///<summary>Updates a password for a given Userod account and saves it to the database. Suggested hash type is SHA3-512. ///Throws an exception if a passed in hash type is not implimented.</summary> public static bool UpdatePasswordUserod(Userod user, string inputPass, HashTypes hashType = HashTypes.SHA3_512) { //No need to check RemotingRole; no call to db. //Calculate the password strength. bool passStrength = String.IsNullOrEmpty(Userods.IsPasswordStrong(inputPass)); PasswordContainer loginDetails = GenerateLoginDetails(inputPass, hashType); try { Userods.UpdatePassword(user, loginDetails, passStrength); } catch { return(false); } return(true); }
///<summary>Checks to see if the hash of inputPass matches for a Userod object. If the user password is blank, inputPass must be ///blank as well. When isEcw is true then inputPass should already be hashed. ///If the inputPass is correct, the algorithm used was MD5, and updateIfNeeded is true then the password stored in the database will be updated to SHA3-512</summary> public static bool CheckPassword(Userod userod, string inputPass, bool isEcw = false) { //No need to check RemotingRole; no call to db. PasswordContainer loginDetails = userod.LoginDetails; if (loginDetails.HashType == HashTypes.None) { return(inputPass == ""); } if (isEcw) { return(ConstantEquals(inputPass, loginDetails.Hash)); } if (!CheckPassword(inputPass, loginDetails)) { return(false); } //The password passed in was correct. return(true); }
///<summary>Generates a username and password if necessary for this patient. If the patient is not eligible to be given access, this will return null. ///Otherwise returns the UserWeb (Item1), PlainTextPassword (Item2), PasswordContainer (Item3). ///If PlainTextPassword (Item2) is empty then assume new password generation was not necessary. ///Will insert a new UserWeb if none found for this Patient. Will leave UserWeb.PasswordHash blank. ///Call UpdateNewPatientPortalCredentials() using results of this method if you want to save password to db.</summary> ///<param name="passwordOverride">If a password has already been generated for this patient, pass it in here so that the password returned ///will match.</param> public static Tuple <UserWeb, string, PasswordContainer> GetNewPatientPortalCredentials(Patient pat, string passwordOverride = "") { //No need to check RemotingRole; no call to db. if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(PrefC.GetString(PrefName.PatientPortalURL))) { return(null); //Haven't set up patient portal yet. } string errors; if (!UserWebs.ValidatePatientAccess(pat, out errors)) { return(null); //Patient is missing necessary fields. } UserWeb userWeb = UserWebs.GetByFKeyAndType(pat.PatNum, UserWebFKeyType.PatientPortal); if (userWeb == null) { userWeb = new UserWeb() { UserName = UserWebs.CreateUserNameFromPat(pat, UserWebFKeyType.PatientPortal, new List <string>()), FKey = pat.PatNum, FKeyType = UserWebFKeyType.PatientPortal, RequireUserNameChange = true, LoginDetails = new PasswordContainer(HashTypes.None, "", ""), IsNew = true, }; //Always insert here. We may not ever end up updating UserWeb.PasswordHash if an email is not sent to this patient. //This will leave a UserWeb row with a UserName (for next time) but no password. This row will be updated with a password at the appropriate time. UserWebs.Insert(userWeb); } bool isNewPasswordRequired = false; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(userWeb.UserName)) //Fixing B11013 so new UserName and Password should be generated. { userWeb.UserName = UserWebs.CreateUserNameFromPat(pat, UserWebFKeyType.PatientPortal, new List <string>()); userWeb.RequireUserNameChange = true; //UserName fields have been changed so update db. UserWebs.Update(userWeb); isNewPasswordRequired = true; } if (userWeb.RequirePasswordChange) //Could be a new UserWeb or a subsequent invite being generated for the same patient (had a second appointment). { isNewPasswordRequired = true; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(userWeb.PasswordHash)) //Patient has no password so portal access has not been previously granted. { isNewPasswordRequired = true; } string passwordPlainText = ""; PasswordContainer loginDetails = userWeb.LoginDetails; if (isNewPasswordRequired) { //PP invites will often times call this method and get this far but not actually want to save the new creds to the db. //For that reason we won't actually update the db with the new password here. //The caller of this method will need to call ProcessNewPatientPortalCredentialsOut() if they really want this new password to persist to the db. passwordPlainText = passwordOverride == "" ? UserWebs.GenerateRandomPassword(8) : passwordOverride; loginDetails = Authentication.GenerateLoginDetails(passwordPlainText, HashTypes.SHA3_512); } return(new Tuple <UserWeb, string, PasswordContainer>(userWeb, passwordPlainText, loginDetails)); }
///<summary>Updates password info in db for given inputs if PlainTextPassword (Item2) is not empty. ///Insert EhrMeasureEvent OnlineAccessProvided if previous db version of UserWeb had no PasswordHash (access has now been granted to portal). ///Returns true if UserWeb row was updated. Otherwise returns false.</summary> public static bool UpdateNewPatientPortalCredentials(Tuple <UserWeb, string, PasswordContainer> args) { //No need to check RemotingRole; no call to db. if (args == null) { return(false); } UserWeb userWeb = args.Item1; string passwordPlainText = args.Item2; PasswordContainer loginDetails = args.Item3; if (userWeb != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(passwordPlainText)) { //Only insert an EHR event if the password was previously blank (meaning they don't currently have access). if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(userWeb.PasswordHash)) { EhrMeasureEvents.Insert(new EhrMeasureEvent() { DateTEvent = DateTime.Now, EventType = EhrMeasureEventType.OnlineAccessProvided, PatNum = userWeb.FKey, //PatNum. MoreInfo = "", }); } //New password was created so set the flag for the user to change on next login and update the db accordingly. userWeb.RequirePasswordChange = true; userWeb.LoginDetails = loginDetails; UserWebs.Update(userWeb); return(true); } return(false); }
///<summary>Compares a password against the values in a PasswordContainer struct.</summary> public static bool CheckPassword(string inputPass, PasswordContainer loginDetails) { //No need to check RemotingRole; no call to db. return(CheckPassword(inputPass, loginDetails.Salt, loginDetails.Hash, loginDetails.HashType)); }