예제 #1
 ///<summary>Pass in a serialized dto.  It returns a dto which must be deserialized by the client.
 ///Set serverMapPath to the root directory of the OpenDentalServerConfig.xml.  Typically Server.MapPath(".") from a web service.
 ///Optional parameter because it is not necessary for Unit Tests (mock server).</summary>
 public static string ProcessDto(string dtoString, string serverMapPath = "")
                 #if DEBUG
     //System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(100);//to test slowness issues with web service.
     DataTransferObject dto = DataTransferObject.Deserialize(dtoString);
     try {
         string[] methNameComps = GetComponentsFromDtoMeth(dto.MethodName);
         if (methNameComps.Length == 3 && methNameComps[2].ToLower() == "hashpassword")
         //Always attempt to set the database connection settings from the config file if they haven't been set yet.
         //We use to ONLY load in database settings when Security.LogInWeb was called but that is not good enough now that we have more services.
         //E.g. We do not want to manually call "Security.LogInWeb" from the CEMT when all we want is a single preference value.
         if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(DataConnection.GetServerName()) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(DataConnection.GetConnectionString()))
             RemotingClient.RemotingRole = RemotingRole.ServerWeb;
             //the application virtual path is usually /OpenDentalServer, but may be different if hosting multiple databases on one IIS server
             string configFilePath = "";
             if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(HostingEnvironment.ApplicationVirtualPath) && HostingEnvironment.ApplicationVirtualPath.Length > 1)
                 //There can be multiple config files within a physical path that is shared by multiple IIS ASP.NET applications.
                 //In order for the same physical path to host multiple applications, they each need a unique config file for db connection settings.
                 //Each application will have a unique ApplicationVirtualPath which we will use to identify the corresponding config.xml.
                 configFilePath = ODFileUtils.CombinePaths(serverMapPath, HostingEnvironment.ApplicationVirtualPath.Trim('/') + "Config.xml");
             if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(configFilePath) ||
                 !File.Exists(configFilePath))                           //returns false if the file doesn't exist, user doesn't have permission for file, path is blank or null
                 //either configFilePath not set or file doesn't exist, default to OpenDentalServerConfig.xml
                 configFilePath = ODFileUtils.CombinePaths(serverMapPath, "OpenDentalServerConfig.xml");
         //Set Security.CurUser so that queries can be run against the db as if it were this user.
         Security.CurUser = Userods.CheckUserAndPassword(dto.Credentials.Username
                                                         , dto.Credentials.Password
                                                         , Programs.IsEnabled(ProgramName.eClinicalWorks));
         Security.PasswordTyped = dto.Credentials.Password;
         Type type = dto.GetType();
         #region DtoGetTable
         if (type == typeof(DtoGetTable))
             DtoGetTable dtoGetTable        = (DtoGetTable)dto;
             string[]    fullNameComponents = GetComponentsFromDtoMeth(dtoGetTable.MethodName);
             string      assemblyName       = fullNameComponents[0];       //OpenDentBusiness or else a plugin name
             string      className          = fullNameComponents[1];
             string      methodName         = fullNameComponents[2];
             Type        classType          = null;
             Assembly    ass = Plugins.GetAssembly(assemblyName);
             if (ass == null)
                 classType = Type.GetType(assemblyName                      //actually, the namespace which we require to be same as assembly by convention
                                          + "." + className + "," + assemblyName);
             else                                     //plugin was found
                 classType = ass.GetType(assemblyName //actually, the namespace which we require to be same as assembly by convention
                                         + "." + className);
             DtoObject[] parameters = dtoGetTable.Params;
             Type[]      paramTypes = DtoObject.GenerateTypes(parameters, assemblyName);
             MethodInfo  methodInfo = classType.GetMethod(methodName, paramTypes);
             if (methodInfo == null)
                 throw new ApplicationException("Method not found with " + parameters.Length.ToString() + " parameters: " + dtoGetTable.MethodName);
             object[]  paramObjs = DtoObject.GenerateObjects(parameters);
             DataTable dt        = (DataTable)methodInfo.Invoke(null, paramObjs);
             String    response  = XmlConverter.TableToXml(dt);
         #region DtoGetTableLow
         else if (type == typeof(DtoGetTableLow))
             DtoGetTableLow dtoGetTableLow = (DtoGetTableLow)dto;
             DtoObject[]    parameters     = dtoGetTableLow.Params;
             object[]       paramObjs      = DtoObject.GenerateObjects(parameters);
             DataTable      dt             = Reports.GetTable((string)paramObjs[0]);
             String         response       = XmlConverter.TableToXml(dt);
         #region DtoGetDS
         else if (type == typeof(DtoGetDS))
             DtoGetDS dtoGetDS           = (DtoGetDS)dto;
             string[] fullNameComponents = GetComponentsFromDtoMeth(dtoGetDS.MethodName);
             string   assemblyName       = fullNameComponents[0];          //OpenDentBusiness or else a plugin name
             string   className          = fullNameComponents[1];
             string   methodName         = fullNameComponents[2];
             Type     classType          = null;
             Assembly ass = Plugins.GetAssembly(assemblyName);
             if (ass == null)
                 classType = Type.GetType(assemblyName                      //actually, the namespace which we require to be same as assembly by convention
                                          + "." + className + "," + assemblyName);
             else                                     //plugin was found
                 classType = ass.GetType(assemblyName //actually, the namespace which we require to be same as assembly by convention
                                         + "." + className);
             DtoObject[] parameters = dtoGetDS.Params;
             Type[]      paramTypes = DtoObject.GenerateTypes(parameters, assemblyName);
             MethodInfo  methodInfo = classType.GetMethod(methodName, paramTypes);
             if (methodInfo == null)
                 throw new ApplicationException("Method not found with " + parameters.Length.ToString() + " parameters: " + dtoGetDS.MethodName);
             object[] paramObjs = DtoObject.GenerateObjects(parameters);
             DataSet  ds        = (DataSet)methodInfo.Invoke(null, paramObjs);
             String   response  = XmlConverter.DsToXml(ds);
         #region DtoGetSerializableDictionary
         else if (type == typeof(DtoGetSerializableDictionary))
             DtoGetSerializableDictionary dtoGetSD = (DtoGetSerializableDictionary)dto;
             string[] fullNameComponents           = GetComponentsFromDtoMeth(dtoGetSD.MethodName);
             string   assemblyName = fullNameComponents[0];                //OpenDentBusiness or else a plugin name
             string   className    = fullNameComponents[1];
             string   methodName   = fullNameComponents[2];
             Type     classType    = null;
             Assembly ass          = Plugins.GetAssembly(assemblyName);
             if (ass == null)
                 classType = Type.GetType(assemblyName                      //actually, the namespace which we require to be same as assembly by convention
                                          + "." + className + "," + assemblyName);
             else                                     //plugin was found
                 classType = ass.GetType(assemblyName //actually, the namespace which we require to be same as assembly by convention
                                         + "." + className);
             DtoObject[] parameters = dtoGetSD.Params;
             Type[]      paramTypes = DtoObject.GenerateTypes(parameters, assemblyName);
             MethodInfo  methodInfo = classType.GetMethod(methodName, paramTypes);
             if (methodInfo == null)
                 throw new ApplicationException("Method not found with " + parameters.Length.ToString() + " parameters: " + dtoGetSD.MethodName);
             object[] paramObjs  = DtoObject.GenerateObjects(parameters);
             Object   objResult  = methodInfo.Invoke(null, paramObjs);
             Type     returnType = methodInfo.ReturnType;
             return(XmlConverter.Serialize(returnType, objResult));
         #region DtoGetLong
         else if (type == typeof(DtoGetLong))
             DtoGetLong dtoGetLong         = (DtoGetLong)dto;
             string[]   fullNameComponents = GetComponentsFromDtoMeth(dtoGetLong.MethodName);
             string     assemblyName       = fullNameComponents[0];        //OpenDentBusiness or else a plugin name
             string     className          = fullNameComponents[1];
             string     methodName         = fullNameComponents[2];
             Type       classType          = null;
             Assembly   ass = Plugins.GetAssembly(assemblyName);
             if (ass == null)
                 classType = Type.GetType(assemblyName                      //actually, the namespace which we require to be same as assembly by convention
                                          + "." + className + "," + assemblyName);
             else                                     //plugin was found
                 classType = ass.GetType(assemblyName //actually, the namespace which we require to be same as assembly by convention
                                         + "." + className);
             DtoObject[] parameters = dtoGetLong.Params;
             Type[]      paramTypes = DtoObject.GenerateTypes(parameters, assemblyName);
             MethodInfo  methodInfo = classType.GetMethod(methodName, paramTypes);
             if (methodInfo == null)
                 throw new ApplicationException("Method not found with " + parameters.Length.ToString() + " parameters: " + dtoGetLong.MethodName);
             object[] paramObjs  = DtoObject.GenerateObjects(parameters);
             long     longResult = (long)methodInfo.Invoke(null, paramObjs);
         #region DtoGetInt
         else if (type == typeof(DtoGetInt))
             DtoGetInt dtoGetInt          = (DtoGetInt)dto;
             string[]  fullNameComponents = GetComponentsFromDtoMeth(dtoGetInt.MethodName);
             string    assemblyName       = fullNameComponents[0];         //OpenDentBusiness or else a plugin name
             string    className          = fullNameComponents[1];
             string    methodName         = fullNameComponents[2];
             Type      classType          = null;
             Assembly  ass = Plugins.GetAssembly(assemblyName);
             if (ass == null)
                 classType = Type.GetType(assemblyName                      //actually, the namespace which we require to be same as assembly by convention
                                          + "." + className + "," + assemblyName);
             else                                     //plugin was found
                 classType = ass.GetType(assemblyName //actually, the namespace which we require to be same as assembly by convention
                                         + "." + className);
             DtoObject[] parameters = dtoGetInt.Params;
             Type[]      paramTypes = DtoObject.GenerateTypes(parameters, assemblyName);
             MethodInfo  methodInfo = classType.GetMethod(methodName, paramTypes);
             if (methodInfo == null)
                 throw new ApplicationException("Method not found with " + parameters.Length.ToString() + " parameters: " + dtoGetInt.MethodName);
             object[] paramObjs = DtoObject.GenerateObjects(parameters);
             int      intResult = (int)methodInfo.Invoke(null, paramObjs);
         #region DtoGetDouble
         else if (type == typeof(DtoGetDouble))
             DtoGetDouble dtoGetDouble       = (DtoGetDouble)dto;
             string[]     fullNameComponents = GetComponentsFromDtoMeth(dtoGetDouble.MethodName);
             string       assemblyName       = fullNameComponents[0];      //OpenDentBusiness or else a plugin name
             string       className          = fullNameComponents[1];
             string       methodName         = fullNameComponents[2];
             Type         classType          = null;
             Assembly     ass = Plugins.GetAssembly(assemblyName);
             if (ass == null)
                 classType = Type.GetType(assemblyName                      //actually, the namespace which we require to be same as assembly by convention
                                          + "." + className + "," + assemblyName);
             else                                     //plugin was found
                 classType = ass.GetType(assemblyName //actually, the namespace which we require to be same as assembly by convention
                                         + "." + className);
             DtoObject[] parameters = dtoGetDouble.Params;
             Type[]      paramTypes = DtoObject.GenerateTypes(parameters, assemblyName);
             MethodInfo  methodInfo = classType.GetMethod(methodName, paramTypes);
             if (methodInfo == null)
                 throw new ApplicationException("Method not found with " + parameters.Length.ToString() + " parameters: " + dtoGetDouble.MethodName);
             object[] paramObjs    = DtoObject.GenerateObjects(parameters);
             double   doubleResult = (double)methodInfo.Invoke(null, paramObjs);
         #region DtoGetVoid
         else if (type == typeof(DtoGetVoid))
             DtoGetVoid dtoGetVoid         = (DtoGetVoid)dto;
             string[]   fullNameComponents = GetComponentsFromDtoMeth(dtoGetVoid.MethodName);
             string     assemblyName       = fullNameComponents[0];        //OpenDentBusiness or else a plugin name
             string     className          = fullNameComponents[1];
             string     methodName         = fullNameComponents[2];
             Type       classType          = null;
             Assembly   ass = Plugins.GetAssembly(assemblyName);
             if (ass == null)
                 classType = Type.GetType(assemblyName                      //actually, the namespace which we require to be same as assembly by convention
                                          + "." + className + "," + assemblyName);
             else                                     //plugin was found
                 classType = ass.GetType(assemblyName //actually, the namespace which we require to be same as assembly by convention
                                         + "." + className);
             DtoObject[] parameters = dtoGetVoid.Params;
             Type[]      paramTypes = DtoObject.GenerateTypes(parameters, assemblyName);
             MethodInfo  methodInfo = classType.GetMethod(methodName, paramTypes);
             if (methodInfo == null)
                 throw new ApplicationException("Method not found with " + parameters.Length.ToString() + " parameters: " + dtoGetVoid.MethodName);
             object[] paramObjs = DtoObject.GenerateObjects(parameters);
             methodInfo.Invoke(null, paramObjs);
         #region DtoGetObject
         else if (type == typeof(DtoGetObject))
             DtoGetObject dtoGetObject       = (DtoGetObject)dto;
             string[]     fullNameComponents = GetComponentsFromDtoMeth(dtoGetObject.MethodName);
             string       assemblyName       = fullNameComponents[0];      //OpenDentBusiness or else a plugin name
             string       className          = fullNameComponents[1];
             string       methodName         = fullNameComponents[2];
             //if(className != "Security" || methodName != "LogInWeb") {//because credentials will be checked inside that method
             //	Userods.CheckCredentials(dtoGetObject.Credentials);//will throw exception if fails.
             Type     classType = null;
             Assembly ass       = Plugins.GetAssembly(assemblyName);
             //if(className!="Security" || methodName!="LogInWeb") {//Do this for everything except Security.LogInWeb, because Plugins.GetAssembly will fail in that case.
             //	ass=Plugins.GetAssembly(assemblyName);
             if (ass == null)
                 classType = Type.GetType(assemblyName                      //actually, the namespace which we require to be same as assembly by convention
                                          + "." + className + "," + assemblyName);
             else                                     //plugin was found
                 classType = ass.GetType(assemblyName //actually, the namespace which we require to be same as assembly by convention
                                         + "." + className);
             DtoObject[] parameters = dtoGetObject.Params;
             Type[]      paramTypes = DtoObject.GenerateTypes(parameters, assemblyName);
             MethodInfo  methodInfo = classType.GetMethod(methodName, paramTypes);
             if (methodInfo == null)
                 throw new ApplicationException("Method not found with " + parameters.Length.ToString() + " parameters: " + dtoGetObject.MethodName);
             if (className == "Security" && methodName == "LogInWeb")
                 parameters[2] = new DtoObject(serverMapPath, typeof(string));                     //because we can't access this variable from within OpenDentBusiness.
                 RemotingClient.RemotingRole = RemotingRole.ServerWeb;
             object[] paramObjs  = DtoObject.GenerateObjects(parameters);
             Object   objResult  = methodInfo.Invoke(null, paramObjs);
             Type     returnType = methodInfo.ReturnType;
             if (returnType.IsInterface)
                 objResult  = new DtoObject(objResult, objResult?.GetType() ?? returnType);
                 returnType = typeof(DtoObject);
             return(XmlConverter.Serialize(returnType, objResult));
         #region DtoGetString
         else if (type == typeof(DtoGetString))
             DtoGetString dtoGetString       = (DtoGetString)dto;
             string[]     fullNameComponents = GetComponentsFromDtoMeth(dtoGetString.MethodName);
             string       assemblyName       = fullNameComponents[0];      //OpenDentBusiness or else a plugin name
             string       className          = fullNameComponents[1];
             string       methodName         = fullNameComponents[2];
             Type         classType          = null;
             Assembly     ass = Plugins.GetAssembly(assemblyName);
             if (ass == null)
                 classType = Type.GetType(assemblyName                      //actually, the namespace which we require to be same as assembly by convention
                                          + "." + className + "," + assemblyName);
             else                                     //plugin was found
                 classType = ass.GetType(assemblyName //actually, the namespace which we require to be same as assembly by convention
                                         + "." + className);
             DtoObject[] parameters = dtoGetString.Params;
             Type[]      paramTypes = DtoObject.GenerateTypes(parameters, assemblyName);
             MethodInfo  methodInfo = classType.GetMethod(methodName, paramTypes);
             if (methodInfo == null)
                 throw new ApplicationException("Method not found with " + parameters.Length.ToString() + " parameters: " + dtoGetString.MethodName);
             object[] paramObjs = DtoObject.GenerateObjects(parameters);
             string   strResult = (string)methodInfo.Invoke(null, paramObjs);
             strResult = XmlConverter.XmlEscape(strResult);
         #region DtoGetBool
         else if (type == typeof(DtoGetBool))
             DtoGetBool dtoGetBool         = (DtoGetBool)dto;
             string[]   fullNameComponents = GetComponentsFromDtoMeth(dtoGetBool.MethodName);
             string     assemblyName       = fullNameComponents[0];        //OpenDentBusiness or else a plugin name
             string     className          = fullNameComponents[1];
             string     methodName         = fullNameComponents[2];
             Type       classType          = null;
             Assembly   ass = Plugins.GetAssembly(assemblyName);
             if (ass == null)
                 classType = Type.GetType(assemblyName                      //actually, the namespace which we require to be same as assembly by convention
                                          + "." + className + "," + assemblyName);
             else                                     //plugin was found
                 classType = ass.GetType(assemblyName //actually, the namespace which we require to be same as assembly by convention
                                         + "." + className);
             DtoObject[] parameters = dtoGetBool.Params;
             Type[]      paramTypes = DtoObject.GenerateTypes(parameters, assemblyName);
             MethodInfo  methodInfo = classType.GetMethod(methodName, paramTypes);
             if (methodInfo == null)
                 throw new ApplicationException("Method not found with " + parameters.Length.ToString() + " parameters: " + dtoGetBool.MethodName);
             object[] paramObjs  = DtoObject.GenerateObjects(parameters);
             bool     boolResult = (bool)methodInfo.Invoke(null, paramObjs);
             throw new NotSupportedException("Dto type not supported: " + type.FullName);
     catch (Exception e) {
         DtoException exception = new DtoException();
         exception.ExceptionType = e.GetType().BaseType.Name;              //Since the exception was down converted to a regular exception, we need the BaseType.
         if (e.InnerException == null)
             exception.Message = e.Message;
             exception.Message = e.InnerException.Message;
예제 #2
        ///<summary>Called from FormRpOutstandingIns. Gets outstanding insurance claims. Requires all fields. provNumList may be empty (but will return null if isAllProv is false).  listClinicNums may be empty.  dateMin and dateMax will not be used if they are set to DateTime.MinValue() (01/01/0001).</summary>
        public static List <OutstandingInsClaim> GetOutInsClaims(List <long> listProvNums, DateTime dateFrom, DateTime dateTo,
                                                                 PreauthOptions preauthOption, List <long> listClinicNums, string carrierName, List <long> listUserNums, DateFilterBy dateFilterBy)
            if (RemotingClient.RemotingRole == RemotingRole.ClientWeb)
                return(Meth.GetObject <List <OutstandingInsClaim> >(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(), listProvNums, dateFrom,
                                                                    dateTo, preauthOption, listClinicNums, carrierName, listUserNums, dateFilterBy));
            string command = @"
				SELECT carrier.CarrierName, 
				carrier.Phone carrierPhone, 
				claim.DateSentOrig DateOrigSent, 
				inssub.SubscriberID SubID,"
                             + DbHelper.Concat("sub.LName", "', '", "sub.FName") + @" SubName, 
				sub.Birthdate SubDOB,				
				patient.FName PatFName, 
				patient.LName PatLName, 
				patient.MiddleI PatMiddleI, 
				patient.Birthdate PatDOB,
				definition.ItemValue DaysSuppressed,"
                             + DbHelper.DtimeToDate("statusHistory.DateTimeEntry") + $@" DateLog,
				definition.DefNum CustomTrackingDefNum, 
				statusHistory.TrackingErrorDefNum ErrorCodeDefNum,
					(SELECT claimtracking.UserNum
					FROM claimtracking
					WHERE claimtracking.TrackingType='{POut.String(ClaimTrackingType.ClaimUser.ToString())}'
					AND claimtracking.ClaimNum=claim.ClaimNum
					AND claimtracking.DateTimeEntry=(
						SELECT MAX(cuser.DateTimeEntry) DateTimeEntry
						FROM claimtracking cuser
						WHERE cuser.ClaimNum=claim.ClaimNum
						AND cuser.TrackingType='{POut.String(ClaimTrackingType.ClaimUser.ToString())}'
					GROUP BY claimtracking.ClaimNum
				),0) UserNum
				FROM carrier 
				INNER JOIN insplan ON insplan.CarrierNum=carrier.CarrierNum 
				INNER JOIN claim ON claim.PlanNum=insplan.PlanNum 
				AND claim.ClaimStatus='S' "                ;

            if (dateFrom != DateTime.MinValue)
                if (dateFilterBy == DateFilterBy.DateSentOrig)
                    command += "AND claim.DateSentOrig >= " + POut.Date(dateFrom) + " ";
                else if (dateFilterBy == DateFilterBy.DateSent)
                    command += "AND claim.DateSent >= " + POut.Date(dateFrom) + " ";
                    command += "AND claim.DateService >= " + POut.Date(dateFrom) + " ";
            if (dateTo != DateTime.MinValue)
                if (dateFilterBy == DateFilterBy.DateSentOrig)
                    command += "AND claim.DateSentOrig <= " + POut.Date(dateTo) + " ";
                else if (dateFilterBy == DateFilterBy.DateSent)
                    command += "AND claim.DateSent <= " + POut.Date(dateTo) + " ";
                    command += "AND claim.DateService <= " + POut.Date(dateTo) + " ";
            if (listProvNums.Count > 0)
                command += "AND claim.ProvTreat IN (" + String.Join(",", listProvNums) + ") ";
            if (listClinicNums.Count > 0)
                command += "AND claim.ClinicNum IN (" + String.Join(",", listClinicNums) + ") ";
            //Excluding Preauths Option
            if (preauthOption == PreauthOptions.ExcludingPreauths)
                command += "AND claim.ClaimType!='Preauth' ";
            //Only Preauths Option
            else if (preauthOption == PreauthOptions.OnlyPreauths)
                command += "AND claim.ClaimType='Preauth' ";
            command += "LEFT JOIN definition ON definition.DefNum=claim.CustomTracking "
                       + "LEFT JOIN claimtracking statusHistory ON statusHistory.ClaimNum=claim.ClaimNum "
                       + "AND statusHistory.TrackingDefNum=definition.DefNum "
                       + "AND statusHistory.DateTimeEntry=(SELECT MAX(ct.DateTimeEntry) FROM claimtracking ct WHERE ct.ClaimNum=claim.ClaimNum AND ct.TrackingDefNum!=0) "
                       + "AND statusHistory.TrackingType='" + POut.String(ClaimTrackingType.StatusHistory.ToString()) + "' "
                       + "INNER JOIN patient ON patient.PatNum=claim.PatNum "
                       + "LEFT JOIN inssub ON claim.InsSubNum = inssub.InsSubNum "
                       + "LEFT JOIN patient sub ON inssub.Subscriber = sub.PatNum "
                       + "WHERE carrier.CarrierName LIKE '%" + POut.String(carrierName.Trim()) + "%' ";
            if (listUserNums.Count > 0)
                command += "HAVING (UserNum IN (" + String.Join(",", listUserNums) + ") ";
                if (listUserNums.Contains(0))
                    //Selected users includes 'Unassigned' so we want to allow claims without associated claimTracking rows to show.
                    command += " OR UserNum IS NULL";
                command += ") ";
            command += "ORDER BY carrier.CarrierName,claim.DateService,patient.LName,patient.FName,claim.ClaimType";
            object[] parameters = { command };
            Plugins.HookAddCode(null, "Claims.GetOutInsClaims_beforequeryrun", parameters);          //Moved entire method from Claims.cs
            command = (string)parameters[0];
            DataTable table = Db.GetTable(command);
            List <OutstandingInsClaim> listOutstandingInsClaims = table.Rows.OfType <DataRow>().Select(x => new OutstandingInsClaim(x)).ToList();
