthoProcLinksAll);
                            Procedures.ComputeEstimates(procCur, patProc.PatNum, ref listClaimProcsCur, false, listInsPlansCur, listPatPlansCur, listBenefitsCur,
                                                        null, null, true, patProc.Age, listInsSubsCur, listSubstLinks: listSubstitutionLinks, lookupFees: lookupFeesByCodeAndSched,
                                                        orthoProcLink: orthoProcLink, orthoCase: orthoCase, orthoSchedule: orthoSchedule, listOrthoProcLinksForOrthoCase: listOrthoProcLinksForOrthoCase);
                            double percentage = 0;
                            lock (lockObj) {
                                percentage = Math.Ceiling(((double)(++rowCurIndex) / procCount) * 100);
                                          new ProgressBarHelper(Clinics.GetAbbr(clinicNumCur), (int)percentage + "%", (int)percentage, 100, ProgBarStyle.Blocks, "WriteoffProgress"));
                ODThread.RunParallel(listActions, TimeSpan.FromHours(3),
                                     onException: new ODThread.ExceptionDelegate((ex) => {
                    //Notify the user what went wrong via the text box.
                    progress.Fire(ODEventType.FeeSched, new ProgressBarHelper("Error updating writeoffs: " + ex.Message,
                                                                              progressBarEventType: ProgBarEventType.TextMsg));
                if (listWriteoffClinicNums.Count > 1)               //only show if more than one clinic
                                  new ProgressBarHelper(rowCurIndex + " " + Lans.g("FeeSchedTools", "procedures processed from") + " " + Clinics.GetAbbr(clinicNumCur),
                                                        progressBarEventType: ProgBarEventType.TextMsg));
                totalWriteoffsUpdated += rowCurIndex;
                if (doUpdatePrevClinicPref && rowCurIndex == procCount)
                    //if storing previously completed clinic and we actually completed this clinic's procs, update the pref
                    if (listWriteoffClinicNums.Last() == clinicNumCur)
                        //if this is the last clinic in the list, clear the last clinic pref so the next time it will run for all clinics
                        Prefs.UpdateString(PrefName.GlobalUpdateWriteOffLastClinicCompleted, "");
                        Prefs.UpdateString(PrefName.GlobalUpdateWriteOffLastClinicCompleted, POut.Long(clinicNumCur));
                #region Has Cancelled
                if (progress.IsCanceled)
                #endregion Has Cancelled
            progress.Fire(ODEventType.FeeSched, new ProgressBarHelper("Writeoffs updated. " + totalWriteoffsUpdated + " procedures processed.\r\nDone.",
                                                                      progressBarEventType: ProgBarEventType.TextMsg));
예제 #18
        public static void SetRingGroups(int extension, AsteriskRingGroups ringGroups)
            DataConnection dcon    = new DataConnection("", "asterisk", "opendental", "secret", DatabaseType.MySql);
            string         command = "SELECT grpnum,grplist FROM ringgroups WHERE grpnum = '601' OR grpnum = '609'";
            DataTable      table   = null;

            try {
                table = dcon.GetTable(command);
            catch {            //if remotely connecting from home
            string rawExtensions601 = "";
            string rawExtensions609 = "";

            string[] arrayExtensions601 = new string[0];
            string[] arrayExtensions609 = new string[0];
            for (int i = 0; i < table.Rows.Count; i++)
                if (table.Rows[i]["grpnum"].ToString() == "601")               //there should always be exactly one
                    rawExtensions601   = table.Rows[i]["grplist"].ToString();
                    arrayExtensions601 = rawExtensions601.Split(new char[] { '-' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                if (table.Rows[i]["grpnum"].ToString() == "609")               //there should always be exactly one
                    rawExtensions609   = table.Rows[i]["grplist"].ToString();
                    arrayExtensions609 = rawExtensions609.Split(new char[] { '-' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            List <string> listExtension601 = new List <string>();
            bool          isIn601          = false;

            for (int i = 0; i < arrayExtensions601.Length; i++)
                //we won't test to make sure each item is a pure number.
                if (arrayExtensions601[i] == extension.ToString())
                    isIn601 = true;
            List <string> listExtension609 = new List <string>();
            bool          isIn609          = false;

            for (int i = 0; i < arrayExtensions609.Length; i++)
                //we won't test to make sure each item is a pure number.
                if (arrayExtensions609[i] == extension.ToString())
                    isIn609 = true;
            if (ringGroups == AsteriskRingGroups.All)
                if (!isIn601)
                    AddToRingGroup("601", extension.ToString(), rawExtensions601);
                if (!isIn609)
                    AddToRingGroup("609", extension.ToString(), rawExtensions609);
            if (ringGroups == AsteriskRingGroups.None)
                if (isIn601)
                    RemoveFromRingGroup("601", extension.ToString(), listExtension601, rawExtensions601);
                if (isIn609)
                    RemoveFromRingGroup("609", extension.ToString(), listExtension609, rawExtensions609);
            if (ringGroups == AsteriskRingGroups.Backup)
                if (isIn601)
                    RemoveFromRingGroup("601", extension.ToString(), listExtension601, rawExtensions601);
                if (!isIn609)
                    AddToRingGroup("609", extension.ToString(), rawExtensions609);