예제 #1
        ///<summary>Insert Payment and PaySplit. Returns newly inserted Payment.PayNum.  Throws exceptions if XWeb Program Properties are invalid.</summary>
        public static long InsertFromXWeb(long patNum, long provNum, long clinicNum, double amount, string payNote, string receipt, CreditCardSource ccSource)
            //No need to check RemotingRole;no call to db.
            OpenDentBusiness.WebTypes.Shared.XWeb.WebPaymentProperties xwebProperties;
            OpenDentBusiness.ProgramProperties.GetXWebCreds(clinicNum, out xwebProperties);
            long ret = Payments.Insert(new Payment()
                ClinicNum     = clinicNum,
                IsRecurringCC = false,
                IsSplit       = false,
                PatNum        = patNum,
                PayAmt        = amount,
                PayDate       = DateTime.Now,
                PaymentSource = ccSource,
                PayType       = xwebProperties.PaymentTypeDefNum,
                ProcessStatus = ProcessStat.OnlinePending,
                Receipt       = receipt,
                PayNote       = payNote,

            PaySplits.Insert(new PaySplit()
                ClinicNum = clinicNum,
                DatePay   = DateTime.Now,
                PatNum    = patNum,
                PayNum    = ret,
                ProvNum   = provNum,
                SplitAmt  = amount,
            SecurityLogs.MakeLogEntry(Permissions.PaymentCreate, patNum, Lans.g("Payments.InsertFromXWeb", "XWeb payment by") + " "
                                      + OpenDentBusiness.Patients.GetLim(patNum).GetNameLF() + ", " + amount.ToString("c"), LogSources.PatientPortal);
예제 #2
        ///<summary>Insert Payment and PaySplit. Returns newly inserted Payment.PayNum.  Throws exceptions if PayConnect Program Properties are invalid.</summary>
        public static long InsertFromPayConnect(long patNum, long provNum, long clinicNum, double amount, string payNote, string receipt, CreditCardSource ccSource)
            //No need to check RemotingRole;no call to db.
            long ret = Payments.Insert(new Payment()
                ClinicNum     = clinicNum,
                IsRecurringCC = false,
                IsSplit       = false,
                PatNum        = patNum,
                PayAmt        = amount,
                PayDate       = DateTime.Now,
                PaymentSource = ccSource,
                PayType       = PIn.Long(ProgramProperties.GetPropVal(Programs.GetCur(ProgramName.PayConnect).ProgramNum, "PaymentType", clinicNum)),
                ProcessStatus = ProcessStat.OnlinePending,
                Receipt       = receipt,
                PayNote       = payNote,

            PaySplits.Insert(new PaySplit()
                ClinicNum = clinicNum,
                DatePay   = DateTime.Now,
                PatNum    = patNum,
                PayNum    = ret,
                ProvNum   = provNum,
                SplitAmt  = amount,
            SecurityLogs.MakeLogEntry(Permissions.PaymentCreate, patNum, Lans.g("Payments.InsertFromPayConnect", "PayConnect payment by") + " "
                                      + OpenDentBusiness.Patients.GetLim(patNum).GetNameLF() + ", " + amount.ToString("c"), LogSources.PatientPortal);
예제 #3
        ///<summary>Creates a transfer originating from the prepayment containing the procOriginal, back to the procOriginal.
        ///Used to transfer money from TP unearned back onto the procedure as an allocated non pre-pay split.
        ///Optionally pass in procNumAttaching when wanting to attach to a procedure other than the procOriginal.
        ///Optionally pass in transferAmountOverride when transferring an amount that is not the split amount, as in the case for broken procs.</summary>
        public static void CreateTransferForTpProcs(Procedure procOriginal, List <PaySplit> listSplitsForProc, Procedure procAttaching = null,
                                                    double transferAmountOverride = 0)
            if (listSplitsForProc.IsNullOrEmpty() || listSplitsForProc.Sum(x => x.SplitAmt) == 0)
            //procAttaching will be null when transferring from unearned to same procedure.
            procAttaching = procAttaching ?? procOriginal;
            Payment transferPayment = new Payment();

            transferPayment.PayDate   = DateTime.Today;
            transferPayment.ClinicNum = procOriginal.ClinicNum;
            transferPayment.PayNote   = "Automatic transfer from treatment planned procedure prepayment.";
            transferPayment.PatNum    = procAttaching.PatNum;       //ultimately where the payment ends up.
            transferPayment.PayType   = 0;
            foreach (PaySplit prepaySplit in listSplitsForProc)
                //make negative split to remove the 'tp prepayment'
                PaySplit negSplitForTxfr = new PaySplit {
                    ClinicNum = procOriginal.ClinicNum,
                    DatePay   = DateTime.Today,
                    FSplitNum = prepaySplit.SplitNum,
                    ProcNum   = 0,                //either the procedure is being set complete, or pref for Non-Refundable TP prepay is set and transferring to procAttaching.
                    //If non-refundable the procedure needs to be disassociated as well as we will not have a way to determine when procOriginal eventually
                    //gets set complete and unearned cannot exist with a completed procedure attached.
                    PatNum       = procOriginal.PatNum,
                    PayNum       = transferPayment.PayNum,
                    SplitAmt     = (transferAmountOverride == 0?prepaySplit.SplitAmt:transferAmountOverride) * -1,
                    UnearnedType = prepaySplit.UnearnedType,
                    ProcDate     = procOriginal.ProcDate,
                    ProvNum      = prepaySplit.ProvNum,
                //Update original pre-payment split to disassociate the procedure now that the procedure is complete (Splits cannot have unaerned and C proc)
                prepaySplit.ProcNum = 0;
                PaySplit positiveSplit = new PaySplit {
                    ClinicNum    = procAttaching.ClinicNum,
                    DatePay      = DateTime.Today,
                    FSplitNum    = negSplitForTxfr.SplitNum,               //if meant for unearned, FSplitNum must be 0 to show up correctly.
                    ProcNum      = procAttaching.ProcNum,
                    PatNum       = procAttaching.PatNum,
                    PayNum       = transferPayment.PayNum,
                    SplitAmt     = transferAmountOverride == 0?prepaySplit.SplitAmt:transferAmountOverride,
                    ProcDate     = procAttaching.ProcDate,
                    ProvNum      = procAttaching.ProvNum,
                    UnearnedType = 0                  //necessary for when broken appointments do not get a procedure created for them to transfer to.
            SecurityLogs.MakeLogEntry(Permissions.PaymentCreate, transferPayment.PatNum, "Automatic transfer of funds for treatment plan procedure pre-payments.");
예제 #4
        private static Procedure AddRepeatingChargeHelper(RepeatCharge repeatCharge, DateTime billingDate, DateTime dateNow)
            //No remoting role check; no call to db
            Procedure     procedure = new Procedure();
            ProcedureCode procCode  = ProcedureCodes.GetProcCode(repeatCharge.ProcCode);
            Patient       pat       = Patients.GetPat(repeatCharge.PatNum);

            procedure.CodeNum    = procCode.CodeNum;
            procedure.ClinicNum  = pat.ClinicNum;
            procedure.DateEntryC = dateNow;
            procedure.PatNum     = repeatCharge.PatNum;
            procedure.ProcDate   = billingDate;
            procedure.DateTP     = billingDate;
            procedure.ProcFee    = repeatCharge.ChargeAmt;
            procedure.ProcStatus = ProcStat.C;
            if (procCode.ProvNumDefault == 0)
                procedure.ProvNum = pat.PriProv;
                procedure.ProvNum = procCode.ProvNumDefault;
            procedure.MedicalCode     = ProcedureCodes.GetProcCode(procedure.CodeNum).MedicalCode;
            procedure.BaseUnits       = ProcedureCodes.GetProcCode(procedure.CodeNum).BaseUnits;
            procedure.DiagnosticCode  = PrefC.GetString(PrefName.ICD9DefaultForNewProcs);
            procedure.RepeatChargeNum = repeatCharge.RepeatChargeNum;
            procedure.PlaceService    = (PlaceOfService)PrefC.GetInt(PrefName.DefaultProcedurePlaceService);       //Default Proc Place of Service for the Practice is used.
            //Check if the repeating charge has been flagged to copy it's note into the billing note of the procedure.
            if (repeatCharge.CopyNoteToProc)
                procedure.BillingNote = repeatCharge.Note;
                if (repeatCharge.ErxAccountId != "")
                    procedure.BillingNote =
                        "NPI=" + repeatCharge.Npi + "  " + "ErxAccountId=" + repeatCharge.ErxAccountId;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(repeatCharge.ProviderName))                     //Provider name would be empty if older and no longer updated from eRx.
                        procedure.BillingNote += "\r\nProviderName=" + repeatCharge.ProviderName;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(repeatCharge.Note))
                        procedure.BillingNote += "\r\n" + repeatCharge.Note;
            if (!PrefC.GetBool(PrefName.EasyHidePublicHealth))
                procedure.SiteNum = pat.SiteNum;
            Procedures.Insert(procedure);             //no recall synch needed because dental offices don't use this feature
            //Using Prepayments for this Procedure
            if (repeatCharge.UsePrepay)
                //NOTE: ProvNum=0 on these splits, so I'm pretty sure they aren't allocated to anything.
                List <PaySplit> prePaySplits             = PaySplits.GetPrepayForFam(Patients.GetFamily(repeatCharge.PatNum));
                List <PaySplit> paySplitsForPrePaySplits = PaySplits.GetSplitsForPrepay(prePaySplits);
                Payment         payCur = new Payment();
                payCur.ClinicNum = procedure.ClinicNum;
                payCur.DateEntry = billingDate;
                payCur.IsSplit   = true;
                payCur.PatNum    = repeatCharge.PatNum;
                payCur.PayDate   = billingDate;
                payCur.PayType   = 0;           //Income transfer (will always be income transfer)
                payCur.PayAmt    = 0;           //Income transfer payment
                payCur.PayNum    = Payments.Insert(payCur);
                decimal payAmt   = 0;
                string  noteText = "";
                foreach (PaySplit prePaySplit in prePaySplits)
                    prePaySplit.SplitAmt += paySplitsForPrePaySplits.Where(x => x.FSplitNum == prePaySplit.SplitNum).Sum(y => y.SplitAmt);                //Reduce prepay split amount.
                    PaySplit split  = new PaySplit();
                    PaySplit split2 = new PaySplit();
                    if (prePaySplit.SplitAmt > procedure.ProcFee - (double)payAmt)
                        //Split amount is more than the remainder of the procfee requires, use partial from split
                        split.SplitAmt  = procedure.ProcFee - (double)payAmt;
                        split2.SplitAmt = 0 - (procedure.ProcFee - (double)payAmt);
                        payAmt          = (decimal)procedure.ProcFee;
                        //Split amount is less than or equal to the remainder of the procfee
                        split.SplitAmt  = prePaySplit.SplitAmt;
                        split2.SplitAmt = 0 - prePaySplit.SplitAmt;
                        payAmt         += (decimal)prePaySplit.SplitAmt;
                    if (split.SplitAmt == 0)
                        continue;                        //Don't make splits for 0 amount.
                    //Positive split, attached to proc and for proc's prov and clinic
                    split.DateEntry = billingDate;
                    split.DatePay   = billingDate;
                    split.PatNum    = procedure.PatNum;
                    split.PayNum    = payCur.PayNum;
                    split.ProcNum   = procedure.ProcNum;
                    split.ProvNum   = procedure.ProvNum;
                    split.ClinicNum = procedure.ClinicNum;
                    if (noteText != "")
                        noteText += ", ";
                    noteText += split.SplitAmt.ToString("c");
                    //Negative split, attached to prepay's prov and clinic, but not proc
                    split2.DateEntry = billingDate;
                    split2.DatePay   = billingDate;
                    split2.PatNum    = procedure.PatNum;
                    split2.PayNum    = payCur.PayNum;
                    split2.FSplitNum = prePaySplit.SplitNum;
                    split2.ProvNum   = prePaySplit.ProvNum;
                    split2.ClinicNum = prePaySplit.ClinicNum;
                    if (payAmt >= (decimal)procedure.ProcFee)
                        //Break out of loop
                payCur.PayNote = "Allocated " + noteText + " prepayments to repeating charge.";
                Payments.Update(payCur, false);